eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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What came to my mind, in regards of Konami not giving enough information about controls, we all seem to talk about different things sometimes.
It really is nerv wracking, imo.
Some R1+R2 pressing combined with RS and LS movements make something happen for one user and another thing for another user. It’s crazy sometimes how the game/or users interpreted the controls.
Just saying. Off to the demo now. :D
I know this has been said throughout the years, but for me this is the first time in a decade plus that I've been reminded of why I loved PES back in the day. Since becoming more of a FIFA player about 10 years ago, this is the first time I'm feeling that. It's not something I can really put my finger on, but it's there for me for sure.

That said, a worry for me is just how few the scoring chances and goals are in the demo. Playing on Superstar, it's terribly rare to see even two goals in a game, and shots are few too. For those of you who've been playing with an extender - playing on at least Superstar - are you noticing a more realistic amount of chances and scorelines?
I know this has been said throughout the years, but for me this is the first time in a decade plus that I've been reminded of why I loved PES back in the day. Since becoming more of a FIFA player about 10 years ago, this is the first time I'm feeling that. It's not something I can really put my finger on, but it's there for me for sure.

That said, a worry for me is just how few the scoring chances and goals are in the demo. Playing on Superstar, it's terribly rare to see even two goals in a game, and shots are few too. For those of you who've been playing with an extender - playing on at least Superstar - are you noticing a more realistic amount of chances and scorelines?

Nope. Same thing for me. With the exception of a 2-3 (with a beautiful own goal by Martinez, which I‘ll post later) it‘s usually 1-0, 1-1, 0-0 (extended to 12 min). AI defence is really hard to break down on SS.
Yeah, def prefer lower scoring games to unrealistic goalfests, and don't especially mind it with such short halves in the demo... just hoping scorelines and chance creation are a bit higher in the full release. Almost everything I'm seeing is 0-0 or 1-0s.
I know this has been said throughout the years, but for me this is the first time in a decade plus that I've been reminded of why I loved PES back in the day. Since becoming more of a FIFA player about 10 years ago, this is the first time I'm feeling that. It's not something I can really put my finger on, but it's there for me for sure.

That said, a worry for me is just how few the scoring chances and goals are in the demo. Playing on Superstar, it's terribly rare to see even two goals in a game, and shots are few too. For those of you who've been playing with an extender - playing on at least Superstar - are you noticing a more realistic amount of chances and scorelines?

Superstar 1-0 0-0 0-1 2-0 pa0..I’m creating a lot more chances now then I was a week ago.

I love it though..it’s not artificial hardness..Just much finer margins.

I’ve had the end to end games..Open chances when play breaks down and the quick counters.It’s not all balls to wall from the cpu and having to break down a wall..

Direct play and the long ball is now a lethal and rewarding component,much like ground passing..I love smacking a ball into space and seeing a forward latch onto it..and all the other connotations I’m now afforded with the long pass(it’s on another level with pa0 and I use it as much as I do ground passing).
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This year on manual you can actually use the L1+Circle "early cross" for a bigger range of passes, because the player switching is better - last year as soon as you used this, the game would instantly switch to your centre forward (even if the pass was nowhere near them) and by the time you could super cancel and manually switch, the ball was past your intended target.

Now the player switching treats it like a normal pass, so you can switch flanks or play the ball into wide areas with it. It can also be combined with R2 for a higher "early cross" that has a different trajectory to a normal R2 high pass.

On a related note, the physicality and the freer ball has really helped with making high passes a lot more fun; I've been having fun playing a bit more of a long ball game and have had some great moments where some pressure on the defender has caused some fortuitous knock downs for my attacker, the likes of which I've not seen in PES before.

Also, and although the AI definitely has some dodgy moments, I've seen some great movement from my team that has made high passes really satisfying and realistic. A quick example (I might upload the video if I can be bothered to edit it) was when, as I crossed the ball from deep, Diego pulled off the defender to the back post and allowed me to knock down a ball for my AMF to volley home. It was a small thing but it really stood out as a lifelike piece of play.
@DigitalByDesign ...and I love to adjust my attack pattern on what the opponent offers me! And 2020 does it right. To a full extend? Not really. But to a state where I can love it!! :)

Edit: ...and be happy and play on...!

