eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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By us or the AI?

I am on fakin unscheduled monthly business trip.. :(
Although the hotel has a 50mbs WiFi.I should have kept some space for my console in my luggage .. :P
Just had an opponent get their keeper sent off online;

Can't remember if this was a thing in 2019, but I seem to recall this being impossible in many past football games with GKs only able to get yellows.

And yes, I did score from the resulting free kick, because free kicks are broken...

This happened to the AI on PES 2019, i have the video!!!
I literally posted yesterday that all my hope for FIFA 20 was pretty much dismissed by a gameplay video. In-fact, I took a photo of a copy of FIFA 16 that I bought in desperation, and I don't like it (but thankfully it only cost £1).

Also, I've started recording The Evo-Web Interviews where all I talk about is PES. Also, I've got a Master League going in 2019 that I'm enjoying, which I mentioned in an earlier post.

Posting videos of something you find "off" does not equate to hate. I even said on Twitter yesterday, "learning not to pass like a **** will take some time" and "there's lots to learn":

Hate isn't involved. Labelling critique as hate is incredibly dangerous.

When critique is excessive, when someone tries so hard to find issues, when it goes into nitpicking it's wrong, it becomes hate. I already said it. If you wanted, with this attitude you could destroy every single football game released until now, be it Fifa, Pes or any other.

You call yourself a pessimist about Pes. That isn't a good attitude to have in general and it's dangerous when giving an opinion because everything you say is filtered through your pessimistic view. At that point it's no more balanced, but clouted by your Pessimism.
I downloaded it yesterday evening and had time to play 1 20 minute game last night (thanks juce!). I've got to say there's quite a lot to like just going off that one match. And this from someone whose last full price buy was PES2009 (since then demo's only barring 2017 on a cheap steam sale). It seemed to me that it is finally heading back in the right direction. Some of the fouls were cheap (by me) but it also made me feel the same as when I play pes5 or we9 for the first time in a while and I'm charging in recklessly giving away lots of fouls until you readjust to the game.

I played as River Plate against Colo Colo and also on regular as I haven't played a newer title in some time. I expected to win comfortably but wanted to just get a feel for it. I did win 4-0 but there seemed to be a lot of 'retro pes' feel to it. I was misplacing passes, particularly late on when stamina was low (played in summer/rain and it seemed to replicate it well). A couple of passes were over hit, shots seemed decent too. However I still don't like the way close in one's seem nailed on (something I found in 2017) as if every striker is a 1-on-1 expert, but maybe that's cos I was on regular. I was playing on PA1.

I didn't get into any fancy moves/tricks etc because I don't really ever do that in the game, for me it's not a part of real football, don't need the show pony crap ;)

I'll play it again later on a higher skill level and see what the top teams are like. I was keen to see if the lesser skilled teams would actually behave that way and from what I saw they did - whether they will when you play against on a higher level and whether the AI scripting or cheating will start, we'll see.

To sum up, I enjoyed that first game and having been playing pes6 a lot lately it was pleasantly suprising to say it didn't feel alien to that experience which is very encouraging. It was one game though and maybe more of the bad recent traits will appear.

Will I be buying it? Probably not, at least not at full price. IF the final game stays true to the demo AND I see people saying ML is enjoyable and not ruined by the AI scripting then I may well pick it up on sale.

Great to see they do appear to be trying to get back to their roots by bringing back good stuff they have gradually removed from the game.
Look at this, fantastic video.
Shows AI variation in attacks, watched most of it and it's definitely good and much better than last Pes 19.
100 attacks from AI!
i said: gimme 2019 with better AI! nuff said! :D
edit: what i can judge from playing the demo... it is better! how much? lets see when the final is released. 5 min dont do real justice, imo!
I literally posted yesterday that all my hope for FIFA 20 was pretty much dismissed by a gameplay video. In-fact, I took a photo of a copy of FIFA 16 that I bought in desperation, and I don't like it (but thankfully it only cost £1).

Also, I've started recording The Evo-Web Interviews where all I talk about is PES. Also, I've got a Master League going in 2019 that I'm enjoying, which I mentioned in an earlier post.

Posting videos of something you find "off" does not equate to hate. I even said on Twitter yesterday, "learning not to pass like a **** will take some time" and "there's lots to learn":

Hate isn't involved. Labelling critique as hate is incredibly dangerous.

