eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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So I played Barca vs Juve on professional, was a 0-0 draw.
I played Boca vs Barca (me as Boca), got hit in the face by a goal within 15 mins.
This seems gooooood.
OK my 2 cents on the demo (PS4):

+ looks good on the visual side of things, The new camera is fantastic.
+ nice slower pace with players weight and physicality present more than 2019
+ The new dribbling system is a very important addition but still has issues with randomness and defenders' response.


- The AI is toothless and feels broken on different difficulties, I played 7 games and not a single shot was taken against me!...All they did was directly pass it to the striker inside the box who stumbles on it.

- Fouls aren't fixed, Again in my 7 games I only had one foul and conceded 5 probably in total,They probably just did what Incas was able to do with his gameplay fix, Non contextual and very inconsistent. Also I wonder if anyone has won a penalty yet?

- The replay camera is still limited to the ground and it is a joke at this day and age to have this limitation

- As someone mentioned, It feels like PES 19.5, I think there is potential but the demo should replicate the real game, Otherwise what's the point of releasing it, Asking for feedback then have your PR guy (With an awful track record of transparency) saying "Wait for the full game to see these issues fixed"!!!

The community has been mainly complaining about the AI, Fouls, Shooting....The demo hasn't answered any of these yet so it seems that it'll be the same cycle as every year unfortunately.

It is already better the PES 2019 mind you lol
I keep saying this on twitter - dont be too hasty, little hobbits. Dont shout too loud about toothless AI. Lets wait for final version, with Master League aggressiveness, Legend difficulty, Team Spirit, AI momentum.. lets see how AI is in there.
I mean - think about it. What can they do in a month? They would most likely increase AI momentum, pressure and decreased AI error and build up (which, as it stands, there's not much of it).
When full games comes out and its still too easy and boring - let them tweak it then.
Im afraid that their tweaks, together with all the things Master League is know of, will bring us right back to where we started - Pes19 head wrecking bullcrap.
Let's be honest, I'll say straight away that I expected more from this (Xbox One, for the moment. The PC demo is here but I haven't tested it yet).
It reminds me a little about what online FIFA 14 matches used to be (and not in a good way, mind you).
  • Maybe it's because we're forced to play such short matches, but... CPU more often than not enters the "emergency LB+Y mode" when they need to score: they'll spam a lofted ball through the middle hoping to find someone in the box able to collect the ball and fire it past the keeper (see why I talked about FIFA 14 now? 90% of the people played like that, back then).
  • More often than not, thanks to the questionable (to not say broken) player switching, that move succeeds and the CPU magically finds a player in front of my keeper, ready to fire a shot...
  • ...But I've seen them missing a couple of sitters in those occasions, which is a good thing.
  • Speaking about player switching, it's hideous also when you pass the ball to a teammate, the pass is just a little off-target and he just stays there watching the ball go by without doing anything because the game just decided that you would rather control a player some 10 metres away. Sticking a foot out would be enough to trap the ball but no, you ain't doing that are you?
  • A positive thing: the ball looks and feels more free. One of the matches I played was River (me) vs. Boca (CPU) and not only I found that passing the ball around is more difficult than it used to be in PES 2018 (haven't played that much of 2019 to judge), but I also noticed the CPU misplacing passes and having not so perfect first touch controls too, with Boca averaging 74% of successful passes (which is good). We were just a little below 70, which isn't as good (or more probably it just means that I'm not as good as I thought I was).
  • Referees... Well, I've seen a couple of fouls called that shouldn't have been fouls and a couple of players mowed down with the referee doing nothing, but all in all it looks better than I remembered PES 2018 and (even more) 2019.
  • Maybe they've just overdone the changes a little and only need toi find the right balance. "In medio stat virtus" they used to say back in the days of ancient Rome. I tend to agree.
  • Keepers, well, they're a little quicker in coming out of their line if needed, but all in all they look the same. I've still seen a couple of animations that I don't like at all, they just seem off to me.
Not a bad game after all and I think it's better than 2019 from what I saw (and from the little I remember of the old game) but I'm not that sure it'll be better than 2017 too (which, for me, is still the PES benchmark against all the other titles in the franchise have to be compared against).
I'll try and play more matches also with PC in the coming days to see if it can make me change my mind but for now I'm not sure I'll buy it.
More 'nay' than 'yay' at the moment.
I speak to Adam occasionally and pass on community feedback when he's around - but generally Evo-Web is seen as "the hate-hole of the Pro Evo world" so we don't get invites to events etc. or early code any more. So if you've got feedback, honestly - while Adam is asking for it on Twitter, back it up with a good video example he can show to the team in Japan, and he'll listen to you.

They've got some cheek looking for feedback after giving us just 5 min games offline! How do they expect to get any worthwhile info, nobody plays ML with 5 min matches.

