eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Super cancel doesn't seem to cancel passes most of the time... Just delays them then performs the same pass anyway.

I used this a lot in 19, it was especially useful online because people could see the power bar and start of the animation before you cancelled it, often baiting them into backing off to cover the fake passes.

I noticed thatm Very annoying super cancel not working

When I play online, I try to mix pa1 passing and manual modefier to be more competitive. What Im finding weird is the fact that the L2 Button for manual passing is not senstive enough. I have to press ALL the way down in order to activate manual passing. I do not rememberr to be like this. A small press was enough. Needs fixing
RE cheap freekicks, this animation is dedicated to @Chris Davies :LMAO:
Yesterday, i'm playing 10 minutes on full manual against superstar com. I found something that hilarious. Here is the video on full match. I don't know if someone already notice this 'bugs'. cheers.

I wish the game online was at that Speed. It would sort It out many issues for me. Could bê epic.

The reason I have been playing online way more is becaus 5min match is a Blink of an eye. Way too short.

I have to admit Pc gamers are Lucky on this one.
Guys.. make peace with it.. a rework of the fouls system will only come when they'll put var in the game(s) :D

(just kidding.. although come to think about it, not completely..)
And what about that new attribute that makes some players draw more fouls? Thats is interesting and we shouldnt forget that. Well I know that some fouls are ridiculous but if Konami could tweak the fouls (like a pinch of salt!) and add referee restrictveness again this could be a big leap on football games.
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Yeah, I can't see any evidence that shielding is anything but contextual. I'm getting used to it but it's kinda driving me nuts that we have to rely on AI assistance for this.
I find shielding is much more intuitive and works perfect compared to 2019. I managed to shield the ball whenever i wanted earlier when i tested it. You can't decide to execute it all the time but it activates every time it needs to, you can control it with left stick and it's useful to obtain fouls too. Also, i really like that CPU does it so frequently. It gives a whole new dimension to physicality that was completely missing in Pes 2019.
Press circle to make the barrier jump, it worked for me most of the time, both in Pes 2019 and in this demo. It stops the free kick from being lethal.

Will have to try this. More control over what you do is always great.

Also, despite some people complaining that Konami always removes things, by playing the demo more you understand they just changed commands about tricks and finesse dribbling. Every single move is there, even the knock on that people were ready to say it was lost because it's the Konami way.

Enjoy what is there, because this demo shows there is a lot to still discover about the game. Oh, and despite people claiming that the gameplay has been simplified for Myclub people, well, this demo shows exactly the opposite. More fouls, slower pace, lower passing assistance.

Indeed the one complaining more are the Myclub style players. This shows that dev team as a focus don't want to simplify the game, but many times they have not enough courage to keep their vision ingame and in the end they try to adjust it into something that doesn't satisfy both the casual and hardcore players. But when Konami follows their own ideas they show they still have the spark that makes Pes great. They just have to be more confident in their product.

Do we want to help them or do we want to destroy them in every single occasion because moaning online is now the normal way to interact?


Gameplay wise, they CAN do some brilliant stuff when they want to, but in the end they always think on the comercial side of things.

I cant imagine what they could have id they kept their vision from PES 2014 and polished It adding ALL the small detailed animations we have on PES 2020.
I love the new shielding as well, surely among the things I prefer about the demo. I find it very intuitive and "natural" even if there isn't a direct command for it, it triggers what looks like (at least to me) very plausible and frequent physical battles.
The more I play the more I've been mezmerized with wtf masterpiece Konami has done.
When you open you mind, forgetting old mechanics you start to feel the absolute fantastic gameplay.

And the best part it's I'm starting to have online matches with people who has assimilated the new way of play the game, more rational, and tatical.

One stuff I've feel as a real innovation its loose balls gameplay phase:
In football gaming, loose balls, bounces, rebounds always has been only an aesthetic part of the gameplay.
The ball was scripted to go automaticaly to a player feet or out of the pitch, in some videogames more evident, in some videogames less. But never has existed a mechanic to truelly play this stage of football.

Yesterday I've played a few online games with ManU. My initilal play was basic: send high balls to Lukaku's head and see what happens. Romelu won, maybe, the 40% of the balls, but it didn't translate it in 40% succesfull layouts/60% succesfull clearances.

This aerial fights result in unprecise headers the most of the time, and here is when the loose balls mechanics start to shine. The ball physics freedom started to be the protagonist and the supercancel's fights to read and anticipate the ball spins/trajectories/bounces become in legendary magic moments that I've never seen before in a football game.

So Imo the only feedback I could give to Konami before the launch its:


Gameplay wise, they CAN do some brilliant stuff when they want to, but in the end they always think on the comercial side of things.

