eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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After seeing so many comments on the feedback tweet asking for fouls to go, but almost as many asking for the fouls to stay, i'm convinced that a slider is probably the best option, so i've posted this:


Clearly the fanbase is very divided.

There are many comments of people that think the refs are too strict and many comments of people that want the fouls to stay.

A slider would probably help, at least for offline, keeping both crowds happy."
I despise that there still isn't a button for a more powerful ground pass. The floaty, slow passes irritate the **** out of me.

I just use the L1 hold + double tap circle (same as low cross) for those powerful low passes across the pitch... i play full manual passing, so it pretty much goes exactly where i aim my L stick...not sure if its the same when using PA1.
As much as I love the new camera, but I´m having trouble playing FUMA with it.
Passes go astray and it feels like the whole skill, I developed over the recent time has gone.

I was playing dynamic wide on PC but modded.....means......higher, zoomed out a lot and a bit more angle.
Stadium cam seems to have different.....how to call it......angles?

My aiming doesn´t fit no more.
Guess I´ll wait for the full release and the cam mods for that.

Or kind of try again on dynamic wide.....but it´s so close.....
As much as I love the new camera, but I´m having trouble playing FUMA with it.
Passes go astray and it feels like the whole skill, I developed over the recent time has gone.

I was playing dynamic wide on PC but modded.....means......higher, zoomed out a lot and a bit more angle.
Stadium cam seems to have different.....how to call it......angles?

My aiming doesn´t fit no more.
Guess I´ll wait for the full release and the cam mods for that.

Or kind of try again on dynamic wide.....but it´s so close.....
I'm pretty sure you'll get used with it.
I'm playing three different cams on Pes 17-18-19.
Where my go to is a wide but with a broadcast angle.
As much as I love the new camera, but I´m having trouble playing FUMA with it.
Passes go astray and it feels like the whole skill, I developed over the recent time has gone.

I was playing dynamic wide on PC but modded.....means......higher, zoomed out a lot and a bit more angle.
Stadium cam seems to have different.....how to call it......angles?

My aiming doesn´t fit no more.
Guess I´ll wait for the full release and the cam mods for that.

Or kind of try again on dynamic wide.....but it´s so close.....

I had the same aiming problems with Stadium cam. Now I'm using Stadium cam with Zoom 3 Height 8 Angle 3 and everything feels better.
Trying different controls out same teams same tactics

1st game 0-0 1 foul full manual
2nd game 5 fouls 1 red for AI and 1 yellow I lost 1 nil pa1, basic shooting

As much as I love the new camera, but I´m having trouble playing FUMA with it.
Passes go astray and it feels like the whole skill, I developed over the recent time has gone.

I was playing dynamic wide on PC but modded.....means......higher, zoomed out a lot and a bit more angle.
Stadium cam seems to have different.....how to call it......angles?

My aiming doesn´t fit no more.
Guess I´ll wait for the full release and the cam mods for that.

Or kind of try again on dynamic wide.....but it´s so close.....
Have the same experience with stadium cam.
Stadium camera moves and change angles a lot. I'm having difficulty aiming my passes when the angle changes a lot depending on ball's location on the pitch.
I'm jealous of manual players who can play well on live broadcast and stadium cameras(or any camera that is not "0" angle), my accuracy just bad with those camera. These cameras are nice as an spectator but not when playing, for me.

On pes19, I'm using modified(zoomed-in) fanview cam (I love it since angle stays the same and you can see a lot more of the pitch) but since playing on Ps4 now, I have no choice but to get used to the available cams.
Default dynamic cam is what I'm using now. I don't wan't the change of height angles when the ball moves farther or closer to the camera but what can I do, it's the best wide camera available to also show big portions of the pitch.
I just use the L1 hold + double tap circle (same as low cross) for those powerful low passes across the pitch... i play full manual passing, so it pretty much goes exactly where i aim my L stick...not sure if its the same when using PA1.
For earlies I press L1 and high cross. And yes, double tapping does the lower ones. What I found in the demo: the manual L1+high cross played with less power can be so nicely low and awesome paced!! Definitely updated. :)
I'm pretty sure you'll get used with it.
I'm playing three different cams on Pes 17-18-19.
Where my go to is a wide but with a broadcast angle.
Wich brings me to the question: is the cam taking into account when playing online with similar settings?! I wish it would but doubt it.
I want fair games on all terms!!
And then again I’m not playing much online anyway. ;)
Hi there, could someone help me? im back to PES after a few years. PES2020 is incredible!!!! the new camera is just superb.

