Everybody's Golf World Tour (PS3)

Just unlocked that Japanese pro golfer completely randomly after finishing a Pro event (offline obviously). He's bloody useless! His stats are terrible, impact, spin and sidespin are disgracefully bad! You must have to unlock some fantastic clubs and balls to be able to use him properly.
Man I wish I was into the game as much as you, I've only just unlocked that Suzuki guy. [PS he is off his tits.]
Don't suppose there's a cheat to unlock all the courses? I know I'd be cheating myself but I'm finding it so tedious playing these off-line tournaments- wish they were all the 'versus matches' as I quite enjoy the match-play against the computer.
Not that I know of.

Funny you should say that, I hate playing against the AI. It's so rubber-band it's untrue, hit it in the water they hit it in the water or a bunker, get it next to the hole and they nearly get a hole in one... But it doesn't matter anyway because it's a great game online.
I've had a few days off this - the endless challenges are getting me down a bit too.

I don't have many golf balls either - Standard, Pinhole, Grass and Sand are the only ones I've unlocked. Are others in the same boat as me?
I've got five balls (oooh get her), all the ones you mention there plus the big-hit one.

I'm up to silver now, so close, but I'm just flagging a bit from so much time on it. But it will be worth it when I'm competing with the big boys (oooh get her) online.
[ooh-err]I'm jealous of your balls, JB.

With your big-hit ball you must have incredible length....[/ooh-err]
I played my first proper tournament last night (rather then just the 8 players) and was a little disappointed that you couldnt see the other players. I know it would be ridic crowded with 50 players but I love seeing how everyone else is doing and hoping too many putts don't go into the cup :o)
Not that I know of.

Funny you should say that, I hate playing against the AI. It's so rubber-band it's untrue, hit it in the water they hit it in the water or a bunker, get it next to the hole and they nearly get a hole in one... But it doesn't matter anyway because it's a great game online.

I notice in the early mini-tourney challenges that the movement of the rest of the field from hole to hole is ridic. On one hole, practically the whole field get a birdie and then they all double-bogey or something- it's bizarre and very unrealistic. If you finish about -1 or so, the title is in the bag as everyone falls away at the 18th! (maybe just cause I'm not far into the game though)

Like you say, excellent online, which is the main thing.
I've won every tournament so far - I have been truly abysmal in some of them, but the guys you're playing suddenly start making bogeys when it's obvious you're not going to win. To be honest, it's quite handy because you don't have to go back and enter the competition again, but it is a bit lame.

I think I was 5 or 6 shots off the lead in one comp, with 4 holes to play. I won with a score of level par after a cataclysmic collapse by the 30 or so players above me! I couldn't believe it!
I've won every tournament so far - I have been truly abysmal in some of them, but the guys you're playing suddenly start making bogeys when it's obvious you're not going to win. To be honest, it's quite handy because you don't have to go back and enter the competition again, but it is a bit lame.

I think I was 5 or 6 shots off the lead in one comp, with 4 holes to play. I won with a score of level par after a cataclysmic collapse by the 30 or so players above me! I couldn't believe it!

You're right, I shouldn't be complaining as I think my PS3 would be through the window if I had to re-start any of these tournamants.
I love this game just don't get much time to play it. Does anyone know whats the maximum loyalty you can get out of a character? I am on level 9 with Sophie and I am thinking that there can't be much more left in the tank.
Semi-Pro now, love this game so much it's so fun! Just unlocked the first intermediate player, Sasha, good stats but seems like a bit of a snob. :-pp

Haven't actually played an online game yet, I'm scared I'll get owned, heh. Nah seriously I don't mind if I get beat, just enjoying single player too much.
I love this game just don't get much time to play it. Does anyone know whats the maximum loyalty you can get out of a character? I am on level 9 with Sophie and I am thinking that there can't be much more left in the tank.
13 is "MAX" I think, but it's quite hard to attain. You have to get good scores across all the courses to make it advance further - according to one of the loading screens anyway.
13 is "MAX" I think, but it's quite hard to attain. You have to get good scores across all the courses to make it advance further - according to one of the loading screens anyway.

Have you got all the courses now Jack? I only have the first 3 but loving this game, I KNOW I will be playing this for months....
Same here, it is one of the best games I've played, no doubt. Its simplicity veils its depth.

I've got five courses now, I can see the sixth course is used for one of my next "silver" events, it sounds very English (something "links" I think) - looking forward to it.

The later ones are definitely the best ones, that alpine course is superb.
Same here, it is one of the best games I've played, no doubt. Its simplicity veils its depth.

I've got five courses now, I can see the sixth course is used for one of my next "silver" events, it sounds very English (something "links" I think) - looking forward to it.

The later ones are definitely the best ones, that alpine course is superb.

Absolutely agree- so simple yet so much depth. Haven't even tried any side spin or anything like that!

Which course was the one which you said was really good before? I had the first 3 but have yet to find one which I really like.

btw- links courses are Scottish :DD
I've got all 6 courses now - and ive maxed 2 characters out so far - 13 sounds about right.

The arse is ive maxed out filipe and hes still average - it adds things like more power shots but what the hell is the dodgy sounding back door shot upgrades?

I'm 1 challenge away from being able to challenge the last character - the 2nd to last was a walk in the park but the 2 before that were cheating rubber band gits

Looking forward to tomorrow night though
Just unlocked a few more people...

Unlocked "Kate" the expert. Who wears ACTUAL stockings. Those Japs are mental.

Also unlocked the muscle-woman caddy. Why does someone always stand on her foot when you get a par?

She scares me JB - I can imagine her beating the crap out of my character for getting bogeys and worse
What difference do the stats actually make (power, control, impact etc.)? I know most of them but "control" - what does that do? Is it like luck, i.e. you can hit a slightly dodgy shot but you'll still land it reasonably close?
I always thought that about control JB, and maybe how accurate spin is and what not. Y'know, wind not affecting a shot as much as someone with crap control.
Admittedly I'm not that great at this game but I tend to find that the more advanced players hit the ball with a hook or slice, which they compensate for by starting the ball left for a right-handed slicer for instance. Anyway, I prefer the slightly shorter straighter hitters although, like I say, I'm no Tiger Woods I'm afraid.
What difference do the stats actually make (power, control, impact etc.)? I know most of them but "control" - what does that do? Is it like luck, i.e. you can hit a slightly dodgy shot but you'll still land it reasonably close?

JB, For control, read 'technique'. So your bad shots won't be as bad as the next guys....
What do the musical notes mean? I thought the treble clef meant "perfect power", because I keep getting it on the greens. But I came up quite short before and still got it.


And also, I've just hit an approach shot to a green that nearly went off the other side, and up came this musical note...?

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