FIFA 07 (PS2/XBox/PC) - Current Gen

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

TheWolf said:
I think it does come down to the total package. Sure, gameplay is by far the most important factor for the majority of us but there comes a point where if the gameplay is satisfying it doesn't have to be better than a rival game. FIFA 07 gameplay is at last good enough for me not to worry about PES/WE being better in that area. Throw in the leagues, licenses, uniforms, etc. and it more than makes up for the gap in gameplay. I want an authentic experience and the better gameplay in PES/WE is hurt by feeling like you're playing in an alternate universe. Things like having about 30 people in the crowd playing as Man Utd against Arsenal in WE9/PES5 doesn't exactly make you feel the atmosphere!
so you would rather have sex with a hot chick, who totally sucks in bed, doesnt move, occasionaly crys, wont suck you off, etc... then with a cute girl, who fucks like a porn star.... im taking the porn star everytime, usually when something looks good on the outside its empty on the inside, just like FIFA.. gameplay is %90 of a game experience... the rest is just looks
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

check ea downloader for the new "official" demo. got released a few minutes ago
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

airjoca said:
The right stick moves are kind of pointless because if you repeat the same movement on the stick it does different actions/feints, so you don't know what to expect.
What game are you playing? The moves are the same all the time.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

What I said was more than correct, what you said has nothing to do with the construction of a 3d MDL. Since you think the making of a 3d model of a person from one game engine to another game engine is as simple as "changing a color" and then its different............ Lets see you take a game that already has a game engine(so most of the work is already done). Make a face for PES, not just the texture, and don't take a generic face MDL and change it to be a totally new face MDL, I want you to make a face MDL from scratch (meaning you are looking at nothing but a blank screen in a 3d MDL'ing program). Takes some time doesnt it, if you even know where to start......... Sure, now you have a semi-base MDL to edit later(for other faces), but even 3d MDL editing is nowhere near as quick and simple as a texture replacment(or as you say "changing colors"). As for kits......sure, once you have each kit template, kits do become almost as simple as "changing the colors". But I was never talking about textures, I was talking about 3d MDL's, which do take time and are not simple. Since you didnt grasp it, the reason I used two totally different images (one I drew in paint within 2 seconds and a picture of real art) and didnt just take one and change the color was to represent the great difference in metaphorical "3d rendering engines". One was black and white and only allowed for a simple stick figure, while the other allowed for high quality people and color. And the question was to ask, which do you think took longer to make. The answer would be the one that allows for more complex things, thus takes more time. Let me use another example since the first one was misunderstood. Between a 100 pcs Car Model or a 1,000 pcs Car Model(with instructions, which is your metaphorical "game engine" thats already in place), which takes more time to construct(excluding paint and decals)?

Your backing up my comment, holio's comment wasnt about building a gameengine from scratch for the 360 and comparing it to building a gameengine from scratch for a ds, its was about adding data and graphics in the form of textures to make more leagues/teams/players. I know how long 3d modeling takes because i do it for uni and sometimes for work. Do you not consider the 3d models part of a gameengine? The point him and me were/are making is once they have the gameengine (which they obviosly do and has taken a long time) adding teams by means of data and textures doesnt take a lot of time. They dont need to make a 3d model of each individual player in the game do they? No they make a base model and edit it to create multiple character/players. Same with kits, you understand that. We're not discussing the time difference between the gameengine's and graphics, we are talking about data and textures, which dont take a lot of time and if EA were serious about giving us a full game would have added a couple of workers to the team to set this part up properly.

Your response was to holio's:
"Originally Posted by Holio
How can they fit so many leagues in a DS cart and not a 360 game, it's pure EA lazy cant be arsed this year, lets do it next year approach. Consider a company the size of EA, who let me remind you will be releasing their 3rd, yes their 3rd football/soccer game on the XB360 within a year cant have got enough programmers together to flesh out the title properly. Laziness and the hope you buy this years and next years product which will have the other teams and more stadiums etc..........."