Edit: so there is not one single person in this forum living in NYC or next to it?! East coat anyone?!

We do have podcast listeners from japan... come the f on!! :) ;)
Talk to me!!!
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As long as i don’t get 7:2 or 5:6 matches I’m good. ;)

Can‘t speak for fuma but on assisted, like in past versions, there is still a tangible level of scoreline orchestration in there - meaning that when you’re up 1-0 and have another big chance right away you’ll most likely hit the post or someone will block it or the keeper will pull a ninja (works both directions, though, for/against you and the AI).

But it’s much less pronounced this time or it feels right in a way that you don’t feel cheated. So far I‘ve not yelled at my TV or thrown the controller on the floor. Good sign, for me and my controller ;)

The really big one for me is that this is the first PES in ages that really doesn’t seem to have the catch-up feature and when you are through, you are through (which doesn’t automatically result in a goal).

Have to await ML, though. Known for ruining some early impressions.
Can‘t speak for fuma but on assisted, like in past versions, there is still a tangible level of scoreline orchestration in there - meaning that when you’re up 1-0 and have another big chance right away you’ll most likely hit the post or someone will block it or the keeper will pull a ninja (works both directions, though, for/against you and the AI).

But it’s much less pronounced this time or it feels right in a way that you don’t feel cheated. So far I‘ve not yelled at my TV or thrown the controller on the floor. Good sign, for me and my controller ;)

The really big one for me is that this is the first PES in ages that really doesn’t seem to have the catch-up feature and when you are through, you are through (which doesn’t automatically result in a goal).

Have to await ML, though. Known for ruining some early impressions.
You and all your all so sophisticated fancy british words...! ;) :LOL:

I loooove to sprint away... when it’s appropriate. I once liked Ketchup! :D

Edit: for educated people like @Rodchenko ...
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Yeah, def prefer lower scoring games to unrealistic goalfests, and don't especially mind it with such short halves in the demo... just hoping scorelines and chance creation are a bit higher in the full release. Almost everything I'm seeing is 0-0 or 1-0s.
This has been an issue for me in PES for a long time. I've said it before, but you never tend to get smashed 5-0 by Man City, and you never tend to beat Norwich 5-0.

Someone else said in here - far more eloquently than me - that you're never scared to play Barcelona, you're never in fear. For all the talk of "more individuality" (which is undoubtedly true in small moments), you're not torn apart by the best teams at any point and there are no tactical mismatches that lead to big scorelines, in general.
This has been an issue for me in PES for a long time. I've said it before, but you never tend to get smashed 5-0 by Man City, and you never tend to beat Norwich 5-0.

Someone else said in here - far more eloquently than me - that you're never scared to play Barcelona, you're never in fear. For all the talk of "more individuality" (which is undoubtedly true in small moments), you're not torn apart by the best teams at any point and there are no tactical mismatches that lead to big scorelines, in general.
There should be a greater gap. A more pronounced endeavor. If I may say so!

@Rodchenko you are good with that?! :LMAO:

Sorry. I just can’t stop. :D
If they fuck it up and you reinstall it digitally it's the whole package,install it offline from disc is still possible (vanilla)

What happens if the game has e.g. datapack 6.
if you reinstall fresh from disc, it will then install dp6 (rather than dp1, then 2, etc) so your only two options at that stage are no-patch or dp6, right?

This has been an issue for me in PES for a long time. I've said it before, but you never tend to get smashed 5-0 by Man City, and you never tend to beat Norwich 5-0.

Someone else said in here - far more eloquently than me - that you're never scared to play Barcelona, you're never in fear. For all the talk of "more individuality" (which is undoubtedly true in small moments), you're not torn apart by the best teams at any point and there are no tactical mismatches that lead to big scorelines, in general.

IMO that's what true unassisted full manual should be. unassisted scorelines. genuine scores based on skill of defence and attack rather than the game keeping things close.
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What happens if the game has e.g. datapack 6.
if you reinstall fresh from disc, it will then install dp6 (rather than dp1, then 2, etc) so your only two options at that stage are no-patch or dp6, right?

