Everybody's Golf World Tour (PS3)

ill have a try later on on this online with you lot - and whats the problem with rock band online?

ive had no problems online with friends so far on that
I've tried to play pboreham and someone else, both times I get "error in connection". The PS3 even froze up completely at one point trying to get it to work.
Well I'll be jiggered, it worked great.

pboreham, Jaygrim, sort your bloody connections out.

Cheers for the game fellas

I was CRL01 in the lobby. couldnt be bothered typing that I aman evo-webber!

anyways I got atleast two games in before I got kicked
Be internet's bog-standard router (I have to use it as it's ADSL2+ compatible). The SpeedTouch 780. It's a pile of shite, so I've always thought I've been the problem. But obviously not!

I connect wirelessly as well, which I've always thought would cause a problem. But there's no free connections on it so I have no choice.

Paul, do you have an open NAT on your 360 and everything - same question to you jaygrim?


Hello!! Pattern emerging!!
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Mondays are good for me.

I'm 0 for 3 in tournament wins. Always on the podium but my putting is letting me down.
Came third last night after leading all the way until the last hole. I cannot do an approach shot that's uphill, I ALWAYS underhit it.

Looks like Monday is the night then, just need pboreham, Jaygrim and Clockender's confirmation that they can make it.
Are you paying attention to the lie? Even when it's 97-100% you're likely to lose 3 or 4 yards.

My length is pretty much perfect now (ooer missus...)
Yeah, I have a look at the lie first. It just seems that whenever it's uphill I can't judge it.

I have a system for the putts, I'm sure you all do - 8.3m away, 11cm up, 8.3 plus 1.1 equals 9.4, so that's the power I'll use. Works every time. Now I'm trying to find a system like that for the uphill/downhill approach shots - but the results seem to fluctuate like crazy.
i hate the way the caddys say

'it's up hill' and at the top of the screen it says 'FLAT'

or they'll tell you it's up hill and it is... and then you hit X and suddenly they'll shout 'leans to the left' which is no help after ive pressed x and ready to stop it at the bottom

i was great at putting yesterday - but today i played and i was all over the place - ive been lining everything up the same as yesterday, hitting it roughly the same and its been either really short or its curved miles wide

Ive just noticed they have more lobbys with the giraffe on - So is our lobby 1 and then the first giraffe room there is - or do we change to something like the bottom most lobby and sub room whatever that is?
Yeah, I have a look at the lie first. It just seems that whenever it's uphill I can't judge it.

I have a system for the putts, I'm sure you all do - 8.3m away, 11cm up, 8.3 plus 1.1 equals 9.4, so that's the power I'll use. Works every time. Now I'm trying to find a system like that for the uphill/downhill approach shots - but the results seem to fluctuate like crazy.

Same system for putts. For approach I just halve the distance above or below my position, and then factor in the other elements. Also if I'm hitting draw or fade I'll add a little bit on. And if the wind is anything other than behind me, I'll add more on too.

The PS2 version was quite mathematical but I think this one you need to rely a little bit more on instinct.

Something I've been meaning to mention, I miss the Rival Mode you had online in the PS2 version. I hope that's something they bring back in. I enjoy the tournies, but rival mode was my favourite. Even if you got beat, you'd learn something from the other guy. And if you're playing a mate, you've got plenty of time to knock out the messages.
Monday is ok from say 8ish. I'm on Virgin and my nat is open, never had problems before and i have played a couple of comps on here.
What router is it jaygrim?

EDIT: And a stupid question now, is it possible to use a mouse for the game? I'd be a lot more confident if I could do that - I wouldn't even mind sacrificing spin.
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I've seen a few people come online shouting 'evo web?' but ive not recognized the usernames and then as im typing a response they've left the room.

Started to advance through the SP modes now but i keep winning bloody clubs and im fed up of them now - give me some goodies!!!
I'm up to Pro now and I'm finally starting to lose tournaments. I've won every event on the first go so far, but last night I finished 2+ on a new course.

I hope Pro isn't the last level, it's getting interesting!
i've not long unlocked some movie guy with a black cap on and around the same time some news guy in a blue shirt. erm.. no idea what courses ive unlocked but im playing like shite and to make it worse the game has took pity on me and offered me an easy mode.

Though in amongst the crap ive done some really nice flukey shots and putts - a real shame we cant share the replays online
Well, I think I'm going to buy this when my new bank card arrives, been reading reviews and watching videos about it and it just looks really good. Can't wait to order it. :D
Look at the spin stat for the character/clubs/balls before you start the game and make sure it's 50% or above.

For super backspin, press up during the backstroke and down during the frontstroke. I'm presuming you reverse it for super topspin but I don't know, and you can do the same for curving the ball I think?
Also (something I never knew from Minna), the bars at the side of the ball (in the bottom right), mean how much spin you can apply to the ball - in relation to the lie. I.e. in heavy rough, the vertical bar is shortened, meaning you cannot apply much spin to the shot.

For hooking and slicing, use the method JB says above - i.e. hold left in the backswing and the right in the frontstroke to send the ball curling right (I think!) etc.

You can also use combinations - so a hook or slice with superback spin, would be up/right on the backswing and down/left on the front...
Also (something I never knew from Minna), the bars at the side of the ball (in the bottom right), mean how much spin you can apply to the ball - in relation to the lie. I.e. in heavy rough, the vertical bar is shortened, meaning you cannot apply much spin to the shot.

ahhh... i didn't know that!

That will help a lot because ive wondered a few times why ive not managed to get any backspin as the ball lands
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