eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Well let's be honest here, just one's opinion:

1. The game looks slightly better than last year, it seems to play similar though, no big changes from the videos we've seen this far, besides the animations on collisions, which look better. The rest is the same (finesse shot horrible animation for all the players the same, crossing animation same thing for all, headers and shots same thing..)

2. They have spent some money here and there with regards to licenses, wherever they could I guess, but they don't have any substantial leagues under their belt, and/or competitions.

3. Developers seem to have spent their resources on a more obvious collision system, and then on faces as usual (it'll keep them busy for the rest of the year), which is irrelevant to gameplay.

4. ML seems to have had some work on it, with the interview system, but there's no word on coaching staff, athletic trainers, doctors, youth team, etc, all of which they removed in PES2014 who knows why. There's no substantial news on ML itself.

5. Edit mode still is kept to a bare minimum, because it doesn't generate revenue once the game has been purchased. No Stadium creator will see the light again I'm afraid.

6. They are paying legends for their covers, for their image in myclub, etc, and now for coaches? Why? They're cheaper, it's easier to have Maradona than having to pay Guardiola. So we have legends all over the place!

It's what's on the pitch that matters, that's been PES always and that's why it would coexist with FIFA. It wouldn't have survived through the years based on legends and faces, it survived thanks to ML and mods. FIFA adapted their Manager Career to make it better than ML because that's what they were lacking (besides the boring gameplay).

But I'm afraid the series are going for myclub and 1vs1 eSports. If their sales go down outrageously then they may reconsider this, but news fans out there will take care of their new direction.

P.S. Sorry for the rant, I'm truly missing Espimas and co..
PESEP's video is probably the most negative 9/10 review I've ever seen. :CONFUSE: Cursor switching is apparently broken and he thinks the signature feature of this year's edition is "too easy". How does that translate to a 9? I remember years ago trying PES and right stick player switching was unusable, and this was on release. I suspect it's the badly optimised code not leaving enough spare CPU time to calculate the player to switch to in a way that feels responsive, the fact they are *still* having problems with it says a lot.

The game code is such a dog's dinner that they can't make a change in one place without breaking something somewhere else. No wonder the changes are so small and incremental, it must be hell trying to make any changes without breaking the whole thing. Why for example would you introduce miskicks but only have it apply to shots? When Batistuta is missing open goals from 2 yards but every single cross is a heat-seeking missile then it's just a waste of time.

Might as well rebrand this to a BDSM forum at this point because we must be gluttons for punishment.
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I'd go as far to say it''s possibly worse than 2019 judging by the gameplay videos. I find it astonishing that they seem to be making significant improvements to master league, yet actively seem to be making the Ai progressively worse.

I found a nice moment from the AI

Also cup shooting seem to be fixed. R2 shots, lower trajectory shots are there too.
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Well let's be honest here, just one's opinion:

1. The game looks slightly better than last year, it seems to play similar though, no big changes from the videos we've seen this far, besides the animations on collisions, which look better. The rest is the same (finesse shot horrible animation for all the players the same, crossing animation same thing for all, headers and shots same thing..)

2. They have spent some money here and there with regards to licenses, wherever they could I guess, but they don't have any substantial leagues under their belt, and/or competitions.

3. Developers seem to have spent their resources on a more obvious collision system, and then on faces as usual (it'll keep them busy for the rest of the year), which is irrelevant to gameplay.

4. ML seems to have had some work on it, with the interview system, but there's no word on coaching staff, athletic trainers, doctors, youth team, etc, all of which they removed in PES2014 who knows why. There's no substantial news on ML itself.

5. Edit mode still is kept to a bare minimum, because it doesn't generate revenue once the game has been purchased. No Stadium creator will see the light again I'm afraid.

6. They are paying legends for their covers, for their image in myclub, etc, and now for coaches? Why? They're cheaper, it's easier to have Maradona than having to pay Guardiola. So we have legends all over the place!

It's what's on the pitch that matters, that's been PES always and that's why it would coexist with FIFA. It wouldn't have survived through the years based on legends and faces, it survived thanks to ML and mods. FIFA adapted their Manager Career to make it better than ML because that's what they were lacking (besides the boring gameplay).

But I'm afraid the series are going for myclub and 1vs1 eSports. If their sales go down outrageously then they may reconsider this, but news fans out there will take care of their new direction.

P.S. Sorry for the rant, I'm truly missing Espimas and co..

