eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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You can't "revert" once an update is downloaded without uninstalling the whole game and reinstalling. But, if you set your PS4 settings to not automatically download game updates, it will only start downloading the update each time you boot the game, at which point you can cancel it. (Every single time you boot it.)

That's if you're connected to the internet, of course - you could just disconnect your PS4 from the internet before booting the game (through the settings, you just untick the "connect to internet" box).

Either way, it's fiddly, but at least it's possible. I don't think you can do this on the Xbox.

Or you could do the much easier thing of letting the update start and pausing it! Shouldn't restart unless you manually unpause it or the database is rebuilt after a system update.
Sorry if this is too OT, but just out of curiosity: What option file will you guys be running with?

I mean, this is the first time in my PES history that I could probably go without downloading an option file, because of the amount of acquired licenses (bear in mind I haven't played the last 4-5 titles). But still, if someone perfected the last details, maybe put the Bundesliga in one of the fake leagues etc., I wouldn't mind...

PES Universe looks cool and all, but I think 10£ is a little steep... That's 1/4 of the price I just payed for the preorder. I'd probably just stick the 5£ version, since I don't need all the extra 'perks'. I don't mind paying people for their work (I bought Daymos' option files a couple of times in the distant past and never regretted it), but anything that has the word 'subscription' in it makes me suspicious!

What do you guys have in mind?
I'll go with Pesuniverse. Don't mind paying 5 bucks, especially since you get all the files collected in a single folder.
Don't know if there is another option that is as convenient?
does anyone know if the demo on the ps4 is 4k? or is that only on release? i changed my Ps4 pro to 1080p yesterday and didnt really notice any difference other than it felt a bit quicker but could be placebo
If you have a 4k TV your TV would of upscaled the 1080p picture to 4k.
Sorry if this is too OT, but just out of curiosity: What option file will you guys be running with?

I mean, this is the first time in my PES history that I could probably go without downloading an option file, because of the amount of acquired licenses (bear in mind I haven't played the last 4-5 titles). But still, if someone perfected the last details, maybe put the Bundesliga in one of the fake leagues etc., I wouldn't mind...

PES Universe looks cool and all, but I think 10£ is a little steep... That's 1/4 of the price I just payed for the preorder. I'd probably just stick the 5£ version, since I don't need all the extra 'perks'. I don't mind paying people for their work (I bought Daymos' option files a couple of times in the distant past and never regretted it), but anything that has the word 'subscription' in it makes me suspicious!

What do you guys have in mind?
PES Universe is 5 quid. Well worth it.
Sorry if this is too OT, but just out of curiosity: What option file will you guys be running with?
I always wait a little while and keep an eye on PESGaming.com. Reason being, not all option files get rid of player duplicates (in some cases, triplicates) and nothing spoils a Master League faster for me than finding out a player exists at his current club, his old club and his national team.

Half the time it's not because of the guys making the option file, it's because Konami's live updates, DPs etc. dupe them - they're a frigging nightmare for it.

But that's more important to me than having all the right kits etc. day one.
There’s no point in the £10 file. I actually find it a little bit of a piss take charging that too.

Five quid helps support their website, fair enough. But 10 quid and upwards? Not for me.
I'm a gold member on PESUniverse so will grab the OF from there pure;y as it saves me the time of doing it all myself.
But I still dont know how they manage to sell copyrighted images and make a profit off it without getting done, its purely illegal to use sponsors, sports brand logos etc even for personal use without permission, let alone commercially where you make money.

PESUni OF shown here

Theres also a guy on Twitter who has got all the media board sponsor logos, 3 x for every team in every league into one file.

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You can't "revert" once an update is downloaded without uninstalling the whole game and reinstalling. But, if you set your PS4 settings to not automatically download game updates, it will only start downloading the update each time you boot the game, at which point you can cancel it. (Every single time you boot it.)

That's if you're connected to the internet, of course - you could just disconnect your PS4 from the internet before booting the game (through the settings, you just untick the "connect to internet" box).

Either way, it's fiddly, but at least it's possible. I don't think you can do this on the Xbox.
I had my Xbox offline for 3-4 months with Pes 17,so you can.
Problem is if you have a digital copy,disc trick works on both consoles
I had my Xbox offline for 3-4 months with Pes 17,so you can.
Problem is if you have a digital copy,disc trick works on both consoles
Ahhh that's the caveat I was trying to remember. On PS4 you can do it either way - digital and disc too.

It's just a pain having to quickly go into your downloads queue and cancel the update from downloading every time you boot the game (the only workaround being to disconnect your console from the internet before you play the game).
Either way, it's fiddly, but at least it's possible. I don't think you can do this on the Xbox.
I think it can also be done on Xbox One, even if I'm not sure.
Surely games can be started when you're offline, as I have to do it with FIFA 14.
Yeah, that's right: FIFA 14 doesn't boot anymore unless I'm offline (and I swear I tried everything, including deleting local data and re-installing the game from scratch).
What I don't know is if it will let you launch an unpatched game (offline) when there's an update available.
Edit: now I read all the other messages and I know. Silly me. :CONF:
It's just a pain having to quickly go into your downloads queue and cancel the update from downloading every time you boot the game (the only workaround being to disconnect your console from the internet before you play the game).
Having to keep it vanilla is pain in the hoop tho. At the end of the life cycle its like a different game. There's usually hundreds of updated faces and quite possibly couple of stadiums.

