FIFA 07 (Xbox 360)

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Whats the deal with all the GAME shops selling the game a day early? Isn't it illegal and surely a major company like GAME can't risk breaking release date?

From what I've heard, every single GAME shop is selling it... is that right?
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

guys am i missing something here? what mode is every playing the game on? cos to me all there is a kick off, which is friendly, online and manager mode. can you actually play on managermode or is it just managing? i dont have online so all i been doing is friendlies until i get another joypad
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Adonis, can you shed any light on the first touch controll with the RAS?

Does it knock the ball as hard as you tap it in the direction?
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Adonis said:
But I refuse to give up on it just yet. Anyone who is really enjoying the game please post the best way to play this game. Maybe the problems Im facing is because Im trying to play it like PES.
This will sound redundant, but the best way to play the game is to stop trying to play it like its PES (or current-gen FIFA also) and I'm being serious here.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

deftonesmx17 said:
This will sound redundant, but the best way to play the game is to stop trying to play it like its PES (or current-gen FIFA also) and I'm being serious here.

Im trying but its difficult. Im really dont like the response time of the players though. Really hope I get used to it.

Kevano22, imo theres no difference. It can be a bit annoying when using the right stick when controlling a ball, as the play sometimes take a touch with it, then suddenly knocks it forward.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

cowden_harley said:
get it and tell us what its like. lol i wont be able to sleep tonight the postie is getting attacked for my games tomorrow.

*See's a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Cowden"* :shock:

Anywho, should have it tomorrow. *smiles smugly*
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

deftonesmx17 said:
This will sound redundant, but the best way to play the game is to stop trying to play it like its PES (or current-gen FIFA also) and I'm being serious here.

um actually you are the one who nailed it.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

tiktiktiktik said:

Very important for me atm, maybe when i get better i wont be needing them as much but atm they really help with reaching/completing the challenges. So if you need to keep possesion you edit the formation to have some more free players, rooney style inbetween the lines positioning helps alot.

Are you stuck with the default foramtions or can you manually alter the positions of specfic players along the lines of PES.

One thing I definitely felt about FIF07 on PS2 was that it's tactical options were significantly inferior to PES.

tiktiktiktik said:
Passing and shooting

Am finally getting to grips with it and have to say im loving it. Yesterday i still wasnt sure but was willing to give it the benefit but today, with the slower tempo i used passing really made a difference. I was aiming where the ball was going, not the computer and if the pass went astray or to the opposition i knew it was me not being accurate enough. Again it takes getting used to, especially when you want to pass it about fast, but once i get the hang of it ill be enjoying it even more.

This is probably the thing that is needed most in next gen games, but I have some reservations. Do you know if it is you, and you alone, that decides the exact direction of a shot, or does the players passing/shooting accuracy attributes play a part too?

I mean, if you reduced the passing stat to 0, would you still be able to play pixel perfect passes so long as you were good with the analogue controls or is there a chance that the players with poor attributes will misplace some passes? Does the players position also affect it (eg. can they all do improbably perfect backheeled passes so long as you get the analogue stick right?)

Also, is there analogue control of the pace of passes/shots?

Finally, do the players have full 360 motion, or just the ball? Is it still 8 or 16 directions of movement for the players?

Thanks in anticipation.

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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

in the full version the same issue with AI headers as the demo is rearing its ugly head.........EVERY CROSS ends up with the CPU team chesting down and then volleying or half volleying towards goal.......has anyone on here had a CPU team try a header on goal yet???

Pi**es me off, spoils the whole experience for me....
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I've noticed that too, far too many acrobatic volleys instead of headers both in the middle of the pitch and in front of goal.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I really think the defensive AI in this game is horrible, they just seem so stupid.

My order has been sent though, so I'll learn to love it. :p
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

After 20 matches,

-It is indeed the first next generation soccer game and it "feels" different to the demo.
-Gameplay is much better than previous FIFA games, however there are a few things I dislike (see CONS). The best thing about it has to be passing control with assistance in 0. It's just GREAT.
-Manager mode SHITS over Konami's Master League. It's really, really good.
-Match, team and player statistics are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. EA Sports way.
-Player creation rocks.
-Challenge mode will keep you busy.
-Some players move like their real counterparts. Running, dribbling, passing, etc. Simply awesome.

