FIFA 07 (Xbox 360)

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

well I'm putting it out there as soon as I'm done with it and so far from all the tests i've done the game plays better right off the bat..
My final thoughts on FIFA 07 (360) ..

Yesterday I spent two straight hours playing FIFA 07 on the 360 and then went back to PS2 and played WE10 for straight 2 hours.. total of 4 hours of playing :).

Reason I did this is to test and see which game REALLY delivers the best soccer simulation and offers the best, most realistic gameplay.

After I finished playing FIFA 07 I started playing WE10 and OMFG what a HUUUUUUUUGE difference. WE10 looks and feels so scripted it's just unbelievable. I've been a PES/WE fan for many years now and never liked FIFA because EA really never made a soccer game that can go one on one versus Konami's PES or WE. This however, changed when EA released FIFA 07 for the XBOX 360.

FIFA 07 offers: better gameplay flow then PES/WE ever did. Ball seems to have BETTER yes I said BETTER physics..feel and touch to it. The way ball travels, the way ball travels when you do crosses.. its so UNPREDICTABLE where the ball will land. In PES/WE long passes/crosses will 100% finish in my teams legs.. in FIFA 07 its hit and miss - as it should be.

The way players run,walk is a thousand times better then in PES/WE even PES6 doesn't come CLOSE to player animations. It honestly feels like I'm controlling a real human being with my controller. NOW, one thing EA needs to fix in FIFA is add a little bit more headers. To me it seems like KONAMI have done a better job in this field. In real football you will see alot of headers during long passes/crosses players fighting for the ball in the air.. while in FIFA 07 you don't see this much often it's 85% ground passes..with very little headers..or players fight for the ball in the air.

Shooting in FIFA can be improved but its not bad either. PES/WE still offers more realistic shooting - especially when you score a goal. Another thing is EA needs to do something about those nets.. scoring goals..and 30 yard screamers isn't really fun unless that net goes wild.. which unfortunately in FIFA doesn't stays still even with 150mph shots.

Presentation really doesnt bother me that much since I know most people proceed right to the match. Adding referee to the pitch wouldn't be such a bad idea since they can't be seen anywhere on the field. EA also needs to improve sub cut scenes.. lastly add more club/national teams.. where is FC Porto, Benfica ???? :roll:

I will give FIFA 07 a rating of 8.7 out of 10 and yes even with these small flaws it is a better game then PES/WE.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Well thats good for you then. I'm not discouraging you but I'm pretty sure that 99% of this forum dont have 360 file exchange systems.

I appreciate what you're trying to achieve though. For me, personally, the game is fine. Just the goalkeepers which are annoyingly bad.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Noted said:
Well thats good for you then. I'm not discouraging you but I'm pretty sure that 99% of this forum dont have 360 file exchange systems.

I appreciate what you're trying to achieve though. For me, personally, the game is fine. Just the goalkeepers which are annoyingly bad.

fixed the goalkeepers by about 40 percent. they jump they dive they react and they let certain stuff in...
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

yeh, been playing the game for 2 days now, i can say, i am not dissapointed at all.
As the current gen fifa07, this game also kept me into it. i liked!
specially the online, as all of you mention.
and as you guys also mentioned, the only downside are the keepers specially when it comes to finess shots. most of the time they seems(and look) ok, but sometimes the gk will just jump and fall, and than let the ball go in over his head.

anywaym my gamertag is brunnoce , so pleas add me guys! , also jack, count me in if the evoweb league ever starts, villarreal all the way ;)
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

so that means they are even better at stopping unsavable shots and still shamefully embarassing on high ones!?:)
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

paddyknight said:
so that means they are even better at stopping unsavable shots and still shamefully embarassing on high ones!?:)

I have effected every goalies jump and other attributes until they reacted better.

