eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Ah no. Just read the above in the PC thread. He's right, and I can't see them adding in league/cup mode in a day one patch. Not whole modes (especially ones that were there last year).

Doesnt affect me, got to say, I only play ML - which looks pretty much identical to last year, including the transfer logic judging by the ones I've seen in these vids (though valuations are definitely better). Other than the new ML home menu (every other menu is identical), new (locked) manager models, the cutscenes and a couple of long-needed little things (players refusing contract extensions for example).

Serie B and Segunda D are back :D had to free up space probably :D
Well this doesn't sound too good...


  • Screenshot 2019-08-29 at 23.19.00.png
    Screenshot 2019-08-29 at 23.19.00.png
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Guys, the guy streaming had 2 good matches vs Lazio..first was a supercup game, won on Extra time,, second I just watched, Lazio played really good but he was really lucky and won 1-0..he even had 2 red cards in the end and conceded a penalty in 91 min but managed to save it..really intensive game. Lazio played much better than napoli as AI,but napoli was away and defended for almost whole game.
You can control the GK manually in any situation you want being it on free kicks or normal game with L1+R3.

tried again. not sure why i cannot do this. maybe something in control settings? unfortunately, i switched off before i had a chance to look.

also, does anyone know how soon after release we can expect ps4 kits and logos e.g. from pesworld etc? on release day? a week? a month?
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Can't say scoreboards/broadcast stuff bothers me. I take in various leagues from around the world, eh, around the world. Hardly ever notice these things while watching, so chances of noticing while playing probably even less.

See we are in spoiler territory already thanks to advance copies being out there. As much as it won't change my purchase decision i'm not sure if I want everything laid out before my eyes this early.
Ah no. Just read the above in the PC thread. He's right, and I can't see them adding in league/cup mode in a day one patch. Not whole modes (especially ones that were there last year).

Doesnt affect me, got to say, I only play ML - which looks pretty much identical to last year, including the transfer logic judging by the ones I've seen in these vids (though valuations are definitely better). Other than the new ML home menu (every other menu is identical), new (locked) manager models, the cutscenes and a couple of long-needed little things (players refusing contract extensions for example).

I couldn’t get the link working, but am I right in understanding that there is no League Mode?

Edit: just seen on the pc thread that it may yet be hidden under one of the tabs. Honestly I would be beyond pissed off if it’s gone, finally gameplay isn’t making me want to rip the cheeks off my ass in frustration, and the caveat is they remove the game mode me and my mates spend all our time on. It’s a niche mode I know, but still.
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tried again. not sure why i cannot do this. maybe something in control settings? switched off before i had a chance to look.
It's with default controls.
You must push L1 first and then,while still holding L1,push R3.The right analog stick that is.Just click it inside once.
In this way the cursor goes to your GK and you can control him manually like any other player.
When you control him,there are some actions you can make with different buttons.
To make a save i think you must press :circle:.:square: also does something i think.If the shoot goes straight to him he still saves it even if you don't push anything i think.
But even if you don't control him manually,it still helps if you press :triangle: as he's about to save or when the opponent shoots from close range.If you time it right your GK reacts better and he's more likely to make the save.
The manual GK is more effective on free kicks etc.When the opponent's free kick animation starts,you instantly take control of your GK and move him to the side of the goal which is more open so he's more likely to save the shoot because everyone online and even the AI will always shoot to the open corner.
But be careful on online.If you do it once,then next time your opponent will know it and he maybe will shoot to the other side to trick you.
If you do it against the AI it's kinda cheating from your side because you'll always save any free kick so i don't use it much.More realistic for me to just push :circle: so the players in the wall will jump.If it goes in,it goes in.
I don't want to cheat the AI like this.Well..if it cheats me badly..then i'll also cheat it back sometimes.:DD
It's with default controls.
You must push L1 first and then,while still holding L1,push R3.The right analog stick that is.Just click it inside once.
In this way the cursor goes to your GK and you can control him manually like any other player.
When you control him,there are some actions you can make with different buttons.
To make a save i think you must press :circle:.:square: also does something i think.If the shoot goes straight to him he still saves it even if you don't push anything i think.
But even if you don't control him manually,it still helps if you press :triangle: as he's about to save or when the opponent shoots from close range.If you time it right your GK reacts better and he's more likely to make the save.
The manual GK is more effective on free kicks etc.When the opponent's free kick animation starts,you instantly take control of your GK and move him to the side of the goal which is more open so he's more likely to save the shoot because everyone online and even the AI will always shoot to the open corner.
But be careful on online.If you do it once,then next time your opponent will know it and he maybe will shoot to the other side to trick you.
If you do it against the AI it's kinda cheating from your side because you'll always save any free kick so i don't use it much.More realistic for me to just push :circle: so the players in the wall will jump.If it goes in,it goes in.
I don't want to cheat the AI like this.Well..if it cheats me badly..then i'll also cheat it back sometimes.:DD

