eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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goalkeepers definitely feel superhuman at times, sometimes I've beaten three men and unleashed an absolute thunderbolt and the keeper has teleported to the right spot in about 0.2 seconds to easily save the ball with that animation where they pat the ball down and catch it, has ruined some great moments. I think they just need to make them feel slightly more vulnerable to powerful shots even when they are not in the corner.
Tell you what, it looks cool, but damn the gks need to learn to stay on their line.

Neuer, in particular, is a complete lunatic. Spends more time outside his box than in it.

What a nice view backwards!! I like to have a look back and how we’ve seen things back then.
And the comments are worth reading too!
Guess I wasn’t so much different in regards of how I felt about PES back then.
As I grew up my view on things grew as well I’d say. That’s why I see some things differently and some opinions or feelings are set in stone. :)

Regarding the article: there was so much said, explanations, excuses, incriminations (??); it could be all the reasons or nothing. I don’t care anymore. Feature is not there. It’s sad. I move on.
Tell you what, it looks cool, but damn the gks need to learn to stay on their line.

Neuer, in particular, is a complete lunatic. Spends more time outside his box than in it.

Like with many things, it's a delicate balance - We've had years where GKs were glued to their line, which for me is a far worse crime. It's so depressing running through on goal knowing that you could just walk upto the 6 yard box with no threat of the goalie closing you down. Maybe they should make lobs a bit more difficult?
I can't remember what PA you play but I will park that a second and come to "it just happened somehow"....Coming back to the PA0 vs PA1 discussion...

For someone seeking fully manual controls something like that detracts from the game - i.e. you pressed the button and "it happened somehow" - because what the full manual player wants as-full-as-possible control over what is happening to the player they control (and teammate controls)?

PA1 potentially risks feeling more like button pushing for x minutes to watch ( possibly scripted ) y.

Some people enjoy playing more MyClub SIM and others more MyClub online matches. So there's no overall-correct opinion to PA x is better than PA y because its just subjective preference.

Perhaps the hybrid PA1 with L2 modifier is the definitive way PES is meant to be played? [I don't know the answer to this because I have not played enough of it but that's what I'll be looking into]

It was my first goal on PA0, which is why I posted it. Sort of putting it into the records for myself.

Don't want to sound like an arrogant prick after I only took my first baby steps on manual terrain, but the biggest revelation after 15 odd matches using PA0 is this (and I think someone already said this earlier): IT'S NOT SUCH A BIG DEAL! In my opinion it doesn't warrant all the heated discussions we had about why PA0 is better/worse than PA1.

PA0 isn't fully manual to begin with. There is still a tangible level of assistance. Stats also still seem to matter (Lukaku, as you saw in the clip, still jumps higher than other players) and it is – contrary to my earlier expectation that this is a mode only for the "real pros" – not that difficult to get a grip on. Sure, you have to "unbind" a few things in your head. In my case, for example, the crossing. On PA1 I always use early cross (L1+O) to whip it in from the wings. On PA0 this is not such a good idea because you will blast it past the goalposts into the spectators if you don't hold the stick in the exact position – especially when you play any of the live cameras with the goal-zone angle.

PA0 also doesn't mean that the "scripting" is gone. The game I took that clip out from was a 15 minute match on "Professional" and there where about 4-5 similar crosses before that goal which neither of my players connected with. For some reason it worked on the 6th try. In addition, I can't vouch for me having held the stick the right way (I was playing advanced shooting).

This goes back to my point that you highlighted, that it "happened somehow". I cannot prove this of course, but after playing probably a thousand matches over the past 20 years in this series, I am absolutely convinced that this game has for the longest time – and still is – heavily meddling with what happens on the pitch to create a "story". That was what Seabass always had in mind. In this case: "Lukaku scores the relieving winner in the 87th minute" (it also then had the celebration where the player jumps the ad board and is surrounded by enthusiastic fans as if they won the Premiership). IOW, just as long as I pressed the shoot button within a certain time margin – in sort of like a Quicktime event – the ball would have gone in because that was "according to the script" – and this is regardless of the level of assistance you play on.

