eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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It seems that there are a lot more fouls now (great!), but last year the FKs were ridiculously easy... You could score at will inside 32m with no mishits. If the FKs are so easy but there's a lot more fouls, won't there be a gamebreaking number of goals from them? Are FKs themselves more challenging/realistic?

I find the FKs very similar to 2019's, i have scored a couple and i have also had deflections which would have not happened in 2019
I find the FKs very similar to 2019's, i have scored a couple and i have also had deflections which would have not happened in 2019
This is the kind of ease of scoring FKs I mean in 2019.

They were literally easier than penalties.
I don’t know if it’s because:

I’m old now and football games are starting to bore me.

I’m tired as I’ve been up since 5am.

Or the super bright colours are hurting my eyes but...

I just find this boring and a bit of a chore to play. I feel nothing when I play it. When I score it’s like “whatever.”

idk man, sometimes i get this feeling too and i'm only 20, i don't think there's an age limit to enjoy any game, maybe you're just burned out from all of the hype around it in the last few weeks, the discussions here in the forums getting a bit heated every once in a while, maybe you've been playing a lot of footy games so another one just doesn't feel very exciting at the moment, i can't tell what's the big problem because i'm not you, but if i were you i would try having a good night of sleep and taking a few days off from footy gaming, both by not playing much and not thinking about it much, and then coming back to the demo with a more relaxed, rested and laid back mind, hopefully it helps.

Edit: Also, the lack of excitement from scoring may have something to do with the fact that goals don't really mean much for now because it's just a bunch of friendlies, maybe a master league can fix that, it just depends on how scoring in friendlies felt to you in previous pro evos i guess
Great to see PES2014-style fouls making a reappearance in the series, even if it just a cameo for the demo. A reckless slide that doesn't get the ball after the ball is gone, even in that situation right on (or over) the touchline, is still a foul. I remember a similar penalty being given in a big match last season, unusually so, as all the pundits pointed out, because they're not usually given, although they should be.

Simply don't race around and don't slide in automatically (as 10 years of PES has trained us to do) and these fouls won't be conceded. A fouling regime like this should discourage all lazy sliding and barging – it won't, of course, simply because the howling down will force Konami to change it. If even people who want fouls in theory don't actually want fouls in practice, the goose is well and truly cooked. I'd be surprised if they haven't already taken fouls out the back down at PES Productions and shot them.

In the wait for PC demo I went back to PES 5 and had a game on 4 star. I scored early and after this despite they are not a great team they bossed possession and I could only hit them on counter which is how I scored a second. There is huge pressure from AI and they comitted 11 fouls against me (16 fouls total in a 10 minute game). This is only an exhbition match so I don't understand why people say "exhbition was always easy" etc. It's clear to me they have taken inspiration from PES 5, only it needs more AI pressure.

idk man, sometimes i get this feeling too and i'm only 20, i don't think there's an age limit to enjoy any game, maybe you're just burned out from all of the hype around it in the last few weeks, the discussions here in the forums getting a bit heated every once in a while, maybe you've been playing a lot of footy games so another one just doesn't feel very exciting at the moment, i can't tell what's the big problem because i'm not you, but if i were you i would try having a good night of sleep and taking a few days off from footy gaming, both by not playing much and not thinking about it much, and then coming back to the demo with a more relaxed, rested and laid back mind, hopefully it helps.

Edit: Also, the lack of excitement from scoring may have something to do with the fact that goals don't really mean much for now because it's just a bunch of friendlies, maybe a master league can fix that, it just depends on how scoring in friendlies felt to you in previous pro evos i guess
Yeah you’re probably right mate. I just can’t get into this. I want to, I really do.

Something that won’t go away is the damn bright saturated colours though. The colour palette is all over the place this year. Man Utd’s kits look like blobs of paint, and that’s after I’ve turned the colour down on my tv!
Agree there are shades of PES5 and PES2014 in this demo. They're unlikely to stick around though. By the turn of the year into 2020 itself, the game we're all playing will likely be a shadow of this one. They're teasing a style of football gaming that will feel as tiresome as War and Peace to the majority of current-era football gamers. It's a climate where few people want the kind of gameplay challenge posed by there being a high likelihood of conceding a foul if you just hold R1+X.

I'm surprised at this demo being so old-school with the fouls. You could get all conspiratorial and wonder if this was meant to have the effect it's having, so they could surgically remove all the fouls and say 'well, we tried'.
Yeah you’re probably right mate. I just can’t get into this. I want to, I really do.

Something that won’t go away is the damn bright saturated colours though. The colour palette is all over the place this year. Man Utd’s kits look like blobs of paint, and that’s after I’ve turned the colour down on my tv!

Yeah, that could definitely have something to do with it too, my TV has a bunch of preset settings for colors, contrast, brightness, etc, and there was one i never liked because it felt so grayish, colors were too weak... well, finally i found a good reason to use it, i can't play this game without it, the setting that made other games look black and white is the one that makes 2020 look normal, what were they thinking? 2019 looked much better than this in terms of colors, someone turned the saturation way up...
Too early still for me to really form an oppinion, but I do know for sure that I do NOT like the new camera. It's too far away even when zoomed in x10.
But it's probably because my TV is only around 32".

But on any angle I feel like the far side of the pitch is too far away but I can just about deal with wide angle zoomed in x2.

All I can say about gameplay for now is that there's some stuff to relearn, especially dribbling and defending.
Passing is satisfying especially diagonal ones. Animations and one on one battles are big step up from previous games.Connection quality is flawless on Xbox even on 2 level.
Yeah, that could definitely have something to do with it too, my TV has a bunch of preset settings for colors, contrast, brightness, etc, and there was one i never liked because it felt so grayish, colors were too weak... well, finally i found a good reason to use it, i can't play this game without it, the setting that made other games look black and white is the one that makes 2020 look normal, what were they thinking? 2019 looked much better than this in terms of colors, someone turned the saturation way up...
What’s this setting on your tv mate? I’ll see if I have it.
Agree there are shades of PES5 and PES2014 in this demo. They're unlikely to stick around though. By the turn of the year into 2020 itself, the game we're all playing will likely be a shadow of this one. They're teasing a style of football gaming that will feel as tiresome as War and Peace to the majority of current-era football gamers. It's a climate where few people want the kind of gameplay challenge posed by there being a high likelihood of conceding a foul if you just hold R1+X.

I'm surprised at this demo being so old-school with the fouls. You could get all conspiratorial and wonder if this was meant to have the effect it's having, so they could surgically remove all the fouls and say 'well, we tried'.

This is why as good as they are demo’s muddy the waters..I do prefer the good old pre-patch days of old,were you put up and shut up..Any alterations were annual..

Both companies have fallen into this trap,and while I welcome bug fixes and cosmetic upgrades throughout the year..It’s logical any adjustments to gameplay mechanics through patches degrade earlier builds that are hard coded.

Let people discover and appreciate the value of build of play and breaking teams down.

If both companies are serious about e-sports,both games should be balanced,based on skill and those that want to out think there opponent.

For me Konami have laid down a serious contender for the e-sports crown,that quality is more then evident in the demo.
Not sure if it made any difference, but the steamdb link worked for me through Firefox but not Chrome. Could have just been because it went live after my attempt in Chrome failed, but might be worth a try.
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