FIFA 07 (PS2/XBox/PC) - Current Gen

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007


Its a forum to spread opinions on a variety of topics, this one being a rival to pro evo, and im sure everyone wants a decent game to rival Konami's, which would only make them sit up and take notice.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

easy, easy, easy.

Get real. Just because we play Pro Evo (which is still the better game) it doesn't mean we are FIFA fanboys. Fifa improving is a good thing for the consumer, the fans of the genre, and for the development of PES. If Fifa's credibillity goes up and attracts simulation fans, then surely PES will be striving to win them back with innovative ideas. If they don't, well...its their own fault.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

How can we be FIFA Fanboys? Just because we want to see if EA will actually challenge Konami?

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Very impressed with the PC demo. Everything has improved so EA move a step closer to Konami because to me, WE10 was just a bug fix to WE9 without much improvement. If the trend continues then next year the games will be about equal as Konami seem to have given up on changing things that the majority of us complain about each time a new title comes out.

The 360 version of FIFA 07 promises to be even better where the 360 version of PES6/WE:PES2007 is just a straight port from the PS2 version but with slightly improved graphics. Konami don't seem too serious about EA's threat but after playing the regular gen. PC version of FIFA 07, they need to start taking EA seriously.

Great game.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

So you guys are having an affair. And it all seems exciting and new. But after a while you'll realize that this lover is only doing the same things as your wife/girlfriend, but not as well.

A photocopy is never as good as the original. Even the lines used on the offside replay are the same ffs!

Edit: yes, i did play the demo, for an hour. And i'm no WE/PES fanboy, i'm a football fanboy. And originality fanboy.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I like the demo but yes it does wear thin after a while. The shooting system is too eratic.

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Yes a little eratic is fine but this takes the michael sometimes deftones. 2 Examples of what I would expect logically:

E.g. a striker who is good at shooting but is in a bad position and is under pressure is likely to hit it wide or not test the goalkeeper unless he is Mr Ice Man like Henry usually is.

E.g. Gary Neville runs forward at full pelt and belts a ball.... usually it ends up far wide or in the crowd and not thumping into the back of the net like I had one from him the other night! great to see but when I saw it was G.Neville I thought to myself "no way could he do that in real life".

I do like the fact that I havent scored 2 goals the same way and I like some of the way the CPU Defends. its good. but something still doesnt feel quite right. not yet.

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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

djdoc360 said:
its good. but something still doesnt feel quite right. not yet.

My mate suggested yesterday that maybe the game IS perfect. Maybe subconsciously we're not will to accept FIFA even if it was a better game.

:-s Something to think about...
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

RuneEdge its anything but perfect mate WE10 has that natural feel and you almost feel like your part of the whole game its like it sucks you in. FIFA feels like a chore sometimes and you think to yourself "why am I playing this" WE10 I find more enjoyable than this which I thought was the whole point of playing games.

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

RuneEdge said:
My mate suggested yesterday that maybe the game IS perfect. Maybe subconsciously we're not will to accept FIFA even if it was a better game.

:-s Something to think about...

Your mate a FIFA fan who hates PES basically due to it's "fakeness" (the lack of licenses)? I've encountered a few.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Just played it abit, and it was alright, definately felt better then previous fifa's.

But is there a way to have the cpu on a higher level, as they were pretty poor now, i immediately won 3-0 (including a nice scissorkick by eto'o) and that while i was pressing wrong buttons frequently. they never seemed to really harass my players even near their goal, so its probably 1 or 2 star level so to speak.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Install this demo expander, Big Boss. You will be able to change the difficulty level, add the referee and linesman, change the game resolution and play in window, besides you have infinite time to play. :)
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Go to and you can find an expander which allows you to change match time, resolution, difficulty, level of detail and few other things.

The demo itself was quite good for a Fifa game so I consider buying Fifa as well.

Edit: mIGUEL beat me to it:p
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Is there any other place to download this because I am waiting like one hour or something and still it says you can start downloading after 15 minutes.It's like they are giving me the whole game for free
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I wasted 700 mb of international bandwidth when the game could be repacked and have only 230 mb?! :shock: :roll:
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Mates if you put this on a harder level using the expander all that happens is the goalie gets tougher to beat.. in fact almost impossible at times... looks like EA Have stuffed up the difficulty settings again.

