eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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This is far from the truth tho.
Chris was always talking about not enough error, randomness, that everything felt on rails, that there was no build up, that AI was too direct. From my personal experience - most of these things can be tackles with your own play style. PA0 is just a tool to adjust yourself, not the game. It changed the experience for me, so I thought this might help him as well.
Like any other tips on the subject - its just a tip. Something that people can try or not. Something that might work, or might not.
If you prefer PA1 and enjoy it - happy days.

I know you didnt aim that at me, but im talking in general. I dont think I ever seen people here saying that if you play with assist you play it wrong. As long as you are happy - sweet. If not - maybe try this, or that, or the other. We are just trying to help each other here.

As for stats - I also disagree. I see the difference between long through balls or finesse shots on manual.
I had a lovely finesse shot from outside the box with Lewandowski that curved from outside the goal and hit the crossbar (on advanced shooting). Tried the same shot with average joe and send it into stands as he was not able to apply such a curve.
Same goes to long through balls, especially on Advanced. There is a difference.
There might not be any difference on short passes, but my daughter can accurately pass me the ball 9/10 times in the garden, and she is 5.
The CPU doesn’t change the way it plays though regardless of whether we use PA0, PA1 etc.

So if the AI sucks, like it did with PES 2019, then it’s a pointless debate.
The FUMA v non FUMA argument is silly. Play what you enjoy.

Personally I like stats to do the talking, not how long or perfect I hold a button and left stick. On FUMA I could have a technically gifted player or a non technically gifted player pass the ball and it would feel the same for both. PES was always about stats and attributes back in the good old days, not this manual passing thing. And there’s an arrogance attached to it that I’ve noticed. Non-FUMA players always getting told we play the game wrong or something.


There’s absolutely no need for this.

I've played full manual for a couple of years (though on fifa), but I'd much rather the stats did the talking! That's how it should be, in my opinion. I've been playing assist level 1 on the demo and enjoying it lots, so fingers crossed for the final release. :)
The CPU doesn’t change the way it plays though regardless of whether we use PA0, PA1 etc.

So if the AI sucks, like it did with PES 2019, then it’s a pointless debate.

The thing is the AI doesn’t suck..I don’t think we need a longer game to see this..

It’s actually really good,especially defensively and conversely the lower star teams demonstrate just how good the big teams could be in the final product offensively...especially on superstar.Thats not to say I haven’t seen the flare from the bigger teams.

The AI is a far cry from what we have had for nearly two generations now as is the response and overall feel of the game..

Imo this one has all the balance and solidity of the games on the ps2..Its classic Konami.
The thing is the AI doesn’t suck..I don’t think we need a longer game to see this..

It’s actually really good,especially defensively and conversely the lower star teams demonstrate just how good the big teams could be in the final product offensively...especially on superstar.Thats not to say I haven’t seen the flare from the bigger teams.

The AI is a far cry from what we have had for nearly two generations now as is the response and overall feel of the game..

Imo this one has all the balance and solidity of the games on the ps2..Its classic Konami.
I agree, I actually don't mind the AI in this demo.

My issue is scoring still feels samey, straight and soulless. Yes, the three 'S' words.
I was talking about PA0 Vs PA1 in general, last few years, not Pes20 demo specific.
To be fair - I probably wouldnt recommend trying to learn PA0 in the demo. Id wait for full version or go back to 19 for it.
5 mins matches are way too short and are putting pressure to try to create chances.
That would surely just lead to frustration if someone wanted to practice PA0 under such time pressure.

I apologise for opening this flood gate and starting all this. It got a bit tense and there's no need for it.
I just wanted to convince Chris that a lot of things that he is looking for in football games, IMO, could be achieved if he switched..
My personal opinion is like others said, i prefer PA1, cause i want stats to be over user input , more than a 50-50 degree.

I know there is this eternal debate if stats matter on FuMa or not, i don't believe that FuMa ignores completely stats, but still they have less impact than i would expect. Furthermore i prefer to play on PA1 and use the L2 button whenever i want manual, it feels like i have an "extra" option.
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Regarding PA0 vs PA1 just depends on what you're after. The players who watch a lot a footy probably want to see their players play like that in the game so I think PA1 would be best for this - I know I would have wanted this when I used to watch a lot of football.

Interesting :)
I do watch a lot of footy and want to see my players play like that in the game.
That's why I use PA0 :p

But yeah, everyone should use what they're comfortable with.
And I have to agree with Chris again.
The default setting shouldn't be shitty.
We're having so many compromises already to enjoy the game more.

