eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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On FUMA it takes me too long to find a match. I'm on PS4 yet still just sit there for minutes at a time. My gaming time is limited, not wasting it sitting there staring at Konami's dull menus. :)
Konami's dull menus

she didn't like that......:LMAO:
Don't think the answer is sliders either,like @Mikhail says,fix one thing and some other thing gets messed up.
But wouldn't mind pass Error slider,since it's always around 90%.
But then again,doesn't do much for fifas ping pong passing.

Key is obviously a great gameplay from scratch
or just make the pass level 0-3 a bit more noticeable. level 1-2 isn't even noticeable to me.
It's really nice to see we're not all moaning about the following for a change!

Too many back heels
Rocket Shots or awful shooting mechanics
Floaty Keeper animations
Ping Pong Passing
Game speed too fast
No look passing accuracy too high
Lack of physicality or poor physics system
Passing accuracy too high/assisted
Not enough player individuality
Repetitive soul destroying A.i (this is subject to change although early signs are promising!)

Now I'm not saying that all things on the list are perfect or that game doesn't have other issues but I do think all these have somewhat been addressed in the last year by Konami and they deserve some credit where credit is due. The early signs are extremely promising for this game and it has the potential to be one the best offerings we've had from our friends in Japan since the PS2 era.

I feel it's now a hoping, praying & waiting game to see if they are brave enough to stick with their vision, make a few tweaks here & there and don't completely butcher this game before release or patch it to death!

It's too early to say for sure, but we might have an absolute classic on our hands here.
Who wrote that list ?
Tom, pull out your ban stick and remove these imbeciles. Ive just wasted 1 minute of my precious time reading that nonsense.

I've known guys get 10 years in the nick for lesser crimes to humanity.
Why they are even bother to include those connection quality bars?
There are three bars, and only full three are playable. Two bars are slide show, could not imagine someone would play like that.
Since I swopped Iphone for Samsung I cant access my Youtube account. And cant find a way to reset my password ? Very annoying.
I laughed at an animation where a smashed a shot that hit the defender straight in the nuts. He bent over in pain and cupped his painful balls in his hand. Loved that.

Saves him right, he should have got out of the way.
Keeper master skill or blooper? Its like something you see on an actual broadcast.
I guess this is our major disagreement - an unscripted, unpredictable action, sure, but I don't think you'd ever see that on "an actual broadcast". A goalkeeper swiping the ball down to his own feet in the middle of a star jump and heeling it away? How often have you seen a goalkeeper do that?

It's a really weird set of actions. Like one player is controlling his arms, and one his legs. Random, not realistic.

Same with another one of yours - a Man City player with full sight of the ball trajectory and acres of space, letting the ball hit him in the arse and losing possession? How often do you see a professional not even looking at the ball he's supposed to receive, just turning around to face the goal like he's got the ball under control when he hasn't? Random, not realistic.

The first vid you posted there even features the ball ghosting through a player's leg!!

But as has been said - one man's "glitchy" is another man's "wider variety of ball physics" so it's just one of those things that is personal preference, I guess.

I just can't shake the feeling that stuff like this in FIFA is usually laughed at by a certain type of PES fan, for being outlandish and glitchy, but is now being celebrated.
I'm not interested in online at all. It will be me choosing the likes of Aston Villa and Newcastle and coming up against Liverpool and Barcelona. Every. Single. Time.
In the pes 4, 5 and 6 days you would both pick and see your teams rather than picking your team then searching for a game. Worked back then fine and if you picked a small team usually the other player would to.
I guess this is our major disagreement - an unscripted, unpredictable action, sure, but I don't think you'd ever see that on "an actual broadcast". A goalkeeper swiping the ball down to his own feet in the middle of a star jump and heeling it away? How often have you seen a goalkeeper do that?

It's a really weird set of actions. Like one player is controlling his arms, and one his legs. Random, not realistic.

Same with another one of yours - a Man City player with full sight of the ball trajectory and acres of space, letting the ball hit him in the arse and losing possession? How often do you see a professional not even looking at the ball he's supposed to receive, just turning around to face the goal like he's got the ball under control when he hasn't? Random, not realistic.