We are talking about different things it seems, you comment was to argue against holio's lack of teams by saying that they have built a new gameengine/models (i consider 3d models a part of a gameengine) which doesnt actually have a lot to do with teamnumbers or players does it? Or do you consider the dataguru's here to be editing the gameengine when making new players and kits?

This is the Key point:
"see you take a game that already has a game engine(so most of the work is already done). "
Most of the work has already been done by EA(by building a new gameengine/models), yet they have decided not to take a little more effort to give us a full game by adding teams/leagues/players.
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

@ tiktiktiktik

Let me explain myself better. I don't understand why you guys think even adding more players, leagues, etc. is not much more work(because if it was as easy as you are making it sound, don't you think we would have found out how to add and not just replace teams and leagues in PES/WE ;) ), but lets just push that aside for now. My whole point is really just to show the blind fanboyism around here. For some reason its perfectly acceptable for Konami to have only the top teams (which the majority of them are fake and need edited by us, the consumer), but its a crime when EA only puts in the top teams (which are all real and will not have to be edited by us, the consumer). What was a PES/WE fanboys most used comment in the past? Quality over Quantity. Quality as in all the player attributes and gameplay. Which was PES/WE, as it didnt have the "quantity" of teams FIFA had, but this was also the old FIFA's downfall. Now they have done what people have wanted for many years, Quality over Quantity, and somehow its a bad thing now that it has been realised.

I'm sorry but it boggles my mind for people to act as if EA is being lazy and is stealing from us because they built a brand new game engine (which may have just now become 100% done for all we know) and as a result didnt have time to add all the "extras" if they wanted to release it at a reasonable date. Yet, for some reason, Konami who didnt build a brand new engine from scratch (instead, only glossed over the current-gen game) for PES6 for the X360 (and again only has the top teams which most of are fake and need edited by us) isnt being considered the complete scum of the earth.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

deftonesmx17 said:
@ tiktiktiktik

Let me explain myself better. I don't understand why you guys think even adding more players, leagues, etc. is not much more work(because if it was as easy as you are making it sound, don't you think we would have found out how to add and not just replace teams and leagues in PES/WE ;) ), but lets just push that aside for now. My whole point is really just to show the blind fanboyism around here. For some reason its perfectly acceptable for Konami to have only the top teams (which the majority of them are fake and need edited by us, the consumer), but its a crime when EA only puts in the top teams (which are all real and will not have to be edited by us, the consumer). What was a PES/WE fanboys most used comment in the past? Quality over Quantity. Quality as in all the player attributes and gameplay. Which was PES/WE, as it didnt have the "quantity" of teams FIFA had, but this was also the old FIFA's downfall. Now they have done what people have wanted for many years, Quality over Quantity, and somehow its a bad thing now that it has been realised.

I'm sorry but it boggles my mind for people to act as if EA is being lazy and is stealing from us because they built a brand new game engine (which may have just now become 100% done for all we know) and as a result didnt have time to add all the "extras" if they wanted to release it at a reasonable date. Yet, for some reason, Konami who didnt build a brand new engine from scratch (instead, only glossed over the current-gen game) for PES6 for the X360 (and again only has the top teams which most of are fake and need edited by us) isnt being considered the complete scum of the earth.

Fantastic post :applause:
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I think for a lot of posters on this forum the following analogy can be used: WE/PES is the defending champ of football videogames and FIFA is the challenger, thus EA cannot simply match or slightly surpass Konami's efforts but must record a 'knockout' - an overwhelming performance that leaves little doubt as to the superiority of their achievement.
This would account for why some gamers simply won't acknowledge that FIFA could be WE/PES's equal no matter how much improvement EA has made and how good the game plays.
Just my two cents.
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

csaunders said:
so you would rather have sex with a hot chick, who totally sucks in bed, doesnt move, occasionaly crys, wont suck you off, etc... then with a cute girl, who fucks like a porn star.... im taking the porn star everytime, usually when something looks good on the outside its empty on the inside, just like FIFA.. gameplay is %90 of a game experience... the rest is just looks

Yeah, that's a really great example. While we're at it, let's compare an orange with a duck to try and work out what the top speed of a Porsche 911 is!
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

