eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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I know what you mean...Playability and the enjoyment factor..Everything feels so right.

Plays like a genuine progression but has all the elements of what made pes so good on the ps2.

Imo it’s a masterpiece.
yep. the more i think about it what makes me happy while playing... i tend to think its that 2020 brings back some of the stuff i loved on ps2.
it is by far not what i expected (way back when i was a kid) how a 2019 game of football on a console would play out...
but it gives me football! football at home! football that is represented well! hard to discribe for me!
i like the demo, did i mention that yet!? :D
Maybe. :)

But seriously though, for me, it's this small space where I can relax for maybe an hour every other night so it has in a weird way become more "important" for me now than before.

The irony here is that we finally have a game again that we want to spend hours with but now we are cramped for time with family live and all that. ;)

My only luck is that i was two days alone last week and i played the demo pretty much non-stop, living on instant noodles, coffee and radler. Good times. Sometimes you have to let yourself go, right? :BLUSH:

For me there is hope for the future though.. my just 5 year old is showing a bit of interest already ;) I will be his PES yoda for sure. :WOOT:
Having played lots of matches i still have to experience the "ball to the groins animation". I play on manual, probably it's something that happens a lot more on assisted passing.

It also never happened to CPU while passing.

I guess its just a coincedence, sometimes you do not see it for 10 matches, sometimes it occurs 3 times in a single match. The problem is that i have seen players being hit against the inside of the calf and reacting as if they where hit in the groin but i am quite confident this will be fixed come final release.
The irony here is that we finally have a game again that we want to spend hours with but now we are cramped for time with family live and all that. ;)

My only luck is that i was two days alone last week and i played the demo pretty much non-stop, living on instant noodles, coffee and radler. Good times. Sometimes you have to let yourself go, right? :BLUSH:

For me there is hope for the future though.. my just 5 year old is showing a bit of interest already ;) I will be his PES yoda for sure. :WOOT:
i wish there was hope for me! being a single for over a decade now (i have friends over from time to time :LOL: )! no pets, no kids, no wife! is that good? ah, it has its pros and cons! ;)
but plenty of free time to play a demo! :BOUNCE:

anyway, when i see @Isslander making hay in that beautiful country side, or i see @Emroth with his daughter, or hear @B-Man's baby crying... warms my heart! i'm a little bit jealous (in a good way) at that sometimes.
the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence, eh?! ;)

sorry for ot... got lost here for a second! :BYE:
scrap that sissie stuff... I might be a little to open here, but this is “family” here too! ;)
now, back to topic!!
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I’ve seen the example you’ve shown given in my favour and I’ve also been penalised for it just like in your example..

Isn’t that reflective of reality..and different context.Because that’s what happen’s in real football.

Let’s not complicate this...

Edit..You can win the ball by just using the stick..This is more often then not treated less harshly by the referee..

When I say context I mean there are times where the ref will favour the opposing team or you because of match conditions..

It’s totally not random and albeit the odd collision bug or glitch it works consistently with the dynamics of the match adding a much needed dynamic imo..

If your only tackling with X and your heavy with momentum it will be penalised..But Not always..

The ref works for you and against you.Ever heard the expression they’ve got the ref in there pocket..Sometimes in real football everything goes against you..I’ve seen that in the demo!
You understand the philosophy of the game and also the unpredictability of football..

A great read...
I'm not blind to the unpredictability of football. It would be incredibly dull if it wasn't.

But all this talk of "match conditions", "the ref works against you", "bad luck", "sometimes things go against you" is so much nonsense that I don't even know where to begin. 1) it's a video game, it's not like we're dealing with human error when the ref could have blinked, or been looking elsewhere when something happened 2) It's just an offline exhibition match. It's not a CL final and 3) Whatever the match conditions might have been at the time of this tackle doesn't mean anything in the slightest, the fact is that this tackle is not a foul, and quite frankly, any reasoning as to WHY it may have been given in the grand scheme of things isn't important - because it isn't one.
Exactly. Fouls/collision system should be PERFECT at this stage.