When you get him on the podcast? He is a member here after all :D
Same argument as "would you rather have no fouls". Would you rather have it broken this way, or that way. I'm sick of seeing this nonsensical argument. My answer would be = both are broken, therefore, I wouldn't pick either.

In-fact, that's my whole point - I feel like the people who are picking one are just picking "new broken" over "old broken" because it makes a change.

It's not a valid question. I don't want there to be no fouls. I also don't want the fouls to be fake fouls. The AI isn't making mistakes when they foul you - the referee is just blowing for things that are, at best (and I say this for the sake of playing devil's advocate), dubious.

Sometimes, a foul is committed by the user because they're just holding X all the time. Great. Except, what you're seeing on the screen is usually (in my experience) your player NOT committing a foul, conceding a foul. Punish me for being lazy, DO IT! BUT not by making the referee blow for things that aren't fouls (at least, not so often).

I'm also sick of seeing "the final game's going to have no fouls now thanks to these people". These people reporting a genuine issue, that they're reporting with evidence (which you may or may not agree with - but the point is, it's being backed up by videos of their findings, not just spouted about vaguely).

They've made heavy tweaks to the collision system that heavily favour the attacker (I've seen dribblers ghosting through players' bodies), which is why (I think) fouls are so prevalent now. To balance it. Which, in my opinion, is two broken things evening themselves out into one broken scenario, which I can't accept, but clearly others can and/or don't see it the same way.

Anyway, point being - these are big changes that affect the collision system. They can't just roll this stuff back easily, I'm pretty sure about that.

In other words, this:

But I don't think it can be "fine-tuned". It's not going to change by release.

You literally have to see them happen in real-time to then go "that clearly wasn't a foul" and then watch a replay to confirm your suspicions.

I do completely agree that having to accept one broken form or another is a pointless decision to make, but I do think you’re overlooking one massively essential point:

Look at it from a programming perspective; think of just how many different animations every player has, how many different angles the players can approach one another from, the varying distances they are from one another, the size of the players, the position of the ball, the speed the player is moving.

Then, as well as all those variables, to make things even more difficult, you have to remember that unlike real life, not every single part of the players bodies count as a ‘point of contact’ as such (for the life of me I can’t remember the proper term). By this I mean, if we’re playing football, and I hit you in the face, it doesn’t matter it it’s my little finger, fist, forearm, palm of my hand, knuckle, elbow, bicep, whatever, you’re going to feel each and every single point of contact, and each and every one will create and different kind of collision between us, and every single part of someone’s body is taken into consideration when determining whether something is a foul or not.

PES does not work like this.

Then imagine taking all this, and try creating a collision system to perfectly detect fouls in a game where even the players don’t know for 100% what is and what isn’t a foul?

You said “don’t blow for fouls that are dubious”? How? How do you program that? ‘dubious’ is subjective. Video games work in maths, and rules. Dubious doesn’t exist.

People simply don’t understand just how hard programming fouls is.
When you get him on the podcast? He is a member here after all :D

Who, me? Mostly i am shy, but also i don't want to be part of the podcast because i feel it's not really serving a purpose, it's just another way to vent frustration towards Pes. I don't need that.
I downloaded it yesterday evening and had time to play 1 20 minute game last night (thanks juce!). I've got to say there's quite a lot to like just going off that one match. And this from someone whose last full price buy was PES2009 (since then demo's only barring 2017 on a cheap steam sale). It seemed to me that it is finally heading back in the right direction. Some of the fouls were cheap (by me) but it also made me feel the same as when I play pes5 or we9 for the first time in a while and I'm charging in recklessly giving away lots of fouls until you readjust to the game.

I played as River Plate against Colo Colo and also on regular as I haven't played a newer title in some time. I expected to win comfortably but wanted to just get a feel for it. I did win 4-0 but there seemed to be a lot of 'retro pes' feel to it. I was misplacing passes, particularly late on when stamina was low (played in summer/rain and it seemed to replicate it well). A couple of passes were over hit, shots seemed decent too. However I still don't like the way close in one's seem nailed on (something I found in 2017) as if every striker is a 1-on-1 expert, but maybe that's cos I was on regular. I was playing on PA1.

I didn't get into any fancy moves/tricks etc because I don't really ever do that in the game, for me it's not a part of real football, don't need the show pony crap ;)

I'll play it again later on a higher skill level and see what the top teams are like. I was keen to see if the lesser skilled teams would actually behave that way and from what I saw they did - whether they will when you play against on a higher level and whether the AI scripting or cheating will start, we'll see.