Fuma might be a different story altogether.
Still for me the best footie game I’ve played(even off the back of the demo)..

I’m not saying it’s perfect(although near for me)..But I’m enjoying it much more then I was 2 weeks ago and I still can’t get enough..

Still finding stuff and I’m of the believe this is one where you get out what you put in..Time and dedication pays off..Especially on paO(which is so rewarding)..

Happy days peeps!..and doesn’t it look good in motion.The variety is there..You just got to find it(just like back in the day).
Like with many things, it's a delicate balance - We've had years where GKs were glued to their line, which for me is a far worse crime. It's so depressing running through on goal knowing that you could just walk upto the 6 yard box with no threat of the goalie closing you down. Maybe they should make lobs a bit more difficult?

Making lobs harder to do would be the obvious (and correct) solution but you just know they wouldn't be able to resist the easy option of gluing the keepers to the line which would be a total disaster. So in the classic can't trust Konami way... leave it as it is! Neuer is a nutter running off his line IRL anyway.:LOL:

In another can't trust Konami thought, what's going on with the total lack of Gamescom footage? Embargo? Or something suspicious?
Is nobody else bothered by the lack of hand signals from the ref? Never does any of them when the ball goes out of play, only when there are fouls.
YES!! I've noticed this in the demo, I don't understand why they would take out a thing like that. First the different whistle sound, now this.
Like with many things, it's a delicate balance - We've had years where GKs were glued to their line, which for me is a far worse crime. It's so depressing running through on goal knowing that you could just walk upto the 6 yard box with no threat of the goalie closing you down. Maybe they should make lobs a bit more difficult?

Prefer this than keepers sticking to their line in the past few years
I agree. It's better than them staying on their line. I think Neuer is a special case as it's actually relatively easy to score against him from the half way line!

In all fairness, chip shots must be incredibly difficult to get right. I remember in PES....5, or 6, unsure which one exactly, but they really improved chip shots that year, however, just by chance the way that the maths worked out was that players with average shooting became incredible at them because you just needed to tap the button and they'd attempt a beautifully perfect arc. Scored loads of chips with Heskey that year :D
Making lobs harder to do would be the obvious (and correct) solution but you just know they wouldn't be able to resist the easy option of gluing the keepers to the line which would be a total disaster. So in the classic can't trust Konami way... leave it as it is! Neuer is a nutter running off his line IRL anyway.:LOL:

In another can't trust Konami thought, what's going on with the total lack of Gamescom footage? Embargo? Or something suspicious?

I must admit the lack of gameplay footage had me a little worried..

They better of not removed first touch error and weakened the fundamentals so everything’s ubber responsive..I like the loose ball physics and the way you can head the ball down into the ground.The mis-control ect..

Probably more a case of there’s not a great change from the demo(fingers crossed)..From what I have seen the demo pods at gamescom are xbox’s.
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Playing against Cpu is still extremly boring. I dont want to play even that grind games against AI in myClub.

But online is much better than last year.
The 14 hour match! Fantastic. Cannot wait til a shadow moves on the pitch. :DD

Happens ALL the time in real life.
It CAN be adapted to a 12, 14, 15 minutes match. Softly, slowly, gradually.

And even if you think it couldn't be adapted, FIFA has clouds covering sunlight, casting random shadows across the pitch on Cloudy games and it looks fantastic. Not to go off-topic, but it shows goes to show that it can be done and it can look right.
Happens ALL the time in real life.
It CAN be adapted to a 12, 14, 15 minutes match. Softly, slowly, gradually.

And even if you think it couldn't be adapted, FIFA has clouds covering sunlight, casting random shadows across the pitch on Cloudy games and it looks fantastic. Not to go off-topic, but it shows goes to show that it can be done and it can look right.
I will be sure to check it out in Fifa though when the demo comes around to see if it changes my mind. Racing sims where you can simulate a 12 hour race i get but a 90 min match?

edit: So in Fifa it can start cloudy but then change to sunny? Or Vice versa? Or heavy rain to sun? Actually thats pretty cool i was more thinking a day/night scenario.
I agree. It's better than them staying on their line. I think Neuer is a special case as it's actually relatively easy to score against him from the half way line!

