eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Some clips I recorded last night of things I liked:

AI dribble and shot (Top Player):

First touch turn and body feint/dribble:

New double tap X foul:

I said i wasn't going to spend much time in the replay section this year haha but I've found myself in there a lot. Except this time I'm replaying positive things I'm seeing. Some things have left me sitting there saying "wow" in amazement. This is something I would do on the PS2 all the time!

Some of the ball physics and new animations I've seen on this demo, imo, have set a new standard for football games.

Slide tackling seems improved also. I was sprinting down the right side with Gnabry from a through ball, before you know it Chiellini has come across from centre back and has done the most powerful, best looking slide tackle I've ever seen on a video game before. It felt so lifelike (we know what a tough player he is) I watched it over and over again with a tonne of satisfaction
All that guy ever does is moan about PES & Tommy tanks over FIFA, I stopped following him a while ago because I got sick of seeing his tweets about a game he doesn't like nor play anymore. He actually used to make some pretty decent PES videos on YouTube a while back but now he's absolutely obsessed with bashing the game.
I wouldn't look in to anything this guy and his little bum-buddy (from a few pages back) rant on about over and over again on Twitter. They're both clowns and trolls. These are the type of guys I was talking about in one of my posts from yesterday. They're in a little clique where they all jump in to each others posts and tell themselves how right they are and how wrong everybody else is.

The other guy, Galfano10 or something was posting tweets months ago asking for Asim to resign and bagging the hell out of him. Now since Asim has resigned and taken some subtle jabs at his old workplace, you can find him on some of Asim's tweets acting like his best friend. Tells you a lot about what these guys are like.
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Downloaded and played a few games on Xbox One last night and it definitely plays better than it looks from some previous videos I had seen. Had one game online and I accepted a connection with 1 bar network status only because I had been waiting a long time for a match. It wasn't laggy as if there was screen jerkiness as such but I was about a second behind on the button presses lol.

Offline games felt quite good on Top Player and Professional but took me about 5 games to score or concede. My slower build-up style might not be suited to the short match times. I'd rather they gave us less teams and longer matches but I'm sure it will be better when you can set it to 10-15 min matches.

Physicality/ball shielding and fouls were good. Passing and overall speed seemed fine. I saw a couple of scuffed shots which also led to the appropriate ball physics which was good to see, not just a visual scuffing in the grass. A couple of powerful shots from outside the box didn't feel right - as if they had come out of a slingshot - and the shooting animation didn't look right. A couple that actually did look right, so hopefully there's more of the good ones.

Some decent keeper saves and animations but a few long distance throws that move too quickly and the flat, side footed kicks out from the keeper seem to all look the same off the boot.

Good nets ;)
I really find the goal celebration prompts intrusive and takes away from the joy of scoring. Should be in the help settings, not taking up the entire corner of the screen.
Played over 16 hours the last 2 days.
I personally absolutely adore it.

- Animations feel like 2 times smoother, on PS4 the whole flow felt smoother versus my 144hz gameplay PES2019 on PC. So I was really flabbergasted. Now today I played on 144hz on PC and everything just clicks, its so mega smooth and the best football experience I have
- Right stick dribbling did not click for me and its hard to get rid of the automatism of the old button but I absolutely adore Right stick close control now! Its so smooth and you have more responsiveness and quicker freedom on where you want to go, I love opening up in a 1 square meter of space now, definitely a skill gap there and Messi is an absolute wizzard, I can make space where I cant make space.
- I feel really weird about it but the ball physics as of this demo. Super loose and so lovely, feels like a little sandbox to me
- To me basically everything improved massively, even stuff like the through ball trajectories. But also the way the player connects with the passes, the awareness of where the ball is and the instant flow on there, I hated PES2019 in that regard as everytime you did that the player would like ''restart'' his run when connecting with the ball in terms of speed.
- Keepers have some crazy new animations, had so many of them like getting stuck in the net to finally some crazy animations during 1 on 1s where they come out.
- Shooting is way more innacurate and the next step of positioning yourself more, releasing the sprint button just for a small amount of time can easily make you allign your shots better which I love
- All the new header animations and interceptions were really needed for the new close dribbling + tight possession stat because thats the counter thing. Timing your defenses right.
- To me the refs are really good. Personal opinion, Feels a bit like PES5 but far from that kind of ''I whistle for everything''. They still let a lot go but I finally get red cards when people foul mega harshly at times! Had 4 today in total.
- Graphics are upped again, better shaders, more poly's. The 3d grass on set pieces stop me from breaking immersion as set pieces always looked so bland with the full 2d textured flat pitch (on PS4 pro and PC, PS4 standard is way less detail and still the flat pitch)
- Early crosses, Normal lofted passes, cheeky through balls, hard ground through balls etc etc feels so good. Im even enjoying just switching play without keeping the ball by how the ball trajectories are. It just feels so good to me.
- The new player models feel really right to me even though in contrast they feel bulkier but comparing to real life actually looks really well.
- Cloth physics, pants moving (but not like a flag like some games use to do as theyre proud of cloth physics), Shirts moving, showing bellies at times. I like it tbh, it works. Not super special
- PHYSICALITY! Big upgrade in this department, theyre rubbing eachother way less. so many solutions in the animation department and I love that you can double tap x to push someone or drag someone along when your not in reach for the final solution with a yellow card as punishment.

