eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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So, that third screenshot. We don’t see our manager on the touchline but some random dude? Is that what he’s pointing out?

I can’t work out what they’re saying in the comments.
When the camera cuts to your manager, for a cut-scene, it's the manager you picked (you can't customise remember, you can only pick from a pre-made selection).

But when the camera shows your manager during GAMEPLAY or REPLAYS, it's not who you picked. It's one standard manager model.

So you could potentially pick a black manager, who transforms into a white guy whenever the camera isn't specifically on him.

I mean, it's not a huge deal. You can imagine it's one of your coaches, and that you've, er, gone for a piss...? Admittedly, it's one of the many, many "little" things that's an annoyance.

I'd say the regen bollocks is a much bigger problem. But Konami seem to believe (and have said as much to me) that some people like being able to find the regens, to buy them, and "grow" them. Like myClub Legends or something. So it's not going away.
One thing that someone could maybe clear up about regens, well 2 actually:

1 - Do those who retire come back the year after as a regen? Or is there/can there be either a delay in them coming back, OR can some players not come back at all?

2 - Are retirements scripted into the ML mode? I mean lets use Buffon again, is he always going to retire at the end of Season 1 for example, no matter his performance/contract status?

OR , (another OR) can we override that 'retirement' trigger by maybe making Buffon 3 years younger? This goes for all players, I mean if retirements are triggered by an 'age', we could edit those players down a couple years, its not ideal but at least the real 'Buffon' remains a player and not his kid.
the other big thing they need to fix for their online co-op mode which can be a blast if done right is this

please disable anyone from playing by themselves in this mode. This is the dumbest thing I think konami have ever done in their history and they have done a lot of stupid annoying things.. but for me the dumbest of all time is advertising a co-op mode and allowing people to play with their myclub team by themselves in this mode. It should require at least 2 human players to even play in this mode.. if not 2 you can't play. simple as that konami. get it right please! no one wants to play co op mode against one human player.. and that happens a lot in this mode which again ruins such a great mode
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When the camera cuts to your manager, for a cut-scene, it's the manager you picked (you can't customise remember, you can only pick from a pre-made selection).

But when the camera shows your manager during GAMEPLAY or REPLAYS, it's not who you picked. It's one standard manager model.

So you could potentially pick a black manager, who transforms into a white guy whenever the camera isn't specifically on him.

I mean, it's not a huge deal. You can imagine it's one of your coaches, and that you've, er, gone for a piss...? Admittedly, it's one of the many, many "little" things that's an annoyance.

I'd say the regen bollocks is a much bigger problem. But Konami seem to believe (and have said as much to me) that some people like being able to find the regens, to buy them, and "grow" them. Like myClub Legends or something. So it's not going away.

The "generic" manager annoys me a lot, but in a row of matches you forget that little detail.

Imo the solution for the regens would be KONAMI allow the possibility to activate it (or not).
When the camera cuts to your manager, for a cut-scene, it's the manager you picked (you can't customise remember, you can only pick from a pre-made selection).

But when the camera shows your manager during GAMEPLAY or REPLAYS, it's not who you picked. It's one standard manager model.

So you could potentially pick a black manager, who transforms into a white guy whenever the camera isn't specifically on him.

I mean, it's not a huge deal. You can imagine it's one of your coaches, and that you've, er, gone for a piss...? Admittedly, it's one of the many, many "little" things that's an annoyance.

I'd say the regen bollocks is a much bigger problem. But Konami seem to believe (and have said as much to me) that some people like being able to find the regens, to buy them, and "grow" them. Like myClub Legends or something. So it's not going away.
I hate that (re: the manager). It’s so silly!
Not at all happy with the regen news. That's the immersion stuck right up our bollocks.

Agree with others - give us the option to turn them off or randomise names, nationalities etc. Why anyone would like the current system is beyond me.
I would say with the regens. It does look like their starting OVR is slightly lower than usual maybe? So it might help a little...
Not at all happy with the regen news. That's the immersion stuck right up our bollocks.

