Team Heffernan
@Goldstone no its not!In the previous PES games I would typically receive passes with R2 since I like to stop the ball and face the goal. How do you do that now? I see that R2 is for letting the ball go through now.
its still R2! but you have to select a direction with LS to do it.
before you could let go of LS and with R2 you could stop it dead. now, and i like that, you have to decide where to stop the ball dead! it is so lovely!
R1 has a different usage!
but we gettimg there people... the curve is back!! isnt that nice!? new stuff to learn and that stuff isnt only there for the sake of it... it actually makes sense!!! i'm loving the change in controls!
im so tempted to do a tutorial video. but then again there is ttb and sponny and the likes wich have much more profession in that regard. i leave it to them!
but if it helps, i could set up a stream again and add commentary to comment on my actions.
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