FIFA 07 (Xbox 360)

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

get it and tell us what its like. lol i wont be able to sleep tonight the postie is getting attacked for my games tomorrow.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

JayD, do it. Do it right now, and you will have an extra few hours with the game, and the same tomorrow. Life is short. Live for today. Do it.

Afterwards, you could drive down to ours and I could help you test the multiplayer mode. Life is short. Live for today. Do ittt.

(In all seriousness, it may be sad, but if I was in your situation then I'd go and get it)
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I'm taking JayD's silence as "I've gone to Woolies to get it Jack, and I'll be back at 8pm with my review, ROCK ON!!"
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

:D maybe he just fell asleep early for the "big day" tomorrow :D
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

OPM said:
maybe he just fell asleep early for the "big day" tomorrow
Seriously, no joke, I was tempted to go to bed at 6pm and force myself to sleep until whatever time my postman can be arsed coming in the morning (or afternoon if he's hungover).

I really should go out and get a life sometime.

Ah well, plenty of time to do that after I've finished playing FIFA 07 (hopefully about this time next year, just in time for FIFA 08)!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

LOL Sorry all I was playing Dead Rising, I decided to act my age lol and have a bit of patience lol, it was tempting as heck and to be fair if the heater in my car was working properly I would have gone and got it but it's p'ing down with rain and the windows steam up so I'm getting that fixed next week but I'll just enjoy the demo till morning, by the way Jack and Cowden I've sent you friends request in anticipation for tomorrow. I got the day off LOL, acting my age my arse.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

add me!

i caved in and bought it off today, its only bloody getting delivered tomorrow!and it was only £33.... with next day delivery! crazy!weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Hey Jack has your order shipped from Gameplay cos mine did this afternoon it says on the site. Should get the email confirming it at around 9 tonight because I did for both Pes6 and FM.

Look forward to playing you online tomorrow :D
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

paddyknight said:
add me!

i caved in and bought it off today, its only bloody getting delivered tomorrow!and it was only £33.... with next day delivery! crazy!weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I did earlier m8 and you accepted lol.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Jack Bauer said:
You're not my fwend any more :(

Until tomorrow :D

LOL , It's hard m8 but I had to resist, the only problem is I have an Asda and Tesco within 10 mins of me, can I resist till morning??
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

JayD, do it DO IT DO IT!! :D Play the demo one more time, go on, you know you won't be able to resist then! :D

Noted, the Gameplay site says "picking your order", not despatched yet apparently - but I'm hoping that's just a glitch.

If not then I'll be nipping into Liverpool city centre, bringing a copy home and sending the copy that Gameplay send back to them with a bomb attached - so I'll be seeing you online tomorrow either way. :)
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen


Childish, me? Never. Impatient? You've got the wrong guy. :)

Right, that's it now, I'm going on BF2 2142 until 9pm, Football Manager 2007 until 10pm, Splinter Cell DA until 11pm, banning in my router settings so that I can't come back, reading Left Foot Forward until midnight, going to bed, waking up to FIFA 07 tomorrow and then reporting back. Any great moves (or goals if I can crack the defence) will be recorded, posted and bragged about, before getting pasted 10-0 by Noted, and then a slightly less humiliating 9-0 by JayD.

See you tomorrow chaps. :thumbup:
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

and atleast its not like ive got a spanish oral tomorrow at 3 which ive done no preparation for and its 10%, get in! and if its delivered first thing, even better!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

SWFC Sean said:
any1 know how long take to deliver?

too long, i wouldn't expect it tommorrow, but hopefully friday, but probably saturday

i hope i'm wrong though cos i'm in the same boat as you
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I see you lot are a bit starved of info reading the rubbish being posted. So ill add some more impression.

First of, the slower tempo i mentioned earlier works a treat. This game seems to respond the best to italian speed footie, ie passing it about slowly, keeping possesion and using the radar to look for runs off the ball. Played the challenge mode for a couple of hours today and enjoyed every minute of it.
Very important for me atm, maybe when i get better i wont be needing them as much but atm they really help with reaching/completing the challenges. So if you need to keep possesion you edit the formation to have some more free players, rooney style inbetween the lines positioning helps alot. Gives you time to control the ball, turn and look for possibilities. If you need to attack you utilise more wide players, need to defend add bodies at the back and try to keep possesion. These sound obvious but ive never had to use it for pes and its really satisfying (not in the cowden ferret way) when you change your tactic/formation and can see that its helping, or that its hindering aswell. It effects the game as it should.
Played a challenge in the mexican league in the aztec stadium, i assume it was, and because it was during the day it was really bright, painfully so in the beginning (in a good way, nice effect that region also makes a difference to light). Still loving the pitch
Passing and shooting
Am finally getting to grips with it and have to say im loving it. Yesterday i still wasnt sure but was willing to give it the benefit but today, with the slower tempo i used passing really made a difference. I was aiming where the ball was going, not the computer and if the pass went astray or to the opposition i knew it was me not being accurate enough. Again it takes getting used to, especially when you want to pass it about fast, but once i get the hang of it ill be enjoying it even more.
There had to be some, as mentioned the collision between players isnt always as good, mostly when you try to challenge the player from behind the 'bump' and then continue play. Havent had it hinder me much, but it can still be annoying. I guess it would be on par with konami's last defender tripping you up and playing on script/animation, although its mostly you doing the tripping up and you usually dont win possesion by doing it so it doesnt effect the outcome of possesion as much as in pes.

Thats it so far, probably give a grading at the end of the week.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Guys Ive got the game, but im dissapointed so far :( The player faces are dog awful, and the response time of pressing pass/shoot is delayed far too much. The ref is super dodgy aswell :(

But I refuse to give up on it just yet. Anyone who is really enjoying the game please post the best way to play this game. Maybe the problems Im facing is because Im trying to play it like PES.

Also, how do you earn points to use in Fan Zone? Is it only by winning cup tournaments and leagues?

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

well as far as me. and i'm the one who flat out bashed the game when it first came out.
i now found a way to enjoy it.

Edit attributes first(which i'll be doing a save file of once i get the game here in the states)
Mark your opposing team attackers with your best defenders based on positioning once they come into the box or at the midfeild line.
Always have youe team play a 4-4-2 formation. 4-4-2 is like the defualt playing style always used in winning eleven.
Set all your individual players defensive settings to HIGH. helps a great deal with the teammate A.I.
just tap the sprint shoulder. do not press for too long or you'll lose control of the ball.
Play in dynamic V2. it has the least framerate issues.
and final play it like your one the feild yourself. this is the only game out there that can play out like a real soccer match
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