To sum up, I enjoyed that first game and having been playing pes6 a lot lately it was pleasantly suprising to say it didn't feel alien to that experience which is very encouraging. It was one game though and maybe more of the bad recent traits will appear.

Will I be buying it? Probably not, at least not at full price. IF the final game stays true to the demo AND I see people saying ML is enjoyable and not ruined by the AI scripting then I may well pick it up on sale.

Great to see they do appear to be trying to get back to their roots by bringing back good stuff they have gradually removed from the game.
I was surprised as well,had zero expectations for this demo (the obvious new game thrill of course)
But I like it,not to keen on demos though, interfering with my normal ML gaming,but I've played 5-6 games and if it stays true on full release,I'm buying it.
I downloaded it yesterday evening and had time to play 1 20 minute game last night (thanks juce!). I've got to say there's quite a lot to like just going off that one match. And this from someone whose last full price buy was PES2009 (since then demo's only barring 2017 on a cheap steam sale). It seemed to me that it is finally heading back in the right direction. Some of the fouls were cheap (by me) but it also made me feel the same as when I play pes5 or we9 for the first time in a while and I'm charging in recklessly giving away lots of fouls until you readjust to the game.

I played as River Plate against Colo Colo and also on regular as I haven't played a newer title in some time. I expected to win comfortably but wanted to just get a feel for it. I did win 4-0 but there seemed to be a lot of 'retro pes' feel to it. I was misplacing passes, particularly late on when stamina was low (played in summer/rain and it seemed to replicate it well). A couple of passes were over hit, shots seemed decent too. However I still don't like the way close in one's seem nailed on (something I found in 2017) as if every striker is a 1-on-1 expert, but maybe that's cos I was on regular. I was playing on PA1.

I didn't get into any fancy moves/tricks etc because I don't really ever do that in the game, for me it's not a part of real football, don't need the show pony crap ;)

I'll play it again later on a higher skill level and see what the top teams are like. I was keen to see if the lesser skilled teams would actually behave that way and from what I saw they did - whether they will when you play against on a higher level and whether the AI scripting or cheating will start, we'll see.

To sum up, I enjoyed that first game and having been playing pes6 a lot lately it was pleasantly suprising to say it didn't feel alien to that experience which is very encouraging. It was one game though and maybe more of the bad recent traits will appear.

Will I be buying it? Probably not, at least not at full price. IF the final game stays true to the demo AND I see people saying ML is enjoyable and not ruined by the AI scripting then I may well pick it up on sale.

Great to see they do appear to be trying to get back to their roots by bringing back good stuff they have gradually removed from the game.
Exactly that about ML. I constantly wonder: Does it worth to play the demo when I come back or just skip until full release? Cause demos are always enlightening some points, but when the ML scenario, the handicaps and the TeamSpirit effect kicks in, I always see something much different than the demo gameplay.
Exactly that about ML. I constantly wonder: Does it worth to play the demo when I come back or just skip until full release? Cause demos are always enlightening some points, but when the ML scenario, the handicaps and the TeamSpirit effect kicks in, I always see something much different than the demo gameplay.
Id say its worth it. Treat it as a training ground, where you can get the feeling of the ball, passing, shooting, this new dribbling stuff, new camera. Despite to what some people say - I think it plays very different in compare to 19.
I play PES series since ISS PRO 98. I'm a big fan of Winning Eleven 2014 Aoki samurai no chousen and I think PES 2020 is the closest successor of this game. The weight of the players is perfect. Playing PES 2020 demo FUMA with advanced through ball is the best representation of football we have ever had. Like WE 2014 Aoki every pass, every battle it's difficult and the sense of accomplishment with manual passing, advanced through balls and shooting it's amazing. I like the new fouls system, you have to learn the perfect timing and do not rush and win the ball like in past versions. Much more challenging.
Exactly that about ML. I constantly wonder: Does it worth to play the demo when I come back or just skip until full release? Cause demos are always enlightening some points, but when the ML scenario, the handicaps and the TeamSpirit effect kicks in, I always see something much different than the demo gameplay.
yeah i pray for ML beeing no different AI-wise (maybe better/polished) compared to the demo! don't let the TS fxxx it all up again!
playing only exhibition matches isnt gonna do it for me over a long time.