I know I'm buzzing, but thats because I am. It feels so much like a real football match to me and I never expected so much change ever in a Konami game, its so not Konami like to me that they even went to make the fake league city names. But also even updating some squads in the demo with some transfers, theyre always lacking on all that stuff.

Personally played PES since the PS2 days and I had 10,000 hours of PES6 in 4 years as PES2008 onwards sucked so much. I played hundreds of hours of the shitty PES games and to me those are generation PES2008 to PES2014. I really never saw the appeal of PES2013, Even played it again (All the games in a row) and its just so broken to me. And PES2019 is my first PES thats in my heart again as a really fun PES and therefore instead of like 200/300 hours I clocked 2500 hours of PES2019. But this PES2020 doesnt look and feel like PES2019 at all to me in a positive way, Huge upgrades around the board to me.

I really hope this balance and freedom is kept in the fullgame. Atleast not completely different
The things I hope they fix is :
- On PC the home player has 2fps during pre scene menu and its ridiculous
- The Super cancel buttons to cancel your action just dont work sometimes, The pass or whatever will still happen. This is something I use so much and kind of a basic of the game and now I just misplace passes or pass at weird spots at times so i'm kind of handicapped lmao. Should really be fixed, basic gameplay feature

If you dont like my positivity, i'm so sorry I've been part of Evo-Web for such a long time and Loved making the Online transferpatch for everybody for PES6 on PC back in the day. Being positive about the direction the game goes these years versus the times I really did not like the game for such a long time... I just sometimes feel scared to give my two cents on here. Simply how I feel and my opinion and wanted to share :P

Love y'all <3
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Anyone having the same issue as me with headers that are broken on basic shooting? I cant even seem to hit any, the player jumps but is always too early or too late...
I have seen some comments about AI being passive..seems I'm playing different game haha on Superstar I'm having hard time to break them down, I feel AI is much more aggressive through the middle and tracking better in midfield ,you can't rely on blind passing like before cause passing is harder..maybe it's the camera, slower pace..but I'm struggling scoring goals and creating chances..there is much more build up and intercepting..

When I say passive I mean offensively. I've had games where they just don't seem to really bother to try to create any chances, and in general, it's a bit too easy to keep hold of the ball.
Defensively they are decent though and it's not too easy for me to create chances, and when the AI do venture forward they tend to mix up their apprach. For the record I've played all my games on superstar.
This is why I agree with Emroth; let's see how they further mix it up when you add competitiveness of league and ML games.

Am I the only one who (did not much) like the new camera? I find dynamic wide is still the better cam.

No, I'm with you on this. The stadium cam is simply too far away from the action that it might aswell be blimp cam. Is your TV also fairly small?
I like dynamic wide as well but I prefer wide cam, which is my normal setting. Just a shame you can't change angle in the demo.
Anyone having the same issue as me with headers that are broken on basic shooting? I cant even seem to hit any, the player jumps but is always too early or too late...

Well, they're not easy to score if you're marked by opponent, and placing the cross can be hard as well. But unmarked with a good cross I don't have an issue with them. Think I've scored 2-3 in the 20+ games I've had so far (out of 10-15 goals in total).
Okay, call me crazy but I do feel that the US version is a bit more responsive with the new right stick finesse dribble. Can someone double check this? I don't won't it to be true, it would make no sense!!
Okay, call me crazy but I do feel that the US version is a bit more responsive with the new right stick finesse dribble. Can someone double check this? I don't won't it to be true, it would make no sense!!
I didn't feel much difference but I also haven't tried the right stick much.

What I do feel is different is the Japanese demo. It feels heavier, or may I say, laggier? Also, I couldn't do the quick left stick feints.