@ tiktiktiktik

Let me explain myself better. I don't understand why you guys think even adding more players, leagues, etc. is not much more work(because if it was as easy as you are making it sound, don't you think we would have found out how to add and not just replace teams and leagues in PES/WE ), but lets just push that aside for now. My whole point is really just to show the blind fanboyism around here. For some reason its perfectly acceptable for Konami to have only the top teams (which the majority of them are fake and need edited by us, the consumer), but its a crime when EA only puts in the top teams (which are all real and will not have to be edited by us, the consumer). What was a PES/WE fanboys most used comment in the past? Quality over Quantity. Quality as in all the player attributes and gameplay. Which was PES/WE, as it didnt have the "quantity" of teams FIFA had, but this was also the old FIFA's downfall. Now they have done what people have wanted for many years, Quality over Quantity, and somehow its a bad thing now that it has been realised.

I'm sorry but it boggles my mind for people to act as if EA is being lazy and is stealing from us because they built a brand new game engine (which may have just now become 100% done for all we know) and as a result didnt have time to add all the "extras" if they wanted to release it at a reasonable date. Yet, for some reason, Konami who didnt build a brand new engine from scratch (instead, only glossed over the current-gen game) for PES6 for the X360 (and again only has the top teams which most of are fake and need edited by us) isnt being considered the complete scum of the earth.

If you have read any of my other posts regarding konami you would know im constantly critising them for being lazy buggers. I cant stand the fact weve had the same crappy ML for about 4 years now with no development seen, unless you believe konami who consider a bigger developmentsheet a "massive" improvement, bollocks im sure you will agree. The main gripe i have with fifa for the nextgen atm is that one of fifa's main qualities was their extensive number of teams/leagues/modes. Something konami has always lacked. I applaud them for making a new gameengine, something konami hasnt even bothered to do, and ive been impressed with the pc demo as stated in this thread. However i dont like the fact that because we have a new gamenegine we now have to make do with shoddy konami standards of teams and leagues.

Maybe its just dissapointment on my part, but after playing the pc demo i was seriously considering fifa360, i know the pc demo wasnt as good as we10 in gameplay, but its gotton very close with the difference being made up by fifa's teams/leagues/modes. However now we get to read that because they have a new engine we have to go back in other parts of the game?! FFS this is supposed to be next-gen gaming yet they are using it as excuses not to live up to the level we are expecting, and i dont consider having the same number of teams and leagues too much compared to current-gen. New engine = Less for Fifa and konami are just as bad; nextgen = higher res and hd but same ol shit regarding ML and gamemodes!

And i dont know why you are defending them so staunchly(sp?), they arent actually adding teams are they? They are removing them! Is it too much to expect next-gen gaming to equal current-gen + better graphics/gameplay. According to you it is!
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

TheWolf said:
Yeah, that's a really great example. While we're at it, let's compare an orange with a duck to try and work out what the top speed of a Porsche 911 is!

That will depend. If it's a female duck, it'll go a lot faster because it's more aerodynamic.

On topic, the girlfriend metaphor used to compare FIFA to PES isn't new, but it's still true.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

LOL at all of this....

but really EA can hurry up with tsome gameplay footage already. i feel that IF they had a very good prodect they would be showing it of the way 2Ksports does with NB2K7
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

OPM said:
check ea downloader for the new "official" demo. got released a few minutes ago
Absolutely no difference on this from what I can tell. As I said a few posts ago, this PC can run FEAR on the top graphics settings and at a resolution of 1280x1024 without breaking a sweat, and yet on this FIFA demo (which without modification plays at, what, 640x480 or 800x600, without a referee or linesmen to render) jerks like a bitch when the tunnel cut-scene is played. Disgusting!

Everything else seems to be the same - gameplay could be slightly improved but seeing as the game STILL can't detect my XBOX 360 controller (no, they didn't fix that either - it must be because I'm running Windows XP x64), I can't really tell.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Jack Bauer said:
Absolutely no difference on this from what I can tell. As I said a few posts ago, this PC can run FEAR on the top graphics settings and at a resolution of 1280x1024 without breaking a sweat, and yet on this FIFA demo (which without modification plays at, what, 640x480 or 800x600, without a referee or linesmen to render) jerks like a bitch when the tunnel cut-scene is played. Disgusting!