I cant imagine what they could have id they kept their vision from PES 2014 and polished It adding ALL the small detailed animations we have on PES 2020.
In fact right stick precision dribbling feels like an evolution of Pes 2014 Mass control with the right stick.
Everytime i find myself hoping they would stick to their vision. They need a strong dev team leader to shield the game from superficial feedback and market trends dictated by money. I hope Pes will soon find a new leader like Seabass was, one that will definitely bring back the steady evolution that Pes had since the very first WE to WE 9.
I find shielding is much more intuitive and works perfect compared to 2019. I managed to shield the ball whenever i wanted earlier when i tested it. You can't decide to execute it all the time but it activates every time it needs to, you can control it with left stick and it's useful to obtain fouls too. Also, i really like that CPU does it so frequently. It gives a whole new dimension to physicality that was completely missing in Pes 2019.

My problem isn't with how effective it is - shielding seems to be working more or less really well like you say - it's just that I hate that this isn't something we control.

For my tastes, there's just way too much assistance in too many aspects of gameplay. It looks brilliant and plays really well, I just want to the be one responsible for it, not the AI.
In fact right stick precision dribbling feels like an evolution of Pes 2014 Mass control with the right stick.
Everytime i find myself hoping they would stick to their vision. They need a strong dev team leader to shield the game from superficial feedback and market trends dictated by money. I hope Pes will soon find a new leader like Seabass was, one that will definitely bring back the steady evolution that Pes had since the very first WE to WE 9.

If you understand right stick dribbling, please explain. I'm totally lost with it, not sure when to use it, what it can do, etc. It seems like it's only good for basic lateral and backwards movement...?
If you understand right stick dribbling, please explain. I'm totally lost with it, not sure when to use it, what it can do, etc. It seems like it's only good for basic lateral and backwards movement...?

Best way to learn is play a game on the easiest difficulty, and try combinations with the right stick only at first.
Then right stick and left stick. And then you can add the sprint button or other triggers to see if anything changes.
I'll tell you what, when this game clicks it's the closest to football gaming nirvana I've experienced. So far really psyched to see the worst of the AI that drove me nuts last year has been improved.

For me, biggest problem with the demo is the damn short halves. I need to see more goals, need to see more attacking play by the AI, need to see... well, just more before I'm feeling confident about the game. So much potential, but I've been burned too many times before by Konami.

Biggest gameplay criticism for me is just how assisted it all is. It looks brilliant and plays brilliant; I just want more control and responsibility.

Also gotta say, this to me kinda feels almost next gen compared to recent football games... and especially compared to FIFA. Not sure if PES will be my choice this year but there's some damn impressive stuff going on here. Really looking forward to the full release now.
I don't bother with demos anymore, but reading is alright, the comments that stood out so far for me:

Im sorry but the demo has just came out today and people are already crying like babies, its a demo ffs things will get better even though it is hard to improve near perfection like the pes 2020 demo, if you dont like the demo then go to fifa!


(to combine a classic, with another classic)

I saw some guys holding up PES 5 as a model of a fouling system but I think this is false memory. If you go back it was just as "broken" back then.

Maybe with modern animation it's more noticeable when errors occur. But in many cases players just brush eachother and fouls are given in PES 5, when two seconds earlier an obvious foul was not given. It was consistently inconsistent. Not only this but it wasn't 100% fair either, foul leniency was another difficulty factor they used to give small boosts to the AI.

Konami should have better communicated in advanced that this was an intended change in philosophy. Sadly all you see on their feeds are whining kiddies complaining about too many fouls.

Sounds like either the most legendary football game ever is about to drop or the most legendary bait and switch. [Hopefully its the former]
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My problem isn't with how effective it is - shielding seems to be working more or less really well like you say - it's just that I hate that this isn't something we control.

For my tastes, there's just way too much assistance in too many aspects of gameplay. It looks brilliant and plays really well, I just want to the be one responsible for it, not the AI.
Shielding should be contextual and it should be stat based. From what i have seen so far it seems to be stat based which is great. It feels and looks so natural much of the time.
Shielding should be contextual and it should be stat based. From what i have seen so far it seems to be stat based which is great. It feels and looks so natural much of the time.

That might be your preference but it's hardly an absolute rule, and it's contrary to the evolution of game design, which is to give more control and agency to players, not less.

