eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Jesus H. Christ the AI is ridiculously direct. Just constantly smashing the ball straight forwards.

Gameplay looks unchanged from the demo though.

Is this related to the human player's style of play?
Every time im tired i start playing very direct football and the CPU does the same in retaliation.
Is this related to the human player's style of play?
Every time im tired i start playing very direct football and the CPU does the same in retaliation.
The last video I annotated / scribbled over demonstrating the AI's complete disinterest with the middle of the field was someone else playing the game, not me - I think it's just how the AI works.

But the caveat is that videos of Legend difficulty seem to force the AI to actually pass the ball around a little bit. Hanging all my hopes on that.
Damn they really need to stop this!
Unless you mean from the point of view that it's not fair because we can't have it, I see no issue.

I'd take it now given the chance. I order from the same place every year as they consistently deliver 1-2 days early.
I don't follow the national team at all tbh,I'm a club guy (HAMMARBY),but I'll do it now since we have one of our own in the squad!
Did you see Kroos rocket for RM on game day one in La Liga?
Sorry for the OT

Big game on Sunday pal and I'm not talking about AIK vs Dif...;)

I'm sitting here thinking about the 3 teams I will alternate between in Online Divisions. Ajax, Atalanta and Valencia are big contenders atm (nerd).
So, still no dynamic time of day. They lied again.

It seems like you can't choose stadiums outside of Europe when playing an exhibition match with European teams?!?
Big game on Sunday pal and I'm not talking about AIK vs Dif...;)

I'm sitting here thinking about the 3 teams I will alternate between in Online Divisions. Ajax, Atalanta and Valencia are big contenders atm (nerd).
Had a ML with Atalanta on 19,then on 18 after that, brilliant team (Valencia on FIFA).
Yes sir,I'm nervous as hell for that one,games start to matter now,for both of us.
We'll still speak to each other afterwards right:)
It seems like the kickoff time does change when playing Master League. This is probably the reason why the time is listed in the menu. Shadows still don't move and you can't choose the time in exhibition matches, though...
Had a ML with Atalanta on 19,then on 18 after that, brilliant team (Valencia on FIFA).
Yes sir,I'm nervous as hell for that one,games start to matter now,for both of us.
We'll still speak to each other afterwards right:)

Don't want to be too OT here but, I'm pretty nervous myself, our season have felt dead for a while now but somehow we have a chance to at least be involved up there, but then we have to get those 3 points on sunday. ;) Of course we'll talk afterwards! :)

Atalanta are nice. Papu Gómez!
Unless you mean from the point of view that it's not fair because we can't have it, I see no issue.

I'd take it now given the chance. I order from the same place every year as they consistently deliver 1-2 days early.
I see that its nearly 11 days and they havent given any news tbf and where do you normally order?
Don't want to be too OT here but, I'm pretty nervous myself, our season have felt dead for a while now but somehow we have a chance to at least be involved up there, but then we have to get those 3 points on sunday. ;) Of course we'll talk afterwards! :)

Atalanta are nice. Papu Gómez!
Papu Gomez ,love that guy,and D Zapata,top that off with recently acquired Muriel too,and it's looking pretty good.
Have you pre ordered?
Just skimmed through that livestream video and it seems that:

everything about gameplay is exactly the same as the demo. This looks like an unlocked demo without the day one patch. That will probably change quite a bit of the gameplay "thanks" to feedback.

Master League looks better in main menu, seems like there is a bit more interactivity, but nothing impressive. Cutscenes as suspected seem to be cool the first time you see them then you will skip. Some you can't skip because you have to interact with.

The guy didn't check lots of things about training, assistant messages, players dialogue (if there is a way to talk to them).

They said they put players market value according to transfermarkt. Well, that doesn't seem to be the case. The CPU asked 57 mln € for Saint Maximine, while on transfermarkt his transfer value is 25 mln €.

I am waiting for a much more indepth walkthrough before expressing an opinion, but at first glance Master League additions seem to be superficial and not something that will impact the depth value of the mode.

One thing i don't like: you can't create your own manager. You have to use the preset ones. You can change their names and nationalities but the appearance is completely preset. Unless there is a way to edit them in edit mode that's really disappointing and it will severly hurt the impact they wanted to have with the new cutscenes.
Just skimmed through that livestream video and it seems that:


One thing i don't like: you can't create your own manager. You have to use the preset ones. You can change their names and nationalities but the appearance is completely preset. Unless there is a way to edit them in edit mode that's really disappointing and it will severly hurt the impact they wanted to have with the new cutscenes.

