FIFA 07 (PS2/XBox/PC) - Current Gen

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Well, I've downloaded it, plugged the 360 pad into the PC ready to go, and it doesn't support it. 99% of my other games do. So there's me out for a start. The frame rate was abysmal, for the first cut-scene it must have ran at 1 or 2 frames per second, and this is on a PC that can run F.E.A.R. on full-whack and Football Manager 2006 with as many leagues as you like.

However, from what little I can tell playing with the keyboard, it seems really, really good. Not a lot different from playing Pro Evolution. I think I could very easily be switching alliances this year. You can ping the ball around nicely, not have 72 midfielders breathing down your neck, and it seems pretty decent.

What really annoys me though - I've seen three or four FIFA adverts lately. On the back of FourFourTwo, England's premier football magazine, there's a FIFA advert featuring a Tranmere Rovers bus, on the back of some games magazine there was some other lower-league team's stadium, on the internet the background pics in the ads are always normal folk watching a lower-league match in a run-down stadium. All of these ads feature team-names and stadiums of clubs who are at least two divisions below the Premiership. All of these ads also have "XBOX 360" at the bottom.

That's so fucking wrong.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

thats a good point, Jack.

My main gripe with PES5 is the harassing super, no stanima draining midfielers (and stikers) that in every game, even with zone pressing on c, will close your player down in about 1 second for 90 minutes, forcing you to chuck the ball around like a pinball machine. No strategy, no purpose, you just have to play direct. Boring. It honestly ruins a stunning game. Don't get me wrong, Pro can still vastly improve on alot of things, and that would include looking at FIFA and 'poaching' a few things. From what I've seen, from vids and user reviews, PES6/WE10 is even worse in the 'pressing' stakes!

I've been playing 07 a bit more and its wearing thin. I'll wait for the Demo raptor at socceraccess, that looks like it might extend its life. Anyway, its the 360 version that will be the flagship, and I don't have the resources to get the 360 atm :(
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

The attack of the fifa bugs.... Check this one out!


You can clearly see the ball is out of play and yet Ryan Giggs was allowed to play on....

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Right, here's my insight on this demo. It's better than previous versions. But still way behind PES/WE.

Game is slow, passing is slow. It doesn't feel organic like PES/WE. Sometimes i just feel like i cant control the players, they do 2, 3 or 4 extra steps in one direction when i want them to go the other. Sometimes they're fast receiving the ball while turning, then do a super slow pass to another player. :(

I'm a dribbler. In WE10, if there's an inch between two players and i'm Ronaldinho, i'm going for that inch. I might lose the ball a lot of times, but i can aim at that inch. I cant do that in this Fifa. Because i dont have enough control of the players.

And FFS EA, hire any "amateur" kitmaker from this forum, they'll do a better job!
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

PC demo was a positive suprise. Yes its not as good as PES overall but gives good first impression, nice to see how the 360 version is.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I have got used to the shooting system at last!! I can score goals now on harder levels.. im liking this but yes not as good as WE

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Downloaded the demo, played it and I'm really really surprised at how improved the game is.

- ball physics
- long passes
- kicking animation (shooting, passing, etc.)

All of these things that I alawys thought had plagued fifa, are so different and better now.

While the game may still not be as good as WE, you have to admit EA has made much greater progess this year.

Fucking shame on you KONAMI.

I cannot wait for the Xbox 360 version. Should be even better.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

The more I play it, the more I'm gutted. Even though there's letdowns in the gameplay, they're so small that I would play this over Konami's efforts any day - there's so much to do in it and the gameplay finally seems to let you do it in a decent realistic way. However...

The reason I'm gutted is that the PC version has obviously not been made with Windows XP 64 in mind, as I can't get the demo to recognise any pads plugged into my computer. If I was going to play FIFA this year, I'd want to be my beloved Tranmere, and so I'd have to buy the PC version. I'd love the 360 version, but if it doesn't have lower leagues, then I'd never play it.

Hopefully the final version will have x64 support, in which case I will be a very happy bunny this year and, I'm almost ashamed to say, I can see my Pro Evo pre-order being cancelled.

Although saying that, I agree with this:
airjoca said:
So you guys are having an affair. And it all seems exciting and new. But after a while you'll realize that this lover is only doing the same things as your wife/girlfriend, but not as well.

A photocopy is never as good as the original.
Every year I've done this. Got the game, selected Tranmere, been delighted to see them in the game (even if they do all have the same face), ignored the flaws... Until the next week, where you're getting infuriated at the way the opposition players all move as if they're strung together, giving you no way of getting past them.

I suppose the final verdict can't be arrived at until the final game is out.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

airjoca said:
Right, here's my insight on this demo. It's better than previous versions. But still way behind PES/WE.

Game is slow, passing is slow. It doesn't feel organic like PES/WE. Sometimes i just feel like i cant control the players, they do 2, 3 or 4 extra steps in one direction when i want them to go the other. Sometimes they're fast receiving the ball while turning, then do a super slow pass to another player. :(

I'm a dribbler. In WE10, if there's an inch between two players and i'm Ronaldinho, i'm going for that inch. I might lose the ball a lot of times, but i can aim at that inch. I cant do that in this Fifa. Because i dont have enough control of the players.

And FFS EA, hire any "amateur" kitmaker from this forum, they'll do a better job!