The first vid you posted there even features the ball ghosting through a player's leg!!

But as has been said - one man's "glitchy" is another man's "wider variety of ball physics" so it's just one of those things that is personal preference, I guess.

I just can't shake the feeling that stuff like this in FIFA is usually laughed at by a certain type of PES fan, for being outlandish and glitchy, but is now being celebrated.
He's showing the ball physics, and he's right. They look pretty good there. That's the whole point. I honestly don't know what your post is about Chris. Feels like unwarranted rant more than anything, and that FIFA bit at the end wasn't necessary at all.
for all those that have played the game alot, do you feel a difference for individuality for passing and passing error, from what iv seen so far ball goes straight and as for one touch passing dont really see much error
for all those that have played the game alot, do you feel a difference for individuality for passing and passing error, from what iv seen so far ball goes straight and as for one touch passing dont really see much error
for long passing and long through ball, I notice players like pjanic and dybala are better on them ( compare with other players in juventus )
its smooth like a butter when they could pull out the long through ball successfully than any others

As for one touch passing, given enough space I think there are no big difference between players but thats acceptable for professional players isn't it?
they would still fail one touch pass because of the pressure and body angle but maybe the frequency could be higher
Nonetheless, its definitely improved from previous where you could almost 100% one touch pass without error

for individuality, apart from passing and touches, I still think other areas are great

physical players could hold the ball well
even after a tackle they fall down a bit, they have a higher chance to get the ball back immediately
because the strength is there, in 2019 there was almost no chance to win the ball back, the ai would win them all

speedy players could really out pace others, Coman is a beast in the demo
but it doesn't mean you could abuse it, Coman has a pretty average finishing stats,
I can't remember how many times I control him to out pace defenders but still could not score because of his finishing
Since I swopped Iphone for Samsung I cant access my Youtube account. And cant find a way to reset my password ? Very annoying.
I laughed at an animation where a smashed a shot that hit the defender straight in the nuts. He bent over in pain and cupped his painful balls in his hand. Loved that.

Saves him right, he should have got out of the way.
Try to sign in on youtube app on samsung, and u need ur google account password to access youtube mate.so u need ur gmail password
Double tab R1 I think.
Yes double tap R1!
Try running with the keeper and ball in hands and then double tap it!! Looks so nice!

We actually do that in football practice as a funny game. Receiving the ball with the ass like this.
Even in the video the player looks at the ball and then turns to reflect the bouncing ball. Just like we do it for fun. :)

Sure it’s a random thing here and sometimes looks silly. But the whole ball physics are nice overall, imo.
Sometimes I saw weird animations that looked like the upper body and the legs were separate parts like in the other game. Like puppets on a string and the guy who plays them got drunk. :D
Did not happen a lot but it’s there.
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Who wrote that list ?
Tom, pull out your ban stick and remove these imbeciles. Ive just wasted 1 minute of my precious time reading that nonsense.

I've known guys get 10 years in the nick for lesser crimes to humanity.
Maybe reading the first sentence next time would help? :TU:
He's showing the ball physics, and he's right. They look pretty good there. That's the whole point. I honestly don't know what your post is about Chris. Feels like unwarranted rant more than anything, and that FIFA bit at the end wasn't necessary at all.
What are you talking about? All I said was, I don't think you'd see footballers make these errors in real life (nice physics or otherwise, they're coming about because of players doing dumb things, in my opinion) - and people have laughed at FIFA in the past for players doing such "random" things.

There's nothing "ranty" about it. Apologies if it comes across that way, but it's merely an opinion, with reasoning. But it feels like criticism is vehemently opposed this year... Nobody says you're not allowed to love the demo.
So i finally had a good number of games today after reading the mostly positive posts on here.

I decided to give online a go although not something I would do. I randomly picked Vasco as my team and played Bayern Munich once, Juventus once, and Barcelona about 5 times. So i had the disadvantage straight away especially playing FUMA.