It is the usual KONAMI move. I heal your right leg and i shoot you to the left one. I wonder who would complain, if our custom edited avatar existed among the presets?
I see what you mean, as I've experienced it myself.
Yeah, the Stadium cam (is it called like that?) has too much angle for my liking, it's good visually, but it's difficult when playing.
I'm OK with Wide even if it has some angle added to it though (I usually go for an "angle" value between 5 and 7, but I'll soon try lower and higher values too). I also usually keep it all zoomed out, so I could see more of the pitch.
What I vary slightly is height/angle (just because I haven't really found my sweet spot yet so I'm still kinda experimenting).
Yeah i also tried different combinations but eventually i stick with default Dynamic Wide.
I don't like to zoom out because players look too small then and you can't enjoy so much the beautiful animations.
It gives you the advantage of seeing more of the pitch if you zoom out but i also use the radar and look at it sometimes when i need to so it's not a problem.
Default Dynamic Wide is great for me.It zooms out a bit on the far side,but not too much where the players would look tiny,and it zooms in on the near side and you can enjoy the animations.It also adds a tiny bit of angle in some cases which i like but without overdoing it.
Seems like prices are better.. But has Konami maybe just adjusted everything? Higher budgets.. Higher prices... Still random transfers?

Also has the budget income been fixed? It is nice to see Mbappe cost 450.000.000, but starting with 10.000.000 budget and having income only from selling players and with low profit, without addition from club-board or from competition prizes, will not lead anywhere.
The CPU asked 57 mln € for Saint Maximine, while on transfermarkt his transfer value is 25 mln €.
Maybe he was on Challenge Mode.Things are more difficult there.
And maybe if you put Transfer Frequency on Low then teams will want more money to sell a player because they ''know'' that they can do only few signings/sellings so they want to make the best out of it.
Anyway that don't bother me much.If it's more than what he's valued i'm still ok.
What i don't want to see is players who worth 15-20 mil or more being sold or bought for 2-3 mil which looks ridiculous and was the case until 19.
The last video I annotated / scribbled over demonstrating the AI's complete disinterest with the middle of the field was someone else playing the game, not me - I think it's just how the AI works.

But the caveat is that videos of Legend difficulty seem to force the AI to actually pass the ball around a little bit. Hanging all my hopes on that.
You did ask on how the european teams play on legend diff. I did post at the pc thread but here are some samples if you havent seen them already.
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There's got to be a reason - I'd love it to be that it's because the transfer world is being much more realistically simulated.

As long as it's that and not just because it's generating nicer-looking 3D images for each news headline (which are all pointless)...
I mean if there is match and you just skip it.. like in PES 2019 or transfer news or any info that day, to go to next days, its appear loading screen for 3-5 seconds like you starting the match loading screen.

btw here is the link for full game stream: https://www.twitch.tv/jeyspeed
Jesus H. Christ the AI is ridiculously direct. Just constantly smashing the ball straight forwards.

Gameplay looks unchanged from the demo though.
Doubt it would of had the day one patch. Also if you can cut off passing lanes it stops the AI playing forward, I have seen the AI pass back or have to pass sideways alot. It wont happen if you dont block their forward passes off though.

This year i think it is what it is and that's a start. For it to be the perfect game after PES 2008-2019 then thats asking way to much.
This year i think it is what it is and that's a start. For it to be the perfect game after PES 2008-2019 then thats asking way to much.
This is true. But to play the game, it has to be enjoyable. For me, it's not, against the AI - it's completely devoid of variety. But that's just me.

The caveat (as I mentioned) is that Legend looks really good. See @Sovereign Hope's vids above.
But are you sure you only get paired with other PA1- players when set to "similar settings"? Because in the demo that is only true when it comes to PA0.
Both Pass Assist and Team Strength filters work fine.If you have a 3 star team with the filter on,it will never pair you with a 5 star team.Same goes for passing.I know there is this rumour that it may get overridden sometimes and i also thought in the past that it may be true,but it isn't.The only filter that gets overridden is the Rating one,where after a while it starts searching from 0-9999 if it won't find an opponent quickly enough.I'm not sure about the Connection filter but i think it also works fine.

