eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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PES2012 was even worse, i'd rather concede a penalty than a free kick in that game.
Ironically - I just played 6 matches online and there were good few free kicks on both sides... and no one scored. :LOL:
But yeah, I fully agree. They are far too easy. Im more surprised when I dont score than when I score. Especially against AI, coz their wall rarely jumps.
That Klaus guy probably just provides stats/reports and pass them to the dev team. Then if the game is coded in a way that hardly reproduce this stuff on field faithfully, like it happened with many recent chapters, unfortunately even the most precise report or scouting can do very little.
Interesting indeed. I haven't read it all yet, but if that guy Klaus Ganer joined the Live Data team in 2012 responsible for "Player ID and Team ID, weekly updates, and communicate daily with [their] 150+ football experts” how in hell is PES so poor in terms of tactics and team ID?

How can you have 150+ experts on this area and still miss some of the teams' basic formations and instructions?
Because they're asked too much in little time for little money. So they throw in whatever with little effort. And you get that crap outcome.

I know because I worked as one and wasn't happy with the process and left. This was back in 2014, so I'm not sure if they've improved now or not.
My problem with the camera settings is that I can't use them online, at which point I use Long Camera.
I have quite liked the look of Zoom 10, height 2 and angle 10. shows off the visuals well and gives you a nice close view.

Hey there, actually something I discovered playing online against a fellow aussie a few nights ago, was that yes.. in fact you can now play on any angle when playing online. You couldn't in pes2019 (unless there was a patch later on, as I didn't try online after some disastrous results early on), but with pes2020 we both played played one another with our own favourite cam... I did the 6,8,10, and my mate was doing the default stadium... he kinda had the advantage of seeing more of the pitch, but for me I had the advantage of closer dribbling skills etc. But yeah, im sure I couldn't do my fave cam last year.. only default ones and the dynamic wide... unless im mistaken but cam flexibility in online is new this year.
Because they're asked too much in little time for little money. So they throw in whatever with little effort. And you get that crap outcome.

I know because I worked as one and wasn't happy with the process and left. This was back in 2014, so I'm not sure if they've improved now or not.

Thanks for the insight, @Lami
It rings a bell, maybe I've read you rant a bit about this before?

Still strange to me how they mess up teams' tactics and positional setup considering how many people does work on that and that stuff needn't change more than once or twice a year per team (with new managers).
But of course, if the same people are asked to do live updates on a weekly basis plus update player's stats I can see how it might all be watered down.
That plus @Madmac79 's point about "translating" and implementing it to the game's edit mode.

Regarding the live updates I don't even like that feature. It has always annoyed me that it probably enhances people's choice of top teams in Online divisions, because those teams' players are more likely to be on good form because their teams win more often than a mid tier team does. So if you choose a mid or bottem tier team you're at a double disadvantage. I'd prefer it to be just random form arrows.
Hey there, actually something I discovered playing online against a fellow aussie a few nights ago, was that yes.. in fact you can now play on any angle when playing online. You couldn't in pes2019 (unless there was a patch later on, as I didn't try online after some disastrous results early on), but with pes2020 we both played played one another with our own favourite cam... I did the 6,8,10, and my mate was doing the default stadium... he kinda had the advantage of seeing more of the pitch, but for me I had the advantage of closer dribbling skills etc. But yeah, im sure I couldn't do my fave cam last year.. only default ones and the dynamic wide... unless im mistaken but cam flexibility in online is new this year.

Interesting! I start with pitch side and modify that usually. How did you change the settings online? Do you do it while you're in a game or before you start the matchmaking? When I checked the other night, it seemed like you could only pick a few angles and couldn't customise any.
The pace on default is perfect. Any slower and it would be a chore to play, there has to be an element of ‘video game’ accessibility.

The classic PES games were not super slow.

Try to play the classic Pes games, Pes 5 and 6 now. They play like Pes 2019 at +2 speed. I can say that because i recently tried to play them again. They have many beautiful things but pace right now is really too fast for me.

This is also why i prefer Pes 3 and 5 to Pes 6. Especially Pes 3 was the Ps2 Pes with the best pace, not too quick, not too slow.
The pace on default is perfect. Any slower and it would be a chore to play, there has to be an element of ‘video game’ accessibility.

The classic PES games were not super slow.

