eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Yes...that´s the only gripe I have with it and I´ll go for the cam mods again.
But still, I´m thankful we´ve been granted to it finally.

I am playing this sitting in my office with the time extender :P (thx to moonlight streaming).
I really do like it, but I have to set it down to -1 game speed.
Zero is too fast for me.

About fouls: maybe better than 2019 but Too many pushes get called, mostly when I am about to counter, which is annoying.
Is it just me or does the player sending feature (L1 + right stick) work again properly?
In the last two releases players wouldn´t run into space, that´s why I stopped using it.
It seems to work better again.
never had a problem with that. but again, im playing fuma wich means those runs are manual for me as well! :)
Shit, I didn't make it clear - that's my fault. It's not the kicker who was adjudged to have fouled there. It's the header. (So maybe, just maybe, you see my point now?! But probably not because it's a "one off" - except it's not, that's the thing, I see these decisions constantly - but... As I say. Just can't seem to get that across.)

Are you kidding me? He could have seriously injured that other guy's foot with his head!

In all fairness, I'm experiencing the same ridiculous calls from the ref.
It's like "why won't you let me take the ball from the AI, huh? That's next-level cheating!".
But when the ref blows in my favour, I'm happy to look the other way and take the free-kick even if it wasn't supposed to be a foul.

I'm really hoping this is one of those things that will be ironed out for release date or update 1.
The hardest part is done, which is adding tackles and fouls BY the AI and get the ref to blow the whistle, which wasn't really happening for the past years. Now it needs some fine-tuning.

I'm still truly undecided as to whether or not to buy the game.
Are you kidding me? He could have seriously injured that other guy's foot with his head!

In all fairness, I'm experiencing the same ridiculous calls from the ref.
It's like "why won't you let me take the ball from the AI, huh? That's next-level cheating!".
But when the ref blows in my favour, I'm happy to look the other way and take the free-kick even if it wasn't supposed to be a foul.

I'm really hoping this is one of those things that will be ironed out for release date or update 1.
The hardest part is done, which is adding tackles and fouls BY the AI and get the ref to blow the whistle, which wasn't really happening for the past years. Now it needs some fine-tuning.

I'm still truly undecided as to whether or not to buy the game.
THIS!!! ...plus the AI attack pattern that are better now!

and you are saying you are undecided... ;) you will buy it for sure! :)
THIS!!! ...plus the AI attack pattern that are better now!

and you are saying you are undecided... ;) you will buy it for sure! :)

I really don't know, mate.
It's grown on me, I'm not going to lie.

I think the evolution in the animations and more importantly: In the transitions between animations between PES 2019 and eFootball PES 2020 Demo, is extraordinary. I've never seen anything like it. Players taking a few more steps in order to complete the animation, even at the expense of allowing one of the rival players to take the ball away because he took too long. Randomness is bigger this year too (although we know that wears off within the first 2 months and then it stops feeling random at all). And there are many other bits that I'm loving and that made me go from "it's ok" to really appreciating the whole of it.

Now, the excruciating part of it all, is: If they up the tempo, game pace, speed and/or make the players or ball feel lighter. If they take that feeling of weight or even tone it down from the demo to the final version then I'm definitely not buying it. 100%.

That's why a pre-order is off the table.
Well me too, but "Mitspielersteuerung" is "unterstützt"^^
nope! i need full control over everything! :D
everything the game offers me to do myself, i do! simple tactics menu? na! automatic passing? na! automtic subs? na! automatic sliding? na!

i am the manager! i am the fan! i am the guy at the sticks! :D
i want to be the one to blame if my team sucks! ;)
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I really don't know, mate.
It's grown on me, I'm not going to lie.

I think the evolution in the animations and more importantly: In the transitions between animations between PES 2019 and eFootball PES 2020 Demo, is extraordinary. I've never seen anything like it. Players taking a few more steps in order to complete the animation, even at the expense of allowing one of the rival players to take the ball away because he took too long. Randomness is bigger this year too (although we know that wears off within the first 2 months and then it stops feeling random at all). And there are many other bits that I'm loving and that made me go from "it's ok" to really appreciating the whole of it.

Now, the excruciating part of it all, is: If they up the tempo, game pace, speed and/or make the players or ball feel lighter. If they take that feeling of weight or even tone it down from the demo to the final version then I'm definitely not buying it. 100%.

That's why a pre-order is off the table.
jep! i agree pal!
my fingers looking like a worn out working glove because of all the fingers crossed since monday! :D

right now i'd say: polish the collision system in regards to foul play (wich overall i like this year). let the AI be a little more aggressive when attacking. gues thats it for me right now... :)
Now, the excruciating part of it all, is: If they up the tempo, game pace, speed and/or make the players or ball feel lighter. If they take that feeling of weight or even tone it down from the demo to the final version then I'm definitely not buying it. 100%.
As long as the day one release is fine, this could save our arses in case they ruin it with patches I guess:
...because we all know you'll be getting it for PC (and so will I sooner or later), don't we? ;)
Player switching logic has been hilariously bad for years in PES. That's nothing new.

