Everybody's Golf World Tour (PS3)

Just spotted this -

Download the Demo Version of the game to instantly unlock Suzuki when playing the Full Version. (The Demo must be on the PS3 HDD)

Typical i deleted the bloody thing before i put the disc in
Got to see the missus and then I'm testing GT5, sorry.

But I'll be on for the first Evo-Web Tourny tomorrow. ;)
Can you unlock him another way?

I've read you can yes --- though he must be a decent character ... unless i have him already and ive not noticed - which is a bit of a strange free give away


- no he's the character on the top right novice
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if you guys don't know basic techniques like dual side/spin, increase/decrease buttons and super-spin, then i am gonna tear some new assholes for people as soon as i get online tomorrow!!! :)
Good game last night - I had to play the first half with my 6 month old playing up, but by the 2nd half she'd fallen asleep and i managed to rally back to a respectable score

Still, Nick is shite - ive spent all my time leveling up sophie and the guy in the blue shirt and blue hair
@ KRadiation - Sorry mate! The two times I've seen you I've been due to enter a tournie with literally under a minute to go!

What is the plan for tonight?
It's been put back to Tuesday nights for the benefit of Clockender (see the thread in the Online Gaming Forum).

Nobody's responded with what courses they've unlocked so we're going to have to play Highlands, unless you've all unlocked some decent ones. God I cannot stand Highlands...
The Japanese one with the plinky-plonky music, I know which one you mean.

(Please don't think I'm racist, it is plinky-plonky)
No worries - Tuesdays are not that great for me but as long as Clockender is happy. ;-)

So this weeks will actually be Thursday?

I should make a few, but even if not I'll be around plenty of other nights.
Sod that I have turned the music off. There is nothing worse than Everybodys Golf music ;))
I turned it off last night for the first time and (gulp) I actually missed it, and turned it back on this morning. It's only the Highland one that does my nut.

If you could play music into the game like you can on the Xbox 360 then I'd do that, but never mind!

No worries - Tuesdays are not that great for me but as long as Clockender is happy. ;-)

So this weeks will actually be Thursday?

I should make a few, but even if not I'll be around plenty of other nights.
Thursday? Who said Thursday?! :| Tuesday is the designated day so far.

Is Wednesday any better for you? As Clockender has said he can make Wednesdays as well. I want it to be accessible for everybody, obviously, so we get in as many people as possible.

EDIT: Ah, did you say Thursday because there's football matches on?

Yes, you must have, CL nights are on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Bugger.
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No worries - Tuesdays are not that great for me but as long as Clockender is happy. ;-)

So this weeks will actually be Thursday?

I should make a few, but even if not I'll be around plenty of other nights.

Sorry mate...I didn't ask JB to change it, just said that Mondays were bad for me at the moment.

This weeks is tomorrow as far as I am aware.
I turned it off last night for the first time and (gulp) I actually missed it, and turned it back on this morning. It's only the Highland one that does my nut.

If you could play music into the game like you can on the Xbox 360 then I'd do that, but never mind!

Thursday? Who said Thursday?! :| Tuesday is the designated day so far.

Is Wednesday any better for you? As Clockender has said he can make Wednesdays as well. I want it to be accessible for everybody, obviously, so we get in as many people as possible.

EDIT: Ah, did you say Thursday because there's football matches on?

Generally Wednesday is the best night for me, apart from this week. I have a big football match to go to....;))

JB you can't please everyone all of the time. If Mondays are best for everyone else then leave it at that...its no big deal.
Right well I've just realised what T Butcher is getting at, it's CL night on Tuesday and Wednesday as well, which is awkward.

Perhaps this week we should play tonight, Monday, as was originally planned, and then after that we can sort out a day that's good for everybody? I think this is the way to go, so I will be hosting the room at 8pm tonight. Sorry for the confusion.

I want T Butcher and Clockender to be there, so we'll have to figure out a good day for next week. Could you both post what days and times are best for you?
ATM Wednesday is best for me, anytime after 8pm.

If I move my PS3 upstairs then any night is ok really at this time, its just a pain in the arse to keep moving it. Does anyone know if a PS2 scart lead will work in a PS3?

Can't do tonight anyway as I am out.
JB - it's an unenviable task trying to sort blokes out! You're doing a good job!

Clockender has more commitments than me so I'm happy to keep it at Tuesdays. I'll be about occasionally, but like I said, I can get on most other nights to play you lot in impromptu sessions, whereas Clockender only has a small window.
ATM Wednesday is best for me, anytime after 8pm.

If I move my PS3 upstairs then any night is ok really at this time, its just a pain in the arse to keep moving it. Does anyone know if a PS2 scart lead will work in a PS3?

Can't do tonight anyway as I am out.

I think so. My PS2 Component cable works fine for the PS3.
JB - it's an unenviable task trying to sort blokes out! You're doing a good job!

Clockender has more commitments than me so I'm happy to keep it at Tuesdays. I'll be about occasionally, but like I said, I can get on most other nights to play you lot in impromptu sessions, whereas Clockender only has a small window.

Yeah well done JB!

T Butcher - Cheers mate but its not like this game is going to be a flash in the pan, I am sure we will be playing this for weeks to come, its that good.

JB has set it to tonight so lets stick to that and see how you do tonight. Tuesdays generally are shit for me, just not this week. ;). Wednesdays are great for me every week, the missus is out, and I can play EG in HD downstairs.

If a PS2 scart lead works then its no bother to move my PS3 upstairs every Monday for the Evo-web tournie, its worth it!
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