Everton Thread



The one on the left looks like an extra off the Football Factory :DD

Blue4life and andy johnson (chico)


sunday 30th march at the bot watching liverpool v everton derby

Shame of the Liverpool and Everton fans who are destroying football's greatest derby

Mon, Mar 31, 08


and then some fan comments on this article...

Rog C (31/03/2008 16:12)
Comment Quote Report abuse Let's face it.. seems to me the state of youth, the state of manners, the state of society as a whole has deteriorated. I guess changing attitudes in football is just a reflection of that.

Richie (31/03/2008 16:17)
Comment Quote Report abuse Well said Kenny. And as if to prove the point , I was at the 89 final in the bluenose end with my red hat and scarf. Never any problems and the blues all looked after us as we were only kids.You used to always get loads of blues on the old kop for derby day and the banter was great. Now there is now respect at all and the disgusting jibes are not even funny.

Nelson (31/03/2008 16:18)
Comment Quote Report abuse So true
Being an South African Everton Fan for over 20 Years now I was disgusted byt the spitting incident . Funny enough that was not mentioned by Mr Benitez when accusing the Everton fans of the abuse throwned at gerrard.

Dan (31/03/2008 16:18)
Comment Quote Report abuse Great article!

Rafa The Gaffer (31/03/2008 16:23)
Comment Quote Report abuse There's always hope
I was hopeful of a turnround in relations after the Rhys Jones tragedy when Reds and Blues of all ages and locations united to join in support for the family. Sadly what you say about the young fans is true. Neither set of young fans knows the history of the others clubs, nor respects the other club. It's nothing to do with where you were born either. Your RTK reference to them wanting to kick out-of-towners out is blatantly wrong. They just want the people out who spend all match on the phone to their friend. To get back to the "good old days" I'm one of the older lot (well, I'll be 40 in a few months), but have never lived in Liverpool (although I've probably spent more time there than these youngsters who have lived there all their life). Everton have the same set of Sky TV fuelled fans. I live in South Wales and there's a couple of Evertonian fans down here (and neither of them are from liverpool originally). When I was over in Greece for the CL final I took a holiday as well on Kos, and the 18-25 y/o's behaviour was disgusting. All of them were local Liverpudlians, but that is the same for all teams, not just Liverpool, Everton, Man Utd etc. They've read about the holliganism in the 80's and think they are harder, and want to prove it. Hopefully all clubs can stamp this out before the game reverts back to the bad days of the 80's.

Robbie (31/03/2008 16:30)
Comment Quote Report abuse From a red, i have to thank you for the comments Heysel, yes our fans did not help a great deal that night, but yes it could and would have been someone else if we did not get there that night, am 30 and i was brought up on the kop in the 80's, the banta was great, them days half the kop was in blue on the derby day, yes some abuse but not much, i remeber the 86 fa cup, most of the everton fans stayed in the ground and watched, now you get nothing but spite and bitterness and on a whole it does come from everton fans. am sorry to see them days gone

rouman (31/03/2008 16:31)
Comment Quote Report abuse true...
fine words spoken,and while i agree with most of your points, there are some i donot. i too am from liverpool, and a loyal red. my best mate is a blue nose.i have been at anfield for over 40 years. and let me tell you i know many bitter blues over 45, so you cannot just blame the youngsters.the reasons you give are valid ones, but theres this thing about everton fans, were they get off on is that all scousers, only surrport the blues, wrong go around town, and most places,you will see more red kits than blue, go to there shops, the blue not many in it the red packed. most little kids were red in liverpool not blue.we have nothink to prove to everton we have trophys, to prove are greatness.and the truth is we are the BEST TEAM ON MERSEYSIDE... history proves that. its time you blue noses excepted the truth, as for the neville thing well blame his brother big nev, he started all this ,and you know as well as i noone on merseyside likes the mancs, and they don.t like us.i have met blue noses who have prayed for the mancs to beat us but i never met a red who did anythink but want the mancs to lose whoever they played. it does need to change. but envy thoe a small word, is a big factor and this is everton,s problem not ours...