Yeah that's how it's going to be,stay vanilla all the time,no updated kits (which always comes in the first or second patch)
It's never going to be an option keeping it off line,I shouldn't manage anyway
Wouldn't be surprised if sales are lower this year.

Changing R2/RT without giving an option to change back to original control scheme is a balls up of a move.

The game just doesn't have the same snappy feeling of 2014 - 2019.

For all the "best PES in years garble"' being sprouted on here , people who continually buy game because of the gameplay will feel like they've been slapped in the face.

Game will be £15.99 on PSN by December.

As for the PES rep on Twitter, what a complete shambles.

After playing the demo thoroughly, i not just disagree with you majorly here but i encourage you to adapt.

I've found R2 is essentially exactly the same as last year but you MUST hold the left stick everytime you trap it, the right stick is awesome along with no needed to rely on it so much like before.

I play the game in a very similar way to PES 2019, its the realism has evolved so more skill is needed. This is brilliant from Konami.

The game lacking sharpness has NOTHING to do with the controls, that's just poor responsiveness at times and passive AI. BTW when i mention responsiveness i mean bugs and the game not responding to inputs at times or responding off the all which is the biggest issue.
I really hope they don't change the core gameplay too much before full release. The demo is full of promise. Always a good sign when you keep thinking the matches are way too short.

Sure, the refs are a bit too trigger happy on giving fouls against you, and the goalkeeping animations are still a bit stale and weird, but this feels like a proper pes game, and it looks better than it ever has! Finally, the graphics are spot on. Just don't change too much before full release! :)

Yea i keep thinking of playing 20 minutes instead of the usual 15 !

Heres some streaming I did before about 3 or 4 games top player mainly manual controls.. Not many goals but games are OK
A major issue for me.

Desperately hope they improve the responsiveness. It's definitely too sluggish at time in terms of your players just not responding to a command on the controller or ignoring the ball.

Do we know if this is one of the things Konami has taken note of?
Do we know if this is one of the things Konami has taken note of?
A) I'm pretty sure this is intrinsically linked to the engine and not something that can be tweaked easily (because it's been like this for a long time), and B) a lot of people don't notice it and/or they consider it realistic (I don't personally because a replay shows that the delay is never so that a player can get his body in the right position, for example - it's just a delay - but that's just my opinion).

In other words, I'm pretty much certain that this element won't change (and in fairness, I get it - if response times were halved it might turn into a much faster, "twitchier" game just because people tend to spam buttons, especially online, so it's possibly a sort of compromise).
A) I'm pretty sure this is intrinsically linked to the engine and not something that can be tweaked easily (because it's been like this for a long time), and B) a lot of people don't notice it and/or they consider it realistic (I don't personally because a replay shows that the delay is never so that a player can get his body in the right position, for example - it's just a delay - but that's just my opinion).

In other words, I'm pretty much certain that this element won't change (and in fairness, I get it - if response times were halved it might turn into a much faster, "twitchier" game just because people tend to spam buttons, especially online, so it's possibly a sort of compromise).

The response issues are definitely due to the new mechanics and added realism will leave the game in a state where response times must be refined and altered over time to suit the new mechanics. My concern is they will still be really bad on release and stay bad until October.

Its very important for Konami get this game right on release day! Patches after release should be to fix small issues not used to 'finish' the game as we have seen the last 2 years at least.
I know this has been said throughout the years, but for me this is the first time in a decade plus that I've been reminded of why I loved PES back in the day. Since becoming more of a FIFA player about 10 years ago, this is the first time I'm feeling that. It's not something I can really put my finger on, but it's there for me for sure.

That said, a worry for me is just how few the scoring chances and goals are in the demo. Playing on Superstar, it's terribly rare to see even two goals in a game, and shots are few too. For those of you who've been playing with an extender - playing on at least Superstar - are you noticing a more realistic amount of chances and scorelines?
I play 15min matches and had a 3-3 two games running.

Think half of it was I playing with Man United and I always concede with United, but still.

Also, I don’t play manual shooting myself, but I’ve noticed recently a lot of defenders scoring long range crackers and it’s always with manual shooting.
I'm not blind to the unpredictability of football. It would be incredibly dull if it wasn't.

