eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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What passing assistance are you guys using in the demo?

I’m still using default, is that PA 0? I always get confused.
Ive been swapping back and forth between PA1 and manual. I think the game plays very very well on superstar with PA0, although very tough indeed. Having a great time with it.

Default is PA1 , PA0 = manual
What passing assistance are you guys using in the demo?

I’m still using default, is that PA 0? I always get confused.

PaO,Dreamy!..I’m sticking with basic shooting currently as I’m getting the variety and error.Also loving how bounce and aceleration(kinetic energry)also factors in.

For me this is the best football game on the pitch I’ve ever played,11v11 against the cpu.Whether Konami butcher it come release is another story.

Superstar paO,I’m finding it difficult to score but I’m not losing(mainly due to me dialling down defending)Each team offers variety and challenge.Outcomes being both balanced and fair.I haven’t felt cheated once or the script over-riding my commands,boosting the cpu.Im having to think about everything I do..Risk/reward,and how even the smallest mistake is easily punished.Playing football though and working the ball.For me is bringing the best out in the game.Both offensively and defensively.

How it will stack up as a package overall is still up for debate as is the final code.

What a huge surprise though,and what a demo..Exciting times peeps...and potentially a landmark football game.

Moreover and more importantly..I’m creating the script(that has been missing for to long in football games)..
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For those that play on advanced shooting:

Is there (still) a slight lag when first time shooting?

Think I played most of PES 19 on advanced but it sometimes didn't respond right away for first time shots so your player would take an extra touch before shooting.
Maybe it was only in certain situations...
Can only speak from my own experiences, but I don’t find it to lag at all if I’m honest.

I find that as long as I always press shoot before I begin to aim, then the animation begins and I can then pick where I want it to go.

In 2019 I had problems in particular with hitting a first time shot. At times it was 100% my own fault, but others I could see the power gauge but nothing would happen when the player reached the ball.

So far I’ve not experienced this at all in 2020.
For those that play on advanced shooting:

Is there (still) a slight lag when first time shooting?

Think I played most of PES 19 on advanced but it sometimes didn't respond right away for first time shots so your player would take an extra touch before shooting.
Maybe it was only in certain situations...
Yea I haven't seen those delays so far. Impressed they've always been responsive compared to previous years.

But, it may have been unresponsive a couple times in the US demo when I tried it. I'm not 100%.
The variety of shooting in PA0 is amazing. When the passes are not perfect the player adapt his position and shoots are more varied.

Shooting Variety in PA0?
What do you mean? Manual Shooting or Advance Shooting?. There's no such thing as PA0 for shots.
PA = Passing Assistance
Shooting Variety in PA0?
What do you mean? Manual Shooting or Advance Shooting?. There's no such thing as PA0 for shots.
PA = Passing Assistance

I mean PA0. With no passing assistance the passes are not so perfect, the receiver of the pass has to adapt his body position to shoot. I also play with manual shooting but part of the variety on shoots comes from the 'bad' passes.
Gave up on it the same year,since every shot hit the post or crossbar,maybe they patched it later on,but it was horrible then (could have been Pes 16 can't remember)
Oh. I remember that. It's much better now.

Funnily enough Chris, this year the command list has the controls inverted but they don't translate onto the pitch! Jokers!
Haha yes. I've read it yesterday and thought "why's it so convoluted?". Then I play and it's just as I know it..
Do we know how to perform the old knock-on yet?
I think I saw somebody saying he would explain it later. But that was like 3 days ago.

He replied to somebody with a couple of possibilities but neither function in the same way, at least not in a way that I can get them to. Here's what he said -

"It's still the same animation but you can't use it as freely as it was last year. 2 ways to perform it. Moving the R stick as you said(moving RS gently), or R2+R1 (while receiving the ball only)"

For low shot on fuma try L1+double tap circle to make a ground strong shot.

That is a great technique but also suffers sometimes from what I mentioned earlier - I found that shooting with passing can feel cheap as goalie's don't always react to them in the same way. And I had some offside calls against me that wouldn't have been called if they were shots.
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Thanks for your responses @Rodchenko and @OBH

Right now I'm not even sure if I had the issue with lag in 19, or maybe it was 18, because earlier today I went over some clips I recorded during 2019s lifespan to clear out some space on the PS4 and some of them were definately advanced first time shots.
Damn this memory getting older:CONF:

Either way, thanks @OBH for the tip on pressing shoot before direction, will have to try it on the demo when I get a chance.

