eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Last 10 games online.
I did hope for something different this year, but no.

What a fucking SCRIPTED shitshow.
It is not about handicap or momentum anymore, but clearly scripting for keeping result as close as possible.

I won about 7 of this games, but every match is so driven, it is a shame.

2-1 is the most common result.

Even against obviously weaker player, it was 3-2, because on every my goal the AI would just bounce the ball for him for an easy tap in or stupid long ball for 1 on 1.

Maybe it is just my case, and ppl have different experiences..idk. But in last 10 games I can not win or lose with more than 1 goal.

Hmmmm I don´t now.
Is it really good to judge the game by it´s online matches?

I haven´t played online in ages.
On PS4 - comfortable on the couch and didn´t wanna play 5 min games only - I was playing online for a couple of hours.
Even I set it to PA0 and looked for users with the same setting, almost all games been PRESS and RUSH only.

You literally don´t have any time on the ball. I lost many matches and I also think, that many of the users had basic shooting on (when will the have a filter for shooting as well???).
The only one game that was quite joyful was with @PRO_TOO .
So I guess, with the right opponents it could be quite fun.

But playing with random peeps....I didn´t have no fun at all.....95% wanna win at all costs, even in a demo.....

I mean PA0. With no passing assistance the passes are not so perfect, the receiver of the pass has to adapt his body position to shoot. I also play with manual shooting but part of the variety on shoots comes from the 'bad' passes.

I know what you mean.
In fact that was the final reason, why I forced myself to manual passing.
I couldn´t stand that passing directly to the player´s feet.
On manual it looks more natural, players have to step to the ball to receive it and then what you say comes in...according to the body position and position to the ball, the player does the specific shot.
from former pro evo Online champion on the official feedback thread. We’ll get ice skating weightless players and no fouls come release. These dudes play on PA 3? Weak son...here’s what he wrote below. I DM’d Bhatti and told him what was up hopefully he puts his foot down in Japan. They always over tweak before release

Will try to resume it as max as possible: 1- Improve responsiveness 2- Nerf wingers/SS auto runs behind defence 3- Dont make 1cf 2ss or 3cf formation combinations possible, only allow baseline formations without exploitable editing 4- Decrease PA3 assistancce 5- Buff X tackling
from former pro evo Online champion on the official feedback thread. We’ll get ice skating weightless players and no fouls come release. These dudes play on PA 3? Weak son...here’s what he wrote below. I DM’d Bhatti and told him what was up hopefully he puts his foot down in Japan. They always over tweak before release

Will try to resume it as max as possible: 1- Improve responsiveness 2- Nerf wingers/SS auto runs behind defence 3- Dont make 1cf 2ss or 3cf formation combinations possible, only allow baseline formations without exploitable editing 4- Decrease PA3 assistancce 5- Buff X tackling

Let's hope it's not like that this time.
I think responsiveness is fine. Actually, it's part of the charm. PES 2020 wouldn't feel as good if it was more responsive than this.

BTW: Who play on PA3? Didn't get that bit.
I'd like to share my impressions about the evolution of the game last years and my evolution as a player.

I think that PES offers multiple combinations to suit the preferences of different players using:
- Passing assistance: Manual or P1..5
- Throughball: Basic or Advanced
- Shooting: Basic, Advanced or Manual.

The different combinations of these factors provides different playing experiences. In different combinations the gameplay issues or problems are also different.

From my experience the combination PA0, Advanced throughball and Manual Shooting avoids most of the gameplay issues that annoys players. I like to feel that everything happens on the screen it's the result of my abilities. The sense of accomplishment is great.

I started playing from ISS PRO 98. I'm a very clumsy gamer, until PES 2017 I was a D-Pad player, in PES 2017 I learned to play with the analog stick and Pa0, in PES 2019 I added Advanced throughball and with PES 2020 demo I added Manual shooting. Now the gameplay experience is very different and I don't find most of the gameplay issues.

I think Konami expect that the more experienced players could enjoy the game with more control and liberty over the gameplay.

