eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Yeah I know, that's why I added "yet". I'm sure they will mess it up sooner or later.
Why would they? They’ve conducted surveys and a huge majority of people love the demo, the slower gameplay and the new defending (my favourite part of this demo is the defending, it’s so damn satisfying when you get it right).

I can’t see them changing much, if anything at all.
Why would they? They’ve conducted surveys and a huge majority of people love the demo, the slower gameplay and the new defending (my favourite part of this demo is the defending, it’s so damn satisfying when you get it right).

I can’t see them changing much, if anything at all.

Konami tend to do the unpredictable, although with the positive feedback this time around I'm confident this year may be the exception to the rule
Final game with Master will definitely add more script, it's part of the mode, it's the way they make it more difficult. Exhibition mode has always been more relaxed and much less scripted in every Pes ever.

As long as it isn't so blatant as it was in Pes 2019 and 2018 where low rated teams transformed into top player teams when the script decided they had to score it's all good.
Is it weird that it borderline infuriates me that people are changing the camera?

Why? Why change it? The new camera is immense and adds to the immersion by being so close to a real TV camera angle.

I've tried and tried with Stadium cam but it's just too small and far away on the far side of the pitch too see what I'm doing, tried copying others adjustments and I even tried going from a 49 inch TV to my 22 inch PC monitor and sitting with my nose virtually pressed against the screen... still couldn't see what I was doing :LOL:
I like and dislike full manual for one reason, I can kick it out to touch at any time if under pressure, but at the same time I can miss place a 5 yard simple pass with messi and kick it into touch which would never happen. Right now PA 1 feels more life like although I still enjoy manual now and then. I just use manual override when required

I wasn't advocating PA0, I was merely trying to point out some of the confusion about the concept of "manual". If you are playing PA0 you are not playing "manual" in the strict definition of the word, because it is still assisted. That's why the fuss some people make around it is indeed a bit unwarranted. Then, you can play PA0 but leave shooting and through ball on "basic" or "advanced". That's even less manual.

If we are picky, there is actually no such thing as "full manual" in PES because there is no manual through ball. So unless you duct-tape L2 to the controller, as I did in an experiment earlier, your claim to playing "full" manual is somewhat questionable. You'd also have to switch player runs and player selection to unassisted.

I am still looking for the right settings for me. Currently I am trying with "as manual as it gets", which essentially means PA0, advanced through ball and manual shooting. The latter two look like I won't be able to tolerate them in the long run, but I do not want to give up yet.
Why would they? They’ve conducted surveys and a huge majority of people love the demo, the slower gameplay and the new defending (my favourite part of this demo is the defending, it’s so damn satisfying when you get it right).

I can’t see them changing much, if anything at all.
We have been burned too many times, so my confidence in Konami is below 0 at the moment and I always expect the worst from them.
We have been burned too many times, so my confidence in Konami is below 0 at the moment and I always expect the worst from them.
Oh don't get me wrong, you won't find anyone on this forum more dubious about Konami than me. I'm actually quite anti-Konami these days.

But I can't see them changing much. What I CAN see happening is Master League being super scripted still because of Team Spirit.
Konami tend to do the unpredictable

This ^

They will surely nerf something up, they do it every year either by ruining the gameplay between the demo and release or by breaking or removing some game feature or mode.

Its for these reasons, that in spite of the excellent demo and the apparent adherence to it in the Gamescom build, that I am not a day one or pre-order purchaser.

I keep asking myself, what will they have broken/removed/adjusted that we weren't expecting and can only find out by investing yer forty or fifty quid first!
This has been happening for years, but I've never seen anyone mention it. Maybe it's just my own personal pet peeve, and not an issue for every other pes player lol.

It's about defensive formations.

Whatever formation I choose, it looses its basic shape when defending. All midfielders become CMF's and line up in a flat formation. It drives me nuts.

4-2-3-1 becomes a flat 4-5-1
4-1-2-3 becomes a flat 3 across the middle
4-3-1-2 (diamond) becomes a flat 4-4-2

I want my chosen DMF(s) to sit in front of my defenders for protection, not move up the pitch.
The gameplan only holds its shape when attacking, and reverts to its unchangeable default selection without the ball.

Even with fluid formation, the defensive shape you make is completely ignored and overridden.
If I spent time creating a defensive shape I want to see it on the pitch.

Selecting a 'Defensive' for my DMF(s) in advanced tactics makes little difference. It's only a little noticeable when adding 'counter target' to the AMF. It's the best I've come up with to fight against my own defensive AI.

