FIFA 07 (Xbox 360)

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

mathewsss said:
yeah, the player collisions look really bad.....
the fouls are not very well get penalized for
some really soft stuff...

I think it's an exciting game, with a superb atmposphere (crowd) and
the commentary is really very good....if you like English football.

But somehow, when I score a goal, I don't feel that excitement....
it does not have that feel that you get from WE/PES....i was punching
the air when I did the same with WE/PES in a tight game....
but in FIFA, it's more emotionless.....

I can't go back to WE10, due to it's flaws and scripted play...
I think I could still live with WE9 inspite of it's strict refs....
it still gave me some of the best gaming in WE ever....along with

I need to give FIFA some more time.....but something seems
to be missing from it..
get PE6 ps2.... play with mates, you will love it
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

csaunders said:
get PE6 ps2.... play with mates, you will love it

I already have WE10....and I got sick of it in a month.....and no I don't
know anyone who plays this game...
WE9 was a different story....

Played some more's a case of hit and miss.....there
are some games which are good....some which are buggy....
I think the steep learning curve can put off some people....
it's not a bad game....I mean the atmosphere is superb...
The atmosphere and presentation in WE is crap....I mean when
does Liverpool v ManU play to an empty stadium....
but in FIFA it's good in that regard....

I just can't get that excitement when winning games or scoring goals...
there is something missing....I think the satisfaction that you get
in WE is not here....
A couple of things that are really annoying....I'm seeing a lot more
of those stupid chest-and-volley .... that's all the CPU does to score...
Then EVERY single match in Manager-mode is in the night...
The lack of net animations makes scoring very flat...i love net physics
and really feel FIFA just don't know how to do it.

Another few weeks of playing FIFA should help me get a definitive
answer on this game....
I'm trying to like this game....., but the goal-scoring is just not
exciting enough....
BTW, in PES6, do you still get half-empty stadia in the ML or Leagues?
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

mathewsss said:
I already have WE10....and I got sick of it in a month.....and no I don't
know anyone who plays this game...
WE9 was a different story....

Played some more's a case of hit and miss.....there
are some games which are good....some which are buggy....
I think the steep learning curve can put off some people....
it's not a bad game....I mean the atmosphere is superb...
The atmosphere and presentation in WE is crap....I mean when
does Liverpool v ManU play to an empty stadium....
but in FIFA it's good in that regard....

I just can't get that excitement when winning games or scoring goals...
there is something missing....I think the satisfaction that you get
in WE is not here....
A couple of things that are really annoying....I'm seeing a lot more
of those stupid chest-and-volley .... that's all the CPU does to score...
Then EVERY single match in Manager-mode is in the night...
The lack of net animations makes scoring very flat...i love net physics
and really feel FIFA just don't know how to do it.

Another few weeks of playing FIFA should help me get a definitive
answer on this game....
I'm trying to like this game....., but the goal-scoring is just not
exciting enough....
BTW, in PES6, do you still get half-empty stadia in the ML or Leagues?

I'm starting to think it's certain stadiums and their lighting that effect alot. because in some stadia the collision shit is great in others it's such a ping pong game it is not funny
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Man, the 1-2s are so badly designed in this's something
I miss seeing....the receiving player just does not move....
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

seem to have fixed the lag.

since the clocks have gone back everything on the ea servers seem to be fucked up.

I cant get a game now, error downloading the rosters.

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Downloading Rosters made me lose my created players.

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

You have to time them, and mess abotut with using the left bumper to move your player.

Been searchin the net, seems as though the ea servers are a bit messed up since the daylight changes, hopefully it will be sorted soon.

Its such a quality game, i had a game last night after i fixed my router and it runs so smooth online its unbelievable.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

yeah kevano22, youre totally correct about the aerial balls...
i did score a good amount of headers goals(and missed many many becasue of the superman gks).. played today a online macth with werder and scored a cracking top corner header from a corner with klose!
this game is just gr8(execpt gks)! never thought i could enjoy a fifa again!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

check some of your player attributes people. there are two: jumping and heading accuracy that determine whetehr or not your player will head or kick.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I've discovered something about the right analogue moves as I've played the game some more. If you hold a direction with the right stick but don't release it, you can "pre-load" a knock-on into a certain direction and then release the stick when the time is right. This works really well on the wings to turn the defenders.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Jack Bauer said:
Can you explain that a little more please? Sounds interesting!

Sure, let's say I was running from left to right on the screen with a player. -----> player running toward goal and I want to cut the defender outside straight toward the touchline.

So, with the left analogue, I'm pressing the "right" direction to run towards goal.. As I'm doing this I hold the right analogue in the "down" direction and keep it held in that direction without releasing the stick.

Then right as the defender starts to close in I release the right stick, I will quickly make a cut to the outside of the defender.

It will work with any direction on the right stick, so you can use diagonal inward/outward cuts, backward cuts, backward diagonal cuts, etc... The key is to keep the direction held until you want to execute the knock-on and then release the right stick.

You can also pre-load a cut/knock-on when your player is stationary after receiving a trap. So if you wanted to quickly knock the ball out to a specific direction, it works for that as well.