Everything else seems to be the same - gameplay could be slightly improved but seeing as the game STILL can't detect my XBOX 360 controller (no, they didn't fix that either - it must be because I'm running Windows XP x64), I can't really tell.

From what you said i think it has to be the x64 factor.

My PC can't handle FEAR at top settings, but i can play the FIFA07 demo without any probs. Oh and my 360 controller works tip top as well.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Damn it. I knew I should never have upgraded, Football Manager works at ten times the speed but I've had to dump an old printer, scanner and a few games seem to have issues like this that the games designers won't fix because "no home users have x64". :(

EDIT: A FIX! Hurrah! Any other Windows XP x64 users reading this, if you can't get your XBOX 360 pad to work, right-click on the shortcut, click "Properties", click on the "Compatibility" tab and change the compatibility mode to "Windows XP". This emulates normal Windows XP conditions and so allows the game to see your pad!! Still no fix for the disgusting frame-rate issues, but weirdly, they only occur during cut-scenes. Gameplay is as smooth as a baby's bottom.

EDIT 2: Could the only difference between the two demos be the database? I notice Nistelrooy's not at Man U in this demo...?

Review to follow!
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Right, well I've got a couple of things to say. Fetch a milky drink and a pillow.

Do you know how I could tell if this game was good, or bad? First thing - for the first ten minutes of playing this demo (with a proper gamepad for the first time ever), I was gutted, to be honest. The way the players moved, passed, the buttons being in different places than I'm used to... From playing with the keyboard I was given a totally different starting impression, and I was so disappointed. I was expecting a lot more; the gameplay wasn't the same as the previous FIFA, nowhere near, it was totally different, but still not a good game of football. I just couldn't get into it, the controls were all over the place and the players seemed to do whatever they wanted.

After those ten minutes, I didn't look back. I settled into the controls, the players started doing what I actually wanted them to do, and everything fell into place for me. Through balls, crosses, tackles, all started getting timed properly. It was starting to feel like a real game. Do you know the last game I had this experience with (hating it for the first few games, wondering what had gone wrong and wishing it had stayed exactly the same - although I hadn't wished the latter with FIFA obviously)?

That's right, a game by the name of Pro Evolution Soccer. That could only be a good sign.

I started noticing a few things. How silky-smooth is the passing in this game?! Christ alive, it's glorious. You can play a real (very real) passing game, you can ping it around and get your opponents totally wound up. You've got time, space - the space of a REAL football pitch, Konami! Are you listening to this?! The opponents can drop back, but if they start getting pissed off then they will come for you - sometimes straying out of position, sometimes realising their mistakes and not being fooled for a minute. You're not constantly HAVING to press pass because you don't have any choice, which is the way Winning Eleven is currently. The passing in this demo feels, and looks, JUST RIGHT, it's spectacular (at this point, please bear in mind that I don't say things like this lightly, as I hope the beginning of the next sentence illustrates). The guys who argue that Pro Evo's gameplay is better - well yeah, it probably is. But not in every department. People will disagree I'm sure, but as far as I'm concerned, the passing in this game is the most realistic passing I've seen in a football game. And I didn't think I'd ever say that since I discovered Winning Eleven 6: Final Evolution years ago; my first ever WE game.

So far most of the passes I've done have gone in the direction of their intended target, whereas 50% of the time in Pro Evo I find the ball gets sent to a TOTALLY different player than the one intended by as much as 90 degrees. I also love the shots, which again I think are more realistic than in Pro Evo currently - it takes so much getting into, but it's realistic. You can only do a decent, powerful shot depending on which way you're facing and how many degrees you're trying to skew the ball away - e.g. if you do a shot that's straight in the direction your player is facing, you'll hit a belter, if you're facing towards the crowd and you press shoot, swinging the stick left/right as you do it, the shot won't be very good 90% of the time. Again, it's realistic in a different kind of way to Winning Eleven entirely.

