eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Well... every Sunday league (but also top leagues) are full of fouls that fall in what referees call the grey zone, but football is still regularly played every other Sunday isn't it? That's part of the spice of the game.

There are aspects of a football match that either shouldn't be or aren't ready yet to be fully incorporated into video games. There's a very good reason why handballs for example are not included in either PES or FIFA. Punishing players for doing nothing wrong, or for things beyond their control, is simply bad game design most of the time.

This one problem doesn't ruin the game; it's not like we're saying the game is trash because of this. And really, we're talking about possibly the hardest thing to program in all of video games - remember after all that part of the referee's purview is to determine intent. How the hell do you replicate that in a game? You simply can't, which is why this needs to be carefully and cautiously implemented. It's to be expected that they'd run into trouble with this.

As someone previously posted, they probably should just include a foul slider. If folks want to play as it currently is, fine, but there's no way this will fly in a h2h competitive experience.

But this debate is rather moot. There's tons of videos now out there showing fouls being called that never should be, lots of people have complained, and no way Konami doesn't do something about it, especially if they're trying to tap into the esports market.
Started a match on Superstar difficulty.
After defending a corner, released Monreal on the left wing mid-way inside my own half.
Ran the complete length of the byline as I watched 2 AI defenders constantly back off and 1 of them run away from me to create space.
I turned into space and unleashed a 20 yard arrow into the top corner.
Felt nothing. Actually angry that it looked nothing like real football.
Went back to FIFA 16.

Going back to FIFA full stop takes some serious strong mentality. Im not a fanboy at all, but i absolutely despise the FIFA franchise, hated every version since about 2011 with a vicious passion
i think the demo is great. Maybe slighty increase the referee leniency on shoulder to shoulder collisions and make the crowd louder.

If Pes 2020 came out tomorrow and the ref's had been slightly tweaked for the better, safe to say id spend hours upon hours playing it.

A lot of the stuff on twitter i take with a pinch of salt because many of them, will likely be FIFA fanboys finding anything to criticise because they won't accept that PES is the more realistic and enjoyable game
Not the thread for FIFA. Also. If you "violently despise" a game, I'd think about taking up reading, or fishing, or yoga. You need to chillax, my man.
I havent said i violenty despise it? lol. I just hate it so much. Vicious passion maybe worded poorly, but to put it a little milder "its not going anywhere near my consoles disk tray"
This is your second post in a row where you're pushing it, not-a-fanboy. Your opinion is your opinion. "Accept" that, and enjoy the game.
mate, i seriously dont know what youre getting at. Just look at the guy who i think you yourself may have embedded in here,(correct me if wrong) if youd read his TL youd have seen he loves the other franchise, therefore half his "omg this is shocking" stuff was purely BS
There are aspects of a football match that either shouldn't be or aren't ready yet to be fully incorporated into video games. There's a very good reason why handballs for example are not included in either PES or FIFA. Punishing players for doing nothing wrong, or for things beyond their control, is simply bad game design most of the time.

This one problem doesn't ruin the game; it's not like we're saying the game is trash because of this. And really, we're talking about possibly the hardest thing to program in all of video games - remember after all that part of the referee's purview is to determine intent. How the hell do you replicate that in a game? You simply can't, which is why this needs to be carefully and cautiously implemented. It's to be expected that they'd run into trouble with this.

As someone previously posted, they probably should just include a foul slider. If folks want to play as it currently is, fine, but there's no way this will fly in a h2h competitive experience.

But this debate is rather moot. There's tons of videos now out there showing fouls being called that never should be, lots of people have complained, and no way Konami doesn't do something about it, especially if they're trying to tap into the esports market.

I am not saying the foul detection system in the demo is perfect. I actually agree that it is quite poor in comparison with classic PES tittles (PES5) or FIFA16 which is the footy game I actually play the most. But even in real life game, the decision, even though it is taken by a supposedly trained human eye and on higher level now assisted with the VAR, is sometime not easy to take and errors are still legion, because whether to blow or not to blow the whistle is often prone to subjectivity. And there are also tons of videos that are also showing that.