I've played 600 matches online on 19 always on PA1 and the filter on and i didn't notice my opponents playing on higher assist.It worked fine.Of course on Challenges and stuff like that you can't put it because unfortunately there are no restrictions there but i mostly played Ranked Matches which allows filters and it worked as it should.

On 20 demo i played some matches without the filter and it paired me with someone with PA3.It was pretty obvious in the game because especially this year the difference between PA1 and PA3 is more noticable than ever.He was stringing 1-2s without effort and ping ponging all the way without error while it was more difficult for me to build up on PA1.
But when i used the filter it only paired me with opponents on PA1.And you can tell that from the gameplay.
It says it in the description that ''if you have problems finding an opponent,then put it off and try again''.
If it was just being overridden and it would pair you with anyone,then that phrase wouldn't make any sense.
It takes more time to find someone when you put the filter on and you can tell that it's searching for someone specific with same settings as yours.If you put it off it finds someone more quickly but he can use any settings.
This also shows that the filters are working fine.But the biggest proof is the gameplay and i haven't been paired with someone with PA3 while i have the filter and i'm on PA1,otherwise i would know it from seeing the gameplay.

Where do you base it that it only works on demo when you put it on PA0?
Cause from what i experienced that's not the case and it works fine for any settings.
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mein erster beitrag hier bei dir.
Leider ist es konami seit 2006 nicht mehr gelungen, ein 2: 1-Ergebnis in der Offline-ML zu erzielen.
Ich sah es zucken.
seit 14 jahren!
vielleicht eine Kleinigkeit, für mich ein Nein.

Ich kann 1: 1, 2: 0 nicht mehr sehen. 3: 1, 4: 2. Ich möchte nach 14 Jahren ein 2: 1 sehen.
Ich bin ein bisschen traurig.
Einen schönen Tag noch, viele Grüße aus Berlin
Maybe next gen pal, But lets face it if dynamic time of day for a 90 min match is your main issue Konami have nailed it for you this year :BEER:

Well lets get our hopes up a BIT because the matches have specific starting hour in ML. And on PC via modding if you set the date and the time for the stadium's ie "Afternoon" games specificly the sun moves accordingly even season by season. In the demo Bayern stadium have winter afternoon date and time set for the afternoon games thats why the sun is so low but it can be modded. Lets hope that will be going on in the default game in ML.
Funny how so many people in PA0 games online play the most boring football imaginable. You'd think these people would be the "purists" who take satisfaction in performing a great pass, pinpoint cross, well crafted passing move etc... Most I seem to come up against are just using all the top teams, spamming the fast/strong players, scoring the cheapest boring goals to win at all costs in a demo with no win records... Parking the bus while simultaneously pressure spamming all 90 minutes, which should absolutely wreck their stamina but as usual is not punished.

Co-op is about my only hope for enjoying this game online but I'm not expecting any improvements from last year.
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mein erster beitrag hier bei dir.
Leider ist es konami seit 2006 nicht mehr gelungen, ein 2: 1-Ergebnis in der Offline-ML zu erzielen.
Ich sah es zucken.
seit 14 jahren!
vielleicht eine Kleinigkeit, für mich ein Nein.

Ich kann 1: 1, 2: 0 nicht mehr sehen. 3: 1, 4: 2. Ich möchte nach 14 Jahren ein 2: 1 sehen.
Ich bin ein bisschen traurig.
Einen schönen Tag noch, viele Grüße aus Berlin

Bitte poste auf Englisch, dies ist ein englischsprachiges Forum. Danke!
This game is dead to me. No more leagues and custom cups, no fake champions league and europa league just all in master league, bal and myclub. I saw the full game on twitch by a french guy playing on PS4.
The menu options in the PES 2020 Demo is the same as the full game.

Check: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/474102509

Not worth this year make any patch.
Let's see if konami give us some options in the first patch...
Ah no. Just read the above in the PC thread. EDIT: @Ameppe has now confirmed they're still there, they're just stored under "Kick Off" instead.

Phew! Wouldn't have affected me anyway, I have to say, as I only play ML - which looks pretty much identical to last year, including the transfer logic judging by the ones I've seen in these vids (though valuations are definitely better). Other than the new ML home menu (every other menu is identical), new (locked) manager models, the cutscenes and a couple of long-needed little things (players refusing contract extensions for example).
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