Agree with others - give us the option to turn them off or randomise names, nationalities etc. Why anyone would like the current system is beyond me.
Do other teams have regen real players too or is it just our team? If not, can we just ignore our youth team and then they never appear anywhere?
It's the way the crowd just explodes with noise, it's so unnatural. There's no build up before it.
Depends on the situation.
I’ve been to plenty of games where there is no build up, if anything it can be the opposite; a collective gasp as the player shoots. Just silence for a second or two.

But in other ways you are of course absolutely right. If you’re on a counterattack for example, a situation where the crowd can see a potential chance long before it reaches the goal, then absolutely, you’re on your feet long before the ball reaches the goal.

That would be great to have, and I really hope Konami sort that out, but first I just want the crowd to cheer a bit. Before the replay has even started they’ve already calmed down to a polite applause. It does make it harder to feel like the goal means something if the crowd don’t care about it.
Do other teams have regen real players too or is it just our team? If not, can we just ignore our youth team and then they never appear anywhere?
No, other teams are grabbing them as well. I was terrorised by Etoo in Pes17. I was fuming, coz he didnt show up in my pool of players... :LOL:
But yeah, give us an option to switch them off. Win-win.
I can't believe i finally see someone else saying that! This has bothered me since PES 2019...it can be annoying as hell because if you rely on short passes to build up your game, the flow can often be destroyed because of that issue.

my solution: someone else already mentioned this, but using advanced throughballs is a perfect workaround for very short passes. However, if you already are on the ball and perform an advanced throughball, your player will take an extra touch almost everytime - Hence the best way to use it, in my opinion, is to use it only as a direct pass!

A good example for this (and sorry for posting my video again today, but it's good to showcase what i mean) is at the goal which starts around 01:55 - the last pass to tolisso was an advanced throughball which you can see by the circle moving over the pitch. This works with even shorter distances.

It's a bit weird to pull off these passes at first, but you'll get used to it in no time. Personally i can still pull off normal manual throughballs by holding :l2: pressed + :triangle:, but i barely need those since i do around 95% of all my manual passes with :x: anyways.

As I said, it's just a workaround...it's a bit sad that the manual controls itself aren't fleshed out enough to pull off these passes but well..,i'm just glad we still have manual controls in the game at all, since (according to adam bhatti in a podcast leading up to PES 2018) less than 1% of all players use it.

Could you re-upload? it keeps going fuzzy, red and blue, abit like old school 3D glasses
Cool. So all player names will be correct, from the mightiest Brazilian to lowliest Moldovan?

This is a big fear for me. The elite level teams in the demo is 'my' football. My football is scrappy, combative and often bloody ugly. This is what I want PES to replicate.

The database will focus on getting rid of all duplicates for V1

Names, errm most should be covered although, as you say with 'lowliest Moldovan' depends if hes a totally fake player or just a fake name which can easily be changed. I will confirm just how many names we can change for V1 exactly.
The database will focus on getting rid of all duplicates for V1

Names, errm most should be covered although, as you say with 'lowliest Moldovan' depends if hes a totally fake player or just a fake name which can easily be changed. I will confirm just how many names we can change for V1 exactly.

Apologies, I didn't know some of the national teams had totally fake players.

Sounds good though. I'm always loath to start an ML until the fake names are gone!
Klash, just to reiterate, by comments I wasn't so much saying that Burnley play Like Barcelona in the sense that the play styles should be different, as you rightly said a lot of modern day teams play the 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 variation and high press and play from the back.
But what I meant and what is missing from PES is that key players and their individuality and their influence over how the team plays is all identikit.

yes and no, the deeper you look into this and when you see the given effect and status of the gameplay to see the most clear picture. Individuality is there and its awesome, the problem is actually more the game engine cant reproduce that consistently so they don't try that much if at all.

Here is the last part of your post to explain this better.

and on the flip, Messi doe not dribble past players, Suarez largely does not hang off the last defenders shoulder, Bale doesn't race down wings at Real, Firmino doesn't drop into the hole repeatedly linking up play, real life playing styles are just not replicated in PES.