The fouls system in this demo needs to be improved but somehow those "random" call can be perceived as wrong human (AI) decisions.
Being afraid to criticise for fear of being labelled a hater when the criticism is justified is just as "dangerous"
I agree here.
We should all understand that, being part of Evo-Web. Most of the critique, that comes from here, regardless how valid would it be, is (in most cases) automatically dismissed when someone finds out that it came from Evo-Web. Coz we are all haters, right??
Thats why I like to see any sorts of feedback, even the one i disagree with.
Only ones that dont tickle me are extremes on both ends - "Best game ever made", or "Most shitty Pes ever". Both cases are far from the truth and both dont bring anything to the table.

Im trying to "battle" the feedback a little bit, as Im afraid full game will have other elements, that influence some of the "issues" people are feeding back (like passive AI).

As for fouls - demo is out two days now. Defending is different than it was before. Holding X doesnt win the ball and leads most of the time to free kicks. Give it few weeks, lads. Learn it. Take your foot of the gas. Position yourself. Jockey. Time your tackles. If in a few weeks you still claim 90% of contact is a foul - then feed it back.
After two days of playing it Im already starting to see less fouls at my end.
mate, i seriously dont know what youre getting at. Just look at the guy who i think you yourself may have embedded in here,(correct me if wrong) if youd read his TL youd have seen he loves the other franchise, therefore half his "omg this is shocking" stuff was purely BS
You didn't refer to him (I know the guy you mean and he is definitely a fanboy - the video I embedded was 100% a fair point regardless, but yes, given his posts since, only the most ardent fanboys in the world could possibly take him seriously any more).

You said "[on Twitter] many of the [critics are] likely FIFA fanboys finding anything to criticise". You also said they "won't accept" PES is better like it's a fact. That's not how things work here. You're entitled to your opinion, as long as you don't label it as a fact.

Any further discussion - PM me. I don't want to keep derailing the thread.
Constantly pressing and running into the ball carrier should be penalised and it generally is now..Personally I’m not having issues where any of my games are stop/start because of a over zealous referee..I’ve absolutely nailed the standing tackle.

Seen plenty of good calls,times where the referee is clearly Playing the advantage and others where it’s clearly a foul but the ref cheekily turns a blind eye..

IMO the issues are more technical.Fine tuning issues that relate to clipping and the collision system not being able at times to differentiate between when the ball is clearly won and when contact is late.

I agree with your First setence about pressure, but this game is not penalyzing in the right manner.

It is nothing pés 5 fouling system. Nowhere near close.

I am actually not seeing ALL that much fouls to be honest and I wouldnt doubt that some of the complaints here regarding fouls being called randomly have some truth

I like how players can use their body to protect the ball, its really Nice. But players SHOULD not resist to too much Weight and force put on their back, só they should lose balance and earn their fouls more often, in a more logicam manner, and thats what hás done in Pes 5, and this is How You penalize brutality and no Fair play way of playing.

Pés 2020 is nothing like that tbh, wich is bad, not good. Players have way too much resistance.

Game still does endorse brutal mindless pressure, all you need to do is Going online and check that. It is nothing like Pes 2018 beta, wich was a game that people Just could not close You down só ridiculously quickly, and You could take advantage of It and explore gaps. There was a risk and sprinting and abuse holding X and Square too much.

And again, pés 2020 is nothing like that. I find myself havind to turn my back way too often as soon as I take the First touch exactly because pressure IS ridiculously overpowred because players Just can close You down só quickly.

Cpu AI doesnt do that, só its Fine. It actually needs to be more agressive. But online still is childish as it still endorse brutal pressure during the 90mins of the game.

I wish It was more like pes 2018 beta.
it is not! as i said before: please get to know the new controls! do yourself the favor!
i love the new possibilites atm that R1 offers (besides sprinting in various speeds)!
R2 trough legs isnt that hard to do. R2+L1 neither. btw: 2 different things!
It absolutely is broken. It’s nothing to do with simply ‘learning new controls’, I’m perfectly happy to learn something new.

