eFootball PES 2020 Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox One)

With all the flaws its still miles ahead of what we had last year.
Im enjoying my ML.
Yes, its scripted to bits at times, yes - shit teams are sometimes more of a challenge than good ones, but overall - its enjoyable. AI plays varied football, all matches are bit different, results are different, its not bad at all.

Absolutely. I just wish they had the balls to declutter it of all the nonsense: TS, adaptive AI, mission matches (Win 5 games in a row, win first game in Championship), rival matches (since when is Düsseldorf a rival of Bayern?), which all somehow muddy the experience because they tend to mess around with the stats/tactics. Why not apply the exhibition match template which seems to be much more open, organic, stats-based and enjoyable?
hi guys i know it's not the right forum but I need help. I'm fed up of pes 2020 and back to pes 17 .wo what a game. i need a link to an option file with updated transfers for ps4. Can you help me pls. ? thanks
I'm absolutely appalling on Master league. Only playing professional level with manual passing. 12 min halves.

Literally struggling for a win. Been playing PES since 1998 but first time ever playing manual.

Any tips guys? Literally can't score. Compared to exhibition but the difficulty seems harder. Anything I'm overlooking here?

I always play players who are up for it and in the right position. So not sure what I'm doing wrong obviously apart from scoring goals and winning.
[QUOTE = "pawluliga, Beitrag: 3464407, Mitglied: 326472"]
Hallo Leute, ich weiß, es ist nicht das richtige Forum, aber ich brauche Hilfe. Ich bin satt von PES 2020 und zurück zu PES 17 .wo was für ein Spiel. Ich brauche einen Link zu einer Optionsdatei mit aktualisierten Übertragungen für PS4. Können sie mir helfen pls. ? Vielen Dank
Nah, all I did was removing defensive line and swarm the box from all AI teams and turned Auto-Offside trap for myself.

Waiting for Option File with klashman tactics included to go deeper. I might start new ML then.

Having said that - I dont think lesser teams being bloodthirsty is up to tactics. Its just Pes. Dont get me wrong - its not happening all the time, but there are matches, where Im winning with top team and then sweating like a pig playing against very bottom.
Nothing gamebreaking tho.
I’m also waiting for PesUniverse v3 and the subsequent tactics before starting haha.
Absolutely. I just wish they had the balls to declutter it of all the nonsense: TS, adaptive AI, mission matches (Win 5 games in a row, win first game in Championship), rival matches (since when is Düsseldorf a rival of Bayern?), which all somehow muddy the experience because they tend to mess around with the stats/tactics. Why not apply the exhibition match template which seems to be much more open, organic, stats-based and enjoyable?

Pure BS that konami dish out a game on release significantly different from the demo and without efforts to replicate IRL teams tactics.

£40 on release for XB1 version and now looking at another £25 on plus possible £10-15 for option file.

I'm on the fence about dishing out the extra for the PS4 perks. I don't know - I'm tempted to say sod it and just keep playing the odd random exh match. I don't really want to give konami more money,

just give us a game that works as it should good and proper out of the box without he need for bohemian efforts to get the gameplay right.
why is that so hard?
[QUOTE = "pawluliga, Beitrag: 3464407, Mitglied: 326472"]
Hallo Leute, ich weiß, es ist nicht das richtige Forum, aber ich brauche Hilfe. Ich bin satt von PES 2020 und zurück zu PES 17 .wo was für ein Spiel. Ich brauche einen Link zu einer Optionsdatei mit aktualisierten Übertragungen für PS4. Können sie mir helfen pls. ? Vielen Dank

thanks a lot. cheers !
Had some laugh last night..

But before I get to it - need to tell you a little prologue. So last season, when I was starting ML, I knew its gonna be bumpy road. So at the start I stated we will aim for top half of the table - 16th place (I really wouldnt want to be sacked, as I like to build a team and play many seasons).
Finished 17th, one place under.

Started new season last week. Lost 2 or 3 players, signed only two (both 67OVR) coz my salary budget was diabolical.
But team spirit was high, players developed a bit, I know their strengths and weaknesses - so I was optimistic.
At this whole meeting with the board, I told them I will aim at 8th place (it was the most optimistic option to choose from)

So last night I reached mid point of winter season (12 games in) - first place.

At this point AI must have decided that Im doing better than expected.. :LOL:
I lost the next match 0-2 against Villa. But that was grand. Villa was 3rd, match was good, fair. Like I always say - I dont mind AI ramping up. Its only when they cripple me and my inputs - its getting a bit annoying.
Anyway - Lost it fair and square.
Next match - Huddersfield, bottom half of the table.
Thats when it got funny..