I share concerns over point four, as someone for whom the Master League is PES's raison d'être. At this stage in time I would've expected something a little more substantial on the changes. And if the key change is the presence of Cruyff and Maradona, the ball is burst.
There's a new defensive attribute - Aggression. Wonder how that translates into tackles and pressure. Could be a saver if we could adjust that to get more fouls.

Funny how Im already thinking about saving the game by adjusting all stats before the demo is even out.. says a lot about faith and hope, doesnt it? :LOL:

New stats are promising as long as they are implemented, would be better to just have attributes and traits (likes to shoot from distance, likes to round the keeper etc). Have to see how the stats translate to the pitch in the demo but looks to be going in the right direction.

Have to laugh at the "Gamesmanship" description though, are players without this skill never going to get freekicks when fouled? :D
What does it means " increasing through balls " for the skill ?
A boost or what !

Nothing more nothing less than what they've shown us in the E3 Trailer and the new Manchester United trailer.
The copycat through ball scene.
Had a good idea that would solve a lot of the pass assist online problems. Limit it to certain amount of wins online.. So Konami want the game to be accessible straight away for players to pick up and learn, ok fine... You can have PA3 or PA2 online from the outset... However, once you get 10 wins online, it locks PA3 and PA2 online and only allows you to have PA1 or manual. If they then made PA1 very loose with a mild directional help but you have to be accurate on the power, it could help the online game actually become fairly skillful while not taking away the opportunity for players to learn online with simpler settings... This would also eliminate PA3/2 from a lot of online tournaments (although I am sure you would get people setting up new accounts for them, but alas, what you can do with cheap idiots)...

Either they have extremely crappy servers or there are more PES fans watching this now than we thought there were. In any case, it doesn‘t load beyond the first seconds for me.

But pretty decent strategy from Konami, rolling out these three partnerships one after another, somehow masking the overall lack of licenses. Well, if that’s what they are doing, at least.

I just wonder what the Bayern narrative will be.. how to give away a big title in the dying minutes of the final... twice?

Btw, Robben just announced his retirement. Farewell old diving bastard. We‘ll always have Wembley (and that goal against United)
By the way guys, don't try this at home...

Cuz this is how you get muted off your beloved football games' official representative accounts :LMAO:
Lol is that Twitter account yours? Whoever it is, I've seen them in sequel years post the most ridiculous entitled nonsense to Adam/Asim and then wonder why they get blocked. Only yesterday that account moaned at Barry from PES Universe for not having replied to his questions quickly enough. Ridiculous.
Funny how on E3 code midnight kid said there is lack of fouls and physicality.

Now we are getting some gameplay videos and they are all reviewing "slightly changed" post E3 code. And NONE of them mentioned one area of concern from E3 code - lack of fouls. Not midnight kid, nor pesep, no one.

To me it looks like Konami saying - dont mention fouls. End of.
Or, equally as plausible: PESEP only cares about playing online, and so it's not a concern of his whether COM teams foul much. I don't think MidniteKid has done a proper reflections thing yet, but it's in the pipeline. The section of the player base who cares about fouls is very limited; it doesn't have to be a conspiracy that people don't bring it up.

It concerns me that all these dudes are self-claimed "old-school" players, but in the same time they "TRY" the passing system in PA 2&3! I mean wtf it is not the PES league finals. You are supposed to test things there. I don't care for PA3 users in competitive modes during season, but during the playtests? For god shake!! Every videi is on PA2 or 3 until now. What's up there? A PA1 embargo campaign? And Full manual is not even in the astral plane?
Since you do tests, why not try all the levels for example? FUMA-PA1-2-3?

I do not want to sound like "elitist" with the usual quote "how these guys are pros using PA3", but when they give feedback on PA3 that the ball is free and has errors, there is no hope for PA1 or a semi-assisted system to work properly.
Anything PA2+ is laughable. Completely agree about that. But you misunderstand the point of these events. They're not playtests, they're "content capture days". (Does anyone else feel a little bit nauseous after using the word, "content"?) That means they are just invited as prominent Twitch streamers/PES youtubers/media personnel (oh, and big FIFA streamers) to come and play the game, be wooed a bit, and capture some footage of the game to release to the general public. I think it's a pretty silly thing overall. I imagine Konami think it's fan engagement and good marketing, but it does look a bit like the same faces every year. A few of them I note have barely posted anything on PES in the past couple of years, but still get invites. Meh. It's just marketing tosh.