It was even worse back in Pes 14 & 15. Every 4 at the back formation defaulted to a flat 442, and every 3 at the back defaulted to a flat 352.
But from Pes 16 - 20 this hasn't evolved at all.

Guess the game over the years is too end2end, and quick in transition for people to care or notice, but I've been waiting a long time for it to be changed.

Spot on.

For anyone who is a bit into tactics, like I am, this is extremely annoying. I used exactly these measures as you do ('counter target' for AMF etc.) but it's not really a solution. For 4-2-3-1 to defend properly one way is to set them to 4-4-2 in defense, with AMF becoming SS. The same with 4-3-1-2. Far from ideal, but does basic job.

In general, current tactical system in PES needs to be buried and forgotten. Even the old system from ps2 was much better.
An article from PES Universe about the GAmescon build of the game:

So I was lucky enough to be invited to Gamescom 2019 this week. It was an amazing experience full of great gaming moments. I know you guys want to hear all about PES 2020 so I’ll get straight into it! But first, I personally would like to thank everyone who has ever supported PESUniverse and helped us to grow. It’s great to see so much interaction and for all those who sent me messages or asked questions, I hope you enjoyed the coverage and I’ll try to answer any remaining questions in this article!

Let’s get into it.

So the Gamescom build is a slightly updated build compared to the downloadable demo that was released a while back. I say slightly because this build is more a refinement of what we’ve all played in the demo at home. Germany, Schalke and France make up the new teams on show and the PES Legends make another appearance in this build. The match time can be adjusted to 10 minutes. The demo also featured new mode Match Day. Overall, there were some small subtle things I noticed in my play time but the good areas of the game have remained pretty much the same.

This is hugely positive in my opinion. Oftentimes in the past, the direction has been changed late in development which affects the best things that actually exist in earlier builds. I was delighted to feel and see that the core gameplay mechanics felt similarly balanced. Pace, passing, shooting and defending all felt similar to the E3 build I had played back in June and the main demo that we’ve all downloaded. However, the refined tweaks I mentioned added to the flow of the game in a great way.

When I mention flow, I mean the way the game switches from attack/defend with each possession and how the game handles going through the animations. The overall feel of each play occurs more naturally and the game encourages different play styles very well. It’s not a massive change from what we have all played at home in the demo but I did notice one or two differences in my play time such as more variety in passing error and first touch error. It’s subtle enough that unless you’ve played a few hundred games you might not see it but it’s also great to know that the main areas of the game are being left alone with only small, subtle tweaks being adjusted.

So the Gamescom build is a slightly updated build compared to the downloadable demo that was released a while back. I say slightly because this build is more a refinement of what we’ve all played in the demo at home. Germany, Schalke and France make up the new teams on show and the PES Legends make another appearance in this build. The match time can be adjusted to 10 minutes. The demo also featured new mode Match Day. Overall, there were some small subtle things I noticed in my play time but the good areas of the game have remained pretty much the same.

The pace is the biggest thing for me. I’ve fed back for years that PES needs to embrace its simulation roots, add a skill gap and balance overpowered gameplay mechanics throughout a titles life cycle. We recently conducted a survey asking people to rate the pace of the game. Over 3,000 people answered the survey and 88% of those were happy with PES 2020’s overall pace on the pitch. This build upholds the pace evident in the downloadable demo. The speed of the game defines a lot of various factors especially defending. Defending is as important as other other area of the game. In fact, many asked about defending and the refs.

I thought the ref let some tackles go in this build that they wouldn’t in the downloadable demo while others thought they were pretty much the same. It’s a tough one to put under the microscope at an event like Gamescom. Saying that, it’s important we keep an eye on the the refs as we head towards release. Another area of discussion is defending which I personally think is spot on this year. I think people are just not learning the mechanics but my opinion is my opinion. It’s not definitive and could differ from yours. Defending in PES 2020 is difficult. It’s a challenge to win a ball cleanly as it is now a manual process rather than PES 2019’s automatic style of dispossessing. This has frustrated people who were used to holding a button and winning the ball.

Yes, the refs still need a slight bit of work and the collision system can sometimes mean you give away a free when you shouldn’t (refs seemed slightly better though) but both don’t define the actual outcome of a game. It’s not like you’ll concede a goal a game because of either aspect.