From the get go my players felt like they had a stroke in the tunnel. They were even stepping away from the ball when I passed to them in penalty box. Without any input.. so I started hanging off super cancel to try to battle it.
It was around 30th minute and it was still 0-0. I couldnt score, but more importantly - they couldnt either.

At some stage, I did standing tackle, took the ball of them - penalty. But I saved it!
Second half. Standing tackle. Another penalty! ...I saved it again! :LOL:
85th minute, standing tackle... yup! Penalty! ...and I fucking saved it once again!
...but this time my keeper parried it right into the feet of their player and he tapped it in to an empty net... :LOL:

There are matches like this. The key is to just laugh it of and play the next one.
I was tempted to record few clips from last night and show the whole "cripple-the-user" system when it kicks in.
But decided not to.
First of all - its never that visible when you watch it, you have to feel it to know the difference in your inputs.
Second of all - if I started doing this - id just dwell deeper into that frustration and id wind myself up. No point. Just click next and keep going. Coz when it plays well - it plays really well.
There are matches like this. The key is to just laugh it of and play the next one.
We are *very* different people.

I would still be piecing the PlayStation back together. And rebuilding the wall. And apologising to the neighbours for bursting through it and shouting "F***ING F***ING F***" through the hole while they were watching the news.

I've had to give it up, not played for a while now. I'd rather play a worse, but fair game, every day of the week. I don't have the patience. Thank God for Football Manager - once again, my "gaming football fix" saviour.
Had some laugh last night..

But before I get to it - need to tell you a little prologue. So last season, when I was starting ML, I knew its gonna be bumpy road. So at the start I stated we will aim for top half of the table - 16th place (I really wouldnt want to be sacked, as I like to build a team and play many seasons).
Finished 17th, one place under.

Started new season last week. Lost 2 or 3 players, signed only two (both 67OVR) coz my salary budget was diabolical.
But team spirit was high, players developed a bit, I know their strengths and weaknesses - so I was optimistic.
At this whole meeting with the board, I told them I will aim at 8th place (it was the most optimistic option to choose from)

So last night I reached mid point of winter season (12 games in) - first place.

At this point AI must have decided that Im doing better than expected.. :LOL:
I lost the next match 0-2 against Villa. But that was grand. Villa was 3rd, match was good, fair. Like I always say - I dont mind AI ramping up. Its only when they cripple me and my inputs - its getting a bit annoying.
Anyway - Lost it fair and square.
Next match - Huddersfield, bottom half of the table.
Thats when it got funny..

From the get go my players felt like they had a stroke in the tunnel. They were even stepping away from the ball when I passed to them in penalty box. Without any input.. so I started hanging off super cancel to try to battle it.
It was around 30th minute and it was still 0-0. I couldnt score, but more importantly - they couldnt either.

At some stage, I did standing tackle, took the ball of them - penalty. But I saved it!
Second half. Standing tackle. Another penalty! ...I saved it again! :LOL:
85th minute, standing tackle... yup! Penalty! ...and I fucking saved it once again!
...but this time my keeper parried it right into the feet of their player and he tapped it in to an empty net... :LOL:

There are matches like this. The key is to just laugh it of and play the next one.
I was tempted to record few clips from last night and show the whole "cripple-the-user" system when it kicks in.
But decided not to.
First of all - its never that visible when you watch it, you have to feel it to know the difference in your inputs.
Second of all - if I started doing this - id just dwell deeper into that frustration and id wind myself up. No point. Just click next and keep going. Coz when it plays well - it plays really well.

Thing is in a game-playing scenario you've justified that this is acceptable....you had x minutes of fun so the outcome can be seen as justified.

When you put it in words - in a script - I'd have to question the point of the match, let alone the whole point of ML.

I spent many matches on the reciving end of last minute goals playing 1 season of ML (in 2019!!) and haven't touched that made since. Yeh I'm possibly crap at the game but if it takes forty 30min matches for me to get good at the game, I got to say...Nah.

Edit : 2020 ML could well be a better experience the 19 but I've been burnt by my past experience to bother trying again - at least for the moment - I'll aim to give it a try once tactics are updated.
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Is there variety? Yes. Could there be more variety? Hell yes!! :)

I have no problem with the shooting this year, although it’s weird when you watch a Pes 2019 video how they’ve clearly left out some animations from last time. But it’s ok right now. I’m between basic and advanced shooting because manual has become too easy for me and I also don’t see the variety in shots when using manual.

I just wish the AI had more shooting variety, like finesse shots in front of goal, rather than a laces shot.

