eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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I just can t explain to be honest why it feels empty and with no satisfaction when u score, is it the joystick feedback, is it the animations? Is it the atmosphere? The way the camera moves, i really can t tell...
You’ve just summed up my exact feelings mate. I simply can’t put my finger on it but scoring goals in PES has felt ‘empty’ for years now (for me).

In the other game, which also has many, many issues - it still gives me that “Wow I’ve scored a decent goal here.”

It’s so weird and frustrating because PES 2020 in the middle of the pitch is great.
Re: the lacklustre feeling when scoring topic

I have had a slight issue in recent years, a very very minor one, but it plays on my mind with every goal.

The ball bouncing out the net. Sometimes it stays in, but it’s rare. Even on slower shots it bounces out and it annoys me. This really became a thing when they introduced the ‘kick the ball back in the net celebration’, so the ball kind of defies physics at times and bounces out. I don’t like it. I want the thing to nestle in the corner. But alas.. it’s a small thing that tempers my immersion and goal enjoyment a little. Not the main issue, just a minor. It might just be me.. anyone? No? Maybe? No? Ok then just me.

Also I miss being able to boot the ball after the final whistle. Not sure why I miss it, but I do.
Regarding shooting, my favourite ever football games for real meaty shots were PES 5/6 & Fifa 10/11.
Were they realistic? Hell no, it was like every player was Iron Man with missile launchers in their legs. But damn it felt good.

Is that not just one of the things sacrificed in search of 'realism'? That you have to take the rough with the smooth and not every goal will feel as epic as the one before?
Regarding shooting, my favourite ever football games for real meaty shots were PES 5/6 & Fifa 10/11.
Were they realistic? Hell no, it was like every player was Iron Man with missile launchers in their legs. But damn it felt good.

Wut? Can't talk for Fifa, but Pes 5 (and partially 6 too) had one of the most stats based shoots out of every football game out there. Shooting with Roberto Carlos, with a decent shooter or with a bad shooter was a very precise and different experience.
I just can t explain to be honest why it feels empty and with no satisfaction when u score, is it the joystick feedback, is it the animations? Is it the atmosphere? The way the camera moves, i really can t tell...
There are several points. Every shoot is like a rocket. You have less variety then PS2 era (I think e.g. R1 was a low lob ball). You can’t really place the ball where you want. Less deflections inside the box/crazy situations. Edit: Less stat based, like said above.
Wut? Can't talk for Fifa, but Pes 5 (and partially 6 too) had one of the most stats based shoots out of every football game out there. Shooting with Roberto Carlos, with a decent shooter or with a bad shooter was a very precise and different experience.
I'm not saying it wasn't varied. I just mean that any player over about 85 shot power was like a bullet.
Viera was insanely good at scoring from the halfway line and he only had around 85 or less.

Goals like this were "average shot power":D
Scoring satisfaction issues:

- lack of variation in physics (even though it's getting better in 2020)
- something not quite right with the IK and the way the players strike the ball on occasions (most evident on penalties)
- R2 shots look too scripted/predetermined
- the nets being too thick/white losing the visual satisfaction of the ball hitting the net
- the celebration thing meaning the ball bounces out even when it doesn't make sense
- the unrealistic goalkeeper animations ruining goals (like diving way too far)
- sometimes lack of defensive/goalkeeper urgency making goals feel too easy, like it's a celebrity charity match (even though it's getting better in 2020)

Many small things come together to make it lacklustre

I know it's not comparison thread but just to give an example of how the absence of these problems makes such a difference:
Look how the ball realistically hits the side of the net and spins in, and because the net is more translucent you can actually see the ball satisfyingly rolling into the goal, and the camera pans a bit more slowly so you have more time to see the reactions of the players/crowd
I'm not saying it wasn't varied. I just mean that any player over about 85 shot power was like a bullet.
Viera was insanely good at scoring from the halfway line and he only had around 85 or less.

