Everton Thread




Everton 6 (six) Brann 1 agg (8-1)
You know i sat there watching a sluggish start from a very talented Everton side and wondered was it going to be one of those nights we all as football fans dread.
Brann had come full of menance and intent and why wouldnt they, they were two goals down! Everton stood tall and strong and it took half an hour before we finally broke them down.
But Yakubu settled Everton's nerves when he curled home from 15 yards after Tim Cahill had created the chance.

Four minutes from the break the tie was all over when Johnson took a pass from Arteta, turned away and drilled a low shot inside the far post.Beautiful finish and we started to look the class act that we are, goals flying in from all over the joint and my smoke breaks and trips to the fridge for another beer had to be skillfully thought out! The goals were of such high quality and to my amazement this brann team never gave up right to the final whistle, it really was the master class of how to finish , steven pienarr has to get a special mention as he was involved in almost every thing , certainly had a hand in four of the six goals, so job done was alot tougher than an 8-1 agg score line would show but were scoring goals for fun and thats 21 goals in 7 matches now , 7 straight wins in the competition, it was a beautiful performance on a beautiful night for all Evertonians.And so its of to italy we go....:applause:




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Final 16...

Thursday, 06 March 2008

Fiorentina v Everton
Rangers v Werder Bremen
Anderlecht v Bayern Munich
Bolton v Sporting Lisbon
Tottenham v PSV Eindhoven
Getafe v Benfica
Marseille v Zenit St Petersburg
Bayer Leverkusen v hamburg

Thursday, 13 March 2008
Benfica v Getafe
Bayern Munich v Anderlecht
Everton v Fiorentina
Hamburg v Bayer Leverkusen
PSV v Tottenham
Sporting v Bolton
Werder Bremen v Rangers
Zenit St Petersburg v Marseille
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Man the old headin bouncin off me , some game last night eh, brought back a lot of happy memories..

Ha ha is it good stuff, nice i like it. Great game the goals were class gonna download the entire game when i get home. in work at the min

Im not in until six this evening so just chilling , what site you downloading the game from , we were on fire last night!!!

Fiorentina on live this sunday, dont like seri a but would be worth watching to see who we beat next ha...
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you support forest what would you know about class!!

Im joking before anyone starts on me btw.

Two European Cups back to back? How is this not class? 4+ players originally from our academy in the last five seasons snapped up by Premiership clubs and have played for England? This season we also snapped up Neil Lennon, former Celtic for a brief period?

Are you real??

I wasn't having a go at Everton at all so why are you attacking my club? In fact I was praising AJ for a great performance, a player who in my opinion is overrated as a striker. But if you really want to get into it , do you honestly think Everton have class?? I went to last Everton v Tottenham game, the language and racial abuse was disgusting. You have undercover racism officials hidden in the terraces? Your away record is disgraceful for fighting. So this is what class is about is it? I'm certainly not saying Forest are entirely innocent, but don't argue your team has more class than anyone else because you are wrong.
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Just came to my mind. Seeing a Liverpool vs Everton UEFA Super Cup would be cool :)

Just came to my mind. Seeing a Liverpool vs Everton UEFA Super Cup would be cool :)

funny i thought of this yesterday, imagine that eh!

the all meseyside derbies in the 80`s were very memorable exciting occasions.

On the forest thing!! have fond memories of that great nottingham forest side the game below euro cup final 79 against fc malmo and the trevor francis diving header i remember gary birtles , JOHN robertson flying down the wings , martin oneil and tony woodcock to name but a view, link below

Nott`s Forest v F.C. Malmo european cup final 1979


kind of ironic chico winding you up , his mother loved NOTTINGHAM FOREST..
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Well done lads, REALLY hope you kick on & win the UEFA Cup!

To the Liverpool lads: That's real good of you guys to come in here with your congratulations for Everton; nice to see everyone getting on. :)

do you honestly think Everton have class?? I went to last Everton v Tottenham game, the language and racial abuse was disgusting. You have undercover racism officials hidden in the terraces? Your away record is disgraceful for fighting. So this is what class is about is it? I'm certainly not saying Forest are entirely innocent, but don't argue your team has more class than anyone else because you are wrong.

Mate think your over reacting, he did say he was joking which you quoted, didnt you see it? Fighting? what you on about weve been all over europe this year and not a peep, also he didnt say we have more class than any other team did he ? Any way anyone who is old enough like me will always remember the forest years fondly , i hope you get back to the top flight soon....

Mate think your over reacting, he did say he was joking which you quoted, didnt you see it? Fighting? what you on about weve been all over europe this year and not a peep, also he didnt say we have more class than any other team did he ? Any way anyone who is old enough like me will always remember the forest years fondly , i hope you get back to the top flight soon....