The worst sight in Pes is when a striker has rolled you and now has an opportunity to inevitably fire a laser guided arrow deep into the corner and I have no idea how to stop that haha.
I'm absolutely appalling on Master league. Only playing professional level with manual passing. 12 min halves.

Literally struggling for a win. Been playing PES since 1998 but first time ever playing manual.

Any tips guys? Literally can't score. Compared to exhibition but the difficulty seems harder. Anything I'm overlooking here?

I always play players who are up for it and in the right position. So not sure what I'm doing wrong obviously apart from scoring goals and winning.

It's the Team Spirit that is holding you back. Nothing to do but keep playing I'm afraid. It will gradually go up and you will have better results. Guess what though, if you ever switch teams you will have to bring that spirit up again.
How does the “auto change attack/defence level” work? Does it just get initiated as soon as the match starts or do you have to initiate yourself first?
Also, does anyone use this and find it useful? (Obviously not for gegenpress though, let’s not get crazy here)
---WARNING!-- This is PC related but keep reading because it's about gameplay more than PC and modding.

Hey fam
I haven't played much since the Demo (which I loved).
Right after the full game came out and all the modding tools became available shorty (being on PC, obviously) I got to making my yearly Mod.
So besides a few passes here and there, or shots (mostly to test the lighting and turfs I was working on) before quitting the match I really didn't play a whole lot of the full game. My aim has always been to finish my mod right before the October patch came out. And I did.
I've been anxiously waiting for this patch to finally Start a ML or any other Game Mode for that matter.

So yesterday, after spending quite some time downloading a Patch (to license all teams + Bundesliga + all kits including 3rd and 4th kits), Scoreboards, Stadiums and all that... I cracked my joints, sat comfortably in my chair and decided to have a great PES 2020 session...

...Only to find out, the game is far, far, far worse than I expected it to be.
I was surprised, annoyed and disgusted at how long I had been waiting for this patch to finally play PES, and stumbling upon this was horrible.

Passing felt so assisted on PA1, and even manual, I actually had to check that I had in fact set it to manual, that it made no sense at all.
Players felt weighty (which was nice in the demo) but so unresponsive at the same time.
The moving and dribbling lanes, the angles in which players seem to be able to move, felt so limited, so restricted.
The AI still doing the same old pass-the-ball-to-the-CF-as-soon-as-possible that was in the demo.

I had to quit and play different matches with different teams to see if maybe it was players stats or something.
Tried about 10 different matches. Couldn't enjoy any of them.

I seriously don't remember the game being like this from the Demo.
It's not that I'm longing for the demo to come back, because I know that won't happen. But I feel so disappointed right now.

Maybe it's not as evident to you guys because you've been playing the game left and right since the demo came out and all the way up to this point so it's less noticeable. But for me, it was like... OK, they didn't just speed the game up, or made it slower. They didn't just reduce fouls to barely any, they didn't just increase CPU pressing, they didn't just tightened the space between the lines (which I liked). They pretty much automated the game. Less freedom. The ball is now more glued to players feet as it ever was. And the thing that bothered me the most is, like I said, the angles and radius in which players seem to be able to move - So restricted.

If this is what exhibition mode matches felt like (which are usually where PES gameplay shines the most) I can't even begin to image how much Master League sucks this year!

Sorry to be a downer. But I had to get it off my chest.
I hope it was just me having a bad day after my dentist almost killed me from the anaesthesia.
I will try again tonight.

---WARNING!-- This is PC related but keep reading because it's about gameplay more than PC and modding.

Hey fam
I haven't played much since the Demo (which I loved).
Right after the full game came out and all the modding tools became available shorty (being on PC, obviously) I got to making my yearly Mod.
So besides a few passes here and there, or shots (mostly to test the lighting and turfs I was working on) before quitting the match I really didn't play a whole lot of the full game. My aim has always been to finish my mod right before the October patch came out. And I did.
I've been anxiously waiting for this patch to finally Start a ML or any other Game Mode for that matter.

So yesterday, after spending quite some time downloading a Patch (to license all teams + Bundesliga + all kits including 3rd and 4th kits), Scoreboards, Stadiums and all that... I cracked my joints, sat comfortably in my chair and decided to have a great PES 2020 session...

...Only to find out, the game is far, far, far worse than I expected it to be.
I was surprised, annoyed and disgusted at how long I had been waiting for this patch to finally play PES, and stumbling upon this was horrible.