Looking at last 3 years Im hopeful.
I never experienced pre patched Pes17, but I heard it was quite terrible.
18 and 19 were generally quite depressing, but at the end of the life cycle they were better versions of themselves.
Only thing that really died along with patches on Pes19 was visible fatigue.
So I'll probably keep it online and up to date and light a candle every couple of days praying they dont fuck it up.. :LOL:
Emroth, only have to look at PES14. release version was an absolute abomination, should never even have been released in the state it was in, and to have the cheek to charge £40 for it was an insult.
It was virtually unplayable, it took them until April the following year to patch PES 14 into what turned out to be quite an acclaimed game and quite realistically the base for what we have now in PES 20.

Turning off patches, updates etc is not an answer, we need to rely on Konami actually having some balls and sense to stick to their intended direction and not give in to the kids and hit the panic button.

I'm fully expecting Pass/shot error, and fouls to be gone after day one patch, its just too obvious, they do it every year.
Having to keep it vanilla is pain in the hoop tho. At the end of the life cycle its like a different game. There's usually hundreds of updated faces and quite possibly couple of stadiums.
You're right, but I'll forever be haunted by the couple of weeks this year that I really enjoyed PES 2019 and the update that I'm convinced turned it back into a tiki-taka fest again.

If I get the game, I won't be keeping it offline because I want the new stuff and bug fixes. But I can't trust them, especially when changes are hidden behind the curtain of "general improvements" in the changelog. Just tell us what you've done! I'm sick of the weeks of "passing has definitely changed", "placebo", "here's proof", "that's a video of a dog riding a unicycle", "lol wrong link", "wait now I think it's changed too", "oh I'd changed my mind about it actually", ARGHHHHHH.

It's already happening with the demo. "They've improved fouls on the console demo!" NO THEY HAVEN'T! THERE'S BEEN NO UPDATE! The code is on your console, not in the cloud!

(The irony being, of course, I can't be 100% certain that they made PES 2019 more tiki-taka in a patch. I can't even trust what my own senses are telling me. Konami make you doubt yourself. It's insane.)
Emroth, only have to look at PES14.
Thats when my little one was born. I missed 14,15 and 16. Hence I only spoke about last 3 years. ;)
Im actually glad I did. If I saw 14 with its sim approach and then straight after got a slap in a face with 15 - id be fuming.. :LOL:
Saved myself lot of nerves..

But yeah - i agree. Its not an answer. We just have to keep shouting at them on twitter, so they also see us, not only Neymars Arsecheek tattoo requests.
They might seem to ignore us, but looks like they tackled most of the issues we were shouting about on Pes19.
I tried the "keep it offline" strategy to play a modded Fifa 18 that I absolutely, completely loved.

Let's say fighting with Origin and in game updates in that case was enough for a lifetime. If I'll get Pes 20 I'll just update it and play whatever they'll put out (not even sure it's possible to keep it "old" on Steam).
@Chris Davies - if we only had something like pitch notes.. you are 100% right there. Its pure guessing game with them. And funniest thing is - its happening regardless whether there was a patch or not. We question it every day!
- i went to the jax, had no.2, came back and passes are more free! Was it LIFE update?? :LOL:

Sometimes I think Konami are having great fun implementing patches and then just looking at all the Pes forums as people are going mad.
Chris - Konami's lack of transparency astounds me.
When you look at the deep dives and timelines and detailed patch notes with images and videos and graphs showing and proving the changes by EA for FIFA it becomes totally comical at how Konami approach it.

At the end of the day, we as customers, keep them in business, we buy a product, we expect to be kept informed of any changes to that product.

Imagine buying a car from BMW, and every couple of months they call you sand say bring your car in, we need to make some adjustments, then after they say, well we tweaked the steering, breaks, and paint job, but wouldn't tell you exactly what they had done to the breaks or steering?!! ludicrous.

Not only that, half the changes they made came as a result of comments made from tom d i c k and harry in the street that had seen you driving your BMW, not from you yourself as an actual owner.
Let's say fighting with Origin and in game updates in that case was enough for a lifetime. If I'll get Pes 20 I'll just update it and play whatever they'll put out (not even sure it's possible to keep it "old" on Steam).
Did they change that much since FIFA 17?
As far as I remember, doing it was just a matter of disabling "automatic updates" in Origin and then switching it to offline before launching the game (at least it was the case with FIFA 14 to 16), but once you were offline you would be able to play the "DVD" version with no trouble.
Also Steam can do that to some extent.
I haven't found a switch to turn automatic game updates off, but I scheduled the "automatic update" between 4 and 5 AM: no way I'd still be playing that late into the night. I'm not a University student anymore. :LOL:
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