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I've been playing WE10 since the end of May and I can't say it's particularly more enjoyable than FIFA 07 at all. The lack of atmosphere in WE10 is still very apparent and the over-pressuring of the CPU to allow a realistic build-up of 7 or 8 passes approaching goal stops the game from being that realistic. The only way to achieve consistent realistic passing combinations on WE10 is to play on lower difficulty levels otherwise even perfectly placed passes get cut out way too often. Watch a real Premiership game and 7+ passing combinations moving up the field are pretty common but in WE10 the pressure is too tight from the CPU and it plays very little containment but instead tries to put in a full-bloodied tackle even when in real life as the last man it would be the obvious choice to contain and wait for support.

Additionally, I find the tackling on FIFA 07 vastly more realistic than WE10. It is far too easy to rely purely on the slide tackle rather than regular stand-up tackles in WE10 as you are less likely to be called for a foul with them. That just isn't realistic. With FIFA 07, stand-up pressuring of the player with the ball stops their encroachment up the field and hustles them to lose the ball whereas in WE10 you either foul them or they go past you - there is little inbetween. Sometimes you just slow the player with the ball down until support arrives but in WE10 it always wants to commit immediately when you pressure the player with the ball. The players don't slow down in WE10 if you try to contain them but instead almost always look for the pass back or taking you on 1-on-1 at full speed. It seems only wide open players in WE10 will slow the game down, hold the ball up for supporting players before distributing.

Don't get me wrong, FIFA 07 isn't the perfect game but to say it's unrealistic compared to PES5 or WE10 isn't true at all. There are many gripes I have about the realism in WE10 which when you compare it to a real soccer game are very apparent. I think PES2 and PES3 were the most realistic in terms of linking play between the defense and midfield but the pressure increase from PES4 onwards has meant that you have to be very good at the game to replicate the same types of build-up as you get in a real game.

FIFA 07 is a great game, or at least promises to be. WE10 is a great game too but the lack of licenses, lack of atmosphere, lack of proper league/tournament structure, means at last this year we have a realistic alternative.

And everybody who knows me knows I'm far from being an EA fanboy!!!
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

djdoc360 said:
Mates if you put this on a harder level using the expander all that happens is the goalie gets tougher to beat.. in fact almost impossible at times... looks like EA Have stuffed up the difficulty settings again.


Not at all. I scored 3 past Barcelona. You just have to be smarter and not hit and hope. If you place the ball realistically towards the corners or pull the goalkeeper out of position before laying off a pass then it's relatively easy to score. Not always easy to get in those positions because the defense are smarter in dropping off and reading the through-balls and covering your players runs. They are no more Supermen than in 6 stars on WE10.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

mIGUEL. said:
Install this demo expander, Big Boss. You will be able to change the difficulty level, add the referee and linesman, change the game resolution and play in window, besides you have infinite time to play. :)

Cheers mate :)

Ill be trying a few more games, although for me playing football on the PC with a PC joypad just isnt as good as playing it on the console.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Problems FIFA 07 very bag gk, they are worse than we10. top gk Dida Van Der Sar cant do this mistake what i see in demo. And i not like what very hard to take away ball, 90% my atack i finish shot , may be it difficulty level of demo. FIFA 07 have best gameplay from all EA football game, PES better :). But fifa graphics real shit, i see this in 03 04 05 06 07 euro 04 CL wc06 ... Now autumn 2006 and EA give this graphics again... i have xbox360 and hope that nexgen version be good, i want NBA2k7 graphics in football game, xbox360 fifa07 and pes6 not give this.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Must just be me who thinks its hard to beat the goalies on harder levels...

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

What minimum graphics card do you need,I never really play games on my pc,so I just have a 32mb nvidia card.

I presume you need about 128mb.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

djdoc360 said:
Must just be me who thinks its hard to beat the goalies on harder levels...


me too.

I think its better than the PS2 demo, but still not that good. Graphics are awful.

Still got high hopes for the 360 version though.
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