FIFA 07 (Xbox 360)

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Okay, I got the info off and applied the port rules, hopefully those ports should be open now. I'll try and see ...
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Forget what I said above, it looks like the knock-ahead stick is actually pressure sensitive... At least, a little bit. If you push it all the way to one side for a second and then let go, it pings off. If you just push it slightly and then let go, it's a tiny knock-ahead with the player changing direction as well.

I might be hallucinating though, or the player might be deciding depending on the situation, I don't really use it enough to be able to tell...
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I was gonna say, part of the xbox live fun is through meeting new people and seeing how they react in games :D

I'm sposed to be doing 3 uni assignments. Should I go and see if my local gamestation is selling early and play all day, or continue with this work?

Oh, also, whats the heading situation like? Do they still control EVERY ball, or do they arttempt to head some?
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Okay well I changed the port settings, the game seemed to be going okay until I decided to try and pass the ball, nearly a second after pressing the button did the player actually want to pass it. Then not long after I got a big freeze again and the ball was the other end of the pitch again :(
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Really enjoying the fact you can actually play a proper game of football, i.e hanging back and not having every defender rush to your feet. passing is great. However, not liking the fact that the attacking header and volley are the same button as the header to volley ratio is way too favourable of the latter. Also who ever modelled and animated the nets for EA really do need to b sacked. Did they base it on the fact the nets weigh a ton or the ball being as light as a feather? There is no 'give' in them whatsoever. It really spoils it for me, I like to see it smash into the net when i score
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

horner2693 said:
Really enjoying the fact you can actually play a proper game of football, i.e hanging back and not having every defender rush to your feet. passing is great. However, not liking the fact that the attacking header and volley are the same button as the header to volley ratio is way too favourable of the latter. Also who ever modelled and animated the nets for EA really do need to b sacked. Did they base it on the fact the nets weigh a ton or the ball being as light as a feather? There is no 'give' in them whatsoever. It really spoils it for me, I like to see it smash into the net when i score

Yes my dear friend, the Nets suck in Fifa 07..I am hoping they will be fixed for the final version.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

....Convenient you pop up out of no-where JUST when nets are mentioned. lol
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Any more talk about nets and I'm going to use my "contacts" at EA to make them think we all just LOVE steel nets and they should make them react even less in the next game, who wants to see an exploding net? Boring. :bomb:
kevano22 said:
Oh, also, whats the heading situation like? Do they still control EVERY ball, or do they arttempt to head some?
No change I'm afraid, which really grates after a while. Actually, they have attempted to head the ball 50% of the time I've wanted them to, but they've never made contact with it; it seems that they only attempt to head it when the game knows the opposition is going to head it away.
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

STG said:
....Convenient you pop up out of no-where JUST when nets are mentioned. lol

LOL!...sorry guys, but I just can't help it. Great Net Physics just adds so much to realism and enjoyment of my games.

Oh, and Jack B, I will stop talking about Nets only if you promise me you will get a hold of your EA contacts to tell them of my concern with their Nets Physics which need to be sorted. Thanks!

Hell, I played WE 6 yesterday and the net physics in that game are by far the best ones since WE 5 that I have played on.

Ok, I'm done.

Peace to the motherland!!!
Jflo ;-)
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

The more I'm playing it, the more the flaws are popping up. Looks like I'll be nipping out to get a (second-hand) copy of PES6 in a few minutes... :(

Because of the fact that the passing is so free and not at all scripted, the game doesn't expect the ball to go to certain places sometimes, and doesn't know how to deal with it; so you're left with the ball bouncing off the back-heel of your player and three other players standing around looking at eachother and going "um, I don't know". Also, pretty much every goal I've scored hasn't been a good goal. By which I mean, the shot is great, and so you've every right to be happy, but it's ruined by the fact that the goalkeeper's dived on the wrong side of the post, or fell over backwards, or watched it go in, or made a sliding tackle for absolutely no reason. You can't celebrate because you know all the goalie had to do was stick his hand out.

Online play is great and in-truth it's hard to fault, but as for having your mates round, it's a bit of a no-go. I was looking forward to playing this non-stop over the next few days with mates, and that has been totally, utterly ruined by the fact that the only offline mode you can play is friendlies (or challenge\manager mode by yourself).