Anyway it's all probably irrelevant, the retail version is going to be back to the usual hyper speed Ping-Pong fest isn't it to suit that eSports PA3 nonsense.
This is slowly, very slowly, growing on me. I love using Boca in this demo.

I’ve turned off HDR and not getting migraines from looking at the super bright graphics now. Game still looks beautiful in 4K without the HDR and the colours are more ‘normal’. Like I’ve said before, PES 2019 and 2020 look artificial, like the greens look more yellow with HDR on.

I’ve also stopped using the new Stadium camera. It’s lovely to look at but I have a hard time playing this way. I really enjoy Dynamic Wide fully zoomed out.

The physicality in this years game is really well done IMO. The way players tussle and hold each other off is a joy to see in a PES game.

As for fouls. You can’t just hold X and hope to win the ball back anymore. You’ll foul the opponent 9 times out of 10. It’s all about positioning with the left stick now. Use X to tackle sparingly.

This could be good. Might have to put it on -1 speed now I’m using a different camera though, everything feels a little faster.
Interesting to see they didn't blank the Serie A badge on the Juve shirt. I'd imagine they will reveal more details on leagues, stadiums etc in the next six weeks.
I keep saying this on twitter - dont be too hasty, little hobbits. Dont shout too loud about toothless AI. Lets wait for final version, with Master League aggressiveness, Legend difficulty, Team Spirit, AI momentum.. lets see how AI is in there.
I mean - think about it. What can they do in a month? They would most likely increase AI momentum, pressure and decreased AI error and build up (which, as it stands, there's not much of it).
When full games comes out and its still too easy and boring - let them tweak it then.
Im afraid that their tweaks, together with all the things Master League is know of, will bring us right back to where we started - Pes19 head wrecking bullcrap.

Can just imagine it now, AI putting us under constant pressure and those that think the AI is too passive complaining that they no longer have any time on the ball and the game is rapid. :R1
A resounding NO from me this year

- Ball feels more free in general, especially in controls
- Some sporadic new animation to imitate physicality
- Fast players are not easy to catch up
- Graphics are a little bit better than last year, but still not photorealistic
- More unpredictable and free gameplay
- A little bit of variety in shooting
- New whistle sound
- CPU dribbles and shoots out of the box
- I like the presentation of players in pre-game menu, they are photorealistic
- Less ping-pong passing fest this year

- Extremely bad footplanting, lots of player teleporting and off ball players are hovering over the pitch with half initiated animations
- Rediculously many fouls, every touch/steal is a foul
- Players can't cope with the new "physicality" and ball freedom, acting like retards
- Players are more floaty and less weigthed
- Ball glides a lot like a bowling ball on a bowling lane
- Ball overspins when traping/controlling it
- Zero midfield pressure/gameplay
- No sense of momentum/challenge
- Scoring is lifeless and boring
- Right stick dribbling enables more hovering and unatural moves so i choose not to use it

In general, i got the feeling that PES 2020 tries to imitate thing that can not embody in its core, like ball freedom and physicality.
Bad footplanting and animations kills totally the fluidity reminding me of older FIFAs

PES 2020 is a messy and stale soccer game which strives in vain to look contemporary and montern, but fails patheticaly, looking worse.

Score: 6 with leniency, just because i am a Pes fan.
Heating my words, I had to try the demo.
I must says it plays better than it looks on others people video, I am pleasantly surprised.
It feels really good on the ball and cpu playing style is really better and varied than on 19. Shoot variety feels improved for the user (playing on manual) and the cpu. I also like the tempo on default speed.
Of course there is still too much space on the pitch (midfield and sidelines) but may be with some good custom tactics it can turn into something quite good. I am not so sure about players individuality yet.
A resounding NO from me this year

- Ball feels more free in general, especially in controls
- Some sporadic new animation to imitate physicality
- Fast players are not easy to catch up
- Graphics are a little bit better than last year, but still not photorealistic
- More unpredictable and free gameplay
- A little bit of variety in shooting
- New whistle sound
- CPU dribbles and shoots out of the box
- I like the presentation of players in pre-game menu, they are photorealistic
- Less ping-pong passing fest this year

- Extremely bad footplanting, lots of player teleporting and off ball players are hovering over the pitch with half initiated animations
- Rediculously many fouls, every touch/steal is a foul
- Players can't cope with the new "physicality" and ball freedom, acting like retards

- Players are more floaty and less weigthed
- Ball glides a lot like a bowling ball on a bowling lane
- Ball overspins when traping/controlling it
- Zero midfield pressure/gameplay
- No sense of momentum/challenge
- Scoring is lifeless and boring
- Right stick dribbling enables more hovering and unatural moves so i choose not to use it

In general, i got the feeling that PES 2020 tries to imitate thing that can not embody in its core, like ball freedom and physicality.
Bad footplanting and animations kills totally the fluidity reminding me of older FIFAs

PES 2020 is a messy and stale soccer game which strives in vain to look contemporary and montern, but fails patheticaly, looking worse.

