eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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I have a question regarding ML. Is it possible to get job offers from bigger clubs if you perform well? I'd like to start in a small club then work my way up to big leagues.

It's definitely possible and even when you don't receive offers you can try and ask them to hire you. Sometimes they accept.
Thank you guys for all the responses. So it seems that a lot of you are going for the PES Universe file. I might try that out, then.

Just two quick questions regarding the PESUniverse file:
1. Is @klashman69 editing formation and tactics for the teams in this option file? I've manually implemented Klashman's formations and tactics for earlier versions of PES (think it was 14 and/or 15?) and it made a huge (positive) impact on the way the AI teams played.
2. Does the PESUniverse file get rid of duplicate players? Like @Chris Davies mentioned, this is also my pet peeve when starting my ML: I hate seeing duplicate players across Club and National teams. Ruins the experience for me and usually makes me restart the ML as soon as I can get an OF without duplicate players...

Thanks again!
The gamcode since 2017 is improved (credits to Konami here) and the duplicates are very rare occasion. Duplicate Players with the same ID that are not in a club ,are usually prevented by ML. This is an issue with AFC players usually, but at general a when a player is on a club, his freeagent twin is excluded from the ML database.
Only blackhole here, when the regen system starts, there is a little possibility the system retires an official and regens a fake one with paired ID. But very rare.
The most cases of duplicates, is caused from OFs, especially in Rest of Latin America teams, where there are created-fake players, duplicate from free agents.
The gamcode since 2017 is improved (credits to Konami here) and the duplicates are very rare occasion. Duplicate Players with the same ID that are not in a club ,are usually prevented by ML. This is an issue with AFC players usually, but at general a when a player is on a club, his freeagent twin is excluded from the ML database.
Only blackhole here, when the regen system starts, there is a little possibility the system retires an official and regens a fake one with paired ID. But very rare.
The most cases of duplicates, is caused from OFs, especially in Rest of Latin America teams, where there are created-fake players, duplicate from free agents.

Yeah it's more confusing than I thought. Certainly than it used to be, when my feeble brain could get around editing.

As explained to me in another thread:

The concept of "fake names" and "duplicated players" are currently considered differently. Under some conditions, two same real players can exist in a same ML/BAL save.

In the last few editions, the behaviour is the game will "try to" eliminate the duplicated players by checking its player ID (mod the player ID by 262144). But, in general, the players will not be eliminated under the following conditions:
* The real player and the fake player is assigned to two different football clubs at the same time.
* The real player outside ACL and the real player inside ACL assigned to two different football clubs at the same time (They will also check the team ID if the team exists in both ACL. They will be considered as the same club if the team ID is the same.)

* ACL refers to AFC Champions League
Totally don't get the infatuation with faces either, or tattoos.
I'd take 20 generic smaller stadiums, more balls, improved turf textures, adboard editor, ability to have the club logo on nets or by the touchlines, all that kinda stuff over faces anyday.

Give me the above list and I'd happily just have every single face in the game as a default same face.

You dont see faces or tattoos or boots during normal gameplay, only during a replay, which yet again konami have decided to put that stupid glowing blur over, so faces have zero effect on my enjoyment of the game.
But, the kids all want to see a real face for their MyClub teams, so Konami bend over backwards to please them.

Of course faces are a 'nice to have' but way way down the pecking order in terms of what adds value to actual game play.

And I pray for the day when we get some actual decent, accurate non-monotonous, realistic, passionate commentary.
The commentary in PES has been beyond dire for years and years now.
Yeah it's more confusing than I thought. Certainly than it used to be, when my feeble brain could get around editing.

As explained to me in another thread:
Yep this explanation from @SiuMing is more clear. Folliw it, if you can and it is tge bezt way to avoid duplicates.
I can explain further, as i have "post graduate " experience on how database and Live updates work, due to messing all these years, but we will go to totally of topic.

Jokes aside and excluding me, to not sound egotist, there are people here and on pesgaming , like @SiuMing and @Sobakus (who does not post here so often) that IMO SHOULD BE PAID from Konami, for understanding and explaining to people, how the PES databade works, much better than the PES development team.
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About faces and nets:

Guess it´s a matter of each one individually.
Of course, top priority is gameplay....no doubt.

But I remember PES 2015 with those steelcage nets. That was so off, that it killed a lot of joy when scoring a goal.
That seems to be the past...in the following releases, nets were reworked and been pretty good.
But there might be still some area left for improvement. Real physics in a game (such as the great ball physics in PES) make the game much more enjoyable.
The nets are okay the way they are.

And faces...KONAMI proved that they´re pretty good in making faces, so I´m fine with that either.
If your favourite underdog player still got a generic face...well....bummer....but not that big deal.
Some though take it a bit too serious.
I remember that asian guy on facebook going on multiple times in every single post of officialpes, that Son Heung Min´s hairstyle doesn´t match with the original.
Hope those updates are kits and faces and that the core gameplay of the demo remains unchanged..

They would be so foolish to alter what they have..

For the first times in about 11 years we actually have something reflective of what we had back in the days of the ps2..No more just easily walking through defences..

It’s so robust and solid now and goals are scored by by playing football and opening teams up..Its also those split second moments.Seeing that slight opening or opportunity before the opposing team get behind the ball again..

I don’t remember a pes since the ps2 days that’s actually for me got better the more I’ve played it...

This is a very different game now then I was playing three weeks ago..

I don’t know about anyone else but I’m now able to win the ball with just stick and dash control..I’m not even using X anymore..Just my player and good stick control..Player shielding is first rate.As is the ability to win the ball without even using buttons..