I applaud you.
I cannot for the love of me play with everything set on manual.
By the 5th game, I'd get so frustrated at seeing how the AI toys with me while I can't pass the ball around 3 or 4 times in a row, and if I ever do get a goal scoring opportunity, I would probably take a shot so wide that'd go near the corner flag.

For me.
PA1 (I'd REALLY love to get something in-between PA0 and PA1 though)
Advanced Shooting
Basic Through Balls (I have tried Advanced throughballs in the past, but I think it's broken).
I applaud you.
I cannot for the love of me play with everything set on manual.
By the 5th game, I'd get so frustrated at seeing how the AI toys with me while I can't pass the ball around 3 or 4 times in a row, and if I ever do get a goal scoring opportunity, I would probably take a shot so wide that'd go near the corner flag.

For me.
PA1 (I'd REALLY love to get something in-between PA0 and PA1 though)
Advanced Shooting
Basic Through Balls (I have tried Advanced throughballs in the past, but I think it's broken).

I had the same problems. It's important to start playing against the lowest AI difficulty until you play a decent football and then move to the next level. Play with patience and deal with the frustation. The reward is great.
For me.
PA1 (I'd REALLY love to get something in-between PA0 and PA1 though)
Advanced Shooting
Basic Through Balls (I have tried Advanced throughballs in the past, but I think it's broken).
Yeah, this is my standard setup with occasionally trying PA0 to see if I can swap to it.

Agree with you on advanced through-balls, feels like however long you hold the button down it doesn't make an impact on the power. I can tap the button and the ball powers miles, I can hold it for ages and it doesn't move at all.
Can I just check something with you guys - this 'new feature' of finesse dribbling is no different from R2 dribbling from previous years apart from it obviously being on the right stick. Maybe I'm missing something???
Yeah, this is my standard setup with occasionally trying PA0 to see if I can swap to it.

Agree with you on advanced through-balls, feels like however long you hold the button down it doesn't make an impact on the power. I can tap the button and the ball powers miles, I can hold it for ages and it doesn't move at all.

Yeah. Exactly like that.
I too try PA0 occasionally and see if I've become good enough to play on manual. And funnily enough, during the first few minutes I do string a few passes correctly. But as the game intensifies, I start failing over and over and get frustrated. So... back again to PA1.
hey, i'm really confused as to how R2 works now and with the right stick. can anyone help a brother out and explain it to me in the simplest terms possible? i feel really old not being able to work out the controls :(
What's the odds on PES 20's ML will have proper fixtures?
Not like we've had since god knows when,you know 2 away games,1 home game then 3 straight away games!
1,01 the money?
Any takers?
hey, i'm really confused as to how R2 works now and with the right stick. can anyone help a brother out and explain it to me in the simplest terms possible? i feel really old not being able to work out the controls :(

Body feints, stepovers and roulettes now require you to hold R2 whilst you twiddle the right stick.

Body feint = R2+RS up or down

Stepovers = R2+RS move in a quarter circle

Roulette = R2+RS spun like crazy!

Everything else is done without R2. (There might be a couple of exceptions, I didn't go through the whole command list!)
Agree with you on advanced through-balls, feels like however long you hold the button down it doesn't make an impact on the power.
Coz it doesnt. I dont know in which thread we had this discussion. Advanced through balls are by far the most difficult thing to master. But in the same time they are the most rewarding, once you get your head around them and understand how they work.
Power input is secondary, when you use them. It doesnt matter much. What matters tho, is player position and animations. Players will kick the ball when animation is complete. In the same time as player is getting ready to kick the ball - through ball keeps generating more distance and power.
Long story short - if you are out of position and you want to sent through ball behind you, by the time you turn around and complete animation - you will overshoot it.
So best way is to position yourself first, so the player would have a simple and short animation to perform. Then you can aim it more precisely. You can also curve them with your left stick.
It takes time, but its well worth to learn it.
Like I said - all the "impossible", curved through balls, that COM is sending from time to time - they are all Advanced Through balls and you can do them as well once you learn how to use them.