Passing felt so assisted on PA1, and even manual, I actually had to check that I had in fact set it to manual, that it made no sense at all.
Players felt weighty (which was nice in the demo) but so unresponsive at the same time.
The moving and dribbling lanes, the angles in which players seem to be able to move, felt so limited, so restricted.
The AI still doing the same old pass-the-ball-to-the-CF-as-soon-as-possible that was in the demo.

I had to quit and play different matches with different teams to see if maybe it was players stats or something.
Tried about 10 different matches. Couldn't enjoy any of them.

I seriously don't remember the game being like this from the Demo.
It's not that I'm longing for the demo to come back, because I know that won't happen. But I feel so disappointed right now.

Maybe it's not as evident to you guys because you've been playing the game left and right since the demo came out and all the way up to this point so it's less noticeable. But for me, it was like... OK, they didn't just speed the game up, or made it slower. They didn't just reduce fouls to barely any, they didn't just increase CPU pressing, they didn't just tightened the space between the lines (which I liked). They pretty much automated the game. Less freedom. The ball is now more glued to players feet as it ever was. And the thing that bothered me the most is, like I said, the angles and radius in which players seem to be able to move - So restricted.

If this is what exhibition mode matches felt like (which are usually where PES gameplay shines the most) I can't even begin to image how much Master League sucks this year!

Sorry to be a downer. But I had to get it off my chest.
I hope it was just me having a bad day after my dentist almost killed me from the anaesthesia.
I will try again tonight.

Wierd because playing manual I don't see much assistance pass towards the touch line and the player will kick it out, it goes where you point. Pa 1 for me on legend is the best for the challenge
Online divisions on PA0 was quite good last year, enjoyed it until, hmm, April? Then it got a bit samey.

Played the demo for PES 2020. Felt this would be the one that could be played all the way until the next one. Perhaps even on PA1!

Got the game, and after around 150 matches in Divisions I havent seen anything near all of the unpredictable things I saw in the demo. And I only played around 30 matches with the demo!

If one word could sum up PES 2020 PA0 Online- gaming it would be lethargic. Oh, and stumbling in to each other, that happens a lot as well.
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It's the Team Spirit that is holding you back. Nothing to do but keep playing I'm afraid. It will gradually go up and you will have better results. Guess what though, if you ever switch teams you will have to bring that spirit up again.

I didn't honestly think TS would make such a difference to ML but obviously it does.
That probably explains it. In the past PES master leagues, I never had much problem with ML.
So is it a case of playing the players which make the TS higher or.. Playing players up for it?
People are seriously using the wrong settings if they’re not seeing fouls. I played a 15 minute match vs Liverpool on superstar and they made 10 fouls. It was crazy, I kept body feinting and turning them inside out changing directions and they kept on taking my legs with slide tackles. From what I’ve experienced so far, them and Barcelona foul the most.
@klashman69 done!!! :SAL:

I can’t push that hard enough. We all should!!!
Users get the tactics via social media. Win. Konami realizes they need to up their tactics game. Win. Lazy Konami is hiring klash to do it. Win. Nothing changes but others get inspired to do tactics. Win.


BTW: what klash said in his comment is true. Not only I do this for the tactics, but for his words!! Makes sense!! ;)
Had some laugh last night..

But before I get to it - need to tell you a little prologue. So last season, when I was starting ML, I knew its gonna be bumpy road. So at the start I stated we will aim for top half of the table - 16th place (I really wouldnt want to be sacked, as I like to build a team and play many seasons).
Finished 17th, one place under.

Started new season last week. Lost 2 or 3 players, signed only two (both 67OVR) coz my salary budget was diabolical.
But team spirit was high, players developed a bit, I know their strengths and weaknesses - so I was optimistic.
At this whole meeting with the board, I told them I will aim at 8th place (it was the most optimistic option to choose from)

So last night I reached mid point of winter season (12 games in) - first place.

At this point AI must have decided that Im doing better than expected.. :LOL:
I lost the next match 0-2 against Villa. But that was grand. Villa was 3rd, match was good, fair. Like I always say - I dont mind AI ramping up. Its only when they cripple me and my inputs - its getting a bit annoying.
Anyway - Lost it fair and square.
Next match - Huddersfield, bottom half of the table.
Thats when it got funny..

From the get go my players felt like they had a stroke in the tunnel. They were even stepping away from the ball when I passed to them in penalty box. Without any input.. so I started hanging off super cancel to try to battle it.
It was around 30th minute and it was still 0-0. I couldnt score, but more importantly - they couldnt either.