Goals like this were "average shot power":D

Look, I like a lot of what you write, but sometimes you tend to bring concepts to extremes that just aren't there and honestly it doesn't help discussion :LOL:. Like the Iron Man analogy above, or the halfway line comment that make it sound like every shoot you made with an 85 player in Pes 5 from the halfway would result in a goal.. which of course wasn't the case :D .

Btw yes, we can agree that shooting was on the powerful side more often than not (as it was more or less in many old gen Pes) . It's just that it has three values that used to all influence the outcome and it felt pretty deep regardless.

I'd say general satisfaction in scoring was something that that era is still unparalleled in, even tho in this demo I'm scoring every kind of goal (headers, tap ins, long shoots, confusing actions) and it's surely better than 2019.
Sounds like burnout more than anything else.
Too much of a good thing? I've spent two decades playing strategy games but just can't go near them at the moment.

Genuinely think this would make a huge difference to PES. If the full game doesn't break the gameplay then I'm sure a lot of players would be happy to have something that's largely the same for 20201 if alongside that was a real spectacular atmosphere.

I wait for the day when the crowd noises are incredible. You hear fans drumming at Dortmund, whistles at Madrid, silence at Arsenal :LOL::LOL:
Wait a minute...
that’s one spelling error to many in short time! :THINK:
I wanna come too!! :LOL:

Btw: you can, like in 2019, kick the ball away after the whistle. It’s not like it was back in the days but it works most of the times.
When the whistle is heard let go of LS immediately (with ball at feet) and double press the shoot button.
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Look, I like a lot of what you write, but sometimes you tend to bring concepts to extremes that just aren't there and honestly it doesn't help discussion :LOL:. Like the Iron Man analogy above, or the halfway line comment that make it sound like every shoot you made with an 85 player in Pes 5 from the halfway would result in a goal.. which of course wasn't the case :D .

Btw yes, we can agree that shooting was on the powerful side more often than not (as it was more or less in many old gen Pes) . It's just that it has three values that used to all influence the outcome and it felt pretty deep regardless.

I'd say general satisfaction in scoring was something that that era is still unparalleled in, even tho in this demo I'm scoring every kind of goal (headers, tap ins, long shoots, confusing actions) and it's surely better than 2019.
It's just a joke...
Though just quickly on the halfway line comment; we actually banned shots from there because they went in with such regularity. My mate once hit a shot with Edgar Davids (by accident as he was a Fifa player) which was so powerful even the replay didn't show it hitting the net. We had to save it to the old memory card to actually see what happened :LOL: I'd never seen anything like it before, or since.

But back to the point; I wasn't doubting the satisfaction in scoring these goals, it was bloody amazing! I was just trying to say that maybe, because extreme, unrealistic circumstances such as these don't exist in PES anymore, maybe that's why the impactful feeling of scoring has been lost on some long-time PES players?
Btw: you can, like in 2019, kick the ball away after the whistle. It’s not like it was back in the days but it works most of the times.
When the whistle is heard let go of LS immediately (with ball at feet) and double press the shoot button.

Really? If this is true then I’ll finally have something from 2019 to be positive about
Scoring satisfaction issues:

- lack of variation in physics (even though it's getting better in 2020)
- something not quite right with the IK and the way the players strike the ball on occasions (most evident on penalties)
- R2 shots look too scripted/predetermined
- the nets being too thick/white losing the visual satisfaction of the ball hitting the net
- the celebration thing meaning the ball bounces out even when it doesn't make sense
- the unrealistic goalkeeper animations ruining goals (like diving way too far)
- sometimes lack of defensive/goalkeeper urgency making goals feel too easy, like it's a celebrity charity match (even though it's getting better in 2020)

Many small things come together to make it lacklustre

I know it's not comparison thread but just to give an example of how the absence of these problems makes such a difference:
Look how the ball realistically hits the side of the net and spins in, and because the net is more translucent you can actually see the ball satisfyingly rolling into the goal, and the camera pans a bit more slowly so you have more time to see the reactions of the players/crowd