I've said this before and I'll say it again - I view WE and FIFA 07 as being peas in a pod now. Both have excellent gameplay, but in different ways (and both with flaws). FIFA 07 has passing to die for (seriously, I could just sit here, press the pass button and sigh for ages), Winning Eleven has better goalkeeper reactions (I've seen Van Der Saar make one or two mistakes he just would not do in real life). I should also say that the dribbling in WE is better, but then saying that, I've never, ever had the fucking chance to dribble against a CPU opponent due to not being able to move in the opposition's half (as I'm about to explain). But the fact is, from my personal perspective, I've had enough of the passing in Winning Eleven. You get the ball, there's a man breathing down your neck, shit, gotta pass, press the pass button in a panic - you get the ball, there's a man breathing down your neck, shit, etc... Sorry, but in a game that we all preach is realistic, that isn't. You see players pressing for the ball in real life, sure - but you don't see every single player pressing every single second of the game. Football in real life isn't a bunch of passes kicked in COMPLETE PANIC because there's someone sprinting towards you like a nutter - at least, not with every single frigging pass.

I don't think the "would you prefer a stunning babe who gives crap blowjobs or an ugly cow who fucks like a machine" argument is valid any more either, because the fact is that they both have a good engine under the bonnet now - just in different ways. Neither set of gameplay is worse, or better, than the other one. The passing in FIFA shows up Winning Eleven completely - but the dribbling in WE is better than in FIFA (sorry but the "trickstick" thing just doesn't work for me, maybe I'm too old thinking that it's gimmicky).

However, PES6 is no longer on my mind. As far as I'm concerned, this is now realistic enough to merit purchasing. Not only will this mean that I don't have to cope with the master league any more (for the ninth year in a row, how sad is that - come on Seabass, pull that tackle out of your mouth and get creative), but I'll also be treated to a sparkling presentation. Of course, that's of the least importance, but you try saying that when you do a tackle, the crowd goes "oooh" in appreciation and applauds. Seriously, when that happened, I remembered a match I watched on Match of the Day this weekend and shivers went down my spine, the likeness was uncanny. Realism of a different kind - it's all good.

I suppose it's up to what each individual likes, though. There's plenty of guys who will prefer dribbling (as has already been mentioned in this thread) and so will prefer the latest Pro Evo, and that's fair enough. I think we should all be allowed to like whatever we like and not have "fanboy" or any kind of insult thrown around. Have fun playing your game of choice this year, and if you happen to choose FIFA, I'll catch you online sometime most probably! :thumbup:

(By God will I be heartbroken if the FIFA is crap on the XBOX 360...)
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I have now played the PC and PS2 demo of FIFA 07 and find it to be really annyoing in the way the tackles and shooting and general play of the game feels.

The game so far feels like I have just picked up a copy of PES 2 or 3 with the same bugs these have, never being able to pass to the player you want, shooting is the worse aspect of FIFA which is just totally unrealistic.

Defending is a nightmare and you can't seem to win the ball unless you either give away a foul or run into them.

But worst of all the keepers are absolutly abysmal, it is like watching Massimo Taibi. I thought WE10 was really bad in this sense but they are world class compared to the shit you have to put up with in FIFA.

I love all the content EA keep putting in every year and really hope one year they get the gameplay right, not just because then the consumer gets a top game but because Konami will realise that they will really have to work on WE to produce a much better master league.

I will edit this post when I will do a proper writeup but so far on the basis of 5 games on each system I would give the following.

GAMEPLAY: 6 (Sorry EA - Needs Improvment)
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

One of the things I noticed about the passing was that in PES, you passed directly to the player where as in FIFA, the ball goes in the direction of the dpad and then the player runs in that direction to recieve it. Which looks really nice when you lay the ball off with the correct weight and see the player run onto it and recieve in a very realistic manner.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

RuneEdge said:
One of the things I noticed about the passing was that in PES, you passed directly to the player where as in FIFA, the ball goes in the direction of the dpad and then the player runs in that direction to recieve it. Which looks really nice when you lay the ball off with the correct weight and see the player run onto it and recieve in a very realistic manner.