People are going to have to learn to defend – simple as that. And think about their positioning. You can no longer leave gaps and chase the ball. Admittedly, you couldn’t do this in PES 2019 either but players who didn’t defend well were helped by the homing missile AI. Not this year. This year, you’ll get massively punished especially by patient players who are good at the game.

One things we can all agree on is that there is definitely a skill gap in eFootball PES 2020 and players looking to step up their game to the next level will not be able to rely on filling their team with superstars and sprinting through an opponent. France were simply incredible to play with and against. Mbappe and Dembele playing off of Griezmann was such a joy. However, when playing against them, I never felt helpless because of their pure speed and agility. I defended the space and played deeper than usual but if you are prepared to stay alert and watch for gaps on every attack, you’ll be rewarded.

PES always enables fast players to have an advantage but this is the first year since PES 2013 that I’ve felt Messi will be as big an asset as Ronaldo. Kante was probably the best DMF in myClub last year because of his pace but he gets dominated against a tall stopper like Javi Martinez. If that differentiation stays in myClub, we’ll have a lot of options for starting XI’s. If you’ve played enough of the downloadable demo at home, you don’t need me to tell you how the game plays or feels. Chances are you have played a lot of games so you know how the game flows. What I will say though is that this gamescom build flows better. It’s hard to explain it.

There are still niggles that can be improved but the gameplay is at a high point this year. Some people would like the game to become so realistic that they would want to see player hydration incorporated throughout the game. While others want to get the ball with Messi and score a goal every possession. The key is finding that ideal balance between those two sets of fans. One way to achieve this is to create some fundamental core gameplay mechanics and I think PES 2020 succeeds here. The challenging defending might alienate some people but adding skilled, challenging gameplay also brings in new players also. I played all of my games on pass assist 1 and this is where PES truly shines.

Some people will want an extra helping hand and will turn to pass assist 2 & 3 online. The game plays so much better at pass assist 1 and that’s not even a purists opinion. Everyone over at the event agreed that the variety in gameplay improved each match so I hope it becomes the default setting for most players. It gives you that extra bit of freedom to make a killer pass.

Had me at "Lets get into it"

Lost me at : "I say slightly because this build is more a refinement of what we’ve all played in the demo at home."

How about konami state bring the final release build? Is that really too hard?

If they're preparing to do game modifications all year make it easier to switch between builds - maybe for offline and just keep online as the latest.

Dear me.
All my goals posted here are on manual. If its a torture Im experiencing, it must be one of those, where you are tied to a bed and being "tortured" by oiled young lady.
So no need to feel sorry, we'll be grand.

...as opposed to just press the button..?
Its not only about reward. Its about engagement. I have played PA1 all the way till last year and I know that the only time you need to switch your brain on and focus is around final third. From your own penalty box up to the other penalty box you can go on autopilot. PA0 provides me with some midfield battle, which is currently mostly bypassed.
Not gonna be getting into 'stats matter' discussion, but I dont agree that PA1 has realistic amount of error. I watched few clips lately of people playing on PA1 and I was shocked how accurate it was (in compare to my matches, where even AI doesnt ping the ball around like some on PA1)
But everyone plays what they prefer. Doesnt make me better, doesnt make you better, just makes the game more tuned towards how you want and like to play it.
I get it more for someone to play Full Manual on a normal cam like Wide or Dynamic Wide,but on Stadium with this angle it's just a bit masochistic.No offense to anyone mates.I mean it in a good way,like being "tortured" by an oiled young lady.:DDOf course people like different things and settings,i get that.Don't take what i say too serious.:DD

It can be autopilot as you say if you play on Professional which i think you and some other FUMA users may play on.
On Superstar AI or especially online which i play the most and people are pressing you it's not that simple.
You still have to be careful on PA1 especially now that it's more free than ever and has more error.
I find the fact that passes can be a bit easier on your third and the middle as opposed to the final third to be pretty realistic actually.This is what happens in real life also.Players playing passes more easily until they reach the final third,and then the most mistakes happen there which is normal.

As opposed to Manual where Messi can't hit a 5 meter pass exactly to the feet of his teammate because it will go a little right or a little left.This just looks weird happening all the time and make players look like they're drunk or something.
I see it all the time when seeing some FUMA videos.Not to talk about shooting which reminds sunday league players most of the time and not pros.In real life these 5-10 meter passes are a piece of cake for good pro players and they don't struggle much to pass on the feet of their teammates.On manual it feels like every single little pass has to have you aiming perfectly and even great players struggle to pass simple 5 meter passes to the feet.It always goes a bit left or a bit right.Well that's not that realistic to me and i don't see this in real life.And it's a fact that stats get overridden.
Maybe not 100% as some people say but still by a very big amount.That's why i say that a really stat based 0.5 Semi Assisted setting would be welcomed by many people i think and by me also.It's a shame that they don't have this and they have the atrocious PA2 and PA3.