Yeah, shots definitely need more variation in Pes. There are a few more scoring animations and some more ball trajectories this year but not nearly enough. Pes mostly lacks the unbalanced body shots that sometimes brought to hilariously awesome goals in Ps2 Pes. In Pes it seems all the players when shooting hit the ball with great timing almost 100% of the time.
Scoring satisfaction issues:

- lack of variation in physics (even though it's getting better in 2020)
- something not quite right with the IK and the way the players strike the ball on occasions (most evident on penalties)
- R2 shots look too scripted/predetermined
- the nets being too thick/white losing the visual satisfaction of the ball hitting the net
- the celebration thing meaning the ball bounces out even when it doesn't make sense
- the unrealistic goalkeeper animations ruining goals (like diving way too far)
- sometimes lack of defensive/goalkeeper urgency making goals feel too easy, like it's a celebrity charity match (even though it's getting better in 2020)

Many small things come together to make it lacklustre

I know it's not comparison thread but just to give an example of how the absence of these problems makes such a difference:
Look how the ball realistically hits the side of the net and spins in, and because the net is more translucent you can actually see the ball satisfyingly rolling into the goal, and the camera pans a bit more slowly so you have more time to see the reactions of the players/crowd
That looks dreadful. What on earth is going on with the animations of the player crossing the ball. If anything weird animations take away the feeling from scoring goals as it takes away any realism you want from the game.
Scoring satisfaction issues:

- lack of variation in physics (even though it's getting better in 2020)
- something not quite right with the IK and the way the players strike the ball on occasions (most evident on penalties)
- R2 shots look too scripted/predetermined
- the nets being too thick/white losing the visual satisfaction of the ball hitting the net
- the celebration thing meaning the ball bounces out even when it doesn't make sense
- the unrealistic goalkeeper animations ruining goals (like diving way too far)
- sometimes lack of defensive/goalkeeper urgency making goals feel too easy, like it's a celebrity charity match (even though it's getting better in 2020)

Many small things come together to make it lacklustre

I know it's not comparison thread but just to give an example of how the absence of these problems makes such a difference:
Look how the ball realistically hits the side of the net and spins in, and because the net is more translucent you can actually see the ball satisfyingly rolling into the goal, and the camera pans a bit more slowly so you have more time to see the reactions of the players/crowd
I know this isn't the comparison thread, but look how the players just don't react to each other. They're just ghosting around the pitch. Look how many tackles don't even have an animation, they just walk into them and take the ball. I love PES's physicality compared to this. It's miles and miles ahead. Yes, holding off players is OP, but at least it's in the game! No one stops for even a second in this video.

It certainly isn't all bad though! I do really like some of the skill animations and little flick passes (god I wish PES had a 'finesse pass' button like Fifa).

But look, just to quote your original post, if by contrast to this we're worried about nothing more the nets being too thick, I think PES is pretty good shape :DD

(I do think though that this video absolutely defends my point earlier about the average power of shots in Fifa compared to PES)
In Pes it seems all the players when shooting hit the ball with great timing almost 100% of the time.
Im not finding that at all. Maybe you are waiting until your always in the perfect postion to shoot? Ive hit loads of miss hits, scuffs just by the post, loads of row Z shots and even hit the corner flags quite a number of times.
Regarding scoring satisfaction... I agree with @Mikhail, for me it's the shooting/keepers and the balance between them that is really boring... You just know that the keepers will save the vast majority from certain positions unless they are aimed perfectly in the corner.

When you get a sight of goal, rather than having an instinctive feeling like you should have a strike, you feel it is a sub-optimal choice and you're better off recycling the ball until you get one you know will probably go in. When you stifle a football instinct in favour of videogame strategies, it breaks the immersion and satisfaction.

In the PS2 games (5/6 especially) when the ball fell kindly anywhere in or around the box, you would pull the trigger knowing it could end up in the back of the net in a variety of different ways/trajectories. Shots scuffed into the ground, weak shots trickling into the corner, sliced/swerving shots, dipping shots... Also the way you had so many poor/skied shots meant that the great strikes were actually highlights even when they didn't go in.