About AI:
I don't think AI plays different on PA0.
But it might behave differently because of the non-rails, more freedom factor on the pitch.
Hate to say it, but to many the bells and whistles are more important than gameplay.

Basically want ‘Sky Sport Simulator 2020’.
@Chris Davies

You asked what teams were the best to play with to get a different/better experience on Super Star.
IMO it's River (AI) vs Boca. In most games River will pressure you right from the start but can still make errors and to me doesn't feel cheap. They also do stuff that really surprise me at times, like this:

If it's good in Team ID department I don't know, cause I don't know how River plays in real life, but it makes for entertaining games most of the time.
Because you don't. If you did, you would be advocating for no user input at all, which would be ridiculous.

The examples you mention are stats, they are not under direct control of the user and are therefore irrelevant to the point im making:
which is that You are singling out pass and shot accuracy as things dont align with professional footbalers, but you dont use such reasoning when it comes to users making terrible decisions, mistiming their tackles by miles, and basically all around acting like an 8 year old who has no clue about football rather than a professional player, which is what they are playing as.

Please don't take offense to what i said. It's a simple and honest question:

Why must players in football games pass and shoot like professionals but for every other user action it is okay for them to not act as such?
Are you taking the piss?

You asked me a question, I answered honestly, now you have the nerve to try telling me what I do and do not think?

If you can’t have an adult conversion, and take my honest answers for what they are, then get out of my face.
Hate to say it, but to many the bells and whistles are more important than gameplay.

Basically want ‘Sky Sport Simulator 2020’.
If they can deliver gameplay of the demo with the bells and whistles then that'd be great. There's a lot to be said for bells and whistles.
If they can deliver gameplay of the demo with the bells and whistles then that'd be great. There's a lot to be said for bells and whistles.
Agreed. Not important to me personally, but if someone says that full tv like presentation is more important to them than gameplay who are we to tell them they’re wrong?

Though I do wish they’d take that attitude over to that other football game :D

@Chris Davies
Sorry pal, I saw the bait and I bit.. I’ll hang my head in shame and use the ignore button instead. Issue resolved :))
Agreed. Not important to me personally, but if someone says that full tv like presentation is more important to them than gameplay who are we to tell them they’re wrong?

Though I do wish they’d take that attitude over to that other football game :D
I'd never value it over enjoying the gameplay but it does add to the experience.

If the demo gameplay is there and they combine it with the bells and whistles then they could be onto something.
PES Universe on Twitter: "We're off to Gamescom, anything you'd like us to ask?"


We're doomed.

I read the original tweet of the guy above..

There is a surreal, kinda heated discussion between our Corey and another guy about how Cristiano ronaldo should move his arms in the celebration.. they talk about this stuff like it's what make or break a game..

I don't know, I was kinda starting to get used to face feticists, but this celebration guys thing man.. I need time..
I'm not buying this game unless Riqui Puig gets a proper face scan done, he looks like a 40 year old accountant. Utterly unplayable. Fix this :RANT: Konami.
Dunno if I just got unlucky today but every game was against a pa3 ping pong spammers. What is the point in adding error when it can be bypassed by using pa3? :( there is the odd misplaced first time pass but it is damn rare especially compared to pa1. It has no place online at all. Would really appreciate it if anyone with a line to Adam or whoever could ask about this? It's such an online advantage, they have made a fantastic system this year and it is all going to be pointless if everyone can spam around with barely any repercussions again.
I just wanted to convince Chris that a lot of things that he is looking for in football games, IMO, could be achieved if he switched..

Fair enough.

I didn't mean to discredit PA0 players or you for that matter. I only think that the claim, that PA0 leads to a "more realistic experience" was a bit steep. I would agree with you that it does so on the user side (increased errors, stray passes) and that this in itself can be a rewarding experience (especially when playing against another human) but unfortunately, at least to my experience, it doesn't change the AI. If it would, I would switch in a heartbeat.
Dunno if I just got unlucky today but every game was against a pa3 ping pong spammers. What is the point in adding error when it can be bypassed by using pa3? :( there is the odd misplaced first time pass but it is damn rare especially compared to pa1. It has no place online at all. Would really appreciate it if anyone with a line to Adam or whoever could ask about this? It's such an online advantage, they have made a fantastic system this year and it is all going to be pointless if everyone can spam around with barely any repercussions again.

A lot of people have been screaming for online filters for ages now. Looks like it will be the same this year.
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