I really enjoyed the matches even though i lost them all to a lot of showboating etc...

Here are a few short clips of some bits i enjoyed...

1. I really wish i scored against this guy that was messing around before taking the throw in.
2. Best goal i have scored so far, completely against the run of play (that is the reason why it is my best goal so far :) ) Looking at the replay, is it a double deflection?...
3. I enjoyed this foul that led to a penalty. Never seen this before.

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Feels like unwarranted rant more than anything

Like most of his posts lately really. I'm glad i'm not the only one noticing this.

But it feels like criticism is vehemently opposed this year...

That's not the thing and you know it. Criticism is one thing but complaining about EVERY single thing in this demo feels like unnecessary. It brings nothing good to the discussion.

I just can't shake the feeling that stuff like this in FIFA is usually laughed at by a certain type of PES fan, for being outlandish and glitchy, but is now being celebrated.

I feel like you making unwanted comparisons to Fifa are the one being biased. What is point of bringing Fifa in this? Defending Fifa from who? If anything i feel that most of the issues with Fifa are downplayed on that Fifa thread, while with Pes every little thing is magnified and discussed for hours. If anything it's Pes that is being laughed at for 365 days every year,by everyone, mostly deservedly so, when they release a mess of a game.
Like most of his posts lately really. I'm glad i'm not the only one noticing this.
This is getting personal, and this is the second time you've made it personal. You're one of the best posters here, so can we de-escalate this and try to understand each other? I've not been posting on here for 16+ years to be considered a "hater" by someone I respect.

If someone directs a post at me to discuss something in a civil manner (as Gab did), am I supposed to ignore it because you don't want to hear my opinion? Jesus Christ, you'd think I'd just said "it's shit" as opposed to literally saying just yesterday it feels like it could be the best modern PES.

I'm not insulting anyone, nor am I ranting. Nor do I want to derail the thread so please PM me if you want to discuss further. But all I'm doing is explaining my opinion when I can. (Too often, you might think, but nobody - rightly - is saying the guys loving the game are talking too much, are they?)
Come on guys, let’s get along.

@Chris Davies

I can kind of see their points. You do seem to forensically pick apart every tiny detail or in your case, flaw. Like you’re searching for stuff to criticise. And that’s fine if it’s your thing but maybe that’s why some people are replying to you in the way that they do.

@Ameppe made a good point. We do laugh at PES all year round, we all do it. Now they’ve finally released something nearly all of us are enjoying. It’s a big step in the right direction. Sure, it’s not perfect but from what I can gather, many of us are having fun. And why are we all here? We were PES gamers first and foremost. We all want it to be at it’s best again.

I’ll put the shoe on the other foot. If people were consistently posting every tiny little thing that was annoying them in FIFA over in the FIFA thread, they’d be uproar. There seems to be an arrogance around here at times in that FIFA is the ‘serious game for serious football gamers’ and PES is one big joke. That’s how I see it anyway, I could be way off the mark.

Personally I think both games have been terrible for a long time apart from the superb FIFA 14 and PES 2017.

And let’s not forget, FIFA has had game breaking problems from a single player, Career Mode perspective. No fouls awarded and the game being ridiculously easy even on Legendary and Ultimate. They aren’t small issues, they’re major problems which EA need to address.
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Same with another one of yours - a Man City player with full sight of the ball trajectory and acres of space, letting the ball hit him in the arse and losing possession? How often do you see a professional not even looking at the ball he's supposed to receive, just turning around to face the goal like he's got the ball under control when he hasn't? Random, not realistic.
Chris. Maybe the fact that its not seen in the game at top level is the reason it doesn't sit well with you and I can see your point. I'd disagree, however, with your suggestion that its unrealistic in the real world. Watch any lower league matches and you will see some awful efforts at controlling a ball or awareness of space which indeed lead to much head scratching and laughter. If the animation was to appear at regular intervals in the game, fair enough, but maybe we just have to accept a bit of conceptual humour in the game and accept it for what it is.
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