So, since it's not about playtesting, it matters less that PESEP played on PA3. I still think it's child's play! To be slightly fairer to him, it does seem he's interested in testing out the sweatiest tactics that people play with online, to see how effective they'll be when you come up against them. E.g., it's valuable to know whether people can still go PA2+ and do relentless ping pong. If that's still the case, and if they don't have proper filters, that's the competitive online modes done for me, for yet another year.

Surprise surprise he’s changed is tune. I guarantee if he was still a Konami employee he’d be gushing over PES 2020.

It’s why Adam, Midnite Kid etc can’t be trusted when it comes to feedback. They’re too heavily invested in the series and they can’t say what they actually think.
Sigh. Of course as a PR guy/community manager he was limited in saying what he thought about the game. I don't think that manifests a fundamental dishonesty, just basic professionalism. He has, since leaving, been very candid about the game and Konami on Twitter, and I for one think that's a good thing. He said he's moderately interested in PES, but thinks it won't be worth the purchase until they can show they've sorted out online quality and implemented a deeper range of modes.

Had a good idea that would solve a lot of the pass assist online problems. Limit it to certain amount of wins online.. So Konami want the game to be accessible straight away for players to pick up and learn, ok fine... You can have PA3 or PA2 online from the outset... However, once you get 10 wins online, it locks PA3 and PA2 online and only allows you to have PA1 or manual. If they then made PA1 very loose with a mild directional help but you have to be accurate on the power, it could help the online game actually become fairly skillful while not taking away the opportunity for players to learn online with simpler settings... This would also eliminate PA3/2 from a lot of online tournaments (although I am sure you would get people setting up new accounts for them, but alas, what you can do with cheap idiots)...
Yeah, this is something many of us have touted many times! My understanding about why they don't disallow PA2+ at their PES League events is that they think anything less might result in fewer games and less "fun" (the pro player/streamer Wezza spoke about this on a podcast briefly). I think that's idiotic personally. But yeah, if that's their attitude to the pro side of the game, and esports is continually more integrated into the game itself, then you can imagine it'll be yet another year where we either have no meaningful PA filter or no PA restrictions the better you get.

Basically, your approach here is sound and I'd go with something similar, but it seems Konami are working with a different set of priorities from the very start. Case in point: when a prominent PES streamer made a video critical of PES League prior to the event, citing the PA levels among other things, Konami contacted him and asked him to take it down (he didn't, thankfully), predominantly because they didn't like the title and thought it gave a bad impression ahead of the tournament. They also asked a Twitter user to delete a retweet of the video, and unfortunately it seems the account user did delete it.

But it shows you two things: they're aware that some of us hate PA2+ and think it isn't befitting of pros, but they'd rather manage their PR side of that problem than seriously look at why we think that. Alas.
this french youtuber who have tested MU version said :
PES 20 MU version is between PES 19 and PES 20 E3 Version.
There's less physic contact between players than the E3 version.
Lobbed 1-2 triangle is more easy than the E3 Version.
GK are less great than PES 19, and the same in the E3 version
players stamina is the same as Pes 19
Man U is cheated in this version
IA seems a lot better in this videos:

Agree! Even tho I think CPU still doesn't keep the ball the way it should (especially in the midfield), I've seen nice things here and there. Pogba's third goal with a nice dribbling on the defender for example, and another good trick by I think Martial towards the end, plus a good physical game all around with some first touch errors. It surely looks better than the other one.
Wait, aren't that com bots or something? I haven't played a single coop game so I don't know how it works, I've read Com3, 4 and 5 and assumed so.

If they are other humans I retire all :LOL:
Wait, aren't that com bots or something? I haven't played a single coop game so I don't know how it works, I've read Com3, 4 and 5 and assumed so.

If they are other humans I retire all :LOL:

:LMAO:I have never played Coop either!
I assumed that the arrows above players' heads indicate that they're human-controlled!
Is this demo with Man United a New build ?

It seems to be the case imo, and I got to say, it looks worse.

Physics are way off now. Players glide to much and the way the ball Rolls on the field Just look weird, It doesnt bounce, its like It hás physics on its own, no interection with grass/pitch.

Game looks really bad in those man United vídeos

Im getting sick of Fox Engine right now.
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what a terrible scripted match last night in Copa America:
View attachment 17189
Just shows that these things happen in real life also and not so rarely as some may think.
But if it was the same case in a Pes game everybody would go mental and start screaming about scripting..
Having more possesion and more shots means nothing more than just having more chances to get a good result.
But it doesn't guarantee you anything.And that's the beauty of football.
You can't see this thing in basketball for example.
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