I get it that if you're so used to manual now that it will look to you that PA1 is completely errorless but that's not true especially this year.Don't make your mind from videos watching others as we all know that videos don't always represent what you see and feel when you play the game yourself and Pes 20 demo showed us that.
I know that you probably won't,but if you try to play some matches on PA1 vs Superstar or online against someone else with PA1 using the filter,you'll have some good matches and some realistic error if you don't play thoughtfuly and you are rushing your attacks etc.Normally i get around 80% pass completion which is pretty normal and realistic if you ask me judging from real football also.

(I don't like that they don't show you anymore the exact percentage of pass completion like it was some years ago,but number of completed and missed passes instead.:RANT: It's more complicated and you can't tell the exact percentage easily.You have to guess a little.Another meaningless change that no one asked for and they changed just for the sake of it.Like showing the pop ups up left that someone run 4.3 kilometers and someone else 3.9 lol.I doubt that there is one person on this planet that would notice this and take it into consideration while he plays.
Also the rating system continues to be a joke and you can score a hat trick and still get an 8 lol.I don't think i have ever seen a 9 or 9.5 even if you score 5 goals or something.And you still can't get 7.7,8.3 etc like on Fifa.Only 7,7.5,8 etc.Looks too basic.

But that's not so important.In general,the demo is great and i hope the full game will be also.
The best and most realistic football game i have ever played to this day personally.)
I dont think its the patch that changed the game,but the ultimate difficulty,which sider app by juce makes it possible, has chaged the ai enourmously :CONFUSE:

I thought this was the case, but after going back to Superstar since the patch to give it a little test the AI isn't so reluctant to sprint when they're attacking.

I think they did this with the new default cam on PES 2011 - It was different for every stadium you played in.
I love having a different camera for each stadium. Even though playing at somewhere like the Emirates is really, really hard because it's so ridiculously low, but damn does it look good.

I don't begrudge anyone going back to the flat camera. I find defending with a rotating camera so, so much harder, especially blocking short passes inside the box, it's just so difficult to see those little angles when the camera itself is already at an angle, but I just can't bring myself to go back to the old one because goals look so sweet! :D

I'm really, really thankful for having an ultrawide monitor as it means I can have the best of both worlds; add a slight rotation to the camera to add the cinematic feel, but not so much that it makes defending an impossibility
Was done with demo and made my mind up now I'm reading they updated it.

Do I "need" to try again or is it pretty much the same?
Someone here posted a video the other day of a player laying on the ground with an injury without players or the ref seemingly caring.

Well I just had this yesterday with a message that one or my players where at risk of an injury:

Not sure if ever saw that before. Maybe in last years demo with their new fatigue feature, but pretty sure I never saw it in 2019 final game. Anyone saw it before?
There has been no gameplay update with the demo.

Seriously, one person starts with this kind of stuff then everyone is 'feeling different things with the gameplay' all of a sudden.

The gameplay hasn't changed in this demo whatosever.
Is it weird that it borderline infuriates me that people are changing the camera?

Why? Why change it? The new camera is immense and adds to the immersion by being so close to a real TV camera angle.
new camera is novelty and nothing else. you cannot properly judge passes or have as good a view of opponents coming at you defensivly

forget immersion, its a video game and you play games to win. imagine a real footballer playing with a shite view because it helped immersion lol
On another note, at times it has been discussed in here wether there's a way to trigger shielding the ball and if it's even good to have a trigger for or not.
I've found that in a way it is possible to trigger, although perhabs not as insistingly or effective as when it auto triggers.

You can actually do it in the same way as you would do the no touch dribble with the left stick (not pressed fully to the side). That way your player takes a slight step to the side you press without moving the ball and in effect shields the ball from a player stepping in from the side.

An example is here when Messi is awarded the free kick:
Someone here posted a video the other day of a player laying on the ground with an injury without players or the ref seemingly caring.