Which actually happens in WE10/pes6 now.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

STG said:
Which actually happens in WE10/pes6 now.
The passing as been one of the only things thats never changed in PES/WE games. :roll:
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

@Jack Bauer: about the passing, u can pass the ball around as you say, but try playing "à lá Barcelona". You can't, the passes aren't fast enough.

@RuneEdge: Passing has changed a lot in PES/WE Games. For instance the L1 + Triangle from PES5 to WE10 is waaaay different.

Anyway i enjoyed the demo, even though i have a few gripes with it. I pray that the 360 version solves them so i can play 2 great games of footie.
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Jack Bauer said:
Right, well I've got a couple of things to say. Fetch a milky drink and a pillow.

Do you know how I could tell if this game was good, or bad? First thing - for the first ten minutes of playing this demo (with a proper gamepad for the first time ever), I was gutted, to be honest. The way the players moved, passed, the buttons being in different places than I'm used to... From playing with the keyboard I was given a totally different starting impression, and I was so disappointed. I was expecting a lot more; the gameplay wasn't the same as the previous FIFA, nowhere near, it was totally different, but still not a good game of football. I just couldn't get into it, the controls were all over the place and the players seemed to do whatever they wanted.

After those ten minutes, I didn't look back. I settled into the controls, the players started doing what I actually wanted them to do, and everything fell into place for me. Through balls, crosses, tackles, all started getting timed properly. It was starting to feel like a real game. Do you know the last game I had this experience with (hating it for the first few games, wondering what had gone wrong and wishing it had stayed exactly the same - although I hadn't wished the latter with FIFA obviously)?

That's right, a game by the name of Pro Evolution Soccer. That could only be a good sign.

I started noticing a few things. How silky-smooth is the passing in this game?! Christ alive, it's glorious. You can play a real (very real) passing game, you can ping it around and get your opponents totally wound up. You've got time, space - the space of a REAL football pitch, Konami! Are you listening to this?! The opponents can drop back, but if they start getting pissed off then they will come for you - sometimes straying out of position, sometimes realising their mistakes and not being fooled for a minute. You're not constantly HAVING to press pass because you don't have any choice, which is the way Winning Eleven is currently. The passing in this demo feels, and looks, JUST RIGHT, it's spectacular (at this point, please bear in mind that I don't say things like this lightly, as I hope the beginning of the next sentence illustrates). The guys who argue that Pro Evo's gameplay is better - well yeah, it probably is. But not in every department. People will disagree I'm sure, but as far as I'm concerned, the passing in this game is the most realistic passing I've seen in a football game. And I didn't think I'd ever say that since I discovered Winning Eleven 6: Final Evolution years ago; my first ever WE game.

So far most of the passes I've done have gone in the direction of their intended target, whereas 50% of the time in Pro Evo I find the ball gets sent to a TOTALLY different player than the one intended by as much as 90 degrees. I also love the shots, which again I think are more realistic than in Pro Evo currently - it takes so much getting into, but it's realistic. You can only do a decent, powerful shot depending on which way you're facing and how many degrees you're trying to skew the ball away - e.g. if you do a shot that's straight in the direction your player is facing, you'll hit a belter, if you're facing towards the crowd and you press shoot, swinging the stick left/right as you do it, the shot won't be very good 90% of the time. Again, it's realistic in a different kind of way to Winning Eleven entirely.

I've said this before and I'll say it again - I view WE and FIFA 07 as being peas in a pod now. Both have excellent gameplay, but in different ways (and both with flaws). FIFA 07 has passing to die for (seriously, I could just sit here, press the pass button and sigh for ages), Winning Eleven has better goalkeeper reactions (I've seen Van Der Saar make one or two mistakes he just would not do in real life). I should also say that the dribbling in WE is better, but then saying that, I've never, ever had the fucking chance to dribble against a CPU opponent due to not being able to move in the opposition's half (as I'm about to explain). But the fact is, from my personal perspective, I've had enough of the passing in Winning Eleven. You get the ball, there's a man breathing down your neck, shit, gotta pass, press the pass button in a panic - you get the ball, there's a man breathing down your neck, shit, etc... Sorry, but in a game that we all preach is realistic, that isn't. You see players pressing for the ball in real life, sure - but you don't see every single player pressing every single second of the game. Football in real life isn't a bunch of passes kicked in COMPLETE PANIC because there's someone sprinting towards you like a nutter - at least, not with every single frigging pass.