I’ll explain to you exactly why the controls are fucked:

PES 2019 had something that Fifa has forever found difficult to implement - doing a trick with your first touch. It was incredibly easy to do as well, simply hold the right analogue stick in any direction you choose. That’s it. That’s all it needed.

The beauty with this method was because no other controls were mapped to the right stick it was 100% reliable and you could do every single trick in the game the moment you receive the ball. It was fantastic. Yes, you may not always do the trick you wanted, but it was down to the player inputting the wrong command as supposed to the game going mad. You couldn’t accidentally do anything that wasn’t a trick of some sort because nothing else used the right stick.

Now they’ve mixed and matched them up. The finesse dribble has taken its place, and with it the ability to do simple step overs has increased 10x because you now have to hold R2 as well. I challenge you, or anyone here for that matter, to go into the 2020 demo and try doing a basic step over the moment you receive the ball: R2 + Right stick left or right of the the player + left stick to move. Its the most basic of football skills yet PES has made the simple stuff far more awkward than the advanced stuff! It’s easy to do out wide because you have all the time in the world to get ready, but honestly, try doing it in the box the moment a player gets it. It’s ridiculously hard. You’ll end up either letting the ball go through your legs by accident because that’s moved to R2 for no reason, or the game won’t register your even holding it and instead go into a finesse dribble or do a skill that doesn’t require holding R2.

By contrast, the mgeady spin or Marseille turn is nothing more than forwards on the right stick + left or right on the left stick. So now the advanced skills are so much easier to do than basic stuff??? Really, everyone here talks about realism, so why is it FAR easier to make Chiellini do a damn roulette spin than a simple step over???

So no, it’s nothing to do with learning something new, it’s the fact they’ve made certain skills require multiple inputs where they are not needed, and made too many things require the use of the same button at the same damn time.

It would be so easy to fix as well!
- hold R2 to finesse dribble
- right stick for skills
- R1 for the ball to go through your legs.

Problem solved! No overlap as R1 is dedicated to sprinting / dummies etc, R2 is dedicated to finesse dribble, and right stick is dedicated to skills. That’s how good controls are designed. Anything that uses the same button should be something that either compliments existing controls, or it uses it in a totally different situations so as not to cause any conflict. PES 2020 just creates conflict for no reason.

Other stuff also makes no sense; double tap L1 to trap the ball without facing the goal? Why can’t I just tap it to stop dead, and hold it to face the goal??? Why, just because Fifa does it this way means you can’t too? Making a player press a button twice when only once is needed is just dumb and creates room for error where none is needed.

It’s almost like they’ve made it like this not to be intuitive, but because Fifa uses R2 for their finesse dribbling and Konami don’t want to copy it.
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This post is for all that enjoyed pes 2019(after the important updates). Not mean you thought it was awesome but a good game that lasted almost a year.

Havent had opportunity to try the demo yet. Curious what u all think of the demo. You guys that hated 2019 im not really intrested knowing ur thoughts as i know we got splitted views what a good football game is, as i enjoyed 2019.

So how u sum up the demo? Terrible?Bad? Neutral? Good? Very good? Super excited?
The fouls system in this demo needs to be improved but somehow those "random" call can be perceived as wrong human (AI) decisions.

That's a fair take, and I can understand why some would prefer this system to one in which there's hardly any fouls at all. IMO this really gets to the heart of the divide that separates many of us on how the game should be designed.

Read between the lines of much of the criticism that PES gets and at the heart of it is that Konami has a design philosophy that takes away control and agency from the player so that the game plays out more smoothly and realistically. This is in stark contrast to EA's approach, and quite frankly to most modern AAA games.

