eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Of course they're not going to do anything special with the license. Have they ever put any effort at all to their exclusive licenses? Remember the last Euro competition, what did we get then? One stadium if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, I know it's a free DLC but I think it's right to demand more from Konami.
Wicked! Hopefully this means that all the nations are licensed and we can play the qualifying stages also, not just the group stage.
They say the DLC will feature 50 National Associations... so.... is it safe to say that they will include the qualifying stage?

Of course they're not going to do anything special with the license. Have they ever put any effort at all to their exclusive licenses? Remember the last Euro competition, what did we get then? One stadium if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, I know it's a free DLC but I think it's right to demand more from Konami.

They also announced that PES 2020 will be used in a EURO esport tournament.. and of course its called eEURO2020 :CONF:
I think this year EURO DLC will be something big :WOOT:
Interesting to hear from people at Gamescom about that build, it's different teams from the demo at least.

If I hear faster pace I swear...
With next year's EURO being played in so many different countries, on so many different stadiums, it would be a HUGE opportunity wasted if they don't include ALL the stadiums.
I reckon they will do the new matchday mode with the Euro 2020. That could be quite cool.

Also, has anyone noticed a difference with the demo gameplay the last few days? I am in Australia and I swear the game is completely different the last 2 or 3 days.

Before it was the best game ever. Such a step up from 19 and I couldn't get enough of it. Now it feels pretty much identical to 19 for me. I have been thrashing it every day so I reckon I could tell the difference but no one is really talking about it. Only seen one thread on reddit where a few people have said the same thing.

Depends on settings I suppose but I have tried to keep everything the same i.e same pitch, conditions, difficulty, manual passing and shooting etc.
If only PES had a proper audio/atmosphere overhaul it'd be even more dope than it already is.

Honestly, I don’t care about licences any more. The sound design is appalling.

The thing that brought me to this site in the first place was looking for mods to sort out the crowd chanting & truly pathetic goal celebrations etc.

I don’t understand how they can have partnerships with these teams and not record real crowd noise. It’s baffling.
Anyone know the preorder stats for this years game, cos in the past i used to see heaps on twitter boasting about their pre orders but this time round not so much..
I reckon they will do the new matchday mode with the Euro 2020. That could be quite cool.

Also, has anyone noticed a difference with the demo gameplay the last few days? I am in Australia and I swear the game is completely different the last 2 or 3 days.

Before it was the best game ever. Such a step up from 19 and I couldn't get enough of it. Now it feels pretty much identical to 19 for me. I have been thrashing it every day so I reckon I could tell the difference but no one is really talking about it. Only seen one thread on reddit where a few people have said the same thing.

Depends on settings I suppose but I have tried to keep everything the same i.e same pitch, conditions, difficulty, manual passing and shooting etc.
One thing I immediately noticed the first day I tried the demo was the frequent trapping/touch errors which sometimes look so fake:

..But I have not seen those(or just not paying attention), the last couple of weeks.
So I think it's possible that they are really updating/tweaking the demo.
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I reckon they will do the new matchday mode with the Euro 2020. That could be quite cool.

Also, has anyone noticed a difference with the demo gameplay the last few days? I am in Australia and I swear the game is completely different the last 2 or 3 days.

Before it was the best game ever. Such a step up from 19 and I couldn't get enough of it. Now it feels pretty much identical to 19 for me. I have been thrashing it every day so I reckon I could tell the difference but no one is really talking about it. Only seen one thread on reddit where a few people have said the same thing.

Depends on settings I suppose but I have tried to keep everything the same i.e same pitch, conditions, difficulty, manual passing and shooting etc.
How would it be different, they haven't patched it have they?
You're probably more used to the game mechanics now after plenty of playtime. Stick 19 back in and play it for half & hour & you'll soon notice the difference when you go back to 20. It's night & day.
..But I have not seen those(or just not paying attention), the last couple of weeks.

Key words here. Are you talking about Ps4 version? Because they are not patching Ps4 version. It's very probably you not noticing it anymore because you are now used to it.

And someone else noticing the demo is worse probably is so accustomed to play the demo the fresh new shiny coat has vanished.