I don't think the "would you prefer a stunning babe who gives crap blowjobs or an ugly cow who fucks like a machine" argument is valid any more either, because the fact is that they both have a good engine under the bonnet now - just in different ways. Neither set of gameplay is worse, or better, than the other one. The passing in FIFA shows up Winning Eleven completely - but the dribbling in WE is better than in FIFA (sorry but the "trickstick" thing just doesn't work for me, maybe I'm too old thinking that it's gimmicky).

However, PES6 is no longer on my mind. As far as I'm concerned, this is now realistic enough to merit purchasing. Not only will this mean that I don't have to cope with the master league any more (for the ninth year in a row, how sad is that - come on Seabass, pull that tackle out of your mouth and get creative), but I'll also be treated to a sparkling presentation. Of course, that's of the least importance, but you try saying that when you do a tackle, the crowd goes "oooh" in appreciation and applauds. Seriously, when that happened, I remembered a match I watched on Match of the Day this weekend and shivers went down my spine, the likeness was uncanny. Realism of a different kind - it's all good.

I suppose it's up to what each individual likes, though. There's plenty of guys who will prefer dribbling (as has already been mentioned in this thread) and so will prefer the latest Pro Evo, and that's fair enough. I think we should all be allowed to like whatever we like and not have "fanboy" or any kind of insult thrown around. Have fun playing your game of choice this year, and if you happen to choose FIFA, I'll catch you online sometime most probably! :thumbup:

(By God will I be heartbroken if the FIFA is crap on the XBOX 360...)


well said. I will be buying FIFA this year. PES5 and yeh WE9LEK is just so static, on rails, and the fucking awful pressing systems is diabolical. From what I've seen of PES6 gameplay videos, its just go worse, just a few more animations and better No ML changes, no stats changes, no pitch texture changes, no audio changes, and yep, no graphical changes, and heck even no Bundesliga (possibly). Pah.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

airjoca said:
@RuneEdge: Passing has changed a lot in PES/WE Games. For instance the L1 + Triangle from PES5 to WE10 is waaaay different.
Yes but not in the way that STG suggests. Konami tweak the power, speed, accuracy, etc but they dont change the way passes are handled by the game overall.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

tiktiktiktik said:
And i dont know why you are defending them so staunchly(sp?), they arent actually adding teams are they? They are removing them! Is it too much to expect next-gen gaming to equal current-gen + better graphics/gameplay. According to you it is!
I'm defending common sense and an open-mind.
You can't remove something that wasnt there to begin with. The "so-called teams they removed", were never in the new engine or its database, thus making it impossible for them to be removed. ;)
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I'm loving the demo so far.

I don't know why people are complaining about the shooting or passing. They seem real good to me.

I just scored an awesome chip goal after having Barca attack me with 9 players on my half and leaving only 1 defender. It was great.

I just can't find any bigger faults in the gameplay. Seems like EA stepped their game up this year significantly.

The only thing that still disapoints is the lack of depth in the Managerial Options.

I'm used to perfecting my formations on WE with so many options to choose, etc. But I can live this.

After playing WE for years this FIFA seems like a fresh breath of air.
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Im with Jumbo, ive enjoyed playing the demo and still enjoying WE10 so I think FIFA is close to WE this year but not as close as perhaps some of use would like. There are still some typical FIFA scripts that you can feel at times but other than that the shooting system I think is good (now ive got to grips with it at first I thought it was awful) and I like how players stats really does make a difference!

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Does anyone know if in FIFA i can do a "super cancel" (R1+R2 in WE10) and get a player out of his "rails"? As in moving a player towards the ball instead of standing still waiting for the pass?
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