CONS in not particular order:
-You MUST forget PES gameplay in order to enjoy this one. Thing that I found the hardest to get used to is the responsiveness of the cursor change when off the ball. PES is faster and better. It's very annoying.
-Game needs more camera views or at least different angle and zoom feature.
-Some player faces are very wrong. Even worse than that is the fact that you can't edit them.
-Goals should be a little bit bigger IMO.
-Nets animation needs improvement.
-Crowds look awful.
-Very disappointing pre match and post match animations. Also during substitutions.
-Match highlights sometimes don't make sense at all.
-Can't save replays.
-I still can't find a game that brings back slide marks on the pitch. Remember late 90's Actua Soccer? Geez I'm old!!!
-I found it very easy to pass defenders with the stop and go "trick".
-Who said scoring from headers is hard? I'll kick some arses Online this weekend and then I'll let you know how to do it HEHE. It's waaaay too easy. I actually prefer PES on this because it takes more skill to do it.

More than one may think where am I going with the "first next gen soccer game" with all these cons. True, but so far I can live with them and I still enjoy it. Relax, overall it's a great soccer game and most important of all, it's a PES challenger. At least there are no slow downs.

I'll try it Online tonight.
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Can't sleep... I am officially 22 going on 12. :D

After seeing all the cons above I was very, very worried, but after going through the list:

pepe montoto said:
-Some player faces are very wrong. Even worse than that is the fact that you can't edit them. Not too bothered, PES's look like cartoons
-Goals should be a little bit bigger IMO. Not bothered.
-Game needs more camera views or at least different angles and zoom feature. I love the tele-cam, so not bothered.
-Very disappointing pre match and post match animations. Also during substitutions. Agreed, especially on the subs, but it's not important really.
-Match highlights sometimes don't make sense at all. Agreed, a bit stupid having replays of tackles, but again, not important.
-Can't save replays. Ridiculous that neither "next-gen" football game lets you do this, but I can honestly say I've never saved a replay in my life - takes up too much memory, I'm stingy like that, so NEXT!
-Crowds look awful. Agreed but not too bothered, I never look at them anyway!
-Nets animation needs improvement. After everyone's rants about the "lifeless" "steel" "unflowing" nets in PES on here I couldn't give two shits if there weren't any nets in the goals!! :D
-I still can't find a game that brings back slide marks on the pitch. Remember late 90's Actua Soccer? Geez I'm old!!! Would be nice, surely we've got the technology now - still, doesn't make too much difference really.
-I found it very easy to pass defenders with the stop and go "trick". Uh-oh.
-Who said scoring from headers is hard? I'll kick some arses online this weekend and then I'll let you know how to do it HEHE. It's way to easy. I actually prefer PES on this because it takes more skill to do it. UH-OHHH.
So out of all those negative points, it's only two that worry me, compared to seventy-five things in PES on the 360 (I know it's a stupid, stupid thing to complain about, but not being able to change the team names kills me, I don't look forward to Merseyside Red versus East London White one BIT, plus the goalkeepers love to wonder off the pitch when you're in a crossing position, plus the magnet ball and the magnet defenders, plus zzzzzz, oh look, I'm not having trouble sleeping any more!).

ROLL ON 10 HOURS' TIME! :D I'm tempted to stay up all night to see what you've got to say about the online play Pepe. ;) Have you played PES6 on the 360 yet? If you have, which game can you see yourself playing the most often, do you think (in your honest opinion - go on, I can take it)?
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Jack Bauer said:
Can't sleep... I am officially 22 going on 12. :D

After seeing all the cons above I was very, very worried, but after going through the list:

So out of all those negative points, it's only two that worry me, compared to seventy-five things in PES on the 360 (I know it's a stupid, stupid thing to complain about, but not being able to change the team names kills me, I don't look forward to Merseyside Red versus East London White one BIT, plus the goalkeepers love to wonder off the pitch when you're in a crossing position, plus the magnet ball and the magnet defenders, plus zzzzzz, oh look, I'm not having trouble sleeping any more!).

ROLL ON 10 HOURS' TIME! :D I'm tempted to stay up all night to see what you've got to say about the online play Pepe. ;) Have you played PES6 on the 360 yet? If you have, which game can you see yourself playing the most often, do you think (in your honest opinion - go on, I can take it)?

You're right man. That's why I said those are things I can live with. To answer to your question: No, I haven't played PES6 on 360 but I HATE slowdowns so after reading some reviews I can tell you that it is not looking good for me already. It doesn't matter how good it may play and/or look if slowdowns are still there. I consider it a RIP OFF. Inadmissible. They just can't present and SELL a final product like that. I've already sent a few complaint letters to Konami and of course, I'm still waiting for their answer.
Two things on the stop and go trick for you to keep in mind: 1) I've only tested it against CPU oponnents; 2) I'm not playing in World Class level yet, just Professional. So there's still some hope. Same goes for the easy headers.
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

can someone tell me how to do the shoot feint ? are they any other feint/trick ?