was the AI in the 2019 demo doing lcs and top corner direct goals too (and we said its only the demo, full game will be fixed)? cant remember! or did the 2019 demo had no signs of lcs and tcdg and it only was in the final product?!
was the AI in the 2019 demo doing lcs and top corner direct goals too (and we said its only the demo, full game will be fixed)? cant remember! or did the 2019 demo had no signs of lcs and tcdg and it only was in the final product?!
Every bug was in the demo, just less visible due to short matches. Spoony was first to notice that AI constantly wants to go to the wing and if you block the wing - they dont know what to do and sometimes even go out of play, coz it fucks them up.
This, attackers stopping in front of goal and then passing to the wing, GK glues to the line, top corner shots - it was all in the demo last year
Exactly that about ML. I constantly wonder: Does it worth to play the demo when I come back or just skip until full release? Cause demos are always enlightening some points, but when the ML scenario, the handicaps and the TeamSpirit effect kicks in, I always see something much different than the demo gameplay.

I think it's both worth and not worth at the same time. Without the demo I wouldn't have known that Pes 2019 was broken, for example. But generally I agree that one could form a wrong idea before the purchase in a sense or the other.

Will be so damn hard for me to not preorder 2020 at this point..
Every bug was in the demo, just less visible due to short matches. Spoony was first to notice that AI constantly wants to go to the wing and if you block the wing - they dont know what to do and sometimes even go out of play, coz it fucks them up.
This, attackers stopping in front of goal and then passing to the wing, GK glues to the line, top corner shots - it was all in the demo last year
perfect! thats the answer i wanted to hear! :TU:
i'm very optimistic... even more now!

i am not sure right now, that i have to go back to 2017 again. please let it come true!
btw: i'll be back from the usa trip september 11th... so just in time! :D
There is still way too much feedback that scares me off from pre-ordering anything.
Even tho I agree to some of it, Im afraid that they'll will break this game trying to tune it down. All this beautiful physicality, ball randomness, shots - all this needs to stay, otherwise it will be slightly tweaked Pes19 and I dont need that. Plus I need to know how AI behaves in Master League.
So Im on hold.
Love these goal mouth scrambles, super save from the keeper though
aaaaahhhhhh... @Emroth' apprentice! :LOL:

now i know what to do and noone has done before! a tutorial to help with the replay mode! :) how to set certain angles, how to rotate the camera, how to slo-mo scenes, how you can make a replay attractive for others to watch! :D
first rule: hide the navigation bar!!! :P
I've seen some fouls given that deffo weren't, the pen I got he played the ball, I've also had blatent fouls not given.. I'd argue the % is around 95 accurate. Some fouls I've said never a foul yet in replay I can see why its given. I would take 5% error over zero fouls all day long and I don't think the collision system is "broken" .

Little one I did superstar pa0..lovely long ball 4.30(haven’t been able to pull this one off for years)..

I do prefer the Xbox X version over the ps4,for me more responsive and just smoother generally(PS4 pro footage).
anyone else notice the new stadium camera cant keep up with play sometimes when pinging a forward pass quick into feet?

every now and then i notice a little movement in the camera for a split second

Yes...that´s the only gripe I have with it and I´ll go for the cam mods again.
But still, I´m thankful we´ve been granted to it finally.

I am playing this sitting in my office with the time extender :P (thx to moonlight streaming).
I really do like it, but I have to set it down to -1 game speed.
Zero is too fast for me.

About fouls: maybe better than 2019 but Too many pushes get called, mostly when I am about to counter, which is annoying.
Is it just me or does the player sending feature (L1 + right stick) work again properly?
In the last two releases players wouldn´t run into space, that´s why I stopped using it.
It seems to work better again.
Oh yes, definitely. I've done a few of them myself, and I'm not ashamed to say it :D

Really apart form that magical 3-4 meters distance from the post? I mean with reasonable shot power? I can see the variety of the bend and the missed shots but they dont go off that much unless they are overhead kicks or volleys, headers.
It s a shame im in harare-zimbabwe now, and maybe no one is playing is demo online here lol, maybe no one has a Ps4 here XD
Are you from there?

Really apart form that magical 3-4 meters distance from the post? I mean with reasonable shot power? I can see the variety of the bend and the missed shots but they dont go off that much unless they are overhead kicks or volleys, headers.
Maybe because I'm on Advanced shooting? Must be.
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