At some stage, I did standing tackle, took the ball of them - penalty. But I saved it!
Second half. Standing tackle. Another penalty! ...I saved it again! :LOL:
85th minute, standing tackle... yup! Penalty! ...and I fucking saved it once again!
...but this time my keeper parried it right into the feet of their player and he tapped it in to an empty net... :LOL:

There are matches like this. The key is to just laugh it of and play the next one.
I was tempted to record few clips from last night and show the whole "cripple-the-user" system when it kicks in.
But decided not to.
First of all - its never that visible when you watch it, you have to feel it to know the difference in your inputs.
Second of all - if I started doing this - id just dwell deeper into that frustration and id wind myself up. No point. Just click next and keep going. Coz when it plays well - it plays really well.

There is your "chapters" again. I knew you were going to hit it sooner or later ;)

I had a similar experience last night against Hoffenheim. I regret that I didn't record the post match screen, because nobody is going to believe me that I had 18 (!) shots on goal vs 0 (!) of them. The match ended 0-0. I hit the woodwork twice, I had Lewandowski miss a low cross from 6 feet out and on top of that I had to deal with a superman Hoffenheim keeper whose name I never heard of. I knew about 2/3rds through the game that I wouldn't score and concentrated on not getting cheesed by some mediocre AI attacker in the dying minutes of it all. Sure, this shit happens in real life (especially to Bayern these days), but please Konami: your game, like all other computer games, should be about rewarding, not pissing on the human player.

It's this unnecessary shite going on in the background that gets me in. It's like a boss fight in an RPG game: you won four games in a row, and because of that stupid "Win five in a row" mission in order to increase manager happiness by 2% the fifth match is extra challenging. When that fifth game then happens to be against a team that you know is shit in RL, it becomes even more infuriating because you can't help but compare their performance in PES against how you know they play every weekend. This is where you start to feel cheated. It goes to a level where I am trying to purposely hack down the AI players and send them off on stretchers and where I sometimes wish there was a button combo to step on their nutsacks after the foul has been whistled just to get some payback. Sick, I know...

To add to all this idiocy, when you interrupt the match and then simulate it, it's usually a clear cut result. 4-1 in my case. Why? Because it's based on comparing the stats and nothing else. So why, why, why can't it be like that when you actually play it? Mind-boggling, really.
Konami are so fucking lazy, honestly.

They put zero effort into the team tactics - every year the community (aka @klashman69) has to do the work Konami should be doing in bringing out the best gameplay experience against the CPU, it's a joke.

So many aspects are completely neglected and unpolished that really shouldn't be from a AAA developer, another example would be something like the scoreboards... In less than a month, @Unknown32 has created SIXTEEN high quality scoreboards for various competitions, while Konami recycles the same shite for YEARS, maybe changing the colour a little bit and adding a tiny league logo in the middle. Even for licensed leagues they can't be arsed to provide any kind of unique or accurate presentation.

That may only be a small/cosmetic detail, but it's a microcosm of the total lack of passion and attention to detail that goes into pretty much every aspect of the game.
People are seriously using the wrong settings if they’re not seeing fouls. I played a 15 minute match vs Liverpool on superstar and they made 10 fouls. It was crazy, I kept body feinting and turning them inside out changing directions and they kept on taking my legs with slide tackles. From what I’ve experienced so far, them and Barcelona foul the most.
I have no idea how people are not getting fouls, Last night i played an Arsenal v Ath Mad game and one of thier CB's got yellow carded in the 28th min, then on the 35th min he got a second yellow! Was brilliant! I replayed the game and they got 4 yellow cards in the next match. Dirty Bassa's
@klashman69 done!!! :SAL:

I can’t push that hard enough. We all should!!!
Users get the tactics via social media. Win. Konami realizes they need to up their tactics game. Win. Lazy Konami is hiring klash to do it. Win. Nothing changes but others get inspired to do tactics. Win.


BTW: what klash said in his comment is true. Not only I do this for the tactics, but for his words!! Makes sense!! ;)
Asim isn't associated with Konami or PES anymore.
I never understand why the goalkeepers always stay rooted on their line in a 1 on 1 situation, no keeper does that, apart from 8 year olds playing sunday league. Keepers like Neuer, Alison and Kepa have the right idea in game, but then they go nuts and don’t stop, literally trying to hunt me down like feral creatures.
I never understand why the goalkeepers always stay rooted on their line in a 1 on 1 situation, no keeper does that, apart from 8 year olds playing sunday league. Keepers like Neuer, Alison and Kepa have the right idea in game, but then they go nuts and don’t stop, literally trying to hunt me down like feral creatures.
I dont mind it, just wish we could punish them physically. Right now all the collisions go the keeper's way and you can't even take them out with a slide tackle. At least when they have the ball in their hands...
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