Jay (31/03/2008 16:33)
Comment Quote Report abuse Total Rubbish
Knee jerk reaction i'm afraid. And as for laying the blame at the door of the younger generation, i'd invite you to spend an afternoon in the Park End. Grown men 50+, the chap responsible for spitting atPhil Neville was no spring chicken. No i'm sorry but your article was wrong. I imagine this article was written as some sort of knee jerk reaction to the comments of Mr Benitez yesterday.

Blankie (31/03/2008 16:33)
Comment Quote Report abuse Embarassing.
Brilliant article Harper.. I must say i was f**king disgusted seeing that season ticket holder, whos always there cos i see him when the corners are about to be taken, spit on the back on Neville. Disgusting!! Theres no need. And even when Gerrard was taking the corner in the 2nd half and all you could see were the stewards having to restrain the Evertonian fans for the agressive abuse they were belting at him. Either way, Derby's are brilliant, and the energy is 110% from the fans, but i would like to see a little more respect to the players on the field. Lescotts chant is horrid, the people who thought of it should be 'Stoned'... Im a born and bred RED, with a level head, but the way the derby's are going it wont be long till someone ends up DEAD.. Sort it out Merseyside..

Neil Cameron (31/03/2008 16:35)
Comment Quote Report abuse You're wrong.
The two scum that spat on the back of Neville's back were of the older generation and from Liverpool. They are the ones you think understand the history. Sadly its a society issue affected by the constant TV, internet and newspaper coverage of anything happening and the media's constant need of a headline so stories dont necessarily reflect reality. This takes its toll on people and slowly but surely the good is wrung out of yr average supporter to the detriment of us all.

Dan Kennedy (31/03/2008 16:44)
Comment Quote Report abuse Why Blame Us!!!
I don't like some parts of this post at all, why are you blaming hate shown towards Manchester United and Everton on Liverpool Fans from outside Merseyside, I am a Liverpool fan from Dublin and when in Liverpool at least once or twice a year for the Premiership every local red I have spoken to doesn't like Man Utd or Everton just as much as me, I don't go around spitting on people or using vulgure language, watch who you point the blame at next time please. Regards Dan

Cat Corcoran (31/03/2008 16:45)
Comment Quote Report abuse Pull Together
As an avid LFC fan born and bred in Liverpool it really bores and hurts me to set BOTH sets of fans behaving in the way they do (over ecent years) I always attended the Derby games and looked forward to them more than any other. Now though as a mother I can't go anymore, I can't take my 7 year old boy to watch what should be the main match of the season, How sad is that. I took him once and he asked me to take him home at half time becuase of the swearing and anger on fans faces. Instead of sitting here and blamming each other, why don't the two supporters clubs do something about it? Why can't they educate both sets of fans? Why can't EFC fans stop blamming LFC for Hysel, why not just blame the morons who actually did it? We did the city proud for majority of 80's with FA and League cup finals, Travelling together arm in arm and sitting together. lets get back to those days? Lets get backto enjoying football instead of being so aggressive. Lets stop all of this horrible personal insult stuff it is sick, wrong and basically just not clever. P.S By the way LFC fans do not sing about Munich (not since the tragedy of Hills)

Howard Kendall (31/03/2008 16:48)
Comment Quote Report abuse You bitter little man. Im sure the mighty EFC would have won Eurpopean cups if it weren't for Liverpool fans? Sure. Try looking at your own bile-filled, racist fans before posting.

A Breen (31/03/2008 16:48)
Comment Quote Report abuse Good article Kenny
I have to apologise for calling you a bitter blue you seem to know a lot been a fan of your club for over 40 years. I'm from Ireland, my brothers are around the same era as yourself and support the reds and i have some work colleagues and friends that are Bluenoses or Bitters as they are called. Now i get on well with them, your article makes good points but it's down to the socialism world we live in today. What is occurring everywhere in the world shows this, gangland killings, murders, ASBO's all of the likes. It is occurring on both sides of the spectrum in parts we can't tarnish everybody with the one brush. Anytime i have been to Anfield, i have sang the songs that are LFC related not anti-united munich songs or that as we should have respect for the dead as one day everyone will have that come to them. As for the antics yesterday they were childish to say the least and embarassing on both sides but that is the nature of the beast today in 2008.