im having a few problems with the headers , when crossing the ball, or on the croner kicks. Could someone please let me know how the hell, i can kick the ball with my head with power? all my header shots are without power!!!!, they all go the the keepers hands without any risk.


I'm afraid about those who're complaining about refree strickness on twitter. Really afraid.
They don't understand how it balance offense/defense mechanics. I can assure that they're the typical R1 rush high press flatlined players.

Fouls're erradicating this specie of online players. Some of them're understanding the new rules and evolving in consequence but some of them can't do it and are trying to fight for his kind, crying on twitter.
Boca vs River (CPU, top player, P01). Just a small clip to show how the CPU does not always magically get the loose ball anymore in or near the box.

My LM has the ball and i see two of my attackers making a run for it, Tevez found a gap behind the back of his marker who totally lost track of him. As my CM is covered by nr 33 I dont hesitate and aim for a direct pass to Tevez but the ball falls a bit in between him and my LW. My LW intercepts the pass and I let him gently push it forward to Teves who now has half a second to decide his next move.

Their LCV is already repositioning and closing in on me but i suspect that he might still be a little off balance from his run so i am gambling i can get away with a little turn to position myself for a shot on goal. Not so fast; Tevez still has some defining qualities but clearly lost a bit of his explosiveness and his first touch is not that great. Next to that, I also understimated the composure of the defender who used L2 to close me in and then makes an exellent tackle leaving Tevez stumbling and the ball springs away a meter or so, up for grabs.

My LW, who continued on a rather interesting vertical run, sees it all happen, stops, and quickly goes for the loose ball with in his back River Plate's nr. 33, who rightfully decided to come all the way back to help his defenders out.

Meanwhile their RM was crawling back for support as well and quickly reacts to the loose ball by going for it at full sprint. Because he is better positioned then his teammate nr 33 is, the latter holds in a bit and cautiously covers my back to prevent me from any moves towards their area might i get it first.

At this point i feel i have a slight edge over the incoming midfielder. I know that if i time this right i should be able to get my feet in with a touch of R1 just before the incoming LM and 33 (who i didnt expect to hold in at this moment).
I also know from past experiences with PES the CPU might just push me away here leaving me locked in a stumble animation while he suddenly clips towards to ball to take it.

But now 2020 shows itself. The incoming LM in full sprint comes too late and misses the ball. Due to his speed he is unable to adjust his direction and he flies in front of me after which our legs touch eachother, leaving my player struggling to stay on his feet.

Somehow my player does manage to stay on his feet, repack himself and capture the free ball and i am rewarded a second of breathing space, phew.

All in all this moment felt really good and fair. The CPU is acting much more like a human player would in that they are making cautious decisions, some good, some bad. Like @Matt10 also pointed out in the podcast; the AI definately comes off as more humanlike and logical compared to 2019. They dont have that edge over you anymore, its like they now respond to new situations with a realistic delay so that things feel less predetermined, inviting you to experiment to see what is possible.

Sorry for the bad quality, i still need to figure out how to make good captures on the PS4.

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Just played a game as Vasco v Sao Paulo. I have to say it's honestly as if Konami have suddenly remembered what it was that made their games so great in the past. Stats meaning something. There were misplaced passes by me (PA1) and the AI. My passing was 69%, AI was 82% and was lower than that in the first half but they kept the ball a bit in the second half when they were leading which upped them a touch. Shots being dragged well wide and so on. Game ended 2-2 and was great fun, nothing felt contrived or cheated. 20 min match by the way on PC.