For those who enjoy the game looking more like the real thing and playing out more realistically, they are fine with this more curated experience, even if it means sacrificing how much their own input matters. For others, like myself, we want more control and agency over outcomes, and so aspects of the game like this in which it feels like big game decisions are being taken from our hands, it's a more frustrating experience. Yes, it might look brilliant and even resemble more closely what we watch on TV or from the stands, but from a gaming experience it can be super frustrating.
It's definitely got me playing online and enjoying it. I wish the matches were a little longer, because I always feel like I could turn those 0-0s into a 1-0 if I just had another 4-5 minutes...

Same here, i let them run into my defense so their stamina depleates and when his players are tired and he or she is slightly frustrated i switch to a more attacking formation and exploit the space. But yeah, i only have 2 or 3 chances, and with FM shooting thats not enough most of the time.

There are aspects of a football match that either shouldn't be or aren't ready yet to be fully incorporated into video games. There's a very good reason why handballs for example are not included in either PES or FIFA. Punishing players for doing nothing wrong, or for things beyond their control, is simply bad game design most of the time.

This one problem doesn't ruin the game; it's not like we're saying the game is trash because of this. And really, we're talking about possibly the hardest thing to program in all of video games - remember after all that part of the referee's purview is to determine intent. How the hell do you replicate that in a game? You simply can't, which is why this needs to be carefully and cautiously implemented. It's to be expected that they'd run into trouble with this.

As someone previously posted, they probably should just include a foul slider. If folks want to play as it currently is, fine, but there's no way this will fly in a h2h competitive experience.

But this debate is rather moot. There's tons of videos now out there showing fouls being called that never should be, lots of people have complained, and no way Konami doesn't do something about it, especially if they're trying to tap into the esports market.

I remember in earlier versions you could pick a referee? Each having a different strictness level (although this was non-explicit, you had to find out). I think i noticed this in the demo as well, not sure, at least the Japanese referee is very strict but i also came across a referee which was much less strict? I did not see him up close however, for all i know it was the Japanese ref as well. But at least i did notice some variation, which could still be a just conincedence.
Maybe the wish is the father of the thought here (is that an english expression as well?) It would add another layer of depth if you have to adjust your playing style depending of the strictness of the referee.

On another note: does anybody know how the PS4 Pro compares to the PS4 in relation to the 2020 demo? I am especially interested if the offline gameplay is smoother and more responsive. Not saying its not smooth and responsive now but everything helps. If its only a slight improvement for me its already worth upgrading.
Same here, i let them run into my defense so their stamina depleates and when his players are tired and he or she is slightly frustrated i switch to a more attacking formation and exploit the space. But yeah, i only have 2 or 3 chances, and with FM shooting thats not enough most of the time.

I remember in earlier versions you could pick a referee? Each having a different strictness level (although this was non-explicit, you had to find out). I think i noticed this in the demo as well, not sure, at least the Japanese referee is very strict but i also came across a referee which was much less strict? I did not see him up close however, for all i know it was the Japanese ref as well. But at least i did notice some variation, which could still be a just conincedence.
Maybe the wish is the father of the thought here (is that an english expression as well?) It would add another layer of depth if you have to adjust your playing style depending of the strictness of the referee.

On another note: does anybody know how the PS4 Pro compares to the PS4 in relation to the 2020 demo? I am especially interested if the offline gameplay is smoother and more responsive. Not saying its not smooth and responsive now but everything helps. If its only a slight improvement for me its already worth upgrading.
the pro is 4k hdr for a start
Anyone interested in the stamina glitch? Sorry to double post it, but given the time it takes them to fix things during season, it will take them 2-3 months. Now maybe they can fix it immediately for day-one or 1st datapack.
It absolutely is broken. It’s nothing to do with simply ‘learning new controls’, I’m perfectly happy to learn something new.

I’ll explain to you exactly why the controls are fucked:

PES 2019 had something that Fifa has forever found difficult to implement - doing a trick with your first touch. It was incredibly easy to do as well, simply hold the right analogue stick in any direction you choose. That’s it. That’s all it needed.

The beauty with this method was because no other controls were mapped to the right stick it was 100% reliable and you could do every single trick in the game the moment you receive the ball. It was fantastic. Yes, you may not always do the trick you wanted, but it was down to the player inputting the wrong command as supposed to the game going mad. You couldn’t accidentally do anything that wasn’t a trick of some sort because nothing else used the right stick.

