eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Played this on lunch today. It’s clicked. Something happened. I love it.

It’s not without faults. The CPU AI attacking moves aren’t varied enough for me.

But oh my. The moves I can weave together, the whole beautiful pace of the thing...

One annoying thing: why does the ball have to leave the floor when I pass it? Is it because I hold down pass for too long?

And double tap shoot is a ‘daisy cutter’! I did one by accident. How long has this been a thing?

I’ve pre ordered from ShopTo. 34 quid is very good, I don’t usually pre order but that’s an excellent price. Thanks @Emroth for telling me about this deal.

Love it. Love it. Love it. The different quality of each passes depending on stats, body position, and user input. That's insane realism.

Konami‘s dirty little goal prevention tricks. I had this a lot in 2019. Hoped it would not be an issue in 2020 anymore.

That's so good. So random. So possible. Real.
I guess I was looking for some empathy among fellow PES players - such as: “Haha, mate, that really sucks” or “damn that’s a pity”.

Instead I am getting lectures on how realistic a Goretzka chicken run is.

Ah well...

I have some sympathy, it’s been a consistent little annoyance in PES over the years for me. I’ll make a bursting run from midfield, then as I hit a long shot my striker moves in front of me often blocking the shot (even more frustrating when they are offside). It must just be a formation coding thing, a CF is maybe programmed to be in a particular zone before they transition into the goalmouth area, and it clashes with long shots from outside the d?

I don’t know, but yes it does happen and is annoying, but I guess it’s not unrealistic for the most part.
Works the other way around as well though;)

Yes, true, but there was at least a happy end.

In my case, one of my own players made a totally idiotic run (from very far out) to the only open space in the box that wasn’t covered by the AI, consequently blocking the clear shot on goal his own team mate had.

IMO the much more realistic scenario would have been that he’d been aware of Martinez winding up for a shot and clear the path instead, which doesn’t mean that what happened is totally out of the question. Only very rare and very frustrating.

I wasn’t advocating less deflections nor that every shot from outside the box should go in. Neither do I deny that this is happening in real football sometimes. It was infuriating nonetheless.

I have some sympathy, it’s been a consistent little annoyance in PES over the years for me. I’ll make a bursting run from midfield, then as I hit a long shot my striker moves in front of me often blocking the shot (even more frustrating when they are offside). It must just be a formation coding thing, a CF is maybe programmed to be in a particular zone before they transition into the goalmouth area, and it clashes with long shots from outside the d?

I don’t know, but yes it does happen and is annoying, but I guess it’s not unrealistic for the most part.

It wasn't to prove a point or say you were wrong or anything like that. I've had my teammates block my shots in PES games plenty of times as well, so I know it can be frustrating (and I agree in you instance that you teammate's run was a bit weird, even suspect maybe).

It just so happened that the AI deflected it into it's own goal the other day and I recorded it, and it just seemed to fit in nicely as a "response" to your unfortunate example:TU:
Watching a livestream the guy showed that you can now see the full ranking just by going into the Master League main menu little section, click X and it will show the entire ranking.

That is so much better than every other Master League menu where you had to go through so many menu just see the full ranking.

They finally did it, i was asking for it since forever. It maybe a little thing but it shows they put some thought in what they have done with Master League this year.
I know that this happens in real football, it’s not like PES is my only contact with the sport. You also don’t need to defend the game, I like it as much as you do. But don’t tell me you wouldn’t have been pissed if that happened to you.

It wasn’t about deflections either but about a stupid AI move ruining a nice build up (for once) and a potentially nice goal. It happened one to many times in 2019 that one of my own blocked a shot, that’s why I made that comment about the “dirty trick”.

Tongue in cheek.
I’m the last person to defend PES my man. I hate Konami and also EA with a passion. They’ve given us sh*t on a stick every year for god knows how long.

Don’t tarnish me with that stuff my good friend. I enjoy the PES demo but it’s far from perfect.

Your post was a complaint about something which happens every time I watch a football match on tv. That’s all.