In all fairness, chip shots must be incredibly difficult to get right. I remember in PES....5, or 6, unsure which one exactly, but they really improved chip shots that year, however, just by chance the way that the maths worked out was that players with average shooting became incredible at them because you just needed to tap the button and they'd attempt a beautifully perfect arc. Scored loads of chips with Heskey that year :D

It was from PES 4 to PES 5. In PES 4 it was quite easy to score from chip shots. It was just a matter of pushing the bottoms.

I think is too easy in this game. I don't feel the urgency to dribble past the goalkeeper, for instance. I know that a chip shot would do it.

I just wonder how would it be more difficult? Should it be less accurate? I struggle to see where is the place they gotta improve regarding that.
It was from PES 4 to PES 5. In PES 4 it was quite easy to score from chip shots. It was just a matter of pushing the bottoms.

I think is too easy in this game. I don't feel the urgency to dribble past the goalkeeper, for instance. I know that a chip shot would do it.

I just wonder how would it be more difficult? Should it be less accurate? I struggle to see where is the place they gotta improve regarding that.
Faster shot meter?
Happens ALL the time in real life.
It CAN be adapted to a 12, 14, 15 minutes match. Softly, slowly, gradually.

And even if you think it couldn't be adapted, FIFA has clouds covering sunlight, casting random shadows across the pitch on Cloudy games and it looks fantastic. Not to go off-topic, but it shows goes to show that it can be done and it can look right.

Hey guys. Once again cast your vote.
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Still for me the best footie game I’ve played(even off the back of the demo)..

I’m not saying it’s perfect(although near for me)..But I’m enjoying it much more then I was 2 weeks ago and I still can’t get enough..

Still finding stuff and I’m of the believe this is one where you get out what you put in..Time and dedication pays off..Especially on paO(which is so rewarding)..

Happy days peeps!..and doesn’t it look good in motion.The variety is there..You just got to find it(just like back in the day).

Yes same here. I seem to complain a lot, but all in all, it's really a great package. I can tell that from my inner rage meter which hasn't been triggered that much so far in contrast to pretty much every other version of the past years.

What I like about PA0 most is that your team mates actually run for a pass that has been imperfectly placed or that runs short. On assisted they kind of stick to their position. Makes the game much "looser" and organic. Could be an effect of turning things down to "Professional", though.
This is where I think the fanbase has become divided over the years, if you like.

I couldn't play this demo with 10 min halves for a year. Nothing to play for, no career, no meaningful outcome or sense of acomplishment.

I see a lot of PES guys on twitter happy with faces and celebrations. It's enough for them because they love the gameplay as well, which is great (I envy them.)

Personally, I need the package. I need an in-depth Career Mode, different stadia to play at, stuff to do. I could have played the PES 3 demo all year round, probably. But I was younger then, times were different.

And for me, PES flatters to deceive on that front, year in, year out. There's not package as such. There's a game which you can play over and over again. But it's all so stale and repetitive now. Liceneses feel half arsed. Hell, everything feels half arsed. PES 2020 feels archaic, to me. The transition between play and a cutscene. Having to press that Options Button each and every time, a 100 times a game.

There's so much wrong with PES still I could be here all day, I'd write essays on it. The gameplay is better now, definitly. But how long has that taken to get right? And when will we see a deeper package, a more engrossing career mode included? In 20 years? 30?

I just don't trust Konami at all anymore. And this is from someone who was a diehard PES fanboy when I was younger, I'd laugh at you if you suggested a FIFA game for my football gaming fix. Yes, I was childish and fanboys are silly. But you get my drift.

Could be me writing that, pretty much in the same boat regarding the package.

In PES the way it is if you play in an unlicensed league you will have the same ad boards every game you play so it's difficult for me to feel like I'm playing in a different tournament, it's all too samey but if all the competitions had individual ad boards even generic it would definitely add a lot by adding so little.

In 2018 the package was good only if playing the French league, it felt like you were playing Ligue football then cups had my club ad boards so my mind says yeah Konami sponsor this cup then obviously UEFA tournaments had there own thing too, decent overall package but forced to play French league if you want a bit of Authenticity and promotion - relegation.