Plus the keepers didn't have superhuman reactions - powerful shots would go through them, they'd make blunders, great saves etc. Shots didn't need to be perfect to beat them.

In 2020 (especially on manual) you see loads of shots absolutely rocketed on target with the same old straight trajectory but the keepers save nearly all of them. When one flies in it doesn't feel like a particularly great strike as these kinds of shots happen all the time. Dipping shots are locked behind a player trait (except for occasional volleys with other players) which further makes all shots feel the same.
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The one thing that makes scoring (and by extension shooting) so dissatisfying to me is the fact that plenty of would’ve been nice goals are prevented by the overpowered keepers. Their reflexes and reach are out of this world, which effectively limits the variety of goals.

You could fill hours and hours of YT clips with “Amazing saves in PES2020” - if it wasn’t so boring to watch Neuer turn yet another screamer around the post. And again, and again.

They’re barely ever wrong-footed or taken by surprise or produce a blunder ( i.e. ball going through their legs). They always know where the shot will go, always have perfect composure, and when you watch a replay in slow motion it often seems like they jump, then accelerate in mid-air..
Scoring satisfaction issues:

- lack of variation in physics (even though it's getting better in 2020)
- something not quite right with the IK and the way the players strike the ball on occasions (most evident on penalties)
- R2 shots look too scripted/predetermined
- the nets being too thick/white losing the visual satisfaction of the ball hitting the net
- the celebration thing meaning the ball bounces out even when it doesn't make sense
- the unrealistic goalkeeper animations ruining goals (like diving way too far)
- sometimes lack of defensive/goalkeeper urgency making goals feel too easy, like it's a celebrity charity match (even though it's getting better in 2020)

Many small things come together to make it lacklustre

I know it's not comparison thread but just to give an example of how the absence of these problems makes such a difference:
Look how the ball realistically hits the side of the net and spins in, and because the net is more translucent you can actually see the ball satisfyingly rolling into the goal, and the camera pans a bit more slowly so you have more time to see the reactions of the players/crowd

The one thing that makes scoring (and by extension shooting) so dissatisfying to me is the fact that plenty of would’ve been nice goals are prevented by the overpowered keepers. Their reflexes and reach are out of this world, which effectively limits the variety of goals.

You could fill hours and hours of YT clips with “Amazing saves in PES2020” - if it wasn’t so boring to watch Neuer turn yet another screamer around the post. And again, and again.

They’re barely ever wrong-footed or taken by surprise or produce a blunder ( i.e. ball going through their legs). They always know where the shot will go, always have perfect composure, and when you watch a replay in slow motion it often seems like they jump, then accelerate in mid-air..
I've edited them all in PES 2019 taking -20 off in specific areas. That worked and made them more human like. I might have to do the same for 2020 again. It's a big job, but whatever.
Regarding scoring satisfaction... I agree with @Mikhail, for me it's the shooting/keepers and the balance between them that is really boring... You just know that the keepers will save the vast majority from certain positions unless they are aimed perfectly in the corner.

When you get a sight of goal, rather than having an instinctive feeling like you should have a strike, you feel it is a sub-optimal choice and you're better off recycling the ball until you get one you know will probably go in. When you stifle a football instinct in favour of videogame strategies, it breaks the immersion and satisfaction.

In the PS2 games (5/6 especially) when the ball fell kindly anywhere in or around the box, you would pull the trigger knowing it could end up in the back of the net in a variety of different ways/trajectories. Shots scuffed into the ground, weak shots trickling into the corner, sliced/swerving shots, dipping shots... Also the way you had so many poor/skied shots meant that the great strikes were actually highlights even when they didn't go in.

Plus the keepers didn't have superhuman reactions - powerful shots would go through them, they'd make blunders, great saves etc. Shots didn't need to be perfect to beat them.