Maybe he was joking but it's still a sly dig, and by stating we have no class sort of implies he as an Everton fan does. Maybe I was overreacting, but I have seen some really bad things in Gwladys street when I've visited my friend, and have seen some fighting abroad when I saw Everton a few years ago.

Anwyays, let's put an end to it. I like Everton and hope you get to the Final. So best of luck, I'll be there for sure.

Plan M is it really any suprise.

When do Livepool fans ever come in here and start having a go? We aren't obsessed with Everton. I don't hate Everton what-so-ever. Maybe its because I was only born into this life at the end of the 80's. And most Liverpool fans don't hate Everton fans at all, what we dislike is Everton's obsession with us. After the first goal last night, the Everton fans started singing Kopites are gobshites and also another song about Gerrard's daughter. Did our fans immediately start signing "Are you watching Everton" at the end of the Inter game? No, we couldn't give a shit what they are thinking. I did however send a text to a manc mate who was constantly baiting me during the game, going on about the 10men for example, and so I simply replied "shove that Gerrard rocket up your arse" as soon as he scored.

Read on a pool forum about someone who texted an Everton mate during the game last night complimenting them and saying how he really thinks they'll win the UEFA Cup this season, and what he got back was something along the lines of "Yak is better than Torres, Kopites are Gobshites"

Our main rivals are Manchester United end of story.

In other news:

"A Liverpool taxi driver has kicked Skrtel out of his taxi when he found out who he was.

The driver is an Everton fan and refused to take Skrtel any further when he found he was our latest signing.

Skrtel asked him if he wasn't taking the love for his club a bit far but the driver told him his love for Everton knew no boundaries"

:D Suprised Martin didn't deck him

Oh, you never know! Martin might have just smashed his head into the taxi window

Plan M is it really any suprise.

When do Livepool fans ever come in here and start having a go? We aren't obsessed with Everton. I don't hate Everton what-so-ever. Maybe its because I was only born into this life at the end of the 80's. And most Liverpool fans don't hate Everton fans at all, what we dislike is Everton's obsession with us. After the first goal last night, the Everton fans started singing Kopites are gobshites and also another song about Gerrard's daughter. Did our fans immediately start signing "Are you watching Everton" at the end of the Inter game? No, we couldn't give a shit what they are thinking. I did however send a text to a manc mate who was constantly baiting me during the game, going on about the 10men for example, and so I simply replied "shove that Gerrard rocket up your arse" as soon as he scored.

Read on a pool forum about someone who texted an Everton mate during the game last night complimenting them and saying how he really thinks they'll win the UEFA Cup this season, and what he got back was something along the lines of "Yak is better than Torres, Kopites are Gobshites"

Our main rivals are Manchester United end of story.

In other news:

"A Liverpool taxi driver has kicked Skrtel out of his taxi when he found out who he was.

The driver is an Everton fan and refused to take Skrtel any further when he found he was our latest signing.

Skrtel asked him if he wasn't taking the love for his club a bit far but the driver told him his love for Everton knew no boundaries"

:D Suprised Martin didn't deck him

My mate and his sister are BITTER Blues and they're exactly like that. Always coming out with that gobshite nonsense and murderers (how classy?) whenever they get a chance. Even as far as me being in town on a night out with them and they start singing about Kopites being murderers at the top of their voices. I had to tell them as much as they're my mates, if they keep that up they're likely to get a hiding and I'm not about to start helping them when twenty Reds come after them to kick their head in for being so disrespectful.

I definately think that Blues have an obsession with Liverpool, and I don't mean this in a sly way, but I think it's because we've been so successful where they haven't. Everyone likes the underdog, everyone likes to see the top fall down, ESPECIALLY when it's your rivals. So I can sort of understand where they're coming from TO AN EXTENT. But constantly going on about gobshites and murderers is a bit pathetic really :(

I refuse to meet my mate after he's been to watch Everton with his mates from the match. Most of them are fully grown adults (I'm talking in the 40's) and last time I was out with them (about eight or so of them to me, the only Red amongst them), they spent the next few hours just constantly saying how shit we are, that we're all a bunch of murderers (saying it while getting all in my face) and constantly trying to make out that "Kopites are gobshites". Needless to say I was pretty close to getting into a pretty tasty arguement but against eight knobs, I wasn't going to get anywhere. My mate agrees they can be childish at times, I've since said I'm not going anywhere near them again until they grow up and stop acting like a bunch of schoolkids. The murderer side especially, very dis-tasteful.
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Chill out guys! I was complimenting you lot because;

You've been going through hell of late but you all have stood tall. I admire that in any football supporter, even our bitter rivals. Respect.