I discovered this technique yesterday, and it makes the game even more fun.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I'm done with XBOX 360 and gaming for now. Returned xbox 360 got the money back, sold my FIFA 07 copy and now I have to take care of my life, etc. Sorry that I couldn't play you guys online.. maybe next time!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Has anyone noticed how difficulty and annoying the challenges are on challenge mode?

Or is it just me?

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

i continue to say now. the lighting is different in each stadia @ night and on day matches, causing the overall gameplay to be different as well. From a hardware performance standpoint only. the framerate will suffer causing many things like collisions ball stringing and camera malfunction.

Very bad when playing through say manager mode.

all in all I play in friendlies ALL the time and set-up the matches differently.
i know that some stadiums are better than others but also it's the pitch lines that can effect the game.

see I don't play this game to play it I play it to figure it out.

I do that with ALL sports games. seeing what attribute effects what.

It's crazy if you bring down the stamina,aggression,excelleration,speed agility of a player like Rholandino which is so fast and jittery in the game it makes him look real. It lessens that arcade feel right away. sometime I'll see certain players running so naturall but then they pass the ball to a player that has his attributes et badly to make them run naturally.

So the game is EDITABLE inn the fact that if you work at it(EA's lazy job,but not development team of the engine)you can achieve great results and be playing a much more natural looking game.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

BumperMan said:
check some of your player attributes people. there are two: jumping and heading accuracy that determine whetehr or not your player will head or kick.
Don't forget the traits section. Take Scholl from FCB for example, one of his traits is "AVOIDS HEADERS", meaning even if you time it right he probably wont do one. The best trait I've seen so far is the "SELFISH" one, thats class. :lol:
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Just tried that RAS delay thing and it works, you can do some quality weaving skills with it :D

Ive just had the best match ive had in ages, he went Palmermo so I chose Emploi

I hit the post twice, he hit it once - in the 92nd min, and it fell to his striker to tap in.

Extra time i hammerd him for the last 5 mins, hit the post and forced some quality saves.

It went to pens and i lost. What a game though. I hammerd him in the first half, sat back and got hammerd in the 2nd, and i almost hung on, but his shot from the edge of the area was a BULLET. Such a good shot, hit the post and fell to his striker :(
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

deftonesmx17 said:
Don't forget the traits section. Take Scholl from FCB for example, one of his traits is "AVOIDS HEADERS", meaning even if you time it right he probably wont do one. The best trait I've seen so far is the "SELFISH" one, thats class. :lol:
Selfish = C Ronaldo lol

Run with the ball, ignore team mates. Take a wild shot still ignoring team mates.

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Its games like I just had, that piss me off.

Shooting from halfway line trying to score. Then he just long balled eveyrting, and coz its impossible to control your defenders quick enough EVERY time, he exploits it, doesnt play football, just boots it long to rooney and saha and wins 3-2

I was Aston Villa, he was man utd

why are there so many CUNTS who HAVE to pick one of the best teams on the game?
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I agree with you kevano22... I've lost 14 times... maybe 12 times I was much much better as him... You can't control your defenders indeed...
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

why are there so many CUNTS who HAVE to pick one of the best teams on the game?

Bit harsh, I play as man utd cus I support them, thats all, if I supported bolton I would chose them
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I'm yet to win an online game!

Anybody who wants to feel better about themselves, just look for me!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

lol, i'll add you ;)

Some times you can go other teams than the one you support, Ive only ever been Liverpool twice out of like 20 games!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

i totally agree kevano, ive played 141 ranked games.. out of those 141 games i can pretty much say that about 60 games were against barcelona, 40 against man. utd , about 15 times arsenal and the rest, other teams, but mostly milan, inter and chelsea....only ONCE i got to play with a guy who actually chose SAMPDORIA... and just for the record, i HAVE NEVER played with any of the teams mentioned record is 81-60 right now.. and as level 6, i cant use non top clubs like i usually do , becasue exeperienced players with those top clubs is just impossible to now everytime a guy pic one of those big clubs, i pick valencia..and than we get a fair macth..but that made it really now i only play i can play with st.etienne and just not care about winning or losing...

i cant see the fun in playing EVERY SINGLE macth with barcelona like many top ranked players do.... i just cant.

i wish we could make that online league of ours(evoweb) so everyone picks one team and i dont have to face barcelona every macth, specially with my poor villarreal defence..god knows how dificult to cover ronaldinho with javi venta can be!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

kevano22 said:
since the clocks have gone back everything on the ea servers seem to be fucked up.

I cant get a game now, error downloading the rosters.

Is there a fix for this yet? I've just tried five fucking times, every time it's "you need the latest rosters". And it takes five minutes to download them every time.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I think i have worked out the problem with the updates to the rosters when online cus i used to have the same problem, what i did was set all team line ups to default before i went i went online, it seems to works
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I put the clock back 14 hours and it's worked a treat. :|

I think I'll start a league for this, the game is brilliant but the cheats are just really, really getting on my tit.

I'll ask permission from the mods (don't know how a FIFA league in a PES forum will go down) and then get one started if it's okay.
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