You hear me? PERFECT. No excuses.....unless of course there is some magic (ie. stat/script elements) that will come into play.

if I had a year left of current gen console, surely I'd be perfecting the game of its flaws (nonsense fouls, quality of interface/menus) and not switching controls around. doesn't make sense.
Funnily enough, I don't agree with this in the slightest. How can you possibly expect perfect foul detection when we can't even agree amongst ourselves what is, and what isn't a foul? It is IMPOSSIBLE to get 100% right.

But I'm not expecting it to be 100% right, in fact, I don't want it to be 100% right! Just there's a massive difference between something like, say, Llorente's 'handball' vs Man City last season, where the pundits were arguing among themselves because they can't agree, and they all make very good cases for why it could be one or the other, and a bog standard, basic, obviously fair standing tackle.

But hey, look, at the end of the day, it's football - a game of opinions. It's part and parcel of the sport.

In other news; water is wet.
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I'm not blind to the unpredictability of football. It would be incredibly dull if it wasn't.

But all this talk of "match conditions", "the ref works against you", "bad luck", "sometimes things go against you" is so much nonsense that I don't even know where to begin. 1) it's a video game, it's not like we're dealing with human error when the ref could have blinked, or been looking elsewhere when something happened 2) It's just an offline exhibition match. It's not a CL final and 3) Whatever the match conditions might have been at the time of this tackle doesn't mean anything in the slightest, the fact is that this tackle is not a foul, and quite frankly, any reasoning as to WHY it may have been given in the grand scheme of things isn't important - because it isn't one.

Funnily enough, I don't agree with this in the slightest. How can you possibly expect perfect foul detection when we can't even agree amongst ourselves what is, and what isn't a foul? It is IMPOSSIBLE to get 100% right.

But I'm not expecting it to be 100% right, in fact, I don't want it to be 100% right! Just there's a massive difference between something like, say, Llorente's 'handball' vs Man City last season, where the pundits were arguing among themselves because they can't agree, and they all make very good cases for why it could be one or the other, and a bog standard, basic, obviously fair standing tackle.

But hey, look, at the end of the day, it's football - a game of opinions. It's part and parcel of the sport.

In other news; water is wet.

Like I’ve said..Let’s not over complicate this..

The systems not completely broken although
there are inconsistencies..Which I believe are intentional.

However..I think your clutching at straws a little bit and the system in place is not as broken or unfair as you believe it to be.

Most of the complaints imo are down to bugs or fine tuning issues with the collision system..I’ve been saying this since the demo went live..Your welcome to go back through my posts.

Let’s agree to disagree on this one..Peace!
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Advanced Through ball and full manual goal.
I could sense some anger from my opponent, coz after a goal his players just stopped moving.. think he went for a smoke.. :LOL:

Edit: one thing I should mention to give some credit to the guy(s) I played. Most of them are crazy good and in a LOT of cases - way better than me in keeping the ball and dribbling. So if I had an advantage throughout most of the game and concede from counter attack at the end - I probably would go for a smoke too.
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Has this demo been patched I'm going through several games with 1 foul and on release it was 5 or 6
Not that I know of. Could it be you getting better with the new controls and flow, so not making many mistakes wich gave away fouls in the first place?! Just a thought.
I have the same foul experience since first time playing the demo.
Don’t you ever cut out the audience while cheering, again!! :LOL:
your videos looking better and better...! :TU:
Nice goal!
one question regarding adv. through balls. it isnt that different from manual L1+traingle as far as i can see. only you have that circle moving for help... i can do the same pass with manual L1+triangle, i'd bet! maybe i'm wrong.
if i'm not, this helping aid (circle) isn't what i prefer!
Has this demo been patched I'm going through several games with 1 foul and on release it was 5 or 6
This just shows how succeptible we all are to placebo - the day Konami tweeted about a day one patch (for retail), a few PC players were saying "it's way faster now, completely ruined"...