The parts in bold i feel are clearly due to engine limitations. Sadly in this generation i think on PES 2017 on PC had AI which could genuinely run at you, not that well but enough to try and dribble past you. on the fox engine PES is too much a passing based game, its taken them an entire console cycle and this hasn't changed this style when AI will kill you with passes over taking you on.

Here is an example here of PES 2013 AI individuality

I think 7.22 to 7.50 is good to watch, to see Barcas buildup to the eventual scrappy goal in the end but please look at my defending here (I'm Sevilla). You can see i'm constantly having to try and anticipate the AI looking for a gap to run past me or try a skill move to get past me. This entire dribble mechanic for the AI don't happen and i'm not sure can happen properly on the fox engine.

PES 2020 in terms of physics, animations etc.. is so, so for ahead of 2013 which is obvious, but the problem is this development in regards animations, physics etc.. have come at a big price to movement individuality to the AI.

You can see Adriano also is a constant menace and was the key protagonist in getting Barca their goal with how he got past me along with Iniesta who with Cesc runs the entire first half.

The issue is making this on PES 2020 is hard, its not like before when you could ignore physics etc.. I'm afraid i had to give up on waiting to see this until we hit the PS5 next year but I'm conservative in that i think it will be possibly PES 2022 until we see this level of individuality with the AI in terms of movement, dribbling and skills.

Klash, just to reiterate, by comments I wasn't so much saying that Burnley play Like Barcelona in the sense that the play styles should be different, as you rightly said a lot of modern day teams play the 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 variation and high press and play from the back.
But what I meant and what is missing from PES is that key players and their individuality and their influence over how the team plays is all identikit.

Regardless of whether Burnleys modern style is similar to Barcelona's, Burnley are NOT able to consistently play 100% accurate passes out of the back, launch high tempo counter attack after counter attack, have deadly clinical finishing, they do sometimes but often rely on a very aggressive physical style of play, this is not replicated within PES, or hasn't been for a number of years.

They don't come in with crunching tackles in midfield, and as there's been zero fouls in the game previously, this is nullified, they don't play target balls up to Ashley Barnes,

Now this part, this depends. I agree with you if your using a very good team, you set your team up well and they are playing as you describe without taking their modest stats into account, but i need to see the footage, for all i know he could be a shit defender, giving tons of space for the AI to exploit, again, this is still a passing based game.

As for Burnleys style n terms of tactics, its not too difficult to get the playing as they should, but are more dynamic than people give them credit for.

To finish off this comes into conjunction with what you said regarding Firmino not dropping into the hole. This is easily possible on PES 2019, hell, any of the last few pes games and will easily be implemented this year. The issue is again, Konami's shit formation, Liverpools 4-3-3 is silly, rigid and too conventional. I can say a similar story to Suarez etc... That individuality is there and its better than ever, but the formations need to be setup to bring it out.
I'm with @Emroth
I never play Master League so much that I start seeing the regens.
I usually start a brand new ML with a different team way before I get to that point.
Specially because after the 4th season, team squads are so heavily messed up by PES' transfers system, that it just feels skewed and unrealistic.

Hopefully, the new transfers system will make up for that and we'll get more decent choices by the AI.

Also, as a side note. This guy, the one that posted the screenshot with the regends..... the Joker was right. Some men just want to see the world burn.
I mean, he got the game about 4 days ago? Give or take? And he deliberately started skipping match after match, and after season after season, just to get to something like that and create chaos. I would never ever do something like that. Specially not if I got the game earlier.
To make it clear: It's not his fault that it happens, but how much free time do you have in your life to do that instead of enjoying the game?.
yes and no, the deeper you look into this and when you see the given effect and status of the gameplay to see the most clear picture. Individuality is there and its awesome, the problem is actually more the game engine cant reproduce that consistently so they don't try that much if at all.

Here is the last part of your post to explain this better.