Playing BAL or anything mode with fixed cursor, I have to forcibly tell my teammates to engage wingers charging down the sideline with the ball instead of running away from them.
for me it depends on the camera angle, i got better results on live broadcast then on field side cam.
nope! i need full control over everything! :D
everything the game offers me to do myself, i do! simple tactics menu? na! automatic passing? na! automtic subs? na! automatic sliding? na!

i am the manager! i am the fan! i am the guy at the sticks! :D
i want to be the one to blame if my team sucks! ;)

As long as the day one release is fine, this could save our arses in case they ruin it with patches I guess:
...because we all know you'll be getting it for PC (and so will I sooner or later), don't we? ;)
Link seems blocked
Id say its worth it. Treat it as a training ground, where you can get the feeling of the ball, passing, shooting, this new dribbling stuff, new camera. Despite to what some people say - I think it plays very different in compare to 19.

I think I played one or maybe two games of the 2019 demo and turned it off and never loaded it up again so unless I was having a bad day it must be different.
This is my fear. I said the day before the demo hit officially when a few of us were playing the NZ version that the masses & 'pro's' won't like it so get ready for a shit storm on social media. I'm seeing some of it myself with the usual cries of "it's slow, unresponsive, defending is crap etc....

Lot's people writing it off before even trying to relearn stuff. Some of the funnier things I've see were that the game has 'terrible ball physics'....! & some ***** even posted a video of himself deleting the demo after ranting it's the worst football game ever made :SHAKE:
no mater what game is made someone, will hate it, if they made a recreation of real life, some would say it's boring, can't score enough goals, players aren't responsive enough, takes to long to get the injured player off the field. Konami hopefully has enough sense to know nonsense.
Having some lovely games on superstar..The AI is more then aggressive enough for me.I can certainly feel the pinch if the opposing team has a little more strength.There’s also no feeling of being handicapped or at a disadvantage because I’m using paO..There’s certainly times where the opposing A.I. is more passive but this does change from match to match,so it’s impossible currently to gauge how much this is down to form and condition factoring in.

How good and how robust the A.I. is long term after extensive play testing is still debatable,but,I certainly don’t have any issues with my own teammate behaviour or my ability currently to defend against whatever the cpu throws at me(I haven’t felt cheated yet)...The AI is doing good things,it’s thinking,exploiting space,gaps and my mistakes.How human is it is and varied,again is impossible to gauge via a demo and such a short play time,but I am impressed.

Ive always liked the mechanical nature of pes,and how it’s more of a requirement to micro manage and be a little ahead of the play in your mind both offensively and defensively..Reading danger rather then reacting.
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Its still poor, i agree.
I've got the hang of it but its just not consistent enough
YES. Finally, the control changes are not being spoken of anywhere near enough.

I know there’s plenty of people that don’t touch the skills, which is absolutely fine, but dismissing them as irrelevant to football is naive, and the control changes have broken a number of them completely.

How are they ever going to get more players to warm to them if they make them less intuitive and more complicated to pull off? - Hold R2, move the right stick, move the left stick? Just to do the most basic step over? Where as you can do a rainbow flick by clicking in one button? Who thought that’s a good idea????

It’s such an easy solution too - Just put skills back to the right stick, make the player have to hold R2 to finesse dribble just like 2019, and bang! Problem solved! Or at least let us change it as they’re both controls that cannot be altered.

There’s so much good about the gameplay yet I’m seriously considering not buying it as I’m being forced out of being able to play it how I want to due to its stupid control changes. It’s god damn infuriating.

Even away from the skills; holding R2 now lets the ball run through your legs instead of R1? Why did that ever need changing? R1 is now solely sprint I believe? Where as R2 now has numerous controls assigned to it, making pulling off certain things at certain times impossible.
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YES. Finally, the control changes are not being spoken of anywhere near enough.

I know there’s plenty of people that don’t touch the skills, which is absolutely fine, but dismissing them as irrelevant to football is naive, and the control changes have broken a number of them completely.

How are they ever going to get more players to warm to them if they make them less intuitive and more complicated to pull off? - Hold R2, move the right stick, move the left stick? Just to do the most basic step over? Where as you can do a rainbow flick by clicking in one button? Who thought that’s a good idea????

It’s such an easy solution too - Just put skills back to the right stick, make the player have to hold R2 to finesse dribble just like 2019, and bang! Problem solved! Or at least let us change it as they’re both controls that cannot be altered.

There’s so much good about the gameplay yet I’m seriously considering not buying it as I’m being forced out of being able to play it how I want to due to its stupid control changes. It’s god damn infuriating.

