eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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i've gradually come to enjoy the demo a lot more, online and offline. i think the space out wide is still an issue for me as is the occasional AI passiveness but overall it plays a pretty solid game. If they don't change anything I will be happy to buy this and do a good few seasons of master league again.

I am going to stick with PA1 and basic shooting for the time being too, the error on PA1 with weaker teams is enough for me right now and i've had some decent shot variation on basic, I imagine after a few weeks of solid play i will get bored and switch to PA0 and manual but for now it seems fairly reasonable to me
full version, adjusting tactics should make less space out wide.
Seriously guys. Go on twitter and tweet to OP that fouls are ok!
No one is praising the fouls, people either dont say anything (probably because they like it ) or dislike it. These are the two types of tweets regarding it. Very rarely i see the refs praised.
If i were the developer i would tone down the fouls based on this. Go tweet and let them know they did a good job on the refs finally!

I've created a new twitter account, after having terminated my old one years ago because twitter is kind of dull to me, just to post a comment there and like the ones you guys are posting.

There is so much feedback against the speed, the fouls, the "unresponsiveness" that i'm afraid the final game could take away everything that makes this demo the best one in years.

I've posted this: "I'm seeing a lot of negative feedback when it comes to the fouls, but please Konami, if you HAVE to change it, just make it more consistent, or give us a slider for referee strictness, don't remove them altogether like every year. PLEASE KEEP THE FOULS!"
I spoke with Adam. He said he understands our concerns and said not to worry. He def has our back right now but I know he’s not the lead guy he doesn’t have final say on stuff only input. I say we get a evo web twitter post to official PES and Adam representing the community and our fears. Make it sound professional as fuck. Let’s go Chris get to it!
I say we get a evo web twitter post to official PES and Adam representing the community and our fears.
Happy to do this if you think it'd make a difference. I don't think an Evo-Web tweet would mean as much as (or get anything close to the traction of) a YouTuber / influencer (vomit) tweet. However...

How about this? Chip in if it needs changing, guys - but bear in mind this has used up the character limit already, so you can't add to it, only replace bits...!

#eFootballPES2020Feedback @officialpes @Adam_Bhatti The Evo-Web community needs to say something: we LOVE the demo; we LOVE the realism; we LOVE that there are more fouls. Any concerns (like AI) we can't judge until e.g. we try a ML season. So please. DON'T CHANGE A THING (yet)!
Dear Konami, Remember PES 2016 Anniversary contracts offer? I do. Hope you can make amends this year and win back my love. Kiss Kiss. Alx1234.
Hey Chris, you still have that issue with the player stopping suddenly even after a 1-2 pass? Been happening to me once twice...hope its just a bug where they can just patch it.
Happy to do this if you think it'd make a difference. I don't think an Evo-Web tweet would mean as much as (or get anything close to the traction of) a YouTuber / influencer (vomit) tweet. However...

How about this? Chip in if it needs changing, guys - but bear in mind this has used up the character limit already, so you can't add to it, only replace bits...!

#eFootballPES2020Feedback @officialpes @Adam_Bhatti The Evo-Web community needs to say something: we LOVE the demo; we LOVE the realism; we LOVE that there are more fouls. Any concerns (like AI) we can't judge until e.g. we try a ML season. So please. DON'T CHANGE A THING (yet)!

Do it Chris I like it. At this point the game is done but they’ll def be a day one patch which hopefully we can have input on. All we have is our voices. If it does nothing so be it but Atleast we tried.

I’ve been waiting for a decent game since FIFA 16 pre patches as you have too. This demo isn’t perfect there are little things we’d all like adjusted this is about the core
Ok my love for online has taken a bit of a hit just now...how are you guys finding opponents?
I've been searching for 10 minutes with settings stable connection and similar passing settings (fuma in my case) but really struggling to get an opponent
I've just played man u v arsenal, won 1 nil on superstar had 5 fouls. 1st half fuma where I scored 2nd half pa 1 and adv shooting. The AI seems to play better when you go pa1 from manual, they certainly attacked more and it feels more realistic on PA 1
The real challenge this year will be to defend, when people get their heads around Right+Left stick combo. Already seeing it online how difficult it is to stay with the player, when they do quick flicks. Any sort of momentum on your side and you will just miss the ball and the player altogether. Taking your foot of the gas and Jockeying is more important than ever. Its so easy for good players to lose you, with small, quick finesse move and then burst. Good few times I felt like a child, when good players were toying with me online (now I know how my dogs feel, when they try to take the ball of me in the garden)
But im finding defending very addictive and fun in its own, challenging way. More effective sliding tackles are also pure gold. Few times last night they left me in rear view mirror and my only option was desperate sliding tackle in the box. And they worked.
As much as Im looking forward to Master League (providing they dont break the game on release), its probably first Pes, where I would consider playing online (on FUMA).