If the demo had been patched, you'd have a notification in your console's notification bar. The only demo patched so far has been the PC version but all it did was fix some matchmaking issues, and the gameplay can't be changed from their end without the client (i.e. your console) downloading an update.
one question regarding adv. through balls. it isnt that different from manual L1+traingle as far as i can see. only you have that circle moving for help... i can do the same pass with manual L1+triangle, i'd bet! maybe i'm wrong.
if i'm not, this helping aid (circle) isn't what i prefer!
Maybe this particular pass you could, coz I didnt apply much curve there. But if I put some spin to the ball - that would be impossible to recreate with L1 .
L1 + triangle has direct trajectory. You can bend the pass around the defence, like you can with Adv.Through balls.
Aiming circle is not ideal (I dont like and dont use any other aming guides), but Advanced Through balls are difficult even with the circle, so I kept it and eventually got used to it.
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Advanced Through ball and full manual goal.
I could sense some anger from my opponent, coz after a goal his players just stopped moving.. think he went for a smoke.. :LOL:

Edit: one thing I should mention to give some credit to the guy(s) I played. Most of them are crazy good and in a LOT of cases - way better than me in keeping the ball and dribbling. So if I had an advantage throughout most of the game and concede from counter attack at the end - I probably would go for a smoke to.

Really lovely goal Emroth! I might give Ad T-B another go! The reason I'm not that keen on it normally is that I like to use throughball as a slightly quicker pass and find very short passes (like a 3 yard lay-off) really difficult with AD T-B. Have you used it much over the years? Does it feel any different on 2020 compared to 18/19?
Not that I know of. Could it be you getting better with the new controls and flow, so not making many mistakes wich gave away fouls in the first place?! Just a thought.
I have the same foul experience since first time playing the demo.
it's the AI not fouling me now, I'm still givi g a few away, maybe getting better and avoiding tackles, ideally though the better I become at avoiding tackles the more fouls I should see
Have you used it much over the years? Does it feel any different on 2020 compared to 18/19?
Thank you.
There was a lot of luck involved in this goal, since I switched to manual shooting only recently.
As for Advanced Through Balls;
I only started around 6 months back, convinced by @rockstrongo .
Since then I used them on Pes17, 19 and 20.
Unfortunately, the bad news is - I find them least responsive and most sluggish in Pes20. Quite often Im losing the ball, coz my player is getting ready to kick for ages..
I rarely complain about responsiveness and I do believe animations are necessary for the game to look smooth and nice. But them through balls in the demo are taking the piss sometimes..
The good news is - normal short passes seems to be quite responsive this year, so Im using just them in tight spaces and leaving Advanced Through Balls only when I have time and space.
Maybe this particular pass you could, coz I didnt apply much curve there. But if I put some spin to the ball - that would be impossible to recreate with L1 (or should we say L2, as L1 is for switching and 1-2 pass).
L2 + triangle has direct trajectory. You can bend the pass around the defence, like you can with Adv.Through balls.
Aiming circle is not ideal (I dont like and dont use any other aming guides), but Advanced Through balls are difficult even with the circle, so I kept it and eventually got used to it.
Hooooold a minute. You mean spin, not curve or curl?! So the ball is rotating backwards to the direction it’s going?!
L1+triangle is a shirt lobbed pass / though ball. Let me have a look for spin tonight.
But anyway. If it’s not curl, I don’t mind not having the ball rotate.
Maybe I don’t understand and we better voice chat about it. Don’t want to take it to far here.
Hooooold a minute. You mean spin, not curve or curl?! So the ball is rotating backwards to the direction it’s going?!
L1+triangle is a shirt lobbed pass / though ball. Let me have a look for spin tonight.
But anyway. If it’s not curl, I don’t mind not having the ball rotate.
Maybe I don’t understand and we better voice chat about it. Don’t want to take it to far here.
Spin, curl, curve, rotation - Im a simple fella, to me its like talking about colours with women.. :LOL:
What I mean is this:
I dont think there is any other way to perform the yellow pass, unless you use Advanced Through Balls.
You can apply such a spin on the ball, that it will go around the defence.
Its not easy and thats why I use aiming circle. Coz I can see trajectory and create a spin much more efficient this way.
Has this demo been patched I'm going through several games with 1 foul and on release it was 5 or 6