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Cool I was gonna ask you if you were playing on world class, beacuse it makes a big difference on the demo but I've just seen your last post. Damn I'm up already I was gonna go gym but my partner cancelled so now I'm sat up waiting for the flipping postie he better not be late this morning, anyhow the games not in the post I'm going straight to Woolies anyway.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

wheres my bloody postman!

i'm also expecting various other things and as all my housemates are hanging out of there asses after last night i dont hold out hope on them getting up and signing for anything!....and i have to leave at 9.30.......hurry up postie!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

OK it's arrived I'll be back in a bit to post impressions.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

all people seem to do on this forum is moan their ass off about the negatives of fifa and must have liked the demo of fifa or your wouldn't have shelled out £50 to buy the full version.....otherwise it doesn't make sense???? i'm getting both games and will not moan and complain about tiniest of details that make no difference to the great gameplay on offer
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

had time for one half before i head out...seems alot heavier and slower than the demo, no thisll please some but not me really. commentary seems good, does get ahead of himself tho, players look bad, parker had longer hair was the main thing i noticed in the tunnel! and martin looks like he has reall skinny legs for some reason!
oh well
get to play again at 4 :(!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Dammit,I'm gonna get this game as well.

I must be one of the few people who actually really likes pro evo 6,but the online mode at the moment is a little frustrating(ok,very frustrating)

So I'm gonna get this either tomorrow or monday.

I like BOTH games,very different,but a nice headache over which game to play every night.

Pes6/Fifa 07-Get them both,love football!!!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Can someone tell me if u can do skills/tricks in Fifa 07 360. There werent any in the demo. I have still bought both games! Waiting for the postman. Should be here now. Where the fuck is he!!!!!??????
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

CHUCKY666_UK said:
Can someone tell me if u can do skills/tricks in Fifa 07 360. There werent any in the demo. I have still bought both games! Waiting for the postman. Should be here now. Where the fuck is he!!!!!??????

You do know that Royal Mail vans have Xbox 360's in the back of them,attached to 10" hd widescreen tv's.

I wonder where that postie is...

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

You have kickoff and gamemodes. And in gamemodes its managermode (you can play or/and simulate matches) online mode and challenge mode. I would go for challege mode to start off, its really good imo.

Challenge mode earns points aswell adonis. What ive found is you need to slow down the tempo a lot just so you can get the hang of the analog passing. Dont dive in on tackles, be patient and wait for an opening where the comp player has the ball a bit looser away from his feet. Dont use sprint unless your 1 0n 1. If you keep it held down youll only end up running into defenders and losing the ball.

As for weather, so far ive only had sunny and dusk, but then ive only played a couple of friendlies and challenge mode. Maybe you get the weather changes during the managermode. In a friendly you can only choose sunny or dusk for match time/condition.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I like. It's slightly different to the demo but the essentials are the same. And the have sorted out the bloody crossbar, the ball actually pings back of it now, that was my main pet hate from the demo. Seems slightly more difficult and online seems fine won my only match 2-1, wish we could set the keeper difficulty though online. More impressions l8r.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I love it. Much harder than the demo and the keepers are a lot better. The commentary is also amazing. Gunna be starting a manager mode later
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

@ winston

You can change individual player positions and then save them, they have about 20 slots i think. It very equal, if not better then pes on the tactics/formation angle. Everything seems to be there from pes, and more clear aswell. Also they actually seem to make a difference, something ive never had to use on pes, like i said earlier.

As for accuracy of passing, i dont know, atm im still playing like liverpool at old trafford on sunday :lol: But im getting the hang of it and player direction also seems to be part of the issue when passing. As for accuraty vs stats, i think it might be part of it aswell. Played a match with barca and they were far more accurate at passing then the mexican team i played with later, atleast it seemed that way. Cant remember seeing a backheel yet, maybe from a top player but from the rest dont think so.

Oh and no need for the love m8
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

JayD said:
I like. It's slightly different to the demo but the essentials are the same. And the have sorted out the bloody crossbar, the ball actually pings back of it now, that was my main pet hate from the demo. Seems slightly more difficult and online seems fine won my only match 2-1, wish we could set the keeper difficulty though online. More impressions l8r.

thanks fcuk they have sorted out the crossbar, it was like the ball was flat.....thanks for clearing that up jay cos it did my head in
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

oh no hope the headers are fixed. it annoyed the hell out of me that the cpu doesnt header crosses!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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