In 2020 (especially on manual) you see loads of shots absolutely rocketed on target with the same old straight trajectory but the keepers save nearly all of them. When one flies in it doesn't feel like a particularly great strike as these kinds of shots happen all the time. Dipping shots are locked behind a player trait (except for occasional volleys with other players) which further makes all shots feel the same.
I do agree, this started in pes 2016 and onwards, there is less scuffed shots, crazy stuff happening inside the area, and add to that how the shots have less variations,i have previously posted a clip of some goals i scored in pes 2013, where u can see how shots were much more varied, keepers more human like, more human like reactions and the way the gameplay felt once ur inside the area, happens that Goalkeepers have like a predetermined locked thing with the shot being taken, it is less in pes 2020 but it s still there, i can definitely tell that i struggled a lot in the old pes to score shots and get shots on target from outside the box, since pes 2016 the shots are automated on basic shooting and i started to get so many shots on target and it was easier tbh to shoot from outside the area because this was when they catered to the new kids the way basic shooting was designed , even the passing, it just feels too easy to pass around the ball even if a player plays it for the first time, this is why pa3 is just too much,shouldn t be there in the game
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Sounds like burnout more than anything else.
Too much of a good thing? I've spent two decades playing strategy games but just can't go near them at the moment.

Genuinely think this would make a huge difference to PES. If the full game doesn't break the gameplay then I'm sure a lot of players would be happy to have something that's largely the same for 2021 if alongside that was a real spectacular atmosphere.

I wait for the day when the crowd noises are incredible. You hear fans drumming at Dortmund, whistles at Madrid, silence at Arsenal :LOL::LOL:
The other game provides this,only if pes does this...
I've edited them all in PES 2019 taking -20 off in specific areas. That worked and made them more human like. I might have to do the same for 2020 again. It's a big job, but whatever.

I did similar to the keepers in 2018 - for one league, reduced all the key goalkeeping stats to be in the 40s or 50s. It revealed a wonderful array of animations, fumbles, awkward saves and brilliant moments that are otherwise virtually non-existent. It's one of the main reasons I liked 18 so much because the keepers were so much more human-like, but only with low stats.

Hoping the same will be true of 20.
I did similar to the keepers in 2018 - for one league, reduced all the key goalkeeping stats to be in the 40s or 50s. It revealed a wonderful array of animations, fumbles, awkward saves and brilliant moments that are otherwise virtually non-existent. It's one of the main reasons I liked 18 so much because the keepers were so much more human-like, but only with low stats.

Hoping the same will be true of 20.
This is why I always wanted a global editor/slider, so we can edit a specific stat just once for every player, instead of having to do it 500 times :|
After Bielorussia licence, it's Gibraltar and Azerbaijan

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After Bielorussia licence, it's Gibraltar and Azerbaijan

If all these new national teams are also playable in BAL and ML and finally the european qualifiers for EURO and for WORLD CUP include groups of more than 4 teams, then I am sold. I still hope for news about a new regen system but being a big fan of national teams, for me this is already a step in the right direction.
For me its definitely the lack of shot variation that kills immersion.
Its either the straight laces wallop, the R2 curler, or a chip, there's very rarely any variation in between, you rarely see shots hit with topspin, skid up fast off the turf and cause keepers problems, or driven, rising shots, I know that's a skill trait now but only certain players can do it, whereas in reality, any player is capable of hitting a rising shot, its just about body position and the way the ball is struck.

Advanced shooting gives you a bit more control but the ball trajectory is still largely the same throughout.
I'm not saying it wasn't varied. I just mean that any player over about 85 shot power was like a bullet.
Viera was insanely good at scoring from the halfway line and he only had around 85 or less.

Goals like this were "average shot power":D

a lot of goals in PES are like Steven Reid bangers

(worth looking at the shot for the next goal as well as his goal here :D )

really good player, shame about the injuries.

as much as the shooting has improved gradually over the last few years, it really does irk me the general shot power in this game, mostly because the subsequent superman keeper dives look atrocious
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