Everybody's Golf World Tour (PS3)


When you pick an Item card is it random?

Or is it a pre decided gift?

And why does this game have very pedophilic undertones?
I'm going to swerve the Evening Tournaments for a while - it's full of Yanks and Canadians who are way ahead of us in terms of stuff unlocked. Playing as Sophie they were driving regularly in the 290-300 range and I was down at 240! Feck knows what beasts they're are still to unlock.

I only finished 2 shots off, but down in 7th.

What's everyone's perfect impact percentage? Mine is 30% - that seems pretty cack!?

Yeah I am the same, its tough, managed to come 2nd in a tournie last night. I was driving 240, the winner was driving 290!

My impact % is around 35% I think as well...
Hi fellas

quick question

The time online for me is stil an hour behind.

I have manualy set the clock correctly on my ps3, but this made no differance.

before this I made the PS3 set the time via the internet, but this didnt correct it either

any ideas?

All I can suggest is, make sure you've set the summer time option to "ON" in the PS3 clock menu, rather than just putting the clock forward an hour.
I've got this problem too - I'll have a look and see if I can fix it. I believe the Yanks clocks move forward next weekend so don't worry, you won't be stuck like that for the next 6 months!

***EDIT - Yep, what JB said. You need to select Daylight Saving.

And Cammey, pretty certain the prizes aren't random. I always go top left and it always seems to be a club or ball (or even better, outfits for my two-bit scottish caddy)!
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I don't have the in-game clock problem, and all I did to alter my PS3 clock time was switch the summer time setting on. So I would imagine people are just setting the clock forward an hour and that's what's causing the problem.

Also, I chose random cards at first but now I just select the top-left card as well, and so far I've unlocked course "tickets" coincidentally every time I've played on a new course. So I'm guessing it doesn't matter.

(I love the Scottish caddy by the way, reminds me of Edith Bowman :thumbup:)
Lie JB says you have top set the PS3 to daylight savings rather than just changing the clock yourself - im set as daylight savings and my clocks synced up perfectly with the game.
This is what I said Cammey, and she sounds about 10. Especially when she does that "stretch".

I'm making no further comment for fear of the coppers turning up.
This is what I said Cammey, and she sounds about 10. Especially when she does that "stretch".

I'm making no further comment for fear of the coppers turning up.

Sorry I ain't joined you lot online yet I have been busy when the games have been on.

I will sure join in the up coming games If I am around tho. :))
Got my first hole-in-one BUT it was on the Big Cup Challenge, does that count? ;))

What I will say though is that the ball went into the cup dead centre so it counts as far as I am concerned :COOPZ:

I got a hole in one too- I assumed it was a genuine one but I better check the video tonight. Really hope it wasn't on 'big cups'!! I also hope someone was taking their put when they saw my missle come in, roll along and bury itself straight in the cup :))
Yeah I am the same, its tough, managed to come 2nd in a tournie last night. I was driving 240, the winner was driving 290!

My impact % is around 35% I think as well...

Are these impact percentage of 30 & 35 respectively both when using traditional shots? Mine is about the same and I use traditional although I think it's easier to have a perfect impact using the advanced method (although I dont use it because I think it's far harder to gauge the distance).
I don't have the in-game clock problem, and all I did to alter my PS3 clock time was switch the summer time setting on. So I would imagine people are just setting the clock forward an hour and that's what's causing the problem.

Also, I chose random cards at first but now I just select the top-left card as well, and so far I've unlocked course "tickets" coincidentally every time I've played on a new course. So I'm guessing it doesn't matter.

(I love the Scottish caddy by the way, reminds me of Edith Bowman :thumbup:)

I have the time problem too and haven't manually changed anything- therefore, I reckon it's the daylight saving option- bet mine is switched off. cheers
Are these impact percentage of 30 & 35 respectively both when using traditional shots? Mine is about the same and I use traditional although I think it's easier to have a perfect impact using the advanced method (although I dont use it because I think it's far harder to gauge the distance).

Yep traditional shots, I hope to improve though...;))
The 1st girl you unlock has a pair of stockings on FFS :LOL:

This is what I said Cammey, and she sounds about 10. Especially when she does that "stretch".

Don't look outside.

Just got -12 on the Euro course, seriously chuffed with myself.

What makes it sweeter was that this was in challenge mode, against the CPU in the "Seeded Pro" difficulty, and three holes earlier I was -8 and tied for the lead. :D

It's certainly challenging now, before I could just hit and hope, and get away with pars, so I didn't have to concentrate on the game. Now I do, and I've still got six characters left to unlock so I'm presuming it's going to get even harder!
Yup ive got 2 or 3 left assuming there are no hidden extras, and not only are they bastards at perfectly hitting the ball 2cm away from the hole for a birdie or better but the courses before them are littered with hazards and large slopes on the greens.

Kate was tough - 3 times i tried and all 3 went to sudden death where i finally beat her with a jammy birdie
Just remembered something I meant to ask since I got the game. Is it my imagination or does a guy in the crowd say, when you're in the rough or the sand, "we're gon' die"? It's freaking me out a bit now.

EDIT: And there's that guy that does the perfect impression of my old man and goes "eh?" every time you've got a birdie putt. God he gets on my wick.

EDIT 2: Ah I've just realised, it's something about the lie. "Not good lie" or something.

And has anybody heard the final caddy, Maru-chan (or something like that), when he's puffed out? He sounds like a rapper. "Boom-achaha boom-achaha boom-achaha." :lol:
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Not sure if anyone else has had this but, last night I was teeing off in a competition. Pressed the :x: button to get it rolling, another :x: to set the power and as it set off on it's way back......

I just couldn't see it.

It was the same colour as the power bar! Not sure if it was my pj's fault, but I had to whack the contrast up full just to see the little bugger. It was like playing golf on Venus.

I think it must have something to do with what clubs you use - that sets the colour of the power bar?
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