Personally even if i really liked the demo i stopped playing it after a couple of weeks. Demos don't have enough to keep me playing them. That's why it's extremely important they nail the Master League mode too. After the first few days, even the best gameplay ever won't be enough if there won't be a sense of trying to accomplish something, like winning to acquire new top players that are particularly difficult to obtain and win the Champions. Really hope they fixed how easy it was to obtain top players even in Challenge mode.
Why do we have to wait for the Serie A trophy in DLC? Seriously Konami?

Stuff like this is infuriating. It essentially makes me think one of two things. The game was finished months ago, like early 2019 or the deals are being done so late they can't add them in to the full game because it's already started "printing" for lack of the proper descriptor. Either way that feels off.
Stuff like this is infuriating. It essentially makes me think one of two things. The game was finished months ago, like early 2019 or the deals are being done so late they can't add them in to the full game because it's already started "printing" for lack of the proper descriptor. Either way that feels off.
To add insult to injury , the (albeit brilliant) modders we have here can cook that trophy up in a day or so. Confounding.
Actually I think this shows their tactics.. Getting as much as possible and implement as little as possible from the license.

I really don't understand it.

I will probably only judge the game from a gameplay perspective, but it really annoys me.
To me that is exactly what they are doing. Just look at last year. Quantity over quality. Just enough to generate a little buzz so that more onliners are interested. All those licenses and they did exactly jack shit with them. Even now, they're adding the Euros before actually making the leagues they have good. Case in point is the serie A license. Good news but they are doing nothing with it. The trophy situation is hilarious. This is not even mentioning the Belgian, Danish leagues etc which get ZERO attention. Bizarre because there is a lot to gain there by making those authentic.

Now take FIFA for example and the Bundesliga. That is how you "do" licensing. All-in.
Key words here. Are you talking about Ps4 version? Because they are not patching Ps4 version. It's very probably you not noticing it anymore because you are now used to it.

And someone else noticing the demo is worse probably is so accustomed to play the demo the fresh new shiny coat has vanished.

Personally even if i really liked the demo i stopped playing it after a couple of weeks. Demos don't have enough to keep me playing them. That's why it's extremely important they nail the Master League mode too. After the first few days, even the best gameplay ever won't be enough if there won't be a sense of trying to accomplish something, like winning to acquire new top players that are particularly difficult to obtain and win the Champions. Really hope they fixed how easy it was to obtain top players even in Challenge mode.
The first week I played the demo was on PC... but now playing the demo on Ps4 last couple of weeks.
I can't remember noticing it on PS4 eversince, but I know it happens a lot in PS4 in the early days because @Chris Davies posted something about it.
It's possible that I just got used to it... will try to pay attention the next time I play to really see if it still happens.
I'm not talking about the normal errors, just the "over the top" ones.
That's what I thought, but... Could it really be the case? I mean, EA would've already boasted about it right, left and centre had it been the case. Just to be sure fans knew about it (just to respond to the Juventus thing, I guess).

I think even if EA has some exclusive Serie A team licenses they wouldn't celebrate it after they lost the most important Serie A team by far, Juventus. People would mock them.

Putting a disclaimer there and telling people to check the official website for details is very suspicious.
If you've noticed, EA have agressively marketed their Unrivalled Authenticity thing ever since KONAMI did their exclusive Juventus thing.
So I'd guess they would be boasting about an exclusive Roma deal, if it was there.
Galvani Renan on twitter yesterday said that according to his sources one of the Italian Serie A teams is unlicensed, he also said it's not Roma.
He said that the unlicensed team will be licensed later with the dlc that adds the Serie A trophy.

So, that's why they put that disclaimer, there will be one unlicensed Serie A team at launch. Anyway we are just few days from knowing the full license list, Konami will upload it on the official website as they have done lasty years.
Why 'add' a Serie A trophy as DLC? It's just pointless. Give us content from DAY ONE, Konami.

I despair with this company at times I really do.
Will we be seeing gameplay footage from Gamescom? Really interested to hear if this is a later build any any difference's it may have. I'm also absolutely petrified of hearing it's taken a turn for the worst. Fingers crossed it hasn't.
Imagine going to 3 different stores to get a chocolate bar,a can of coke and a bag of chips.
That'll be fun...
I'm glad Roma is in Pes 20,wonder which team is unlicenced at first?
Sassuolo have been the one before.
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