No they werent, and i actually prefer slow games. The pace on default is perfect for the stadium cam or anything wider than that. On the regular wide cam it loosk super fast, but anyway the pass has superfast speed, very rarely you see interception unless fatigue sets in or you make mistakes. At least in older games despite the fast pass speed the midfield was dense and given to the 8 directions you cant easily just pass next to someone the ball. Now you cant. Last year's pass speed was just perfect.

Try to play the classic Pes games, Pes 5 and 6 now. They play like Pes 2019 at +2 speed. I can say that because i recently tried to play them again. They have many beautiful things but pace right now is really too fast for me.

This is also why i prefer Pes 3 and 5 to Pes 6. Especially Pes 3 was the Ps2 Pes with the best pace, not too quick, not too slow.

Remember that you have to play them on a crt tv. Did you do that? On my PS3 on the HD tv PES4 plays awfuly fast but on a CRT the speed is quiet decent. Or on my PC where i can set the resolution lower.
No they werent, and i actually prefer slow games. The pace on default is perfect for the stadium cam or anything wider than that. On the regular wide cam it loosk super fast, but anyway the pass has superfast speed, very rarely you see interception unless fatigue sets in or you make mistakes. At least in older games despite the fast pass speed the midfield was dense and given to the 8 directions you cant easily just pass next to someone the ball. Now you cant. Last year's pass speed was just perfect.

Remember that you have to play them on a crt tv. Did you do that? On my PS3 on the HD tv PES4 plays awfuly fast but on a CRT the speed is quiet decent. Or on my PC where i can set the resolution lower.

No, didn't play on CRT but they are still way too fast for my actual tastes. I remember Pes 4 being the fastest and most arcade between the classics, didn't like it too much.
I’m trying to learn to play FUMA, so far i have:
- Cursor Change: semi-assist
- Pass Support Level: Off
- Through Ball Type: Advanced
- Shot Type: manual

What else should i need to change? Also, how do you actually shoot to goal? I always shoot nowhere near the goal :))
View attachment 18276 Well guys, there you go. Foul's going to be fix.. Hoping they just iron it out and not fix it by giving 1 foul per game.

Well, the thing is...
It's not like they can implement a Fouls Counter in the gameplay.
"If Fouls Count = or > 8, then stop Fouls". haha.

What they should do is as simple as: If it's a foul, then the ref should blow.
If it's now a foul, then the ref should let the game play on.
AI should be aggressive, with standing tackles and sliding tackles. Not too passive, not psycho killers either.

Middle ground are always good.
Not everything should be black or white. Shades of grey are nice too.
Well, the thing is...
It's not like they can implement a Fouls Counter in the gameplay.
"If Fouls Count = or > 8, then stop Fouls". haha.

What they should do is as simple as: If it's a foul, then the ref should blow.
If it's now a foul, then the ref should let the game play on.
AI should be aggressive, with standing tackles and sliding tackles. Not too passive, not psycho killers either.

Middle ground are always good.
Not everything should be black or white. Shades of grey are nice too.

Chuny you saw those tweets what were about:
"all my tackles are fouls "
They don't seem to be very capable of grey areas in stuff like this. That's why I'm honestly concerned and I've always been since the whole "too many fouls" discussion started.

Ok, I would love to be wrong but I assure you this is the start of dumbing the game down unfortunately...

Yeah. If they hypothetically "addressed" fouls with this speed, none of the other stuff is safe.

Dybala might go to Manchester United
Joao Cancelo went from Juve to Manchester City
Leroy Sané from Manchester City to Bayern Munich (not confirmed).
Griezmann from Atletico Madrid to Barcelona
Neymar might either go to Barza or Madrid
Coutinho might go to Arsenal or Tottenham Spurs.
Lo Celso is close to being a Tottenham Spurs player.

So many big names from big teams to big teams.
It's like transfer windows in Master League, haha.
I'd love to see how some of these would play out for Konami. New players to scan, other that would lose their full scan probably their tattoos...

Chuny you saw those tweets what were about:
"all my tackles are fouls "

Yes, definitely.
I'm as scared as you are that they might just go back to PES 2019's model regarding AI aggression and fouls.
I guess we know who we'd have to thank for thatTHANKYOUVERYMUCH CHRIS DAVIES!
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