The parts in bold i feel are clearly due to engine limitations. Sadly in this generation i think on PES 2017 on PC had AI which could genuinely run at you, not that well but enough to try and dribble past you. on the fox engine PES is too much a passing based game, its taken them an entire console cycle and this hasn't changed this style when AI will kill you with passes over taking you on.

Here is an example here of PES 2013 AI individuality

I think 7.22 to 7.50 is good to watch, to see Barcas buildup to the eventual scrappy goal in the end but please look at my defending here (I'm Sevilla). You can see i'm constantly having to try and anticipate the AI looking for a gap to run past me or try a skill move to get past me. This entire dribble mechanic for the AI don't happen and i'm not sure can happen properly on the fox engine.

PES 2020 in terms of physics, animations etc.. is so, so for ahead of 2013 which is obvious, but the problem is this development in regards animations, physics etc.. have come at a big price to movement individuality to the AI.

You can see Adriano also is a constant menace and was the key protagonist in getting Barca their goal with how he got past me along with Iniesta who with Cesc runs the entire first half.

The issue is making this on PES 2020 is hard, its not like before when you could ignore physics etc.. I'm afraid i had to give up on waiting to see this until we hit the PS5 next year but I'm conservative in that i think it will be possibly PES 2022 until we see this level of individuality with the AI in terms of movement, dribbling and skills.

Now this part, this depends. I agree with you if your using a very good team, you set your team up well and they are playing as you describe without taking their modest stats into account, but i need to see the footage, for all i know he could be a shit defender, giving tons of space for the AI to exploit, again, this is still a passing based game.

As for Burnleys style n terms of tactics, its not too difficult to get the playing as they should, but are more dynamic than people give them credit for.

To finish off this comes into conjunction with what you said regarding Firmino not dropping into the hole. This is easily possible on PES 2019, hell, any of the last few pes games and will easily be implemented this year. The issue is again, Konami's shit formation, Liverpools 4-3-3 is silly, rigid and too conventional. I can say a similar story to Suarez etc... That individuality is there and its better than ever, but the formations need to be setup to bring it out.

Hi Klash,

Will you be posting your tactics on a spreadsheet again this year, or will they only be available as part of the pes universe option file?
I'm with @Emroth
I never play Master League so much that I start seeing the regens.
I usually start a brand new ML with a different team way before I get to that point.
Specially because after the 4th season, team squads are so heavily messed up by PES' transfers system, that it just feels skewed and unrealistic.

Hopefully, the new transfers system will make up for that and we'll get more decent choices by the AI.

Also, as a side note. This guy, the one that posted the screenshot with the regends..... the Joker was right. Some men just want to see the world burn.
I mean, he got the game about 4 days ago? Give or take? And he deliberately started skipping match after match, and after season after season, just to get to something like that and create chaos. I would never ever do something like that. Specially not if I got the game earlier.
To make it clear: It's not his fault that it happens, but how much free time do you have in your life to do that instead of enjoying the game?.
Well, regens start right after the first season ends. Basically all the retired players come back the season after they retired, which is so unrealistic.
When the camera cuts to your manager, for a cut-scene, it's the manager you picked (you can't customise remember, you can only pick from a pre-made selection).

But when the camera shows your manager during GAMEPLAY or REPLAYS, it's not who you picked. It's one standard manager model.

So you could potentially pick a black manager, who transforms into a white guy whenever the camera isn't specifically on him.

It's Lothar Matthäus as the manager if I'm not wrong. One of the legend managers, Konami announced as a ML feature. But obviously you see them just now and then...
In the same screenshot the linesman is standing in the coaching zone and not behind the touchline.

Oh Konami.... :LOL:

Edit: Just found a store where I could get the game on friday. I'm tempted...
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Transfer frequently low or high? Don't want to see 1 or 2 transfers during the period but also don't want players moving clubs left and right.

Edit: but I'm also thinking that with budgets and contracts more realistic it might alleviate rodocuridi transfers even if on high. Which in turn could reduce the amount of changes to something more realistic.
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