I think we just learnt how to tackle. Thats it. I have also very few fouls. But at least i can foul on purpose with the new mechanics if i want to without sliding tackle. We'll see how much of this has been removed with the day one patch. Retail game stays the same as the demo so at least thats good news.
Thank you.
There was a lot of luck involved in this goal, since I switched to manual shooting only recently.
As for Advanced Through Balls;
I only started around 6 months back, convinced by @rockstrongo .
Since then I used them on Pes17, 19 and 20.
Unfortunately, the bad news is - I find them least responsive and most sluggish in Pes20. Quite often Im losing the ball, coz my player is getting ready to kick for ages..
I rarely complain about responsiveness and I do believe animations are necessary for the game to look smooth and nice. But them through balls in the demo are taking the piss sometimes..
The good news is - normal short passes seems to be quite responsive this year, so Im using just them in tight spaces and leaving Advanced Through Balls only when I have time and space.
Probably switch back to manual shooting for the full release of 20 to.
I had one of those brilliant moments last night on advanced through balls (Pes 18) it's really lovely when they click.
I have under 10 games so far on this demo.
Should cramp in more late August early September I guess
Retail game stays the same as the demo so at least thats good news.
So, if they fuck things up with the patch - is it possible to switch the updates off on Ps4 and keep the vanilla version?
Just install Option File and keep it as it is?
Or, lets say, if they break it with some patch on the way - can we uninstall and start again, from scratch?
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it's the AI not fouling me now, I'm still givi g a few away, maybe getting better and avoiding tackles, ideally though the better I become at avoiding tackles the more fouls I should see
Yep. Got it. And i think i know how to get fouls. Like drawing them from the opponent. That’s part of the sport too.
It really is some detailed stuff.

Spin, curl, curve, rotation - Im a simple fella, to me its like talking about colours with women.. :LOL:
What I mean is this:
View attachment 18349
I dont think there is any other way to perform the yellow pass, unless you use Advanced Through Balls.
You can apply such a spin on the ball, that it will go around the defence.
Its not easy and thats why I use aiming circle. Coz I can see trajectory and create a spin much more efficient this way.
So we going in detail now, I see... :)

“You have 1.324 voice messages on WhatsApp!” :LOL:
So, if they fuck things up with the patch - is it possible to switch the updates off on Ps4 and keep the vanilla version?
Just install Option File and keep it as it is?
Or, lets say, if they break it with some patch on the way - can we uninstall and start again, from scratch?
If they fuck it up and you reinstall it digitally it's the whole package,install it offline from disc is still possible (vanilla)
I dont understand why they dont just get rid of PA2 and PA3, PA1 is perfect amount of assistance!
Imagine getting rid of then assisted players would cry to get PA1 more assisted. And we who like stat based passing would left with nothing but a manual and overly assisted option. More options are better.
Konami should give it a try. If PA2 and 3 were gone, people had to use PA1 or manual. The outrage would be massive I guess... that would, again, say a lot! ^^
That’s just my view on this.
This year on manual you can actually use the L1+Circle "early cross" for a bigger range of passes, because the player switching is better - last year as soon as you used this, the game would instantly switch to your centre forward (even if the pass was nowhere near them) and by the time you could super cancel and manually switch, the ball was past your intended target.

Now the player switching treats it like a normal pass, so you can switch flanks or play the ball into wide areas with it. It can also be combined with R2 for a higher "early cross" that has a different trajectory to a normal R2 high pass.
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