But all this talk of "match conditions", "the ref works against you", "bad luck", "sometimes things go against you" is so much nonsense that I don't even know where to begin. 1) it's a video game, it's not like we're dealing with human error when the ref could have blinked, or been looking elsewhere when something happened 2) It's just an offline exhibition match. It's not a CL final and 3) Whatever the match conditions might have been at the time of this tackle doesn't mean anything in the slightest, the fact is that this tackle is not a foul, and quite frankly, any reasoning as to WHY it may have been given in the grand scheme of things isn't important - because it isn't one.
You yourself have told me that even in real life fouls debatable. So why do you keep insisting this one is a foul, showing it again and again, and stating it as fact? This to me is easily a foul. And it's debatable. So it can't be a fact.
you have EA bring out a totally brand new mode in VOLTA and then you look at konami they have interactive menus and match day, konami are an embarrassment
but, truly Volta is just another way for EA to try and sell there outdated sports game. Physics suck in it. It's how EA works. Create all this extra content, to distract from the real content on the pitch. A true masterclass marketing job of polishing the turd.:D
You yourself have told me that even in real life fouls debatable. So why do you keep insisting this one is a foul, showing it again and again, and stating it as fact? This to me is easily a foul. And it's debatable. So it can't be a fact.
Why do I use this as an example? Oh that’s easy. Because this one isn’t even slightly debatable :D Pogba is just too slow to the ball, the defender connects with the ball with the side of his foot, no studs showing, he’s not left the ground, doesn’t touch the man, not dangerous in any way, shape, or form. Fair, and clean tackle - Fact. If anything Pogba kicks the defender look!! :D Xhaka kicks the ball away then Pogba hits his foot!

It’s also the only one I’ve bothered to make a gif out of.

I play the game in a very similar way to PES 2019, its the realism has evolved so more skill is needed. This is brilliant from Konami.
I find this is really interesting.

I personally can’t play it like 2019. I openly admit I abused the hell out of the right stick because it was just so much fun. It just flowed so well and felt so nice to link things together.

I do like using the finesse dribble to create that yard of space, but the skills themselves are just more awkward.

But player movement, physicality, passing, shooting, heading, and all the rest of it is a real joy.
but, truly Volta is just another way for EA to try and sell there outdated sports game. Physics suck in it. It's how EA works. Create all this extra content, to distract from the real content on the pitch. A true masterclass marketing job of polishing the turd.:D
i wasnt saying voltas amazing, far from it, i was just comparing betweeen the two games, konami has been taking out content and rebranding while EA have been increasing it, especially when paying full price, gameplay updates is not enough, maybe 20 years ago it wouldv been but not now, personally out of all the sports games pes has to be the worst ever when it comes to content, i dont include extra leagues as extra cos thats been done over 10yrs ago from the other game.
Why do I use this as an example? Oh that’s easy. Because this one isn’t even slightly debatable :D Pogba is just too slow to the ball, the defender connects with the ball with the side of his foot, no studs showing, he’s not left the ground, doesn’t touch the man, not dangerous in any way, shape, or form. Fair, and clean tackle - Fact. If anything Pogba kicks the defender look!! :D Xhaka kicks the ball away then Pogba hits his foot!

It’s also the only one I’ve bothered to make a gif out of.

I find this is really interesting.

I personally can’t play it like 2019. I openly admit I abused the hell out of the right stick because it was just so much fun. It just flowed so well and felt so nice to link things together.

I do like using the finesse dribble to create that yard of space, but the skills themselves are just more awkward.

But player movement, physicality, passing, shooting, heading, and all the rest of it is a real joy.

Do you watch PESEP? I watched his stream and i noticed he easily adapted to the right stick because he knew you could still use R2 for instant close control but you MUST AT ALL TIMES hold it with the left stick in the direction you want to control it. This along with just using traditional left stick dribbling and Right stick for feints and close quarter control.

The issue people run into is over using right stick, also some people use 'Auto Feint 'On' and rely upon it and don't full understand how to do each feint consistently so its hard for them to get their head round.

My only complains in regards to controls is roulettes are just so inconsistent with the direction your moving into. I think step overs are fine actually but need far more responsiveness.
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