I spend so much time judging the balls bounce and winning possession while a opposing player is trying to control the ball..

Once you click with how you turn your players and use small amounts of dash to create pockets of space,angles and momentum.You realise there really isn’t anything else quite like this.Static play with no movement and just ground passing just isn’t effective nor is just pass,pass,pass...Love that!..It’s knowing when to hold the ball/release and everything is about timing.

Edit..Imo manual shooting is brilliant..So much versatility and stats do factor in.Scored a lovely bottom corner goal that deflected off the inside of the post..Power and placement was exactly what I executed(the elation).
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Something i've always been meaning to ask and forget to bring up - Does the grass length actually affect anything in-game? I can't say i notice much of a difference.

Is it just a visual difference in replays or does it actually affect the ball?.

I believe i read it even in the prematch tips that choosing the grass length in online matches depending on the teams might be a good strategy to create a quicker or slower passing game.

In my experience it definitely has an effect and i tend to have the best matches on long grass. Its subtle but makes matches just a tiny bit slower, physical and unpredictable. My favourite moments are when the ball deflects somewhere in an open space and all players are caught off guard. It just feels so unscripted and loose and its nice to notice that players with a high awareness have a clear advantage in these situations. To me it seems these moments happen more on long. I havent played short for a while but i will probably do tonight to see if i am not imagining things.

this looks cool. finally, different shadows
Some shops in Belgium sold it to people early.

Sorry to bang on about this, but i'm Belgian and if there is a chance to have the game earlier i would take that (you all would, i assume).
I would like to know which shops are selling the game (i still can't really believe it to be honest).

There is a guy who has the game, but he might have the game earlier because he has connections or because somehow he was a tester or something.

Can anybody help me?
Sorry to bang on about this, but i'm Belgian and if there is a chance to have the game earlier i would take that (you all would, i assume).
I would like to know which shops are selling the game (i still can't really believe it to be honest).

There is a guy who has the game, but he might have the game earlier because he has connections or because somehow he was a tester or something.

Can anybody help me?
I think there were two people who said theu had it but one bottled sharing details. I doubt they've got connections except maybe someone at a game shop selling it them early. It's not a widespread release in Belgium so I reckon your chances of getting hold of it early are slim to none.
I believe i read it even in the prematch tips that choosing the grass length in online matches depending on the teams might be a good strategy to create a quicker or slower passing game.

In my experience it definitely has an effect and i tend to have the best matches on long grass. Its subtle but makes matches just a tiny bit slower, physical and unpredictable. My favourite moments are when the ball deflects somewhere in an open space and all players are caught off guard. It just feels so unscripted and loose and its nice to notice that players with a high awareness have a clear advantage in these situations. To me it seems these moments happen more on long. I havent played short for a while but i will probably do tonight to see if i am not imagining things.

Yep..and as Emroth pointed out snow and rain have a profound effect on ball control/miss control..How it reacts to the turf/bounces/travels ect..
Yep..and as Emroth pointed out snow and rain have a profound effect on ball control/miss control..How it reacts to the turf/bounces/travels ect..
Funny how we never considered this while judging gameplay videos. Sometimes we had arguments that this match looked slower and that one looked faster.. maybe it was just a different grass?
I deleted the demo from my ps4 a week ago for the exact same reason...

Deleted it after a couple of weeks. Even if it was the demo with the best Pes gameplay ever i would be bored of it after few days. Without engaging modes a perfect gameplay is useless. I just can't play exhibitions over and over.
A guy in the Uk posted on twitter this morning that he has the game, he posted an image of him holding the full retail PS4 game in the cellophane wrapper, said a mate of his works for a distributor and got it for him.
Deleted it after a couple of weeks. Even if it was the demo with the best Pes gameplay ever i would be bored of it after few days. Without engaging modes a perfect gameplay is useless. I just can't play exhibitions over and over.

I tend to just hit the rematch button with the same teams..Feels like your playing just one long continuous game..I get into such a rhythmic trance for about 3 hours.

Know where your coming from though..Nothing more engaging then decent modes or dropping into a league.
I think there were two people who said theu had it but one bottled sharing details. I doubt they've got connections except maybe someone at a game shop selling it them early. It's not a widespread release in Belgium so I reckon your chances of getting hold of it early are slim to none.

Thanks. There are worse things, of course...
But PES 2020 has loads of awesome looking faces. Mason Greenwood is a 17 year old kid, it doesn’t matter if his face isn’t right.

There are far more important things for Konami to work on than faces.

It’s a weird fascination.
They kept De Gea's silly little Ponytail for the entirety of PES 2019.... despite the fact he didn't have it at all last season. FAILNAMI

PS I am not being serious ;)
This year i will keep it, just to make comparison demoVSfull on May, to see how things changed.
Didn't play more than 20 games for the same reasons.
Did you like it?
Havent seen any of your thoughts here, unless i missed them. Ud be one of the judges to give me green light to start downloading.
People probably wouldn't be bothered so much by faces if the generic ones weren't so ridiculously bad. They don't even put in any effort to make these look convincing, often even having completely wrong hair colours/styles. That and all the faces look identical apart from ethnicity...

For example, Timothy Weah looked like this in PES 2019 (before they gave him a real face);


Light brown/ginger hair, really?...

I'm not really fussed by faces and it wouldn't be a factor in whether I buy/play the game or not, but come on... You have to expect better than that. Most of the teams in the lesser leagues in the game just look like a bunch of generic clones.
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