Yes, i completely agree. Nothing beats playing local multiplayer but online was always a frustrating experience leaving me raging, sad and without any hope for humanity. For now, its quite the opposite with 2020. Had some great fuma games. It also shows that good game design brings out the best in us. For instance, the times i would obviously make a mistake with my keeper, passing it straight into the feet of my opponent he would NOT take advantage. Most people have been a good sport.

Love defending also. Not sure if someone already mentioned but i find that online i use the 'double tap and hold square' occasionally to deny any dribbling in and around the sixteen. Its similar to holding square but instead of one, three nearby players will pressure the attacker.

In combination with holding X, R2 and square at the right times i feel at this moment i can handle most players but it can be hard work. In the 30 games or so i played i did not feel cheated or exploited. Outsmarted, yes. But i am still a bit worrried there are some exploits still hidden in the dark. Maybe a style of play / tactic that is outbalanced and hard to patch. Its just that i am wildly in love with this game, making me a bit suspicoious i guess.
Guys why bother with online? Only non-laggy, somewhat normal online PES game for me was PES 6 on a fan-made servers, tons of fun! In myClub age, since PES 15, literally every single game I was struggling more with a massive input lag rather than the other player. Not sure if it was me. Maybe it was just me.

But it was not fun at all. Zero funs. I wish it wasn't the case!

Nevertheless I am back here for Master League. Do we know anything about licenses for the lesser leagues? I really wanna start in Switzerland or Denmark. Any news about new leagues? Just had an amazing idea recently about starting ML with Rapid Vienna (Austria) or Sparta Praga (Czechia), the ancient giants of 20s and 30s club football. If they were to add these leagues that is. I am all for adding lesser Euroleagues, But Neuchatel Xamax or Broendby will do as well :D

Will be 99% getting PS4 next week, maybe giving PES 19 ML a go since I haven't been there when it came out. In all honesty I am more or less fine with the game, as long as the scripting in ML is toned a bit. As long as it makes sense to play more than season or two.

Videos look really promising, I find the new camera rather cool...but videos are videos, I'll look into it next week myself!

September can't come soon enough it seems!
What camera settings are you using? You seem to have a nice zoom/height/angle balance that I can't get right with this new cam!
Playing the regular stadium cam!
I just upped the zoom to 4 (2 beeing standard). That’s all for now. Tried to work with the height,l; couldn’t find anything that was better, so left it on standard for now.

The stadium cam has some probs swinging the right amount sometimes. But this happens not to much...
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I've just played man u v arsenal, won 1 nil on superstar had 5 fouls. 1st half fuma where I scored 2nd half pa 1 and adv shooting. The AI seems to play better when you go pa1 from manual, they certainly attacked more and it feels more realistic on PA 1

It varies brother..Some games there more passive then others..I think form and condition factors in...Also dependent on how you play and all those moments where build play up breaks down,loose balls etc..It’s not dictated by the passing assistance level.

I’ve had the same teams park the bus then crowd me in my own half..The A.I. does mix it up.
Chris maybe leave the A.I. part out. I don’t know what do you guys think?

My fight is with the core elements that add up to the experience. The A.I. has well documented legacy issues and spacial awareness issues. Until there’s a new engine and tactical system I don’t think things will change. So the only they can do is try to make the offline A.I. more difficult without making it feel scripted like last year...
It varies brother..Some games there more passive then others..I think form and condition factors in...Also dependent on how you play and all those moments where build play up breaks down,loose balls etc..It’s not dictated by the passing assistance level.

I’ve had the same teams park the bus then crowd me in my own half..The A.I. does mix it up.

Chris maybe leave the A.I. part out. I don’t know what do you guys think?

My fight is with the core elements that add up to the experience. The A.I. has well documented legacy issues and spacial awareness issues. Until there’s a new engine and tactical system I don’t think things will change. So the only they can do is try to make the offline A.I. more difficult without making it feel scripted like last year...
The A.I. is, for sure, better than last year! Is it perfect? No! Never will! Is it acceptable to the point I think of playing a human? On the way...!
They did improve the A.I. ! But improvement comes from letting the 2019 A.I. look so stupid. We feel a rush of new blood, A.I. beeing better...
It is better, but not there. Yet. ;)

That’s me saying this and the same time swearing I could play this in ML at least for one year!! :) can’t let go of the demo.
I think I spent more time on the 2020 demo than on 2019’s full version. It’s crazy. :)

Edit: I do enjoy the demo teams variety in gameplay. And i do enjoy the difference in players. When I switch formations (not attitude) this game offers so much more.
Yep, I’m in love with a demo! :LOVE:
Happy to do this if you think it'd make a difference. I don't think an Evo-Web tweet would mean as much as (or get anything close to the traction of) a YouTuber / influencer (vomit) tweet. However...