On a whole other note, it just crossed my mind what this place might turn into if Konami butcher the final game:SHOCK:
I haven't been on this forum for long but I imagine it will be mayhem, like the Footy United podcast after trying early code x1000 :CURSE: :MAD::RANT:

I'm not really sure on the history of this stuff; have so many PES heads ever been burned like they will if 2020 doesn't live up to the demo?
Or I might refrase, has there ever been such a hype among old school fans (*ahem* elitists) based on a demo, only for it to be completely watered down on release?

I only know of the dissapointment of 2008 based on expectations from PES 6, which is incidentially when I took a long break from football games, so I didn't experience it.
Then, there's also the 2018 beta of course, but still..?
Thanks for your responses @Rodchenko and @OBH

Right now I'm not even sure if I had the issue with lag in 19, or maybe it was 18, because earlier today I went over some clips I recorded during 2019s lifespan to clear out some space on the PS4 and some of them were definately advanced first time shots.
Damn this memory getting older:CONF:

Either way, thanks @OBH for the tip on pressing shoot before direction, will have to try it on the demo when I get a chance.

On a whole other note, it just crossed my mind what this place might turn into if Konami butcher the final game:SHOCK:
I haven't been on this forum for long but I imagine it will be mayhem, like the Footy United podcast after trying early code x1000 :CURSE: :MAD::RANT:

I'm not really sure on the history of this stuff; have so many PES heads ever been burned like they will if 2020 doesn't live up to the demo?
Or I might refrase, has there ever been such a hype among old school fans (*ahem* elitists) based on a demo, only for it to be completely watered down on release?

I only know of the dissapointment of 2008 based on expectations from PES 6, which is incidentially when I took a long break from football games, so I didn't experience it.
Then, there's also the 2018 beta of course, but still..?
It may have been the PES 2011 MLO demo for me.
Dudes...they can’t fuck this up 5 years in a row the demo or early code being better than final game can they???

I was on the fence early on when playing demo because I had conditioned myself from the videos that were out there that this game was gonna suck but the more I play it the more I’m like “wow” this is so good. Taking the time to relearn the nuances of the game is so rewarding. I want to hop in training mode like right now damn it and mess around with dribbling and different traps and feints etc.

This is what PES 2015 should have been had they followed the sim path 2014 was on.

Btw I’m trying to find a really good cam angle. I’m using Stadium but messing with it. I like to be closer to the action and default stadium too far away for me. Any suggestions?
What do you prefer, Stadium camera or Live Broadcast camera? The latter is a nice upgrade compared to 2019, and no longer makes those weird angle changes, can't believe Konami fixed that issue afer how many years...
I've not plugged the Evo-Web podcast in this thread before, but this week's episode has some PES 2020 demo analysis in there - courtesy of @Matt10, who was kind enough to let me interview him about his experience with the game.

If you can forgive my mic quality (unfortunately I had some technical issues and I'm gutted it had to happen when interviewing Matt), you can listen by clicking this link and then clicking on your preferred audio provider (e.g. Spotify) - or you can just listen in a web browser.
Yep, I tried that a few times too, however the problem I found was that sometimes the goalie wouldn't react to it like it was a shot. Also, sometimes offside would be given in situations when it wouldn't have been called if you'd pressed the shot button.

In the demo, I've felt like the shot variation is much better and as a result I've seen my players do some low shots even when I've put lots of power on.

While I'm here, on a related note, my biggest annoyance with the removal of the short knock-on control is that it was a sure-fire way of doing the 'dipping shot'. This obsession of konami to make things contextual is a real disappointment to me. I love having things to learn and having more tools at my disposal to accurately represent the game how I wa
ould like.
Yes this is a fact. It is almost an exploit. I haven't decide still. But since the shoot system you described is removed, it is the only way to smash a "shoot" with full power and keep a low trajectory without use of advanced shooting. As i tried many various ways to score since the pes6, it is obvious that when you try to score with pass/cross/through buttons the CPU GK reacts too late, as he is completely unaware of the ball and wakes up when the ball is 1 or 1/2 meter around him. Most possibly he is not programmed to do so, as no programmer builds his game having in mind that some crazy dudes would use an other button than shooting to score a goal.
But I also see it sometimes as the equivalent of cpu-cheating in higher difficulties, where the GK jumps too early, almost in time you press the shoot button and lands slowly to the right place, right time, saving your shoot.
Dudes...they can’t fuck this up 5 years in a row the demo or early code being better than final game can they???