Well I just had this yesterday with a message that one or my players where at risk of an injury:

Not sure if ever saw that before. Maybe in last years demo with their new fatigue feature, but pretty sure I never saw it in 2019 final game. Anyone saw it before?
It was there last year too. Unfortunately it got dumbed down with patches..
If you look at the clip of injury I posted - at the very start of the clip I got same warning message before he collapsed. So I had a chance to take him off.
(It wasnt an actual warning message, just a cutscene. Message didnt appear coz it didnt happen first time for me. Tips are only shown when you encounter something for the first time)
Personally im also hoping that in final version we will have injuries from tackles, the way we used to in Pes17. If you hammered a player few times - eventually he got eliminated.
There has been no gameplay update with the demo.

Seriously, one person starts with this kind of stuff then everyone is 'feeling different things with the gameplay' all of a sudden.

The gameplay hasn't changed in this demo whatosever.

Gotta admit I skipped a couple pages to get here, you guys post a lot but people were saying game speed was slower, just rumors then?
This has been happening for years, but I've never seen anyone mention it. Maybe it's just my own personal pet peeve, and not an issue for every other pes player lol.

It's about defensive formations.

Whatever formation I choose, it looses its basic shape when defending. All midfielders become CMF's and line up in a flat formation. It drives me nuts.

4-2-3-1 becomes a flat 4-5-1
4-1-2-3 becomes a flat 3 across the middle
4-3-1-2 (diamond) becomes a flat 4-4-2

I want my chosen DMF(s) to sit in front of my defenders for protection, not move up the pitch.
The gameplan only holds its shape when attacking, and reverts to its unchangeable default selection without the ball.

Even with fluid formation, the defensive shape you make is completely ignored and overridden.
If I spent time creating a defensive shape I want to see it on the pitch.

Selecting a 'Defensive' for my DMF(s) in advanced tactics makes little difference. It's only a little noticeable when adding 'counter target' to the AMF. It's the best I've come up with to fight against my own defensive AI.

It was even worse back in Pes 14 & 15. Every 4 at the back formation defaulted to a flat 442, and every 3 at the back defaulted to a flat 352.
But from Pes 16 - 20 this hasn't evolved at all.

Guess the game over the years is too end2end, and quick in transition for people to care or notice, but I've been waiting a long time for it to be changed.

I fully agree it's one of the reasons why I can't purchase this at release due to the tactics being unchanged for years, it is a bit inexcusable to me especially since they play such a huge part in how teams play.
I need to ask a question. I was going to create a new thread with a poll for it but maybe it isn't worth it that much.

I split people in 3 groups, regarding their experience with PES 2020 Demo:
A)People like myself who have gone from that "not feeling it" vibe to "woah! this is the best PES in a very long time".
B)Those who simply loved it from the first second.
C)Those who simply aren't feeling it yet. Didn't love it on July 30th, and they still don't love it now.

BUT.... do we have anyone who actually loved it at first but now fallen out of love with it? Just don't feel that charm anymore? Or noticed way too many annoyances that can't be overlooked at this point?.

Notice: Demo time length, teams, stadiums, etc... also play a part in that "getting bored state" but please try to identify and separate the monotony any demo carries with it, from actual gameplay issues that could potentially keep you from enjoy the game throughout the year.

I need to know if there's a fourth group of people.

Is this becoming a rap battle then?

I know exactly the kind of game I'd like to play,
that's why I said it'll always be an 'A'.
One man's stance can change, so can what he feels.
And if you think I didn't rap it good enough, have no fear:
I'll now hand the mic to my mate @chiefrocka4real


You´re so cool!

Well to me it´s also an A, but more like of a "hey...this looks good....plays good....feels good....but somehow....mmmhh.....nah....change the cam setting.....better?.....Nah...not really....change again......mmhh....oh yeah....no....no no..plays well.....but doesn´t feel right somehow.....change again.......oh wait.....FUCK YEAH!!! What a game!!!"

Ey yo, thank you ale, for HANDING THE MIC!
I´m in love with this demo and I ain´t CHANGING MY MIND!
I´m totally into this rap shit and that WORD PLAY,
and I´ll most likely get this game on the FIRST DAY!
by the WAY...was it you, that wrote me via FACEBOOK?
there ain´t no such things as half-WAY CROOKS
sorry...I had to bring in that Mobb DEEP LINE
it didn´t make any sense but it was a SWEET RHYME
your message got deleted, I couldn´t READ IT
what did you type? Ah..doesn´t matter bro, just BEAT IT
and write me here on this dope EVO WEB
now I´ll go for some games on that DEMO, YEP!

(that´s what Facebook said about your message: This message has been temporarily removed because the sender's account needs to be reviewed) ?
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