Champions League
Looks great but no customisation. FIFA's managers look great but up to now they've had no customisation, and let me tell you something - every time the camera goes to "my" manager, I think "who's that?" Every time I forget it's supposed to be me for a second. Because it's so clearly not me.
Actually, I usually think it's Matt10 (because all his YouTube vids use the same character).So I'm a bit disappointed here.
One thing i don't like: you can't create your own manager. You have to use the preset ones. You can change their names and nationalities but the appearance is completely preset. Unless there is a way to edit them in edit mode that's really disappointing and it will severly hurt the impact they wanted to have with the new cutscenes.
The managers look doubt.
But I don´t get why we need them for ML?
Is there any difference in my career when I pick Maradona Or Cruyff or is it just cosmetic??
The different managers made sense in myclub.
But in ML it´s my career and I wanna customize my own manager - in most cases don´t really get that point.
Also...I never had any high hopes with it. A few new cutscenes, manager models....that´s it.
Just hope the transfers are reworked for real at least.
Been playing a couple of games yesterday and I don´t know (as usual) if the latest update has changed anything on gameplay, but the foul system feels to being reworked a bit.
I had a game against Bayern and when I was leading 1:0, they seemed to be pissed off and fouled me a lot.
Even got a few yellow cards.
That felt nice!
Same thing when I played against Juventus. Juventus was leading 2:0 and I scored with a nice chip shot (the first one for a long time). So it was 2:1 and in the last minutes of the game, AI was playing a lot more agressive and fouled me a lot, just like they were scared I´d make it to 2:2.