JJ - (31/03/2008 16:54)
Comment Quote Report abuse Friendly derby
Is a myth always was, theres less hatred in the air when we play united than there is when we play everton. I recall the flaming fowler got from the press, for his infamous snorting celebration - but NO-ONE mentioned the "fans" in the everton section who were baiting him.

robbie (31/03/2008 17:42)
Comment Quote Report abuse <blockquote>You bitter little man. Im sure the mighty EFC would have won Eurpopean cups if it weren't for Liverpool fans? Sure. Try looking at your own bile-filled, racist fans before posting. </blockquote> what was that you use to sing "theres no black in the everton flag"??????? go away ye bitter little boy, yes everton had a great team and it was tragic and not totaly us to blame
ham shanks

(31/03/2008 17:50)
Comment Quote Report abuse I think your article has it's heart in the right place but putting the blame on young supporters or people from outside the city is naive. We've all had experiences of being ashamed of our own supporters, and I've followed Liverpool since the late seventies and there have been times occasionally throughout that whole period. Big games - man u for liverpool and liverpool for everton, brings out the worst in the worst. And I've always said, centainly of liverpool fans, we have both the best fans in the league and the worst - our best are really amazing but our scum are really bad scum
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The spitting on Neville, and the knobhead kid and his grandad throwing the ball away are not needed. The spitting is especially bad and the stewards should've done more, kicked them out of the ground and banned them.

What were the fans singing to Lescott?

nah just about him looking like a Klingon, which he does.

Slightly different to saying Gerrard' baby isn't his, as its aimed at two people including a defenceless little girl.

Regardless, its all a load of shite and should be kicked out of football.

The 'friendly' atmopshere at Derbies has diminshed because the two clubs are supposedly getting closer in terms of competing for things.

I heard there was alot of trouble after the game with drunken retards having a go at Pool fans going home with their kids after the game. Toilets being smashed up in the ground etc. I know its not just one set of fans, and they are a minority, but its usally the fans of the loosing team that flares up incidents like that.

ifithadnabinfor........Torres being deadly and Sami/Martin playing a blinder
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You still have to face Arsenal, Chelsea and Aston Villa, no?

We'll be fine :-pp

honestly, I don't think we're there yet.

We have Arsenal Away next and Everton have Derby at Home.

And we may well rest players for the CL game!

the derby merely gave us breathing space to slip up twice (6 point lead with goal difference) But with out fixtures coming up, that could well happen, Rafa will be going all out for the CL, Everton will be wounded and determined to get fourth.

thnik we'll still get 4th myself

Ever the optimist :LOL:

What's with all of this "ifithadnabeenfor...." stuff? I keep seeing it on RAWK when they talk about Evertonians?

he is the elephant man to the tune of the music man etc

as for...... What's with all of this "ifithadnabeenfor...." stuff? I keep seeing it on RAWK when they talk about Evertonians?


nah just about him looking like a Klingon, which he does.

Slightly different to saying Gerrard' baby isn't his, as its aimed at two people including a defenceless little girl.

Regardless, its all a load of shite and should be kicked out of football.

The 'friendly' atmopshere at Derbies has diminshed because the two clubs are supposedly getting closer in terms of competing for things.

I heard there was alot of trouble after the game with drunken retards having a go at Pool fans going home with their kids after the game. Toilets being smashed up in the ground etc. I know its not just one set of fans, and they are a minority, but its usally the fans of the loosing team that flares up incidents like that.

ifithadnabinfor........Torres being deadly and Sami/Martin playing a blinder

The problem now lies at the feet of both clubs currently. Its a sad trend that seemed to come from nowhere from a young generation of Everton fans. It certainly wasnt around in 1994 which seems to be the last time i remember a really friendly derby at Anfield.

But the clubs need to sort it out. The managers need to shut the whining and start getting their heads together, in latter years Moyes 'peoples club' jibe has caused a divide, and Rafas only deepened it with some of his comments. it doesnt help when both clubs are sniping back tit for tat, for goodness sake i wish the lot would grow up.

Winds me up.

you do all realise Rafas comments were taken out of context.

He said 'Smaller' teams come to Anfield looking to park the bus, yes he was talking about Everton, and yes Everton are a smaller club that us. Even Moyes admitted it!!!

We Dont care what the....RS...say...oh we do

so easy to blame the Youth generation,as we can see in these pics the guy who is spitting doesn't look like a 18 or 19 years old...
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