I think alot of what happens in WE/PES and very much in earlier fifa's is that every players attribute is very much uniform. The feel of gameplay isWE/PES is very much standardized. Games feel different yes, but automatically games feel very very much in control already. no pass will really bobble no player will really be unbalanced. What this means is that the lot of you all are used to this. this controlled looking game. Fifa 07 360 does not look like that out of the box at all. it's sporatic wild and loose. I've done the opposite I've made it into a more controlled game that you can actually see is less jerky.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

headers!!! wheres the headers!!!!! The cpu NEVER HEADERS. Its driving me crazy!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Liking the game but finding it hard to shoot. I enjoy it more with the passing assistance. I cant figure out how to dribble past players or take freekicks properly either. Its abit unresponsive but other than that it feels and looks real.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I still think for the next version they need to sort out the animations, I mean what the hell did they motion capture? It wasn't human I know thats for sure
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen


If you guys have the patience try this with barcelona and real madrid for a quick look at what i am attempting

1)Go to each player on Real Madrid and Barcelona's starting 11.

2)Do the following edits to their individual player attributes in the edit player portion of team management.

Now do as follows:
a)In the "Mentality" attribute bring the Aggression COMPLETELY down to 1(yes as in One)
bIn the "Movement" attribute bring both the excelleration and speed down by 30(yes, that is -30 from whatever they already are set at)

Now finally go into formations within team mangement and adjust:
Real Madrid's formation to 4-4-1-1
Barcelona's formation to 4-3-3.

Goalkeepers should NOT have these attributes set to them however. I will have seperate settings for goalies entirely.

For right now IF you have the time and wanna try something that takes about 20 minutes to do, you might just see a difference.

I am still tweaking these things though and this isn't just a "hey let me see if this works kinda thing. i am actually play testing each edit and trying to figure out which attrubutes are key in making things righter maybe at least to me.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen


If you guys have the patience try this with Barcelona and Real Madrid for a quick look at what i am attempting

1)Go to each player on Real Madrid and Barcelona's starting 11.

2)Do the following edits to their individual player attributes in the edit player portion of team management.

Now do as follows:
a)In the "Mentality" attribute bring the Aggression COMPLETELY down to 1(yes as in One)
b)In the "Movement" attribute bring both the excelleration and speed down by 30(yes, that is -30 from whatever they already are set at)

Now finally go into formations within team mangement and adjust:
Real Madrid's formation to 4-4-1-1
Barcelona's formation to 4-3-3.

Goalkeepers should NOT have these attributes set to them however. I will have seperate settings for goalies entirely.

For right now IF you have the time and wanna try something that takes about 20 minutes to do, you might just see a difference.

I am still tweaking these things though and this isn't just a "hey let me see if this works kinda thing. i am actually play testing each edit and trying to figure out which attrubutes are key in making things righter maybe at least to me.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

yeh, fks are hard to figure out..but i guess some people have already master it...yesterday i lost a macth to a guy villarreal 1x2 barca, 2 fk goals he scored..
i wish someone could explain how to take fks...

p.s: oh god i am so tired of playing agains barca, man utd!!! god, people only play with them...
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

brunnoce said:
p.s: oh god i am so tired of playing agains barca, man utd!!! god, people only play with them...
It's the same in every football game unfortunately. It drives me mad, I select Charlton and the other player refuses to select someone other than Chelsea or Man Utd.

I know I've said it before a few times, but on FIFA current-gen, the "interactive leagues" system (where you pick one team and you play every team in their real-life league, therefore you get a different game every time) is a fantastic idea. The ability to make your own online league should be in every football game now; it would make things so much more interesting (I'd set up an online league on here for FIFA 07 in no-time but I doubt there would be many takers).
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

well jack im up to it !(online league)
shotgun villarreal!
btw, add me in live gamertag Brunnoce , so we can play with those NON comum teams...
i am so tired of seen manut, barca !!!!!! damn... i think thats the main reason i got a poor stat (30-37) i pick teams like st.etienne and than i got to face barca! wow... i mean, imagine if a team like st.etienne had to face barca , man.utd and chelsea every week! lol!!!!

also, jack, do you know if its possible to use custom tatics in the online games? or if we can at least edit players posotions? casue i cant stand those default tatics! specially the position of the ST...they are way to far away from each other
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Jack Bauer said:
It's the same in every football game unfortunately. It drives me mad, I select Charlton and the other player refuses to select someone other than Chelsea or Man Utd.