Now all they have to do is not f* it up in the next few weeks before release!
I really wish this demo had a training mode so we can really play and experiment with the dribbling and skills without the pressure of opposition interfering. But then again, Apart from the match length - Konami have been very generous with the demo's content so i can't complain too much.

Was challenge training still present on PES 2019 - Has that even been a thing on fox engine PES this gen?

Hope we see it return if it hasn't.

Any loving the little animations on this game that just give it a little bit of life. We saw earlier in the thread a player showing restraint in following through with a kick when he realised it was futile due to the keeper winning the 50/50. I saw one in the KnightMD impressions video of fans standing up out of their seats when a player approaches them to collect the ball for a throw in.

I like this animation where the keepers fall into the goal net. Again, such a minor thing but really adds to the immersion when the players react with their surroundings rather gently nestling besides it like a feather.

Completely agree. Those little touches contributes immensely in making the match feel alive.
I think right now because the games are short the A.I. is ok doing some nice things but the true test will be when we have longer matches how does the A.I. play?

Are they more aggressive in defense and more varied in attack or will we see patterns and scripts? That’s the biggest concern for me from an offline standpoint. We just don’t know. I want to be positive but it’s konami...they have fucked this up 5 years and counting...so im trying to temper my hype a bit.

But man the core is so good. I hope they don’t dumb shit down like they do every year. As someone mentioned above, even the LS no touch/deft touch dribbling works like it did back in early 2018 code before it got dumbed down. All I want to do is go home, rub one out, and play some pes
I hope they can improve ai dribbling in the final version
I couldn't see any high speed dribbling from ai
once they are near the penatly box, they just slow down to dribble and somtimes those moves are just useless
they are not edger to cut inside and shoot, they always try to pass
players like messi are really underwhelming in the game
I think there was a clip from E3 showing messi(ai) runs with high speed on the sideline and then cut inside to past two defenders
that was good and crazy but I couldn't see these kind of moves in the demo
A quick write up of my demo impressions can be found on twitter here

I agree with some stuff, but your review it's 80% about visuals. People're acclaiming PES 2020 bcz the core gameplay:
Ball physics, freedom, balance, learning curve... stuff that the huge of PES fans were chasing since long ago.

Visuals're nice at first, and makes you be more inmersed but the thing that makes you play the whole year it's gameplay. And it's a big step up, not only for PES, for football gaming too.

I'm with you that some visuals need improve but, as I said, its only the external face of the experience, the stuff that makes you be excited it's behind it.
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Truly amazing stuff. I played Juventus on Superstar, Ronaldo all but shit for most of the match, so pissed off that he eventually hacks down Süle after the latter pulls and holds him to win the ball. Only gets a yellow and moves on to score the winner in the 87th minute, Juve bench exploding.

Felt like the second leg of a CL semi. Best thing was: I lost to a computer team, but it felt so plausible and dramatic, I had a smile on my face. Even envisioned the post match press clippings (German press: if Ronaldo would have rightfully gotten a red card... Italian press: CR7 destroys Bayern in another moment of absolute genius... British press: Ronaldo's rocket destroys German tanks).

I don't care what a former PES online champion wants. This is what I want and it's absolute class, despite of the few remaining annoyances.

Thanks for posting this. I love the foul, the goal, and the celebration. As you said the fact that it is the AI makes it all the better. I have stopped playing myself because 5 mins is too short. Holding off buying it to see what the full game will be like. ‘Holding off’ is a struggle at the moment if i’m honest.
seems like the only ones who dislike 2020 are "pro gamers" and people that loved 2015-2019.
I'm part of the latter (loved both 2015 and 2017) and... I don't dislike it, not even a single bit.
I felt a little 'meh' at the beginning but it's slowly growing on me. I have that "well, let's play another match" feeling now which I didn't have at the beginning.
Yeah, they could fix some things like player switching and keepers hardly rushing out, but still I find it very promising as a demo and I hope they don't change it. Yeah, I'll gladly have these referees instead of the ones we had in, say, PES 2016 (which has been the all-time low for me in terms of free kicks won, or given away).
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