You must have some problems with your joypad or configuration then because I find the players react way faster than they do with PES/WE. At least in FIFA 07 the catch-up system is more realistic and you don't get a slow ass defender catching somebody like C. Ronaldo at the rate of 10 yards per second.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

hey Wolf...sorry to say, i agree i am a fanboy of WE/PES, but i do have to say i am a fanboy of good soccer games.....

i haven't played this game yet......but just reading on your review makes me want to play it, yet have to say that the problems you say you have on WE, i don't have when playing in 6*'s easy to stop the player from advancing in stand up ball tackling skills without a foul asks for the right for the passing game...timing, and choosing...if it's right, it gets and my friends can get good passing games going against the really asks for practise...

i will give FIFA a try as everyone says it's that good....but..i'm sorta saying this to "defend" WE/PES....flame me if you people disagree!!!
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Anyone know how to do trick moves if there are any? As for my take on this, the improvement and effort is there, looks like EA have finally woken up. The leap from FIFA 2006 to 2007 is great, still behind PES/WE, but I say not by much and I hope this game wakes Nokami up and keeps them on their toes, cus konami have done shite the past few games. Atleast EA put some effort into it, this time.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I gave this game a go and its definately miles better than any previous game.
And one thing I really liked was how you get the feeling that you're in full control and nothing is scripted. If something goes wrong, you know its your fault and not the games.

I'm really looking forward to the X360 version now. This has great potential. If the X360 version of FIFA is even slightly better than the PC/PS2 version, and the X360 version of PES6 is the same as WE10, I know I'll probably be playing FIFA all day.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

After playing the demo I think the final version of FIFA 07 (next gen) could well be better than PES6 (understanding Konami's next one is just a great looking port of WE10). My only problem is I really like people it this forum.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I actually like the shooting system now, I realised just as im about to release the shot I should aim the direction of where I want the ball to go and usually it forces a save out of the keeper, hits the bar or post or goes in... :)

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Milanista said:
I dont get why the graphics are so fugly though!

Fugly is an under statement. I've only played the PC version but rar it looks shite.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

TheWolf said:
You must have some problems with your joypad or configuration then because I find the players react way faster than they do with PES/WE. At least in FIFA 07 the catch-up system is more realistic and you don't get a slow ass defender catching somebody like C. Ronaldo at the rate of 10 yards per second.

Already played with the DS2 and Xbox360 pads. If you're a dribbler kinda player, it doesn't feel very good, trust me.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Well once you get past the crap graphics FIFA 07 is darn fine footy game. If the new next gen engine is better than this one and with teh 360 graphics EA may have and I say this seriously, won this round.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Looking forward to playing this now, I'm sure it will be an improvement on RTWC... how big I'm not sure, but the only big, big downer will be the teams being dropped for the 360 version.... have to wait and see how close it comes on the 360 to Konami...
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

i was one of fifa loyal fans until fifa 2003 i think then in 2004 and 2005 i switched to pes on pc of course and since pes3 i haven't seen a fifa that is worth playing until this year i just can't get enough of the demo i admit it might have some bugs but it didn't effect the overall experiance which was pretty good for me and it has(and correct me if i am wrong) left out the feeling of scripted football that the 2004 to 2006 gave and that''s why it's fantastic and this is only showing that ea has finally felt the heat of konami on thair back and started improveing and i think we will have in the next years a battle between ea and konami in the football games to dominate the market which will only make us happy couse of the improved football games we will get to enjoy
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Have to say im really impressed with this, and i havent been able to play more then one game of fifa since 99, but i played this for about an hour. I dont know why you guys think the graphics are so ugly though, compared to pes5pc they look a lot better to me atleast, the stadium especially.

Good points:
-Pace of the game, i like that when you dont move with the pad your player auto slows down instead of we's keep on moving
-correct speed (no ridiculous catch-up)
-Graphics, i like it
-reaction to controller, its very sharp

Bad points:
- Passing seems a bit slow to me, with the ball slowing down alot at times(but could that be a combination of pitch/player/weather?)
- Shooting still doesnt seme to have the "weight" that you get with pes/we, although it is very close now.
- d-pad control, is it just the demo or me, but i couldnt get the diagonals to work on d-pad, just up/down/left/right, and i used the 360controller and a ps2 logitech controller. Which made it difficult to make sharp turns.

Thats about it really, if the 360 is any better, like they seem to be saying it could be very close between pes/we this year. And if the 360 had had all of the teams i would even lean more towards that. Offcourse its difficult to say whether it has the gameplay longevity of pes, but it did seem to have enough randomness to it for that to be the case.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Peter Eyres said:
thats a good point, Jack.

My main gripe with PES5 is the harassing super, no stanima draining midfielers (and stikers) that in every game, even with zone pressing on c, will close your player down in about 1 second for 90 minutes, forcing you to chuck the ball around like a pinball machine. No strategy, no purpose, you just have to play direct. Boring. It honestly ruins a stunning game. Don't get me wrong, Pro can still vastly improve on alot of things, and that would include looking at FIFA and 'poaching' a few things. From what I've seen, from vids and user reviews, PES6/WE10 is even worse in the 'pressing' stakes!

Yep a little worse!! They need to sort this out but as someone posted before.. Konami seem to be going down this road rather than getting rid of the scripts.... The big thing i always find against FIFA is for all their licences the kits suck.... especially after playing patched WE!!
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

tiktiktiktik I have no issues with diagonals on the game.. Ive got used to the shooting system which can sometimes be erratic (true to life though) and the passing system is a bit slow, and not having a manual pass option (with a power bar) is a bit of a step backwards.

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Ive had no troubles with Diagonals on my D-pad either. I use a PS2 Pad converter so I can use my PS2 pads on my PC. The demo works a treat with it.

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