eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Unfair comparison really.
I get where you're going with this.
PES on PC will always achieve bigger tasks and look the way a football game is supposed to look, if money, monster companies and licenses didn't exist. But you're just diminishing his taste when he has to be happy with what he gets. It's not his choice. Not everyone can have a powerful PC and update it every now and then to keep the latest game running all maxed out. Consoles have always been the safer choice.

And some people are only looking to feel like they're actually playing football when they pick either game. Some people aren't looking for the Champions League anthem, entrance tunnel or scoreboard.

No - actually, its not an unfair comparison.

I like MacDonalds, too. But I also want to eat at a 1st class restaurant on top of the Eiffel Tower.

The latter carries a premium - in terms of PES it is that you need a decent PC.

If the masses opt for McDonalds, the Eiffel Tower restaurant gets less/no business and goes bust.

That is why - from what I'm reading about "Yeah, I preordered" - means you won't get true innovation in the PES series until something changes (like less and less people preordering)

Anyways, I made my point - I've got a McD's coupon which means I get a Fillet O Fish, Fries and drink for £1.99 at the weekend. I'm going to go dream about it.
No - actually, its not an unfair comparison.

I like MacDonalds, too. But I also want to eat at a 1st class restaurant on top of the Eiffel Tower.

The latter carries a premium - in terms of PES it is that you need a decent PC.

If the masses opt for McDonalds, the Eiffel Tower restaurant gets less/no business and goes bust.

That is why - from what I'm reading about "Yeah, I preordered" - means you won't get true innovation in the PES series until something changes (like less and less people preordering)

Anyways, I made my point - I've got a McD's coupon which means I get a Fillet O Fish, Fries and drink for £1.99 at the weekend. I'm going to go dream about it.

It would be interesting to see whether fewer pre-orders led to innovation.
I'm not sure it would.
Do companies innovate more when they lose business? Or do they innovate more when sales are high and theres more money for R&D?
Or do companies innovate because of the scale of competition.
In football games, there is no competition.
Is a second competitor necessary before konami/EA feel the need to innovate?
I did the dirty tonight.. I was trying to be like all cool like the Fonze and not preorder.. but I got bored and before I knew it I had a SimplyGames account.

I’m hoping it keeps me interested for months, but even if it only keeps me busy for a few weeks I’m kind of past the point of caring now.. I mean, even if the final product stinks, at least there’s always masturbation. You can do that on your own, with friends in a multiplayer environment, even online if you enjoy strangers. It’s fantastic! You can also pay for add ons to improve your masturbation experience, or go to an old folks home to play with legends..

But I’m still hoping PES is good...

Unless masturbation becomes an e sport... then I’m all in. I’m all about coming first there.
No - actually, its not an unfair comparison.

I like MacDonalds, too. But I also want to eat at a 1st class restaurant on top of the Eiffel Tower.

The latter carries a premium - in terms of PES it is that you need a decent PC.

If the masses opt for McDonalds, the Eiffel Tower restaurant gets less/no business and goes bust.

That is why - from what I'm reading about "Yeah, I preordered" - means you won't get true innovation in the PES series until something changes (like less and less people preordering)

Anyways, I made my point - I've got a McD's coupon which means I get a Fillet O Fish, Fries and drink for £1.99 at the weekend. I'm going to go dream about it.
I'd settle for a handmade burger at a non franchise restaurant with mixed fries and a beer,same price (roughly) and 100 percent better.
Apples and pears,not apples and formula one cars
Stopped eating at McDonald's when I stopped being a kid I guess
I haven't seen why, but is there a special reason why you have high hopes for legend? Personally I'm not sure I have seen any streams with legend difficulty.
The reason is @Sovereign Hope and his absolutely brilliant videos. I've just been back through them now and every single one makes the AI look much more varied and much less inclined to hit long balls, I think they look fantastic. All on Legend.

Here's his first one, but I recommend looking through his post history and checking out all of them.

Doesnt seem superhuman like last year game
I've been trying to get into PES 20 but just can't. The ball feels so heavy and it feels as though it moves in a very unnatural way. Like rubber band pathing.

Secondly, why did they change the way you do certain tricks, in many ways it interrupts the flow and makes some simple things unnecessarily confusing/complicated. For example Stop and Turn toward opposition goal is now R1 … why? But not only that it is also Left on the R-stick when running straight away from goal, I mean what? Why this when it was simply R2 before? It doesn't make sense. Also, step overs are over-simplified and just look so robotic, it was much more fluid having to spin the stick in a half-moon, both movements complimented one another. So I feel that I'm trying to teach my brain to understand controls that undermines the movement itself which makes it feels awkward and overall backward and so while trying to learn these things my brain is saying "you want me to learn this new backward control system when the old way was much more intuitive and natural" and so I'm like "brain just shut up and learn it, it could be good" and it's like "nah ya muppet, it's not, it's backward" and I'm like "yea, you're right!". It's akin to playing with the pad upside down where you're trying to learn how to do the same things but they've now been made dysfunctional and unnatural, but I keep thinking the game is new and new things take time but still this just doesn't feel right at all to me, not one bit.

Also, the way players are moved out of position momentarily to put you at a distance disadvantage is still very much there and the usual "no way around a player" pops up when the computer says no.

I'm sorry and don't want to seem like a spoil-sport but I just can't get into it, it feels heavy but not realistic the animations feel far too short and the game seems to lack natural inertia, so the movement physics feels completely screwed up to me.

People keep relating the slower movement to increased realism but I'm sorry, even though I've always played PES with -1 speed PES 2020 just feels horribly automated far from realistic. Maybe I'm just too old but my brain says nah.
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The guys who pre-order PES basically accept that what fun they get in the demo will be a true representation of what they will get from the full game - this could not be further from the truth.