@Rodchenko - to be honest - i didnt use "L1 dribbling" since they told us that we are delusional and there is no such thing.. :LOL:
Yeah. Exactly like that.
I too try PA0 occasionally and see if I've become good enough to play on manual. And funnily enough, during the first few minutes I do string a few passes correctly. But as the game intensifies, I start failing over and over and get frustrated. So... back again to PA1.

It’s pretty intuitive pa0..plus it gives you the freedom to put the ball where you want and into space..I struggle playing pa1 as personally its to much to feet.Makes passing to easy..Stats factor in and how you move your player with the stick and the timing of the release on pa0.Just a deeper and more technical layer.Im not having issues where the ball goes to players I don’t want.You can also craft some lovely angles using touch.

It’s not about being hardcore..More having the control I want.Just makes the experience more realistic overall and there’s more variety(especially this year)..

Tournament level players using pa3(bad joke)..There’s no skill or craft in that.

I’m coming round to the thinking like others that this now won’t be changed to much at release.What a crime against gaming that would be..

Whatever happens we will still have boxed copy(unless you download)..I can’t see it being vastly different out of the box pre-patch.
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Body feints, stepovers and roulettes now require you to hold R2 whilst you twiddle the right stick.

Body feint = R2+RS up or down

Stepovers = R2+RS move in a quarter circle

Roulette = R2+RS spun like crazy!

Everything else is done without R2. (There might be a couple of exceptions, I didn't go through the whole command list!)

Thank you! Four simple sentences doing more than half a dozen youtube videos with questionable didactics, like the one that is titled "finesse dribbling" that tells me I shouldn't focus too much on finesse dribbling.

Silly question, apologies: how can I reach the commands list in the demo?
Body feints, stepovers and roulettes now require you to hold R2 whilst you twiddle the right stick.

Body feint = R2+RS up or down

Stepovers = R2+RS move in a quarter circle

Roulette = R2+RS spun like crazy!

Everything else is done without R2. (There might be a couple of exceptions, I didn't go through the whole command list!)

so R2 does nothing other than this and help super cancel, right?
Thank you! Four simple sentences doing more than half a dozen youtube videos with questionable didactics, like the one that is titled "finesse dribbling" that tells me I shouldn't focus too much on finesse dribbling.

Silly question, apologies: how can I reach the commands list in the demo?

When you're in a match: Pause button>Help>Command List.
Or som' like that.
from former pro evo Online champion on the official feedback thread. We’ll get ice skating weightless players and no fouls come release. These dudes play on PA 3? Weak son...here’s what he wrote below. I DM’d Bhatti and told him what was up hopefully he puts his foot down in Japan. They always over tweak before release

Will try to resume it as max as possible: 1- Improve responsiveness 2- Nerf wingers/SS auto runs behind defence 3- Dont make 1cf 2ss or 3cf formation combinations possible, only allow baseline formations without exploitable editing 4- Decrease PA3 assistancce 5- Buff X tackling

Dear lord, no.2... does he want the other 9 outfield players just standing around like statues??? Or is this something to do with this skill gap nonsense.. as they all use PA3 and every other assist going. Skill? Hmmm :LOL:

I was watching the FIFA20 gameplay on one of those FUT youtube idiots channels yesterday, ball pinging around at 1000mph "too slow " he says. These guys are an absolute cancer on football games, it's quite funny how all the good stuff in this PES demo is the things places like this forum have campaign for again and again for years.
Yeah @Chris Davies the 2018 beta comes to mind.

But it's not easy to compare as that was strickly online. I'm not sure how big the difference was between the demo and the final game offline...

I just know that I felt a massive difference between the online beta and final game 2018 online. The players in the beta felt much more free both defensively and offensively, and I remember how dribbling felt a little OP at first because you had to defend in a different way. In connection with that the abilty to pressure the ball carrier was also toned down considerably (advanced instructions like gegenpress wasn't available in the beta though) and I remember that I was able to compeed in any matches even on full manual, mainly, I think, because pressure was toned down.
This was not the case when playing online divisions in the full game and I lost any will to ever play online again (haven't bothered in this demo either).