It’s all good :)
Konami‘s dirty little goal prevention tricks. I had this a lot in 2019. Hoped it would not be an issue in 2020 anymore.

more I look at this the more I feel the run by the attacker across goal to be unnatural - exactly where is he going and why? as tommyc0ckles mentioned - formation coding probably at play here i.e. your right winger trying to get back to the right side at the most inappropriate of times.

difficult to say if its used as deliberate score-limiting scripting mechanic or whether its realism based on tactics (e.g. choosing free formation increases its likelihood of happening).

also i can't tell if cos of the replay slowing down as the shot is taken or not, but does the guy running across slow down deliberately to block the shot? it looks like he does.
Has anyone noticed Barcelona's transfer budget in that ML trailer? 3,6 billion €?? Around 1:17 mark. And 333 milions for salaries.
of course they are fake, just a demonstration
ya they are bad to show it in the trailer
no need to worry, streamers with full game already showed the budget when the ml start
they are in a reasonable range
Watching a livestream the guy showed that you can now see the full ranking just by going into the Master League main menu little section, click X and it will show the entire ranking.

That is so much better than every other Master League menu where you had to go through so many menu just see the full ranking.

They finally did it, i was asking for it since forever. It maybe a little thing but it shows they put some thought in what they have done with Master League this year.

Wow, really?! I was just bitching about this not 24 hours ago because I was convinced they hadn't done anything like that when I saw a shot from the ML home screen that someone shared.

They really have listened and done a lot of things this year that have been asked for in years both on and off the pitch:APPLAUD:
(Not jinxing gameplay though!)
Finally got a decent 3 hour session with the demo last night. All online on this occasion. Great to play 10 min games instead of the offline 5 mins.
Really impressed with both offline and online.
Offline ai is finally fixed in terms of variety of shooting, ai players dribbling and more fouls. Only negative I have seen is that some of my "fouls" aren't actually fouls when you see the replays. I'm all for more fouls, but they need to be real ones. Makes tackling too much of a lottery, but I like how it's more challenging this year.
Had a load of great online matches last night. The slower more methodical pace makes for the best online experience I've had. I play manual passing with basic shooting. I won my fair share of games, but a few guys/girls were ridiculously good. They were finding space all over the pitch effortlessly, while closing me down and forcing me into mistakes when they didn't have the ball. Got criticised by one player because I use basic shooting, but I tried the other 2 options and prefer a stat based shooting option. It's not like it's all auto shooting anyway as body shape, power and direction pushed are still important as to whether you score or not.
Anyway, have pre ordered and looking forward to what I hope is the first PES in years where I haven't had a major complaint. I was even awarded a penalty against the ai for the first time since PES 2017 I think.
They announced it two months ago, this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

Would have been nice to still had this in, BUT glad they don't in one way as I'd spend way too long trying to recreate real me, when I'd rather just be getting stuck into my ML. Even got my wife to make my created manager of me last year as I got tired of doing this every year when I'd rather just be playing ML
Would have been nice to still had this in, BUT glad they don't in one way as I'd spend way too long trying to recreate real me, when I'd rather just be getting stuck into my ML. Even got my wife to make my created manager of me last year as I got tired of doing this every year when I'd rather just be playing ML
So simple solution, it was there in pes2015. Let us store the avatars we create as ourself for manager in ML.
I am a perfectionist and every time i restart a ML , i always 'waste' 10 minutes to create the perfect me. I also use my wifes help, as i artistically suck at face recreation!

But these all are past now. We will discuss them in a future PES when the "new feature" will be: Create/edit you fully customisable manager avatar!!!!
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Your taking your deflected shot far too seriously here.

Oh, please, stop the patronizing. I don't need lectures on how football works, nor what I should take seriously or not. Besides, you seemed to have taken my sarcastic jab at Konami's scripting quite seriously yourself.

And finally: the video is not, and has never been, about a deflected shot. Have you actually watched it?
They (developers) definitely have some issues or had to take time to adapt custom managers to the new cutscenes, still it's disappointing that once they introduce something new they have to face limitations. It's never really a complete improvement, but there's always something not quite right.
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Your taking your deflected shot far too seriously here.
Oh, please, stop the patronizing. I don't need lectures on how football works, nor what I should take seriously or not. Besides, you seemed to have taken my sarcastic jab at Konami's scripting quite seriously yourself.

And finally: the video is not, and has never been, about a deflected shot. Have you actually watched it?

Handbags ready......FIGHT!
They definitely have some issues or had to take time to adapt custom managers to the new cutscenes, still it's disappointing that once they introduce something new they have to face limitations. It's never really a complete improvement, but there's always something not quite right.
What are the issues, I missed this? Slow loading times?
What are the issues, I missed this? Slow loading times?

I'm just saying that the dev team faced some issues using custom managers into the new cutscenes. Loading times, from what i saw on livestreams are short.
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