thanks a lot! very important fundamental control....

holy mother of sweet nora batty....

you just helped me work out why I'm having a crap time on my PC ML. NO hefty R3 click on a steam controller (its a subtle touch in on the trackpad) so I don't use it.

Well played, man. Well played.:APPLAUD:

I'll see if I need to adjust to the Steam's ctrller "R3" or whether to switch controller completely. I'll try your tips the next time I play. Thanks!
Both Pass Assist and Team Strength filters work fine.If you have a 3 star team with the filter on,it will never pair you with a 5 star team.Same goes for passing.I know there is this rumour that it may get overridden sometimes and i also thought in the past that it may be true,but it isn't.The only filter that gets overridden is the Rating one,where after a while it starts searching from 0-9999 if it won't find an opponent quickly enough.I'm not sure about the Connection filter but i think it also works fine.

I've played 600 matches online on 19 always on PA1 and the filter on and i didn't notice my opponents playing on higher assist.It worked fine.Of course on Challenges and stuff like that you can't put it because unfortunately there are no restrictions there but i mostly played Ranked Matches which allows filters and it worked as it should.

On 20 demo i played some matches without the filter and it paired me with someone with PA3.It was pretty obvious in the game because especially this year the difference between PA1 and PA3 is more noticable than ever.He was stringing 1-2s without effort and ping ponging all the way without error while it was more difficult for me to build up on PA1.
But when i used the filter it only paired me with opponents on PA1.And you can tell that from the gameplay.
It says it in the description that ''if you have problems finding an opponent,then put it off and try again''.
If it was just being overridden and it would pair you with anyone,then that phrase wouldn't make any sense.
It takes more time to find someone when you put the filter on and you can tell that it's searching for someone specific with same settings as yours.If you put it off it finds someone more quickly but he can use any settings.
This also shows that the filters are working fine.But the biggest proof is the gameplay and i haven't been paired with someone with PA3 while i have the filter and i'm on PA1,otherwise i would know it from seeing the gameplay.

Where do you base it that it only works on demo when you put it on PA0?
Cause from what i experienced that's not the case and it works fine for any settings.

Could it be that it is set up in a friendly environment then (you see the blacked out "team class"- option for example) in the demo then? Because I'm certain I have played people using higher PA than PA1 in the demo. But at the same time it works fine when set to PA0 so you might be right and it's only placebo (in that case I'm not that impressed with PA1 anymore...).

And I had never heard of the star rating for teams, that would mean a team filter would be active in a way? Good thing.

So Divisions in PES 19 you would get paired with other PA1-people when set to "similar settings"? I only used PA0 since PA1 was extreme ping pong.
Papu Gomez ,love that guy,and D Zapata,top that off with recently acquired Muriel too,and it's looking pretty good.
Have you pre ordered?

Not yet, I'm worried by the day 1 patch. Since I'm a online player I can't avoid it.

But I'll probably end up buying it regardless...
I couldn’t get the link working, but am I right in understanding that there is no League Mode?

Edit: just seen on the pc thread that it may yet be hidden under one of the tabs. Honestly I would be beyond pissed off if it’s gone, finally gameplay isn’t making me want to rip the cheeks off my ass in frustration, and the caveat is they remove the game mode me and my mates spend all our time on. It’s a niche mode I know, but still.