The console guys who preorder knowing what they got last year - what are you doing?

You have a community here. IMO it should be using that community power to instil change for the future direction of PES. Yet, a lot of us fall/fell at the first hurdle.

Yeah, sorry, but this doesn't make a great deal of sense to me.

Fairly presumptuous to stick all who pre-order on console into one basket like that. Personally, I know the game will be different come full release. I'll find out if that proves better or worse over time. I'm okay with this. I get a return on my investment every year with PES but in saying that it doesn't mean every year has been complete joy. Simple fact is I do get "something" from it every year and that is often playing time that pushes the hundreds upon hundreds of hours, easy. Even years where my frustrations have been more apparent I still probably get that return on the investment.

By default the final game will be better than the demo for many for the simple reason they will be playing modes and full matches. Fair to say experiences from there will differ, perhaps wildly, from one user to the next over time.

So far as what we/I are doing? Can only speak for myself but the purchase of Pro Evolution Soccer (and other games) is, every single time, one made with calculated disposable income. It's money I've earned, money I have been able to spare on videogame purchases. Put simply, the purchase of games is affordable and isn't a life or death thing. I don't overthink the purchase too much. Sure, I will use demo's, reviews and let's plays a lot of the time to help make a decision but beyond that there really isn't too much more to consider regards the actual game. Only other drivers are say my own time, finance, is it a game I need now or can sit and wait on a sale, and yep, micro-transaction implementation now.

Now, regards PES, a demo often will prove enough. I get a good feel for the base gameplay then I am good. I might pre-order (have in this case) but that really is my business if I have the funds available and if for whatever reason want to be playing the game at 00:01 on 10th September. The answer is though that it is a new PES and have the next three weeks off.

How is any of the above falling at a hurdle exactly? What is wrong with approaching the purchase of a videogame as just that?

If there are people willing to wait it out or approach the purchase differently they will get no judgement from me for doing so. Everybody is different. No right or wrong on this in my opinion.
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I hope he's on drugs...

Ps.am i wrong in saying any changes from the demo will occur along with day1 patch?
He’s probably attention seeking. A few people already own the game on Reddit, they’ve posted screenshots of themselves holding the game etc. They same gameplay is extremely similar to demo.

-2 game speed and quicker than demo? That’s absolute BS surely?
Very weird too. That’s why when I retweeted his post I didn’t make a big deal about it. Hoping those who have the game see my retweet and say “nah it’s just like demo”
Yeah just saw your tweet B-Man,I was actually going to pre order it this weekend,but I'm holding off til I know it's as it should be,on the 10th or the 12th!
Have you order it yet buddy?
Thinking of cancelling my pre order until I’ve read feedback confirming speed is similar to demo.

If they’ve sped up the game I’m out.
Don't worry about it mate, I wasn't being flippant in my reply, I was just trying to move the topic on that's all. Hopefully @DigitalByDesign knows I wasn't having a go at him either - I'm glad you're enjoying the game buddy.

I'm really interested to see what Legend difficulty does, along with different levels of team spirit in ML. I also know that if @klashman69 puts together an option file where all the tactics are altered to make the AI less inclined to just run every man forwards/backwards with every attack/defence, that would make a big difference too.

Well for starters

The very first ten seconds of this clip... Arsenal have got 6-7 in midfield, forming one giant line, backing off you like you've got the plague - and they've got one guy who runs FULL PELT backwards, then you make a pass, and he runs FULL PELT forwards - but seemingly randomly!!

The AI is absolutely bonkers!

After seeing this, Arsenal are still using the shit, outdated, contradictory demo setup for Arsenal which is why with their conservative front-line press but with 6 midfielders, they all created this wall of china like you mentioned.

I'm not having this, i might have to 'waste' time correcting squads on my PC PES Galaxy but we need tactics on launch. I'm not having another year of this crap Konami tactics, i'm sorry, i refuse.
Pes 2020 has a lot of nice qualities, but lacks on putting them together.
Every time i play it, i feel something is off, in overall movement and ball behavior.
Like there is something like a sticky aura, in animations, in ball gaining speed, some passes feel like ball is rolling on sea surface, and as someone said the inertia is somewhat faked and not based in physic engine.
Lot of great things happen, like a bunch of good musicians who randomly met and start playing without a maestro's instructions or even music scores
But the Day-one-patch comes on
10/11?? of Sept.

Yeah. You're right. Now people are speaking of a faster game.

If that's the case everything that make PES good is gone. In that regard I would be a coward.

Mr Alx1234 up there and his fantastic decision about playing the game on pc. Congratulations. And of course I want to say sorry for the decision about pre order the game to my console. I am the reason why Konami doesn't innovate. It's not about online trends and new generations wanting different things. No it is because of the pre orders.

Now I see that the decision about buying a game I think plays good in a demo and looked good in a full game stream is a horrible thing. I should not buy a game and play two games now and then while reading my master here in Denmark.

It's like quality food vs. McDonald's man.
・Improved the responsiveness of Finesse Dribble controls when trapping the ball.

This right here worries me a bit, responsiveness could mean an overall FASTER pace. Helvetes rövhatt (that's swedish btw) if they screw this up!
・Improved the responsiveness of Finesse Dribble controls when trapping the ball.

This right here worries me a bit, responsiveness could mean an overall FASTER pace. Helvetes rövhatt (that's swedish btw) if they screw this up!

Look at the video above... We have a problem. Can't believe it if this is the case.

First time in years the game was fantastic. Can't believe if I don't even gonna enjoy it once as a full game.
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