See what you started plan m :r1 ha just kiddin mate , i like having the liverpool lads come on this thread more often these days than before , would agree that we evertonians do have some sort of obsession with l.f.c. and that would be due to your success i guess but what annoys us is l/pool`s lack of respect for us a team founded some 14 years before them with anfield being our first ground and you have the likes of peter and thousands of others who say manchester united are our main rivals (why) never understood that and now with the new ground and kirby they cant wait till we go, they want liverpool all to them selves, seems they hate us too! Do liverpool supporters feel that the athmospere between reds and blues has nose dived since the charity shield final in 1984, the milk cup final 1984, the fa cup final in 1986 and the fa. cup final in 1989 you won them all i hasten to add other than the charity shield win in 1984 in those times the fans would stand side by side as familys were tore in two and still are for the derbies, i think as the game gets bigger and more money involved the more is at stake other than local pride so the game will suffer in the end.

I'd say Utd are our main rivals too, as do most other Reds. The reason being we've been so competitive with Utd for years and nearly every game against them has been so meaningful in some way or other that the tension and build-up for those games are far bigger than against Everton. Plus the fact that against Utd, the better football is traditionally played by both teams compared to our derby games where it's traditionally all-out, fast paced and scrappy. I still enjoy both games though :)

I think the atmosphere has changed a bit over the years, and that's due to Everton steadily becoming a better team under Moyes. Again, don't take this personally, but I think due to the obsession from Blues and I feel a lot of .... cockiness? (not sure if that's the right word), as Everton have gotten better and realised they have decent chances of winning cups (and now getting into Europe on a consistent basis, which says a lot of how much you've improved), Everton fans are starting to think they're equal to Liverpool now. With all due respect, Everton are still a fair bit away from being equal to us (with regards to history and I'd say current team's chance of winning cups) and Everton fans need to calm down a bit with their excitement of thinking they're better than us.

BUT what I would say is Rafa needs to spend well this summer (if he's still there) because if Moyes is given a good pot of money to spend (which he should, and I believe will) then I'd say Everton would have just as much chance of winning cups than Liverpool. I can see Liverpool winning the league next season (ever the optimist :) ) if we get the right players in, whereas Everton are only just getting to the fourth spot battle consistently. Give a few years and I can see Everton possibly in the top three, winning it though? I'm not sure.

You're certainly improving by massive strides though, regardless. It does crack me up when you guys lose a few games (early in the season especially) and I heard cries of wanting Moyes out :lmao:

Moyes, what a perfect example of what happens when you stick with a manager for a long time, and let his to do his business.....

good post dags with some good points but you say Everton are only just getting to the fourth spot battle consistently but then so are liverpool , no-one remembers the runners up in the premiership or 3rd and 4th , moyes has already been promised a stack off cash to spend in the summer (makes a change) deserved too as you said. you say man utd are your main rivals because of good games with them , mate liverpool aint been close to winning the league in donkeys so im not buying that, some one explain please. why is manchester united your main rivals? is it because you hate man utd more than everton! Is it because they win nearly all the cups? we hate liverpool because there more successful than us and ram it down our throats on a daily basis , liverpool hate manchester united because united are more sucessful than them. Think that made sense...:D

I have massive respect for Everton, Blue, I just don't think your our main rivals.

United are our main rvials because they are only down the road, AND they are challenging with our for the top trophies. They are the only team close to our trophy haul, and so I can see the rivalry intensifying. Maybe we haven't consistently challenge for the league, but we have actually finished above United recently and in 2006 we finished a mere point behind them. Plus we are always challenging for the FA Cup (knocking them out in 2006 for example) and the Champions League proper together. The same cannot be said for Everton, but in the near future I see it happening.

Fair enough i can undestand that! But united only down the road , we across the flamin road...:? Any way yes think we are getting there slowly but surely , the only way is up!!! Yazz said that remember? or am i showing my age again...:lmao:

Two European Cups back to back? How is this not class? 4+ players originally from our academy in the last five seasons snapped up by Premiership clubs and have played for England? This season we also snapped up Neil Lennon, former Celtic for a brief period?

Are you real??

I wasn't having a go at Everton at all so why are you attacking my club? In fact I was praising AJ for a great performance, a player who in my opinion is overrated as a striker. But if you really want to get into it , do you honestly think Everton have class?? I went to last Everton v Tottenham game, the language and racial abuse was disgusting. You have undercover racism officials hidden in the terraces? Your away record is disgraceful for fighting. So this is what class is about is it? I'm certainly not saying Forest are entirely innocent, but don't argue your team has more class than anyone else because you are wrong.

How do you type so well for someone who obvioulsy cant read.

I have massive respect for Everton, Blue, I just don't think your our main rivals.

United are our main rvials because they are only down the road, AND they are challenging with our for the top trophies. They are the only team close to our trophy haul, and so I can see the rivalry intensifying. Maybe we haven't consistently challenge for the league, but we have actually finished above United recently and in 2006 we finished a mere point behind them. Plus we are always challenging for the FA Cup (knocking them out in 2006 for example) and the Champions League proper together. The same cannot be said for Everton, but in the near future I see it happening.

We are your old emeny from across the park.
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