The manager mode uses "credits" rather than money (what a step backwards, what on earth were they thinking?!), and gives you stupid stats to build on; for example, you have youth coaches etc. and with Liverpool their rating was FOUR OUT OF TEN. I know they have to give you something to improve, but come on, I thought EA was all about realism this year.

So of all the game-modes I'd want to play, online mode is good but the goalies ruin the "what a goal" feeling, offline multiplayer modes are non-existent and offline single-player modes are ruined by "credits", made-up coach\facility stats and, again, the goalkeepers.

The core gameplay is fantastic, and I really would rate it above PES, but it's ruined by two stupid things core to the game; players getting confused by free passes (and through-balls that seem to ALWAYS be successful, the opposite of what the IGN review said funnily enough!!), and goalkeepers who look like they've taken more bungs than Grobbelaar did.

I'm heartbroken now. :(

Hopefully a few more online games will turn me around.
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Jack you can set up an offline lobby to play with your mates and play round robin etc. Really suprised you feel that way about the game though I'm enjoying it and admitedly the only thing thats annoyed me is the credits in manager mode but thats only a minor IMO. Maybe next year for you then Jack.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I don't know Milanista, I'm thinking about going and getting PES6 but I've played it and I thought to myself "it's fucking awful". Put it like this, if you don't mind playing WE10 online with a few stupid bugs, then get PES6. If you want something totally different and refreshing, but with awful goalkeepers and limited game-modes (I can't do a league or a cup offline and I thought Konami was bad!!), get FIFA 07.

JayD, I do like it, but the gripes I've mentioned are grating a lot. The offline lobby thing is just weird as well, I like how it keeps track of your scores and how many points you've got but your only choices are friendlies or random team friendlies (what's the point in Charlton vs Switzerland, which was the first match it gave me?). There's no competition element to it.
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen


I just had THE most ironic thing happen.

I Challenged Drogba, got the ball cleanly as he was getting up he bumped into me and dropped to the floor, ref gave a penalty!

Apparently I impeded him from getting the ball. I LOVE the irony in that... I just do.

I'm gonna' capture a video of it. It's too funny to pass up.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

got mine here, still wrapped up...not sure if i should open now? or return for pes? :D or maybe just get both? fuck the money, i just want fun lol
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

play some fifa now, might run for pes tomorrow :D damn i'm a real football geek :(
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Jack Bauer, I think you didn't even play the demo ?? You complain alot like you didn't see any of those things in the demo and you said you had alot of matches on demo ? Something doesn't add up here. Discontinue playing 07 and remove your stupid signatures and buy PES.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Milanista said:
So JB... you're jeopardizing my decision... pay for PES6 or FIFA???? My 360 is back next weekend...!!

PES6 mate

after playing it a bit more the slow speed is good and the softs shots are realistic becuase u cant hit a screamer everytime
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Just got PES6 for the 360 (swapped six old XBOX games for a second hand copy, you're not getting my money Seabass). I'm glad I've got FIFA now, and that's no joke.

I can understand why people like it, because they've played PES for years. But (I've given it more than one game before anybody jumps down my throat) why can't they hit a HARD pass, does every single pass have to take ten seconds to reach the other player? Why do through passes always go sideways and never in-front of the player so he can shoot straight off? All of the players are so STIFF, it's laughable!! It's like a game of chess, they're all standing in their position, never venturing out, it's so bland, there is NO excitement! FIFA 07 is, in my opinion, a far better game!

FIFA still has too many faults though. PES is way too boring, it'll be getting traded in once another decent 360 title is out, but FIFA's goalkeepers, strikers who don't like to head etc. just get you down.

Please EA, please fix the goalkeepers in a patch. And then next year, give us some offline options; not all of my mates have XBOX 360s.

For a year of "truly next-gen football" I'm very disappointed. Football Manager is the best football game by far. :(
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Cheer up Jack come online and send me an invite, I'll be your mate and I have a 360 .:lmao: ;)
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Jack Bauer said:
Just got PES6 for the 360 (swapped six old XBOX games for a second hand copy, you're not getting my money Seabass). I'm glad I've got FIFA now, and that's no joke.