Even away from the skills; holding R2 now lets the ball run through your legs instead of R1? Why did that ever need changing? R1 is now solely sprint I believe? Where as R2 now has numerous controls assigned to it, making pulling off certain things at certain times impossible.
it is not! as i said before: please get to know the new controls! do yourself the favor!
i love the new possibilites atm that R1 offers (besides sprinting in various speeds)!
R2 trough legs isnt that hard to do. R2+L1 neither. btw: 2 different things!
Here is a video compilation i made showing some of the things that annoy me much

good concrete evidence, except for the foul IMO. Sometimes video is better than words. But if you go to Fifa's side or any sports game, you'll find things that look bad too. Hopefully PS5 and a new game engine will give them what they need to fix it. I for one think the PS5 PES will be King again.
It s a shame im in harare-zimbabwe now, and maybe no one is playing is demo online here lol, maybe no one has a Ps4 here XD
I started to create Harare Gunners for some random reason last year, maybe cause i liked their badge and i want to re-create them this year ,if there is enough space. But cause there is less to no info in the internet, even in Youtube there is only an old video of one match in 2012 i suppore. If the team is still active and you can find any info about heir kits, i would be gald if you could send me some picture by PM. Basically a home kit, an away and a GK kit.
A few thoughts about online 1vs1 matchs:

I've played a few games early morning yesterday. Input response time was perfect, like offline, instead the laggy responsiveness I've felt during the day.

It was the most amazing experience playing any online football game I ever feel.
PES 2020 it's a masterpice and I'm afraid about the feedback that'll be taken by konami from laggy input experiences.
I think i like this game. I must be because i am actually playing it online now! And while frustrating at times, nothing beats micromanaging with Boca against the likes of Juventus and dragging out a 0-0.

The physicality of it and the way how you can slow down the game and then suddenly accelerate play when you find some open space is really great. In certain aspects it reminds me a bit of the FIFA16 demo.

The only thing i sometimes struggle with is players being unresponsive because they are locked in an animation or not aware that they are the closest player to the ball or just letting a ball go past them without reacting. I dont mind if this happens once every 50 games at the moment it happens a bit too frequent, like every other match. As if the players are not always capable to deal with the more free ball / physics.
I think i like this game. I must be because i am actually playing it online now! And while frustrating at times, nothing beats micromanaging with Boca against the likes of Juventus and dragging out a 0-0.
It's definitely got me playing online and enjoying it. I wish the matches were a little longer, because I always feel like I could turn those 0-0s into a 1-0 if I just had another 4-5 minutes...
^^ that is how i made PES2019 enjoyable, playing as weak teams and dragging out draws or sneaky wins. i've done the same a couple of times on this demo with colo colo but i feel like the weaker players are much more pronounced with the extra error variations in the game so it's a tougher but it's quite enjoyable
Even in real life, when both go for the ball and one is late and kicks the other, it's a foul.

When you put it like that, yes. But what we saw were two player both kicking the ball. Yes, one was late, but these are not always clear cut in a real game.

Point still is that if we can't agree on whether these were fouls, then they probably shouldn't be in the game.
When you put it like that, yes. But what we saw were two player both kicking the ball. Yes, one was late, but these are not always clear cut in a real game.

Point still is that if we can't agree on whether these were fouls, then they probably shouldn't be in the game.

Well... every Sunday league (but also top leagues) are full of fouls that fall in what referees call the grey zone, but football is still regularly played every other Sunday isn't it? That's part of the spice of the game.
When critique is excessive, when someone tries so hard to find issues, when it goes into nitpicking it's wrong, it becomes hate. I already said it. If you wanted, with this attitude you could destroy every single football game released until now, be it Fifa, Pes or any other.

You call yourself a pessimist about Pes. That isn't a good attitude to have in general and it's dangerous when giving an opinion because everything you say is filtered through your pessimistic view. At that point it's no more balanced, but clouted by your Pessimism.

I wouldn't say nitpicking is hate. Of course, if someone has a hateful attitude and is nitpicking because they hate something then yes it is....but I haven't seen that here.

I haven't played the demo - just reading the comments but I see a balance of valid criticism and valid praise here. Praise is being backed up with what people like. Criticism is being backed up with video footage.

Being afraid to criticise for fear of being labelled a hater when the criticism is justified is just as "dangerous" - maybe dangerous is not the word to apply in the context of a video game - I would rather say "increases the risk of slower progression/improvement".
There is a similar glitch with stamina, like the one i discovered last year.
Unfortunately i saw it through a friend from wehellas.gr, so i cannot reproduce it. It seems to happen with the player off-the ball control. Like when you have no-stamina your player cannot run off-the ball, for some bugged reason the same happens when you move the player off-the ball while you control an other player. it depletes his stamina immediately!If someone can reproduce it and send it to KoNAMi like my video, it would be very helpful.
Check here Aubameyang STAMINA from 1:45 and on.
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