I was on the fence early on when playing demo because I had conditioned myself from the videos that were out there that this game was gonna suck but the more I play it the more I’m like “wow” this is so good. Taking the time to relearn the nuances of the game is so rewarding. I want to hop in training mode like right now damn it and mess around with dribbling and different traps and feints etc.

This is what PES 2015 should have been had they followed the sim path 2014 was on.

Btw I’m trying to find a really good cam angle. I’m using Stadium but messing with it. I like to be closer to the action and default stadium too far away for me. Any suggestions?
I am using "pitch side" camera with 0,3,0. I find it like the "broadcast 1" from the old PES era (pes3-pes2010).
Still don't know if they messed up with pitch side camera on 2020 unfortunately.
The default pitch side is also good, although it has high vertical angle for my taste. I am surprised nobody else uses it.
Dudes...they can’t fuck this up 5 years in a row the demo or early code being better than final game can they???

I was on the fence early on when playing demo because I had conditioned myself from the videos that were out there that this game was gonna suck but the more I play it the more I’m like “wow” this is so good. Taking the time to relearn the nuances of the game is so rewarding. I want to hop in training mode like right now damn it and mess around with dribbling and different traps and feints etc.

This is what PES 2015 should have been had they followed the sim path 2014 was on.

Btw I’m trying to find a really good cam angle. I’m using Stadium but messing with it. I like to be closer to the action and default stadium too far away for me. Any suggestions?

I know we already sort of... agreed on this on Twitter. But I'm in your shoes.
I kinda prejudged the demo. So on my first day with it I was playing it with the preconception I had from all the videos in which it genuinely looked TOO similar to PES 2019.

But (and I talked about this on the FIFA 20 Thread as well), this is literally one of those "you have to play it yourself to feel it" cases. I would have never been able to understand how good it is just from watching videos. I need to remind myself about that next year. Videos and screenshots are useless. Reviews and opinions are useless.

I'm Tweeting Konami and Adam all the time, asking them to PLEASE stick to their vision of this game. If this demo reflects what they had in mind, then we are all pretty much on the same page. Please stick to it, no matter what!

I've not plugged the Evo-Web podcast in this thread before, but this week's episode has some PES 2020 demo analysis in there - courtesy of @Matt10, who was kind enough to let me interview him about his experience with the game.

If you can forgive my mic quality (unfortunately I had some technical issues and I'm gutted it had to happen when interviewing Matt), you can listen by clicking this link and then clicking on your preferred audio provider (e.g. Spotify) - or you can just listen in a web browser.

You have to stop recording from your bathroom, Christopher!

Great podcast! Loved it!
Hi guys. When the GK takes a goal kick and the ball is in the air my screen changes graphically for a few seconds(almost like the graphics switches to something that looks like ps2 graphics)
Im on a ps4 pro btw.
I'd love to use the Stadium cam, but my TV is simply too small at around 32" with my sofa 2-3 meters away.

Knew I should have gotten the 40 something inches back then:CRY:

Yep, not to brag.. but stadium cam (and its various settings) look absolutly amzing on my 115" sized projector set up. However, i still find my default go-to-cam of 5,3,10 on normal customizable cam, the best for me.. Its close, but i just love it.
Heres an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-9y-3RUF9s
Hi guys. When the GK takes a goal kick and the ball is in the air my screen changes graphically for a few seconds(almost like the graphics switches to something that looks like ps2 graphics)
Im on a ps4 pro btw.
But why? I have a pro too and that never happens. Does the screen go black when it switches?

Yep, not to brag.. but stadium cam (and its various settings) look absolutly amzing on my 115" sized projector set up. However, i still find my default go-to-cam of 5,3,10 on normal customizable cam, the best for me.. Its close, but i just love it.
Heres an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-9y-3RUF9s
Nice. Mine's almost the same, 5-10-10.
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