I can understand why people like it, because they've played PES for years. But (I've given it more than one game before anybody jumps down my throat) why can't they hit a HARD pass, does every single pass have to take ten seconds to reach the other player? Why do through passes always go sideways and never in-front of the player so he can shoot straight off? All of the players are so STIFF, it's laughable!! It's like a game of chess, they're all standing in their position, never venturing out, it's so bland, there is NO excitement! FIFA 07 is, in my opinion, a far better game!

FIFA still has too many faults though. PES is way too boring, it'll be getting traded in once another decent 360 title is out, but FIFA's goalkeepers, strikers who don't like to head etc. just get you down.

Please EA, please fix the goalkeepers in a patch. And then next year, give us some offline options; not all of my mates have XBOX 360s.

For a year of "truly next-gen football" I'm very disappointed. Football Manager is the best football game by far. :(

So lets get this straight. you now hate the keepers in this?

I keep hearing conflicting opinions on how hard the goalies are in this and now i hear you saying they are crap, i mean WTF?

Maybe you've hyped yourself up so much that the final product has caught you out.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Christ almighty, PES is SHITE!! Sorry, in my opinion, cough.

Just been playing it again and it is AWFUL, all the passes have to be tiny slow ones or booted long ones that float, the shot-guage just screams off the screen as soon as you touch it, the players all mull around like robots and it's just not fun at all! The worse game of the series by FAR!

I'm in love with FIFA 07 again!! :D If only the goalkeepers would stop taking bungs then it would be a fantastic game of football. I'll keep PES for a few online games with the guys who can't bring themselves to play a FIFA game, but I won't be playing it for personal enjoyment as I can't get any out of it. My God it's bad!!

Antred, I did already say that I was looking forward to the game so much that it was bound to disappoint. The goalkeepers are hard, seriously, for 90% of the game, but then it's as if the game goes "nobody's scored, tie your hands around your back keepers" and they let a stupid shot in. The rest of the time they're great.

In a nutshell; they save all of the difficult shots, in style, but they let in the easiest ones without even trying far too often. :eh:

Still better than PES though, my God I can't get over it!!
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

got home, played a mate who we played the demo together and it just wasnt the the full one less :( and what shitty goalie kits! :(
played one online unranked...pretty laggy :(

wanna love it but just feel angry! in some ways it feels abit unresponsive and sluggish which the demo didnt...guess its playing as different teams. and the player models are massive, i played as crouch in the arena and the fact he, like everyone is about double his real width...just annoyed!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Jay, that's because it's about to break...

Seriously though, I can't understand why you like it. I go out and play real football regularly (although nowhere near as much as I used to admittedly), and so much of FIFA feels just right. Lifting the ball up, the passes, the player runs... It's excellent. PES feels like a bunch of robots mulling round going "must not move out of my position, must not move out of my position, engage magnet feet".

Not the thread for PES-bashing I know, but to quote what I've just written elsewhere, the 1mph passing, the way the players move like robots and everything's so cramped, the way that you only have to BREATHE on the shoot button and it's skied over the bar... I can't believe it's PES (well I can, it's not changing with the times at all)!

The core gameplay in FIFA 07 is wonderful, in my opinion; a joy to behold, the passing, the movement, the player runs. It's only the defenders backing off (which you can fix via tactics), bunged goalkeepers and strikers who refuse to head the ball (which can't be fixed unfortunately) that let it down. Still, I'd rather have it like that than play PES6, I can't believe how poor it is! I'd honestly regard it as the worst of the series by a long shot!

I understand it might take some getting used to but I've played almost ten games now and each one is so boring, predicatable, there's no fun element in it for my money. The passes just don't go where you want them to, I don't get how people can play it! All of the passing moves and goals I've scored have been utterly, utterly flukey, because they've all gone the wrong way or way too short or deflected off somebody's leg!!

Paddyknight, did you sort out your router with the XBOX Live ports? I've not had a laggy game yet!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

how do i change the router thinga majigs? the oruters in my room sending out to the rest of the house...that gonna affect the others?
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