Now they’ve mixed and matched them up. The finesse dribble has taken its place, and with it the ability to do simple step overs has increased 10x because you now have to hold R2 as well. I challenge you, or anyone here for that matter, to go into the 2020 demo and try doing a basic step over the moment you receive the ball: R2 + Right stick left or right of the the player + left stick to move. Its the most basic of football skills yet PES has made the simple stuff far more awkward than the advanced stuff! It’s easy to do out wide because you have all the time in the world to get ready, but honestly, try doing it in the box the moment a player gets it. It’s ridiculously hard. You’ll end up either letting the ball go through your legs by accident because that’s moved to R2 for no reason, or the game won’t register your even holding it and instead go into a finesse dribble or do a skill that doesn’t require holding R2.

By contrast, the mgeady spin or Marseille turn is nothing more than forwards on the right stick + left or right on the left stick. So now the advanced skills are so much easier to do than basic stuff??? Really, everyone here talks about realism, so why is it FAR easier to make Chiellini do a damn roulette spin than a simple step over???

So no, it’s nothing to do with learning something new, it’s the fact they’ve made certain skills require multiple inputs where they are not needed, and made too many things require the use of the same button at the same damn time.

It would be so easy to fix as well!
- hold R2 to finesse dribble
- right stick for skills
- R1 for the ball to go through your legs.

Problem solved! No overlap as R1 is dedicated to sprinting / dummies etc, R2 is dedicated to finesse dribble, and right stick is dedicated to skills. That’s how good controls are designed. Anything that uses the same button should be something that it uses it totally different situations so as not to cause any conflict. PES 2020 has just created conflict for no reason.

Other stuff also makes no sense; double tap L1 to trap the ball without facing the goal? Why can’t I just tap it to stop dead, and hold it to face the goal??? Why, just because Fifa does it this way means you can’t too? Making a player press a button twice when only once is needed is just dumb and creates room for error where none is needed.

It’s almost like they’ve made it like this not to be intuitive, but because Fifa uses R2 for their finesse dribbling and Konami don’t want to copy it.
alright mate, guess i have to partly disagree here. no prob for me! :)

but you deserve an answer!
the controls are what!? thats how it starts... ;) ok, i think you meant something like "for me this is fxxxed"! got it!
"that's all it needed" that sounds so final to me. ...personal opinion again, i guess.

"The finesse dribble has taken its place, and with it the ability to do simple step overs has increased 10x because you now have to hold R2 as well." i dont get that sentence! it has increased because you have to hold R2? isnt that a bad thing then? me and english...! :D

can you please send me a video of that move you want to see replicated?! receiving the ball and same time doing a stepover!? i dont get it. never done that in real life or any video game, afair!

i will try this for you tonight... might even open my eyes to it! and i want to know! :)
L1 double tap i never did, will give it a try as well.

to end this for now: i have zero probs with the new layout. could be that i'm not obsessed with doing tricks or that i did not see/unleash everything the game has to offer yet. but we work it out, pal! :BYE:
I really don't get why they included Edit Mode in the demo, you can't play with any of the teams you're editing and ignoring Banners and Add a new Strip, Edit Mode looks the same as previous editions.

I think it would have been better to see the Master League improvements in the demo.

Also, where's that new mode Matchday?
Some questions I have regarding gameplay (on holiday so haven't been able to touch the demo yet)

1. Has overpowered close shooting been fixed? In PES 2019 I often had the feeling finishing was much too easy both for me and the AI. Especially those cutback goals where you/AI could just blast the ball into the net. So frustrating to concede those as very obviously scripted goals where the AI played perfect tiki-taka football and finished like that just made me feel as though I might as well have put the controller down instead of trying to defend.

2. Is player responsiveness better? Last year I often felt players were waiting too much when anticipating the ball instead of coming towards the ball to pick it up. Nothing to do with cursor switching btw.