So from an online perspective I don't think it was a case of placebo.
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Dear lord, no.2... does he want the other 9 outfield players just standing around like statues??? Or is this something to do with this skill gap nonsense.. as they all use PA3 and every other assist going. Skill? Hmmm :LOL:

I was watching the FIFA20 gameplay on one of those FUT youtube idiots channels yesterday, ball pinging around at 1000mph "too slow " he says. These guys are an absolute cancer on football games, it's quite funny how all the good stuff in this PES demo is the things places like this forum have campaign for again and again for years.

They also like everything to be a exact science..Perfect passes,perfect shots,no errors..Perfect call from refs everytime..

The idea of having to control a ball.Error and randomness in touch is something they just can’t fathom..All there after is perfect instant control with instant response.Its all about the goals and nothing to do with the satisfaction of working the ball and creating that opening..Its box to box..always trying to score as many goals as quickly as possible.

The superficial generation always looking for instant gratification..Exactly why football games interms of gameplay have become so stale and one dimensional(with a shelf life of about three months before the monotony kicks in)..

Pes2020 has made me realise just how stale football games had become..And I stress HAD..

I made a cry directly to Konami last year to think about having a footie game with more physics based outcomes and a ball that behaved more like a free entity..Those cries for me have been answered.

Looking at the vids of the other game it looks like more of a refinement of a the same stale formula on the pitch(I could be wrong).Aesthetics aside,the gameplay has to offer something next level.In motion pes wipes the floor with it.
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I applaud you.
I cannot for the love of me play with everything set on manual.
By the 5th game, I'd get so frustrated at seeing how the AI toys with me while I can't pass the ball around 3 or 4 times in a row, and if I ever do get a goal scoring opportunity, I would probably take a shot so wide that'd go near the corner flag.

For me.
PA1 (I'd REALLY love to get something in-between PA0 and PA1 though)
Advanced Shooting
Basic Through Balls (I have tried Advanced throughballs in the past, but I think it's broken).
Advanced through balls on PA1,yes horrible,the PA1 overriding it,on PA0 absolutely not broken,I've used it since PES 16 (or 17 ) and they're placed exactly where I want (depending on CPU being in a good mood or not,also a bit strange on professional diff)
Advanced through balls on PA1,yes horrible,the PA1 overriding it,on PA0 absolutely not broken,I've used it since PES 16 (or 17 ) and they're placed exactly where I want (depending on CPU being in a good mood or not,also a bit strange on professional diff)
But they might feel broken at the start, especially with the power input being irrelevant. I was asking you the same things via PM about them being "broken" when I was trying to understand the mechanism..
Advanced through balls on PA1,yes horrible,the PA1 overriding it,on PA0 absolutely not broken,I've used it since PES 16 (or 17 ) and they're placed exactly where I want (depending on CPU being in a good mood or not,also a bit strange on professional diff)

Well then, I will definitely try PA0 + ATB tonight. Thanks for the heads up.
Well then, I will definitely try PA0 + ATB tonight. Thanks for the heads up.
It's a steep learning curve (don't really need that advice since you're an "Elitist") the reason why I see the PA1 + ATB being broken is that I switched to it on PES 19 and SS,terrible!
Have fun pal
But they might feel broken at the start, especially with the power input being irrelevant. I was asking you the same things via PM about them being "broken" when I was trying to understand the mechanism..
Yes that's also something needed paying attention to!
And body positioning etc @Chuny
Every 2nd tweet on twitter is crying about referees....
If you just run into opponents, tackle from nonsense angles and press X to much... yeah, I’d moan too. About myself. :)
They are not perfect but the best in years imo. At least for the short demo time that is.
I find It really satisfying (being able!!!) to work on a 100% tackling stat for a player. :D
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