How about this? Chip in if it needs changing, guys - but bear in mind this has used up the character limit already, so you can't add to it, only replace bits...!

#eFootballPES2020Feedback @officialpes @Adam_Bhatti The Evo-Web community needs to say something: we LOVE the demo; we LOVE the realism; we LOVE that there are more fouls. Any concerns (like AI) we can't judge until e.g. we try a ML season. So please. DON'T CHANGE A THING (yet)!

Just do it! I will back you up myself there also.

Can’t believe how afraid i am they will fk up the full game due to all those whiners that like to play PES like FIFA.

If they will manage to fk it up again, i promise this is the last time i will pay for this game (already preordered).

Really enjoying online in the demo, you can have some glorious games. Alas it looks like pa3 is still too assisted and allowing for ping ponging annoyingly. They need to tone that down or else everyone will be using it again with barely any consequence like 2019. If people can one touch up the field and spam it then what the hell is the point of having error in all the other areas of the game.
Happy to do this if you think it'd make a difference. I don't think an Evo-Web tweet would mean as much as (or get anything close to the traction of) a YouTuber / influencer (vomit) tweet. However...

How about this? Chip in if it needs changing, guys - but bear in mind this has used up the character limit already, so you can't add to it, only replace bits...!

#eFootballPES2020Feedback @officialpes @Adam_Bhatti The Evo-Web community needs to say something: we LOVE the demo; we LOVE the realism; we LOVE that there are more fouls. Any concerns (like AI) we can't judge until e.g. we try a ML season. So please. DON'T CHANGE A THING (yet)!
I think it would (make a difference). In fact from what I see from the demo, it seems konami listened to what evoweb users was asking for years. I see a lot of improvements that I read many times on these pages. Also I wouldn't exclude they followed the dt18 discussions and they tried the amazing gameplays from 2019 from @incas36 and the @avok23 's tool.
I see a lot of things in this demo similar to those that were in the modified gameplays of 2019.
Any way it is: For the first time I appreciate the konami effort and them going really into the right direction (so I hope too they don't mess up with the finale release).
Game has some moments of frustration sometimes but, still, I find this demo surprisingly good.
Happy to do this if you think it'd make a difference. I don't think an Evo-Web tweet would mean as much as (or get anything close to the traction of) a YouTuber / influencer (vomit) tweet. However...

How about this? Chip in if it needs changing, guys - but bear in mind this has used up the character limit already, so you can't add to it, only replace bits...!

#eFootballPES2020Feedback @officialpes @Adam_Bhatti The Evo-Web community needs to say something: we LOVE the demo; we LOVE the realism; we LOVE that there are more fouls. Any concerns (like AI) we can't judge until e.g. we try a ML season. So please. DON'T CHANGE A THING (yet)!
Can always do the old trick of writing a longer message in any word app, screenshot it, and attach that to your message? (reddit on a phone works well).

This might help:

Saw this guys first post about the demo, and I'm so, so glad to hear him also say that he thinks the control changes make things awkward when there's no need for it.
Can always do the old trick of writing a longer message in any word app, screenshot it, and attach that to your message? (reddit on a phone works well).

Saw this guys first post about the demo, and I'm so, so glad to hear him also say that he thinks the control changes make things awkward when there's no need for it.

What they implemented is good, but the control changes I agree are messing with my muscle memory. Lol
What they implemented is good, but the control changes I agree are messing with my muscle memory. Lol
I won't go into in too much detail again as I've no doubt bored enough people to tears already, but I don't think it's just muscle memory; trying to use finesse dribble and skills is awkward as hell because they both use R2 & right stick in different situations rather than being dedicated to one of the other like 2019.

You know how you hold R2 to do a finesse touch? Imagine if you didn't have to, and instead, if you held the right stick in a direction before you received the ball you'd do it automatically, then to make things better, you could just keep hold of it and you'll seamlessly go into finesse dribble.

You could then dedicate R2 purely to skills. Simple (you could also switch them around so it's essentially 2019, but either way, I wish they'd done one or another as the controls is the only thing that's annoying me about the demo).
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