Sad to hear about penalties, in 2019 I played three seasons of ML with Arsenal (so I had loads of touches in the box against weaker opposition) yet I genuinely only got 1 single penalty that was simply dumb luck rather than a realistic foul leading to a penalty.
I agree with your First setence about pressure, but this game is not penalyzing in the right manner.

It is nothing pés 5 fouling system. Nowhere near close.

I am actually not seeing ALL that much fouls to be honest and I wouldnt doubt that some of the complaints here regarding fouls being called randomly have some truth

I like how players can use their body to protect the ball, its really Nice. But players SHOULD not resist to too much Weight and force put on their back, só they should lose balance and earn their fouls more often, in a more logicam manner, and thats what hás done in Pes 5, and this is How You penalize brutality and no Fair play way of playing.

Pés 2020 is nothing like that tbh, wich is bad, not good. Players have way too much resistance.

Game still does endorse brutal mindless pressure, all you need to do is Going online and check that. It is nothing like Pes 2018 beta, wich was a game that people Just could not close You down só ridiculously quickly, and You could take advantage of It and explore gaps. There was a risk and sprinting and abuse holding X and Square too much.

And again, pés 2020 is nothing like that. I find myself havind to turn my back way too often as soon as I take the First touch exactly because pressure IS ridiculously overpowred because players Just can close You down só quickly.

Cpu AI doesnt do that, só its Fine. It actually needs to be more agressive. But online still is childish as it still endorse brutal pressure during the 90mins of the game.

I wish It was more like pes 2018 beta.

I couldn’t possibly judge online,it isn’t a arena I’m interested in as most of my play these days is spent offline..

Thus far my experiences with the collision system and officiating of the game has been largely positive.I stand by the post you quote but wouldn’t want to start questioning yours or the perceptions of others.Your post is to the point and valid in your mind.I certainly don’t remember making any pes5 comparisons nor would I want to.

Personally..I’m finding superstar,pa0 exhilarating and a joy to play.The Games doing it for me in all areas.

Edit..I don’t want to come over as overly positive.Just calling it how I see it.Happy to read the good and the bad.I don’t feel any need or desire to defend the game.
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I agree with your First setence about pressure, but this game is not penalyzing in the right manner.

It is nothing pés 5 fouling system. Nowhere near close.

I am actually not seeing ALL that much fouls to be honest and I wouldnt doubt that some of the complaints here regarding fouls being called randomly have some truth

I like how players can use their body to protect the ball, its really Nice. But players SHOULD not resist to too much Weight and force put on their back, só they should lose balance and earn their fouls more often, in a more logicam manner, and thats what hás done in Pes 5, and this is How You penalize brutality and no Fair play way of playing.

Pés 2020 is nothing like that tbh, wich is bad, not good. Players have way too much resistance.

Game still does endorse brutal mindless pressure, all you need to do is Going online and check that. It is nothing like Pes 2018 beta, wich was a game that people Just could not close You down só ridiculously quickly, and You could take advantage of It and explore gaps. There was a risk and sprinting and abuse holding X and Square too much.

And again, pés 2020 is nothing like that. I find myself havind to turn my back way too often as soon as I take the First touch exactly because pressure IS ridiculously overpowred because players Just can close You down só quickly.

Cpu AI doesnt do that, só its Fine. It actually needs to be more agressive. But online still is childish as it still endorse brutal pressure during the 90mins of the game.

I wish It was more like pes 2018 beta.

Sorry to quote myself, but I feel a bit frustrated with the overall opinion here as they do not represent what I am experience and what I should think the game should play

I hardly ser any fouls online and players close You down extremely quickly, wich is nothing like Pes 2018 beta, a game that should bê a reference on this regard
I don't want for this to be taken in a wrong way, but a lot of issues people are having could be because of lack of skill in the game it self. That includes the biggest issue people have with fouls.

There are levels of power that you apply on the left stick in attack and in a defense. And there is precision involved with it as well. I can take clean ball from an attacker by timing charging at the ball directly and with precision and the right amount of power on the left stick (how much you push the left stick).

