eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Imagine going to 3 different stores to get a chocolate bar,a can of coke and a bag of chips.
That'll be fun...
I'm glad Roma is in Pes 20,wonder which team is unlicenced at first?
Sassuolo have been the one before.
What was the PES in recent times that had a few Serie A teams in expired kits? That was so amateur.
What was the PES in recent times that had a few Serie A teams in expired kits? That was so amateur.
They often launch each year with old kits and correct it in the first DLC.
Should be in from the start, especially kits,kit makers whip them up for unofficial patches quickly,but not Konami
With next year's EURO being played in so many different countries, on so many different stadiums, it would be a HUGE opportunity wasted if they don't include ALL the stadiums.
I'm not an expert but i wonder if in theory, The UEFA license allows a lease for the stadiums booked for the tournament and that's it, So maybe they could only appear in the game as long as they have the UEFA Euro 2020 stadium dressings and artwork? Similar to how in previous FIFA World Cup & Euro games, They'd include all stadiums of the tournaments but they'd never return for the regular FIFA games.

Maybe Konami just didn't either
  • Pay extra for the privilege of all EURO 2016 Stadiums and figured if they to acquire one, being the venue for the final
  • Or just didn't have the time or resources to model all the stadiums
It's another mystery but i hope they're conscious about not wanting it to be anti-climatic again this year and are passionate about doing it justice.
They often launch each year with old kits and correct it in the first DLC.
Should be in from the start, especially kits,kit makers whip them up for unofficial patches quickly,but not Konami
I've said this before and some might disagree due to FIFA sales effecting it but:

I miss the old days when PES was released in October. Konami, for the love of god, release your product finished with lots of content and without bugs.

These days they rush it out half assed to beat the FIFA release. They have no confience in their own product.
I've said this before and some might disagree due to FIFA sales effecting it but:

I miss the old days when PES was released in October. Konami, for the love of god, release your product finished with lots of content and without bugs.

These days they rush it out half assed to beat the FIFA release. They have no confience in their own product.
Thats the disadvantage of patching in general for me. In the good old PS2 times they were forced to deliver a good product, because they had only one year later the chance to change it.
I'm not an expert but i wonder if in theory, The UEFA license allows a lease for the stadiums booked for the tournament and that's it, So maybe they could only appear in the game as long as they have the UEFA Euro 2020 stadium dressings and artwork? Similar to how in previous FIFA World Cup & Euro games, They'd include all stadiums of the tournaments but they'd never return for the regular FIFA games.

Maybe Konami just didn't either

  • Pay extra for the privilege of all EURO 2016 Stadiums and figured if they to acquire one, being the venue for the final
    Or just didn't have the time or resources to model all the stadiums
It's another mystery but i hope they're conscious about not wanting it to be anti-climatic again this year and are passionate about doing it justice.
To add to our confusion, this is what the official site states:
This upcoming DLC will include every national teams’ kits, official balls and the hosting stadium that will also be faithfully recreated in the game. With PES you will be able to enjoy the battle to decide the strongest in Europe one step ahead!
Very clear on that one, Konami, thanks. :II
It would be so easy for Konami to include a deep stadium editor. Let the community run riot and design 20 Premier League stadiums, 24 Championship stadiums etc. Then we could download the files and job done.

Also, what about crowd chants? Why can't we add our own for the unlicensed teams? I could play an Aston Villa ML save with actual Villa chants.

The series in regards to content and editing has gone backwards and I fear we'll never get the fully customisable stuff back. Who remembers the custom soundtrack option in PES 2014? It was such a good idea. I had loads of my own music playing when I was navigating the menus.
One thing I immediately noticed the first day I tried the demo was the frequent trapping/touch errors which sometimes look so fake:

..But I have not seen those(or just not paying attention), the last couple of weeks.
So I think it's possible that they are really updating/tweaking the demo.
Quick question; do you mean you're unhappy with the number of errors there are, or purely don't like the way they're animated?

Only asking because I've never seen that one myself :D That is a funny one. Personally, I quite like how the ball can literally bounce off your foot and go anywhere rather than a set of pre-determined 'failed touch' animations (for want of a better phrase!).
How come Xbox doesn't allow import of images but Steam does, it's obviously some kind of console restriction, but aren't they both Microsoft in a roundabout way?

Also, why list Play between the different platforms at all if none of them have the capability? Odd
Also, why list Play between the different platforms at all if none of them have the capability? Odd
Probably as a tease for something coming later in the year perhaps? There's a few cross-play games now (fkn finally...) and yesterday PUBG was announced that cross-play between Xbox and PS4 is coming in October.

