eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Seriously, why the fuck should this assessment be discounted so rapidly, and the negative views of people who haven't even played the thing be treated as more trustworthy and genuine??

It's embarrassing.
What's embarrassing is that he played two matches of a game - the latest in a series he admits he doesn't play - and makes the claim that PES has gone "from arcade to sim". After two matches.

That is an immediate red flag to me - it's the equivalent of "the king is back", which I've been sick of hearing for literally 10+ years. It's a silly statement to make and a normal preview wouldn't make such a bold statement. So it immediately feels off.

As for Eurogamer - I ranted on here about their awful 2019 preview last year. They started the article with "I used to play PES at uni" (which usually means the game is getting 9/10 based on that alone), and then they had the balls to say that FIFA is "ping-pong football" when A) FIFA has this thing called "pass error", based on the concept that sometimes professional footballers aren't literally 100% accurate all the time, and B) everyone with eyes can see how laser-guided PES's passing is by default.

However, last year's review was the first I can remember where they actually marked PES down for adding absolutely nothing of worth off-the-pitch, and I was genuinely surprised. I hope the guy who wrote that review does their 2020 review, and not the guy who has barely played PES but thinks it's incredible off the back of literally 20 minutes with the game, or the guy who is blinded by the older games.
Interested, but not hyped after all the disappointments over the years. I just hope that, as a single player, the game play and team ai will shine through and not feel like playing the same dull, monotonous experience over again. I hope that pes can regain some of that old magic that has been missing imo.

Yeah here's hoping the AI will be at least upgraded to an acceptable level for all you guy's who prefer single player modes.
And what about all that rumors that EA would end Bundesliga partnership and maybe PES would have the license? I hear that about two or three years ago.
So, rumours are slowly started to become reality one by one.
I don't know how things will pan out and translate into gameplay but, right now I'm sort of feeling proud for PES. Slowly getting back on their feet. If gameplay doesn't have any major bugs or issues like the AI spamming low-crosses last year, it might be a good year.
So, rumours are slowly started to become reality one by one.
I don't know how things will pan out and translate into gameplay but, right now I'm sort of feeling proud for PES. Slowly getting back on their feet. If gameplay doesn't have any major bugs or issues like the AI spamming low-crosses last year, it might be a good year.
Blink if you're the real @Chuny !
Jokes aside,same here
It's good advice for any game.

Some other games you're basically a beta tester if you pre-order! :D

PES 2013 was the last time a preorder was done well.

The hype came from the preceding 2012 game (not rhetoric/speculation).

And MLO. if you learnt the game and controls early you could get more wins online which meant you could buy better players and contracts early. So a pre-order was a MUST.

The days when you'd wondered what excuse you'd give your boss that you were too ill to attend work on release day.

Now PES and MyClub have totally lost sight of what could have made PES the best competitive footy game out there today.

[the forum is entertaining though]
And what about all that rumors that EA would end Bundesliga partnership and maybe PES would have the license? I hear that about two or three years ago.
I have done a little research few months ago.


The contract between different game companies and Bundesliga will be effective until 2021/22 season. According to the process last time, Konami may bid for Bundesliga again in the 2020–21 season. If their bid is successful, they can implement Bundesliga started from PES 2023 (i.e. with the data of 2022–23 season).
So, rumours are slowly started to become reality one by one.
I don't know how things will pan out and translate into gameplay but, right now I'm sort of feeling proud for PES. Slowly getting back on their feet. If gameplay doesn't have any major bugs or issues like the AI spamming low-crosses last year, it might be a good year.
Proud for what?
I know we have a few dissaponting PES seasons in our bags. So it's difficult to trust anything until we put our hands on the game.

But we have seen some videos that supports these "suspicious" article reviews. Imo it's cristal clear that the game has changed its direction. I've played enought to PES 2019 to see that PES will turn into a simulation style one or two steps.

It will be enought? I don't know. But it's good.

I'm on the hype train after E3, because I liked what i've seen and I enjoy this feeling.
The main reason that this thread has huge activity its because all of us are on it. More or less deeper.
We stay here to bear the wait to July 30 more easilly. Sure.
LOL anyone found this trailer a bit lazy?
1:01-1:15 is the exact same clip copy from iniesta in e3 trailer
1:22-1:26 is the one rakitic pass to messi to score in e3 trailer

Same thing happened last year with the Kevin De Bruyne / Coutinho shot from outside the box.
This is the new Chuny. Chuny 2.0
Original Chuny's dead, he's locked in my basement.
Ha ha,got it.
I'm carefully and cautiously looking fw to news and obviously gameplay,and signing up United and hopefully BM and Juve,plus having Barcelona/arsenal /Inter/Milan as partners,it's a strong line up.
Better have some good gameplay to go along
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