Quite happy with the oz demo. Will stick to it.
Like i said before, i rather have this type of fouls than no fouls at all. But you know what I'd like them to fix? The God damn esport logo after every foul, out of bounds balls, replays etc. Why not add the option for us to skip with X(ps4) than having press the options button.

The other game had it and it works so seamless just pressing X.
Ok so apparently the USA demo is a later or different build of the demo according to a few on twitter. If you download it you actually have a separate demo instead of being told it's already installed (which is what happens with the NZ one which just carries over to your E.U account) & you will have two demos saved to the console side by side. Don't ask me how or why this is possible as I haven't tried it but if anyone has managed to test this let me know your findings. I'm hearing it's playing quite a lot differently.

Uh-oh... here we go...
View attachment 17874

My thoughts exactly.
These people on Twitter claiming this is a different version have also assumed it's a 'later' build with absolutely zero to back it up and then convince themselves that a minor difference, that they might actually see in the same game in different playing sessions, means that Konami have released two separate versions of a demo. We don't half go into conspiracy theory mode at demo release time.
I don't know whether this US demo thing is real or not but for sure I'm seeing differences in gameplay (especially CPU behaviour) between PC and Xbox One.
I complained about the CPU often resorting to LB+Y passes (from different teams) in the Xbox One demo...
Well, I haven't seen any in three matches on PC. It's like on Xbox One teams go into "emergency have-to-score mode" and start spamming the OP move of the year, while on PC they don't.
My thoughts exactly.
These people on Twitter claiming this is a different version have also assumed it's a 'later' build with absolutely zero to back it up and then convince themselves that a minor difference, that they might actually see in the same game in different playing sessions, means that Konami have released two separate versions of a demo. We don't half go into conspiracy theory mode at demo release time.
It does happen a lot doesn't it, I think sometimes people are a bit blinded by session variance + placebo,especially with a new PES that has things to learn.
I've had quite a few different feeling sessions on the NZ demo and it doesn't usually calm down until I fully get to grips with the game and settle on a playing style. Haven't tried the U.S demo yet and probably won't but did someone mention a page or 2 back that it's 9GB's as appose to 5GB on the Euro/NZ version?
Anyone having the same issue as me with headers that are broken on basic shooting? I cant even seem to hit any, the player jumps but is always too early or too late...

I have scored a lot of headers with Lukaku so far. It's tough to get right under pressure but I haven't struggled with it at all.
Well.. I must say that I'm starting to like it.

At first I felt it was boring, but actually I can see the potential when each half is getting longer.

I think that in this demo at last each game is different. I don't feel that it is the same feeling to play against Bayern as it is to play Corinthians. It shouldn't be, but it was the case last year.

But I do feel that less good teams can challenge me with the right approach. With good teams, smaller teams can challenge me if their strengths is where my weaknesses are.

Love the feeling on the ball. Right stick dribbling is starting to make sense. You can actually use it against AI - also to take the breath out of the game.

It's not clear buy for me (although if the same offer in Denmark appear I will buy it). 13 euro is just too good for a game with Serie A license.
How passive do you mean? Do they just watch and not contest for the ball?

In 2019, top/superstar level, ai can have various aggressivity to take the ball off your feet. I would not worry about this passive defensive ai in 2020 like we saw, final product/or through patch will mimict 2019.l aggressivity.

Think about current Konami fanbase.. very likely not us, but peop
UK version is 9.87gb, US is 9.83. Maybe languages make the difference? Loading it now...(US I mean)

Bah.. we have 5 gb on PC.. :BORED:
I'm surprised by a couple of things.

First, I get super annoyed with the lack of awareness/desire to win the ball by anyone that's not selected. I'm surprised this doesn't get people more up in arms. This goes for the cpu team as well as the user controlled one. I've had multiple instances and I've seen multiple instances in gameplay videos where players run away from the ball to allow whoever receiving the pass, more time on the ball. It's artificial and I still feel like I have to control all 11 players at once, which brings me to my next point...

Pes desperately needs a pressing system. Soooo many teams press high up the pitch but still drop 10 men behind the ball while defending in their own half. This is impossible to recreate in Pes. You can always pass the ball short from a goal kick and go from CB, to fullback, to winger. I'd be surprised if this wasn't at least 90% certain possibility everytime regardless of team tactics. These two points along with passing that's too accurate are the reasons why the midfield is swiss cheesy.

Lastly, I'm surprised people aren't more upset that the "set up" dribble or whatever you want to call it has been removed. I'm referring to the animation where you can take a touch out before having a strike or sending it long with your GK.

I cant tell what I feel about this game. One second I hate it, the next I love it.

There's still plenty of legacy issues there, but this is also clearly a better game than last year.
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