It was this video
This is disrespectful attitude and racism
Seriously??The only disrespectful thing here is YOU calling me a racist.I hope you get that..But you probably don't.
Learn to take a joke mate.
Man..i thought that people were exaggerating when they said that political correctness is getting beyond ridiculous in this day and age..but it seems they were right afterall..
So many sensitive snowflakes everywhere.
I wonder what would Al Bundy say about all that..
Full game has been released in Belgium apparently. Just seen on Twitter.
I haven't seen it here (In Belgium), but to be fair, i haven't looked out for it. That seems a very early release. I ordered it online from a Belgian online sales company...looked at the delivery status: i will have it on september the 10th.
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Could it be that it is set up in a friendly environment then (you see the blacked out "team class"- option for example) in the demo then? Because I'm certain I have played people using higher PA than PA1 in the demo. But at the same time it works fine when set to PA0 so you might be right and it's only placebo (in that case I'm not that impressed with PA1 anymore...).

And I had never heard of the star rating for teams, that would mean a team filter would be active in a way? Good thing.

So Divisions in PES 19 you would get paired with other PA1-people when set to "similar settings"? I only used PA0 since PA1 was extreme ping pong.
I never played Divisions in 19 so i don't know for sure.But if it has the filters then it should work normally there also.

Yes there is a Team Strength filter for Ranked Matches in myClub so you can have any team you want from 1 star to 5 stars and play only with similar opponents.That's the good thing,it's not pay to win like in Fifa where this filter doesn't exist.So it doesn't force you to spend if you want to compete.You can still do that with your average squad.But only on Ranked Matches or some specific Challenges that come out every now and then and are restricted to 2-3 star teams.

On other Challenges and Cups you can also play normally with any squad you have but sadly there aren't filters there and you can face any opponent with any team strength and assist settings.
But from my experience,in Ranked Matches the filters are working fine.
Also has the budget income been fixed? It is nice to see Mbappe cost 450.000.000, but starting with 10.000.000 budget and having income only from selling players and with low profit, without addition from club-board or from competition prizes, will not lead anywhere.

Saw a place where Juventus had 128 million euro. The players are valued very high. Top 10 is over 200 mio euro.. Still curious about how the market works.. For me not that important with the prices, but it has to be harder to get players and AI should behave better.
I never played Divisions in 19 so i don't know for sure.But if it has the filters then it should work normally there also.

Yes there is a Team Strength filter for Ranked Matches in myClub so you can have any team you want from 1 star to 5 stars and play only with similar opponents.That's the good thing,it's not pay to win like in Fifa where this filter doesn't exist.So it doesn't force you to spend if you want to compete.You can still do that with your average squad.But only on Ranked Matches or some specific Challenges that come out every now and then and are restricted to 2-3 star teams.

On other Challenges and Cups you can also play normally with any squad you have but sadly there aren't filters there and you can face any opponent with any team strength and assist settings.
But from my experience,in Ranked Matches the filters are working fine.

I see, I thought you were talking about Divisions, never touched MyClub myself. :) Someone else in here can probably shed some light on this but I thought the common opinion was that filters didn't work properly when it came to PA1 and above in Divisions but PA0 do (unless you have a low rating).
I see that its nearly 11 days and they havent given any news tbf and where do you normally order?

That's not Konami's fault though.

I buy from Simply Games.

It is the usual KONAMI move. I heal your right leg and i shoot you to the left one. I wonder who would complain, if our custom edited avatar existed among the presets?

We've known about that since June though, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

people overreacting so much, what did they expect, a whole new different master league? as someone said before i think it is a good base to revamp master league, i respect your opinions though
Well this is 'year 2' of their infamous 3 year cycle, so you'd hope for some major advancements. Unless they're throwing them all into next year's game.
Any from Scandinavia who can tell me where they buy the game from? It's expensive here in Denmark.

I'm pretty sure that I will buy the game from what I have seen. For me the most important thing were that the demo gameplay will go into retail. The only thing is how scripting will affect it..?
Any from Scandinavia who can tell me where they buy the game from? It's expensive here in Denmark.

I'm pretty sure that I will buy the game from what I have seen. For me the most important thing were that the demo gameplay will go into retail. The only thing is how scripting will affect it..?
Last year I bought the game at release day for 20 euros on Elgiganten in Sweden. Don't know if they will have a similiar deal this year.
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