Hopefully it's introduced for PES as the one downside to getting and playing the game on PC is the small online population. Being able to play with PS4 and Xbox players would be great and keep the game 'alive' for a lot longer for the online PC players.
Anyone know the preorder stats for this years game, cos in the past i used to see heaps on twitter boasting about their pre orders but this time round not so much..

Myclub stuff only as usual.
1000 coins + Iniesta on loan and some kind of a PES 2020 theme (whatever that is).

I usually started myclub for fun the last years until a decent patch was out to finally start the ML.
Quick question; do you mean you're unhappy with the number of errors there are, or purely don't like the way they're animated?

Only asking because I've never seen that one myself :D That is a funny one. Personally, I quite like how the ball can literally bounce off your foot and go anywhere rather than a set of pre-determined 'failed touch' animations (for want of a better phrase!).
Nope! Pretty much happy with everything in the game right now.
I'm also not expecting or asking too much from the game, unlike the previous years. I pretty much accept the game for what it is.

I just mentioned it because the demo being patched/tweaked has been talked about.
And that is the number 1 thing I noticed the first time I played the demo, but can't remember happening this last couple of weeks.

But then, I'm not really looking for the flaw in the game. I just enjoy and play. I don't even want to test things(and be technical, recording my games with gamepad viewer and analyzing each of my goals and errors.:D) like I use to do in the past.
As a matter of fact, I didn't notice that I'm playing PES2020demo with a broken DS4 for about 4-5 days(out of 2 weeks).
I thought my passing/shooting direction errors was just added errors in the game.:D
And I'm very much convinced I sucked at this 2 aspects(shooting/passing) because I'm still adjusting to the dynamic wide camera and Dualshock 4 (got used to modified fanview and xbox one controller in the past few years).

I've only noticed my Ds4 issue when I play against a cousin on Steam and my diagonal passes/shots are always going to either towards 3 oclock or 9 oclock. Finally, tested it with HTML5 gamepad tester.

Here's my DS4 issues. Rma'ed and just waiting for the replacement.
Bought a new controller while waiting as it's not possible for me not to play this game for even a day.:D
I'm very lucky, my wife is supportive of my PES addiction.
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How come Xbox doesn't allow import of images but Steam does, it's obviously some kind of console restriction, but aren't they both Microsoft in a roundabout way?

Also, why list Play between the different platforms at all if none of them have the capability? Odd
I’m racking my brain a bit here, but isn’t it to do with some kind of security issue? I’ve not had an xbox for a while now, but I remember them saying that the reason why you couldn’t copy songs or pictures onto your Xbox was the same reason why you couldn’t use an external hard drive. So a PES option file would come under that same bracket.

A lot of this may have changed since I last used an Xbox mind you, or I could just be making this up :D It was something like this though (so not Konamis fault for once).
Reminder that a few of the EURO 2020 venues are already in-game.
-Allianz Arena
-Johan Cruijff ArenA

Also as I said before I think Zenit's stadium will be added. I think it's also safe to say that we'll be getting Wembley, which would mean 5 out of the 12 venues being in. The other venues are up for debate. For example, I imagine it would be hard for them get San Mamés into the game with no La Liga license etc. Perhaps the venues that are only for national teams (Hampden Park for example) wouldn't be an issue if they wanted to add those.
I'm sure it has been answered already but has something changed with L2 + shoot? Last year you could sky a shot if you held the shoot button but now it's only along the ground?
It’s not manual pa0..it’s control over power and direction but is driven by stats..

I also disagree that apart from a few players the passing is the same.

On pa0 Barca’s passes are accurate and tight..There’s less margin for error because generally there all great passers..Go down to boca and your notice the difference strait away and it’s the same with touch..There’s a huge amount of subtlety between players.

All pa1 is doing is controlling power and direction,giving you the assistance,in some instances overriding your inputs.

The game feels and plays completely differently on pa1 or above..You can feel and see it.Both in the ball physics and animations.Its horrible and makes the game feel rubber banded.

Manual shooting is manual full stop..

If people can play semi on fifa,then there more then capable of using PaO..It’s the same apart from semi on fifa does tend to sometimes pass to the player you didn’t intend.

It’s not about being hardcore or that pa0 is particularly hard..because it isn’t.

It’s weird at first because it demonstrates how easy assisted passing is in both games..No feel and barely and skill...anti football imo.

Yet most people that use pa1 beat the realism drum and claim they don’t like the on-rails automatic gameplay..How ironic!

The idea that stats are diluted on pa0 is all in people’s minds..It’s pure placebo and if anything pa1 dilutes the stats(think about it).Because generally the passing direction and power is to accurate,making up for the shortcomings of the user.

I am angry with this post but only because I can't "like" it 1200 times like I want to
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