FIFA 07 (Xbox 360)

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

danhammer in total agreement with you in fact having played PES6 on PS2 I think FIFA 07 on Xbox 360 is better! Im gonna get flamed for saying this but yes I think its better!

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

deftonesmx17 said:
It is better than PES6 by a long shot.:)
obviously, comparing a next-gen game to a current gen one, try pes6(360) and fifa07(360), then the whole story turns on its head ;)
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

studeep said:
obviously, comparing a next-gen game to a current gen one, try pes6(360) and fifa07(360), then the whole story turns on its head ;)
Errrr.............maybe you forgot this due to game loyalty and/or fanboyism, but the 360 version of PES6 is still using the current-gen PES/WE gameplay engine. :roll:
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Yes, its precisely the same except the following: Less Stadiums, Cut Down Edit Mode and a half arsed attempt at a next gen graphics engine....

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

deftonesmx17 said:
Errrr.............maybe you forgot this due to game loyalty and/or fanboyism, but the 360 version of PES6 is still using the current-gen PES/WE gameplay engine. :roll:
whats funny is that alot of the xbox 360 reviews i have read have stated that fifa should have used the current gen engine, hahaahahahah
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

JayD said:
You never liked the demo though.

I did like the demo (not more than we10 thought) and i just thought they would change it abit but they havent
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

deftonesmx17 said:
Errrr.............maybe you forgot this due to game loyalty and/or fanboyism, but the 360 version of PES6 is still using the current-gen PES/WE gameplay engine.
:lol: :lol: look who's talking about game loyalty/fanboyism, look in the mirror mate then come tell me what you see ;)..*cough*360 bum kisser*cough*..same engine?, yes youre right but then again so does NBA 2k6 and 2k5, Pes(360) has the core engine of the ps2 engine but it plays VERY differently get your facts right :roll:, read your own sig mate, if YOU PREFER fifa07 good for you, that makes it a better game for you personally and thats where it ends..end of ;)
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Guys i reask,but now to all of u.
please could any of u do a screen of shunske nakamura?(phisyc and face)
i think hes in the japan nation cause celtic isnt in the game.
i want to see if my favourite player is in the game and if hes done.(face)
thnx to every good soul will help me.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

csaunders said:
whats funny is that alot of the xbox 360 reviews i have read have stated that fifa should have used the current gen engine, hahaahahahah

Honestly have you played the game? You haven't really contributed much to the thread.

At the end of the day, some will like PES and some FIFA, why can't some except that? Me I love the FIFA demo and I haven't played PES 6 on any system yet. I will get it but I cancelled my pre order because FIFA will do me for a while.

This thread is for FIFA so honestly lets discuss the game without blatant fanboyistic posts. And yours seem to be that.

And all these reviews you talk about where are they I've only seem to have seen IGN's at the moment.
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

csaunders said:
whats funny is that alot of the xbox 360 reviews i have read have stated that fifa should have used the current gen engine, hahaahahahah
:lol: :lmao: yeah, how ironic, personally i think fifa had a better chance with the current gen engine, because thats all i play on my laptop, i thought it was amazing :shock: and i still think it is, for one the shooting system is the best i've ever seen in any footy game, plus the whole game physics is just absolutely lush.... any way here's me arguing out of the window, no more, end of :-#
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

csaunders said:
whats funny is that alot of the xbox 360 reviews i have read have stated that fifa should have used the current gen engine, hahaahahahah
Yes perhaps it could have benefited from using SOME of the Current Gen features.

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

djdoc360 said:
Yes perhaps it could have benefited from using SOME of the Current Gen features.


Features yes but core Engine no way, the 360's is way way superior,
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Yep thats what I meant JAYD most of the core engine I think is fuckin awesome on 360. I only find a few minor niggles when I play the game and they dont really ruin my experience where as PES6 has more annoying niggles that ruin my enjoyment.

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

studeep said:
look in the mirror mate then come tell me what you see ;)
I saw myself laughing my ass off at your 10 year old comeback.
same engine?, yes youre right but then again so does NBA 2k6 and 2k5, Pes(360) has the core engine of the ps2 engine but it plays VERY differently get your facts right :roll:
:lmao: At least say something intelligent like NBA 2K6 current-gen vs NBA 2K6 next-gen. Guess what, aside from graphical differences, they play almost identical due to both of them using the same gameplay engine. Its not like I compared PES5 to PES6, sure they do play different (slightly). But PES6 current-gen vs PES6 next-gen are like NBA 2k6 current-gen vs NBA 2k6 next-gen, aside from graphical differences they play almost identical due to using the same gameplay engine. :roll:
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Yes I know, I've added you to my list in preperation.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

@ deftonesmx - as i said in my last post (even if i 100% disagree with your 2k5/2k6(ps2)/2k6(360) point,) end of mate, at least from my side of the court :lol: do you study law? :shock: .........

"10 yr old come back"?,...O.K errmm....(how do i say this?) here's a hint its not a comeback, try ITS A FACT ;)

sorry for all my out-of-topic rubbish to all who found it frustrating, thats me done :-# (promise :D)
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

studeep said:
"10 yr old come back"?,...O.K errmm....(how do i say this?) here's a hint its not a comeback, try ITS A FACT ;)
:lmao: Now, your new comeback is that its a fact that what, I have game loyalty/fanboyism? If that was a fact I would have never admitted that I think this new FIFA is a better game than PES.:roll:
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Get a cheap motel room you 2, just agree to disagree.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

deftonesmx aint a fanboy.. far from it! I havent heard him say any stupid shit like Xbox rules and PS3 sucks or the opposite way round. If you wanna know/see a real fanboy in action then look at Johnthekingsing (with Fat Ronaldo in his avatar) or ThomasGoal (ive learned to give him some le-way though)

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Can anyone with the full game tell me if the RAS has been improved. In the demo, no matter how hard you push it when recieving a ball, the first touch will always be hit too hard.

In current gen you tap it and it will tap the ball, and i read this is the same in the next gen version too, although it doesnt seem to be the case in the demo

just wondering if it has been fixed?
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Guys FFS stop acting like bloody 10 year olds. This thread is here to discuss Fifa 2007, not compare PES6 to Fifa 2007. If you haven't got anything constructive to say about the topic in hand then please refrain from posting in the thread.

If it continues in this trend I will close the thread.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Can anyone with the game confirm what online options are available? Pretty please?
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

csaunders said:
whats funny is that alot of the xbox 360 reviews i have read have stated that fifa should have used the current gen engine, hahaahahahah
"A lot"? Sorry, "alot"! Where are these many reviews?
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

SXFuzz said:
"A lot"? Sorry, "alot"! Where are these many reviews?

My point exactly, the only review has been that half arsed attempt by IGN.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I've got a dilema. I just spoke to my local Woolies who are open till 8 and they are selling FIFA now. Do I buy it now, it's only 5 mins away and return my unopened Game pre order which comes tomorrow back to Woolies and get a refund or just wait till tomorrow. I feel like a kid again. SAD AINT IT.
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