Score: 6 with leniency, just because i am a Pes fan.

One of the best aspects of the game. Ballsy to put these in by Konami this day and age.
SO I've a had a few games now.

What have they been doing for a year? Its like Pes 2019.1

Things I hate:

Players feel spongy and soft and play the same
Ball is slow and floaty and had to knock it up a speed level
Lots of age old animations still in there
Goalies still do the slow jump catch
Dribbling isn't up to much

Things I like/seen:

Long shots finally
AI seems a bit more varied

Free kicks are unchanged. I have already reported back to Adam, please do the same.
Yeah, in my very first game (top player) I scored with my very first attack from a free kick before the CPU even touched the ball. Not a great first impression.

I'm not going to bother reporting anything to Adam. Waste of time trying to interact with that slimeball.
Just had a 20 min game (thanks a lot Juce!) Barca (Me) against Juve and while they outshouted me on superstar they had almost the same number of passes than me (something like 175 (138)- 177 (140)) for a shared possession (49% to me). I think this never happened to me before in any football game. Usually the cpu tends to pass the ball much more often than me. The cpu had few guided through passes but other than that they felt quite human when on the ball, eating space with the ball at their feet when their was some space, no much ping pong at all so far. They even missed some close range chances. Their attacks were quite varied too.
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I agree fouls are given way too easy in some circumstances (some not even close to being fouls), but is it just me or is the black ref a bit more lenient?

Either that or I got better at defending at the same time I switched matches and coincindentially ref too.

For now I've found that holding or tapping x often result in fouls because opponents shield the ball and that it's much better to track players and hold R2 at the right moment.

Btw I agree with @Emroth that we should maybe hold back on critizicing the passive AI as it might well be beefed up for competitive matches in full game and then we'll be back to scratch!
My first game on pc. Got a penalty+ronaldo celebration. I did some adjustments on both team's tactic in hope for a more compact match. Apologise for the inconsistency of screen size as the game does not fully support my ultra wide monitor.

2nd game with middle tier teams. Here the AI play a bit of build up play which is nice. I like to play with weaker teams as it feels more organic. The last minute goal that i scored felt really satisfying which i havent felt for a long time. The players automatically run towards the bench and celebrate which the reserves and staffs. Beautiful
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Ok so apparently the USA demo is a later or different build of the demo according to a few on twitter. If you download it you actually have a separate demo instead of being told it's already installed (which is what happens with the NZ one which just carries over to your E.U account) & you will have two demos saved to the console side by side. Don't ask me how or why this is possible as I haven't tried it but if anyone has managed to test this let me know your findings. I'm hearing it's playing quite a lot differently.
+ Game pace so far is perfect.
+ Physicality is so good. So cool seeing players fighting for the ball
+ I feel like I'm doing more thinking than reactionary, getting rid of the ball gameplay.
+ I've seen some nice shooting animations.
+ Quite responsive for so many smooth looking animations
+ No skating and good footplanting
+ Haven't seen a single backheel so far. Or maybe it happened but didn't notice, you know, compared to last few years of constant backheels
+ Also haven't seen constant pingpong one touch passing
+ Keepers aren't as floaty. Or maybe not floaty at all
+ Yes I've seen the many misplaced passes from AI, whether from impossible angles, maybe stats, or just pressure
+ My passes go to the intended player
+ Haven't felt bored of it yet
+ Experimenting moves and maneuvers that I'd do irl and pulling them off

So yea, so many of the issues I've complained about are corrected in this version. So honestly I'm happy so far. Now I don't know if other issues rear their heads, but I hope not.

I've started on professional then moved to superstar. Feels good so far. Compared to all superstar difficulties of the past games though, this one feels either more tame, or just realistic? I'm not quite sure. Will play more.

Also started on assisted passing and shooting, then moved to manual passing and advanced shooting. So far manual passing feels more like how level 1 assisted passing should feel like. I like it. Will need more time with advanced shooting.
are you playing on professional ??
I am. On professional it's even much easier to jog around their players with just the left stick. Shielding is overpowered there. Can't do that on superstar.
Do you find the AI very rarely not misplacing passes on superstar
This is the video of that goal I mentioned;

Literally the very first time I booted into a match as you can tell from the tooltips appearing.

Such a joke that they would leave FKs the exact same when they were so ridiculously easy last year. An entire 12 months and such a shite game mechanic remains completely unchanged.

Surely anyone who played the game for any extended period of time could tell they were too easy. If it was going to be resolved, it would have been by now, can't see the point reporting it to anyone at Konami. If they even played/tested their own game at all they'd see for themselves.

Edit - Yet another FK goal in my 2nd match, this time online...


Rashford probably doesn't even have high stats for free kicks...
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