I know I've said it before a few times, but on FIFA current-gen, the "interactive leagues" system (where you pick one team and you play every team in their real-life league, therefore you get a different game every time) is a fantastic idea. The ability to make your own online league should be in every football game now; it would make things so much more interesting (I'd set up an online league on here for FIFA 07 in no-time but I doubt there would be many takers).

Do it JB I'm there.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Few days ago I was getting frustrated with this game, and with passing-assistance set to 0, it was really frustrating seeing so many passes
being inaccurate and moves breaking down...add to the fact the controller
is difficult getting used to....and also since I've been playing PES/WE
on the PS2 for ages, and the fact that I only play games once in a few
days and for 1 hr a day...

So I went back to WE10 on the PS2, and it felt so good to be back....
but soon I saw the scripting and the ballooning feather-sensitive
shots....the lack of atmosphere...the empty stadia....what a letdown !!

I went back to FIFA, just to give it some more time...
set passing-assistance back to default values,
tried the default camera angle (dynamic) which gives you a better feel for the feel more a part of it, instead of a 100 feet view...
I've had more fun ever since doing this...even my first win on Semi-Pro!!
And it was in the Final of the Copa Europe...whatever that was
only my 4th game of the season with Liverpool....Gerrard scoring in
the last minute to win 3:2 at a thrilling contest...

I had my first merseyside derby, ending 1:1, 2 penalties, one of them
missed by Kuyt...and a red-card for Carragher....all good stuff...

I was thinking of selling my XBOX360 and FIFA, but now I may give
it some more time....

How are you guys finding it?
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

agreed player collisions ONLY some are hindering. Shooting at goal doesn't feel as rewarding thopigh as it does in the current gen fifa but the 360 vers just feels like it's such a edge of your seat game
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

guys , can anyone explai how to take Fk over the wall? i mean, place the ball..i ve been hammered by many online players with fks, and i just cant figure out how to take a fk like i was holding down in WE series, so it makes the ball go over the wall and more placed than a powerfull shot.

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

yeah, the player collisions look really bad.....
the fouls are not very well get penalized for
some really soft stuff...

I think it's an exciting game, with a superb atmposphere (crowd) and
the commentary is really very good....if you like English football.

But somehow, when I score a goal, I don't feel that excitement....
it does not have that feel that you get from WE/PES....i was punching
the air when I did the same with WE/PES in a tight game....
but in FIFA, it's more emotionless.....

I can't go back to WE10, due to it's flaws and scripted play...
I think I could still live with WE9 inspite of it's strict refs....
it still gave me some of the best gaming in WE ever....along with

I need to give FIFA some more time.....but something seems
to be missing from it..
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

EA servers seem to be fucking up today, wouldnt let me connect this morning and now its asking me to download a roster update everytime i try to start a match? wtf is going onnnnnn
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

yeh kevano....not to mention the lag!
but i think its solve now...last 5 games i played ran smoothly....
i hope we can make that macth of ours again ;)

finnaly i got my history stat positive (43-41)!! yeh!!!
i think now this will just got better as i am staring to learn how to really play this game. i got a 3-14 record b4 i figure out the passing.

anyway, the more i play this game , the more i love it...
althougt the gks still a grip, i really really feel the exicetment when i score! evan remembers me my old psone WE4 times!

mathewsss, i would suggest you just keep playing and you will get that exicetment from this game, as old WEs. in the beginning i wasnt really happy whith the game casue of the gk thing, but now the game is growing for me so much that its overcoming this flaw. also its been a long time sice last time i saw one of those over the gk head goals. (but yeh they still save almost every impossible shot, i am yet to see a outside the box goal witthout beeing a finnes shot)

another thing that really bothers me is that we cant make/use custom tatics in the online games! thats just BS!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

What the fuck is goign on with the ea servers

I couldnt connect yesterday morning, then i tried in the night, every match im going on makes me download a roster update wtf? it even says its saved then does it again for the next match, in which time my opponent leaves

and, the game i had with Brunnoce i had lag, my first EVER game with lag.

So i thought id try today, and again, its makin me download the rosters everygame and ive only managed to get 1 game and it was awful for lag

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