And you have those levels all across the gameplay. This was in 2019 as well (which was unplayable for me offline due to AI cheating on the highest difficulties and never knowing if I one because I played better or AI decided to let me win) but with 2020 there is new level and fine tuning added.

I don't have big issues with fouls, unless people find a way to exploit it online, which I presume they will. So hopefully Konami tunes this just enough but don't chicken out and remove great changes they have implemented know.
Looks like the team have done some nice work on individual player ID this year. This was one of their strong points going back 5-6 years ago but seemed to have died off a bit recently. Messi is obviously the biggest standout but my favourite has to be Alaba so far. The way he blasts down the left hand side looks great! When he gets around the box and shoots it seems like he has his own unique shooting animations that trigger the ‘Dipping Shot’ ability really well. Also noticed that when Dembele is full of stamina, he seems to kick the ball a lot further ahead than other players with the double tap sprint action.

Activated the new ‘Anchoring’ advanced instruction tonight on the DMF. Didn’t realize it was a new one. Keeps the DMF in his position which is good to see.

I was a bit skeptical about the context-sensitive kick accuracy we saw in the trailer. Looked like a bit of marketing hype to me. They’ve done a fantastic job with this especially with shooting.
I couldn’t possibly judge online,it isn’t a arena I’m interested in as most of my play these days is spent offline..

Thus far my experiences with the collision system and officiating of the game has been largely positive.I stand by the post you quote but wouldn’t want to start questioning yours or the perceptions of others.Your post is to the point and valid in your mind.I certainly don’t remember making any pes5 comparisons nor would I want to.

Personally..I’m finding superstar,pa0 exhilarating and a joy to play.The Games doing it for me in all areas.

Regarding the comparison to Pes 5, I was not regerring to your POST specifically.

Someone came up with that Idea maybe because pés 5 turned into a reference as How the foul system should work.

As a huge fan of pés 5, I just wanted ti share my opinione on to compared to Pes 2020 as an opportunity.

I am the type that hate competitive online modes like myclub. I Just like playing online Just to take a break from playing cpu as It might get tiresome, and I also like to challenge myself. I like to ser How I can Deal with the usual online playstyle while trying to play with more Fair play and realism. And this is How I test How good a football game is, and I thought pés 2018 BETA (not the crap final version) was a really decent game on this regard.
Well, if the retail version comes out just like the demo feels right now, I think I´m almost sold. IT´s by far much better than 2019. I actually like the "random" fouls system, despite the complains here. We can argue but this is the closest thing tp PES 5 we had in the last years. My only complain is that on superstar, the referee seems to only see my agression, not the CPU. Sometimes I loose the ball in a physical battle that the referee refuses to see, and the next second I´m penalised for getting the ball back the same way.

I must say though that overall, the game feels very balanced, PA1 is actually fun to play. There are situations were passes go totally wrong, shots go wrong, tackles go wrong, and to me, it feels mostly about right. I´ve seen crosses going wrong too, GK making mistakes, loose balls everywhere... They finally managed to input some error on several situations.

I like it so far. Still, not convinced how this will translate on the final release.
I don't want for this to be taken in a wrong way, but a lot of issues people are having could be because of lack of skill in the game it self. That includes the biggest issue people have with fouls.
Oh no, it's that "you're playing the game wrong" time of year already?!

In all seriousness, a few people have said "it's more punishing to hold X now". Great. But most of the not-fouls I saw last night (and posted a short clip of) were by the AI. And besides, holding X lazily doesn't make my player commit a foul. I'd love it if he did! It just makes the referee blow for a foul when there hasn't been one.

I hate harking on about this (believe it or not), I can accept we've all got different opinons and people are so desperate for fouls they're happy with it. I accept that.

But the point here is, the AI isn't fouling now, they're being adjudged to have fouled me and haven't - and the same is happening to me. That's not more fouls. That's more stoppages without reason. They're not being more aggressive or misjudging things. They're just... Well, in one example last night, heading the ball away.
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