Fall back on that because there's always something missing, fully licensed league and zero stadiums in 2018, like wut.

PES 19 all the pitches and lighting looked pretty much the same, got dull really quick so spent my time on FIFA 19.

For 2020 I would really hope for distinction between competitions so if feels like a different one to the league, don't think it would be asking too much either, all they need to do is let us edit a few things and voila, done.
Tell you what, it looks cool, but damn the gks need to learn to stay on their line.

Neuer, in particular, is a complete lunatic. Spends more time outside his box than in it.


Well, but that's the style of Neuer.
He does that quite often, so I would say that ID isn't implemented that bad.

What about the other keepers?
Are they doing it the same way as him?
And if yes, are they offensive keepers?
We need to check the stats.
Well, but that's the style of Neuer.
He does that quite often, so I would say that ID isn't implemented that bad.

What about the other keepers?
Are they doing it the same way as him?
And if yes, are they offensive keepers?
We need to check the stats.
I've not noticed it to the same degree with any other keepers. Some will rush out to a little way past the 6 yard box but Neuer goes right outside his box constantly.

The thing which makes it a problem with Neuer is that he seems to have no understanding of danger. He's just off his line constantly.

Have a look at this goal by @anatolybarita (fast forward to 0:10)
Look at where he is on the radar. This is his average position so he lets you score this kind of goal against him constantly.
It was my first goal on PA0, which is why I posted it. Sort of putting it into the records for myself.

Don't want to sound like an arrogant prick after I only took my first baby steps on manual terrain, but the biggest revelation after 15 odd matches using PA0 is this (and I think someone already said this earlier): IT'S NOT SUCH A BIG DEAL! In my opinion it doesn't warrant all the heated discussions we had about why PA0 is better/worse than PA1.

PA0 isn't fully manual to begin with. There is still a tangible level of assistance. Stats also still seem to matter (Lukaku, as you saw in the clip, still jumps higher than other players) and it is – contrary to my earlier expectation that this is a mode only for the "real pros" – not that difficult to get a grip on. Sure, you have to "unbind" a few things in your head. In my case, for example, the crossing. On PA1 I always use early cross (L1+O) to whip it in from the wings. On PA0 this is not such a good idea because you will blast it past the goalposts into the spectators if you don't hold the stick in the exact position – especially when you play any of the live cameras with the goal-zone angle.

PA0 also doesn't mean that the "scripting" is gone. The game I took that clip out from was a 15 minute match on "Professional" and there where about 4-5 similar crosses before that goal which neither of my players connected with. For some reason it worked on the 6th try. In addition, I can't vouch for me having held the stick the right way (I was playing advanced shooting).

This goes back to my point that you highlighted, that it "happened somehow". I cannot prove this of course, but after playing probably a thousand matches over the past 20 years in this series, I am absolutely convinced that this game has for the longest time – and still is – heavily meddling with what happens on the pitch to create a "story". That was what Seabass always had in mind. In this case: "Lukaku scores the relieving winner in the 87th minute" (it also then had the celebration where the player jumps the ad board and is surrounded by enthusiastic fans as if they won the Premiership). IOW, just as long as I pressed the shoot button within a certain time margin – in sort of like a Quicktime event – the ball would have gone in because that was "according to the script" – and this is regardless of the level of assistance you play on.

Fuma might be a different story altogether.

Playing the 2020 demo on console is definitely better than 2018 and 19 to me - game/animation flows nicely and NO spontaneous zoom helps a lot.
Its an improvement and, usually for me, improvement = a preorder = hype.

But its (not only that I have lost trust in the demo reflecting the final product but also) what you mentioned in your last paragraph about story and quicktime event which is key because I agree that there is a story that konami purposefully wants you to see and they will implement that story regardless of how skilled (or unskilled) the player is.

I want the game to feel looser, free and spontaneous. 2020 has not released yet for me to say whether these elements are implemented well but I certainly want konami to understand that this is what I'm after and, if they can demonstrate this in 2020, then i'll have no problem preordering 2021 when the time comes.
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