And it's tough pill to swallow coming from FIFA. Reminds me of the political truism that once you give people freedoms and services, it's political suicide to take them away. This is kinda how it feels coming from FIFA, even if the end result on the pitch might be more polished and realistic.
The ai do DRIBBLE but they are not decisive and aggressive enough to past the defender
especially in the flank near the penalty box, they just slow down their feet and do some little tricks
sometimes they cut inside but they usually choose to pass
I think they should be more aggressive to dribble with high speed and cut inside to shoot
I hope in the final version when they tune up the difficulty they can also improve ai dribbling
other problem for me is that I usually have more possession than ai in superstar difficulty
I don't think I had a game that my possession% was less than ai
however it doesn't mean the ai was so easy to beat, I also lost and drew a few games
the variety is here but I just hope the ai can be more patient to build up
I am currently satisfied with the demo, fingers crossed
I'm enjoying the demo, game feels completely different from the past PES games. The new camera angle "Stadium" is pretty dope. Needs some manual adjustments but when you get it right it's amazing, feels like watching a game on TV.
I know it's just a demo but I think the players could be a bit more responsive at times, I'm sure Konami will address this for the final release.
That might be your preference but it's hardly an absolute rule, and it's contrary to the evolution of game design, which is to give more control and agency to players, not less.

And it's tough pill to swallow coming from FIFA. Reminds me of the political truism that once you give people freedoms and services, it's political suicide to take them away. This is kinda how it feels coming from FIFA, even if the end result on the pitch might be more polished and realistic.
Any time i play the Fifa demo's i think why on earth is that tiny wee player out muscleing my big guy :D Seems odd to me your forced to press a button for your player to hold off someone.
As a manual passing player I find the new stadium camera neat, but tough to figure out where to point the stick when passing. At the same time, a weirdly high number of my crosses are very accurate, even at a high angle, which makes me think there is more assistance going on at the manual passing than usual.
Id also rather if I had a button to control it. Its unnatural to turn away just to initiate shielding. Half of the time im forgetting that this option is there. Still trying to figure out skill moves, ball trapping and this new dribbling. So far im only going sideways or backwards. As much as I liked this right stick drag ball on Fifa, in here it feels a bit odd. Have to agree that all those new controls messed things up a bit.
Dont mind learning new things, but some changes feel forced and random. Dont get why letting the ball go through could not stay on R1. I was never a big dribbler and just as I was starting to get my head around it, they swapped everything around.
Also, altho it doesnt bother me (as I play offline), I think online matches have potential to be mental, with everyone dancing around and dragging the ball all over the place. We might be seeing Fifa "goals of the week" style clips everywhere, which kinda kills the spirit of this game.
As a manual passing player I find the new stadium camera neat, but tough to figure out where to point the stick when passing. At the same time, a weirdly high number of my crosses are very accurate, even at a high angle, which makes me think there is more assistance going on at the manual passing than usual.
Funny thing this. Before I started to play it myself, just from watching clips, when camera was at some angle and someone was trying to pass down to their player, I always wondered - will I have to hold direction down (from my player perspective), or at slight angle (from camera perspective).
Now Im playing the game and if you asked me which way im aiming - i wouldnt know what to tell you.. i honestly dont know which way Im aiming..
but I rarely missplace passes. Is it more assisted? Maybe.. altho I have to say that whenever I want to send the ball into space, it usually does precisely where I wanted, so it doesnt feel "stiff", or limited.
Im still enjoying this new camera, I just had to get used to being further away from the action.
That might be your preference but it's hardly an absolute rule, and it's contrary to the evolution of game design, which is to give more control and agency to players, not less.

And it's tough pill to swallow coming from FIFA. Reminds me of the political truism that once you give people freedoms and services, it's political suicide to take them away. This is kinda how it feels coming from FIFA, even if the end result on the pitch might be more polished and realistic.

Sorry, but I didn't agree. The input has to be intuitive if you want to reply a real football feeling, Bcz when you play this sport your technical skills are running instinctivelly:

You don't waste your brain thinking how to kick the ball, you use it to choose where you want to put it, where are the rivals, where are your teamates, what will be your next move. And this happens with shielding too. I've play football 2 or 3 times per week since I was a child. I don't remember anytime thinking about if I'd have to shield the ball or not, my body does is automatically when I feel pressured.

I've tried Fifa 2019, and button commands feel as Fligh Simulator. The more you play PES the more you'll be able to anticipate when shielding it's triggered.
Sorry, but I didn't agree. The input has to be intuitive if you want to reply a real football feeling, Bcz when you play this sport your technical skills are running instinctivelly:

You don't waste your brain thinking how to kick the ball, you use it to choose where you want to put it, where are the rivals, where are your teamates, what will be your next move. And this happens with shielding too. I've play football 2 or 3 times per week since I was a child. I don't remember anytime thinking about if I'd have to shield the ball or not, my body does is automatically when I feel pressured.

I've tried Fifa 2019, and button commands feel as Fligh Simulator. The more you play PES the more you'll be able to anticipate when shielding it's triggered.

I find that left trigger for shielding in FIFA is just as intuitive as holding any other button to perform an action, so not sure what the point is here. Comparing controller inputs for a video game to how these actions are performed in real life makes very little sense.

It's all about just giving players more agency, freedom, accountability, and control... all good things.
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