eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Someone asked the other day if the AI still dribbles straight out of play.

Interested to know what difficulty this is on:

EDIT: On "default difficulty" (so Regular I think)? Not as worrying as I thought!
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Thank you @PRO_TOO for this very good video!
You are playing with manual settings right?

Honestly I am not really impressed about what I've seen....

- Players quite often react poorly to 50/50 ball like they are not aware of where the ball is (example:15:45).

- There is almost no transition play, it looks like the midfield can be run through by a single player dribbling in a straight line (example: immediately after at 15:50 or in your first game at 4:30 )
Poor default tactics are surely favouring that. Actually the only moments there are transition play is immediately after corner kicks because the defending team attackers are properly helping their defence, hence they are not ready for immediate counter attack.

- AI players are often making weird decision when it comes to close down the ball carrier. They quite often just run away instead of stepping up (example: 17:24; What the hell Vasco CDM is doing here!!!).

I am sorry for focusing like that on negative things. They surely are many improvements over the last version (on the ball it looks really great). But I really can't appreciate them if fundamental things like I mentioned above are not implemented properly. It is like driving a fancy racing car that has no wheel or no breaks or both....

I am even not sure I am gonna dare trying it. It isn't yet on steam? Or I missed it?
Just to follow up on my previous post, see Video's I uploaded

and test 2
Still pretty accurate despite worse stats, this has been an issue since @Chris Davies first did his PE2018 video review.

This is on Top Player, got both DM's AM and LM as goalkeepers and LM a rubbish CB. Watch video to see A.I passing.

I don't think the 5 min matches help, if someone makes the steam version hack-able to that we can make the matches 10 minutes I would be willing to test as-well
When It comes to Konami, I am Sorry but Im Very pessimist, simply because history forces me to be so.

Demo being a bit more appealing to the hardcore crowd compared to the final release is not a new thing. I remember the amount of fouls being dropped down from PES 2011 final version comparred to the demo because there was a massive complaint on social medias

I can see game getting faster, passing having pinpoint accuracy, less fouls and more "responsive" aka less Sense of Weight and more gliding movement, less unpredictsbility with more scripted ball physics, less rebounds and interceptions etc
When It comes to Konami, I am Sorry but Im Very pessimist, simply because history forces me to be so.

Demo being a bit more appealing to the hardcore crowd compared to the final release is not a new thing. I remember the amount of fouls being dropped down from PES 2011 final version comparred to the demo because there was a massive complaint on social medias

I can see game getting faster, passing having pinpoint accuracy, less fouls and more "responsive" aka less Sense of Weight and more gliding movement, less unpredictsbility with more scripted ball physics, less rebounds and interceptions etc

That's the main thing i'm worried about. I have a problem with the amount of fouls being given for fair tackles and challenges, but i still rather have that than having nothing at all, which is what i think we'll have in the final release. I'm also expecting the great pace of this demo to be changed, they'll probably speed it up eventually. I'm expecting the few misplaced passes and shots i'm seeing to go away too... Jeez, i'm being way too pessimistic for my own good, but like you said, "history forces me to be so", unfortunately.
Honestly, I'm expecting the biggest change from demo to full game we've ever had. They won't leave it like this, they're not brave enough.
There's no doubt it needs a couple of things tweaking here & there & a bit of polishing up but i fear a massive overhaul to how the game plays when released including faster gameplay, reduced & skipped animations to increase responsiveness, reduced pass & shoot error, less fouls & less physicality.

Am expecting the same. I would be ecstatic if they just polished the rough edges and sorted out cursor change and kept the rest the same. They won't though. It will be sped up, there will be no error on passing of shooting and all the fouls (that I am very happy with currently!) Will be removed. I hope I am wrong but unfortunately they will ruin it for the coin kiddies and their need to ping pong spam at all times.
The scriptings there but unlike previous versions it’s more balanced and scripts against you aswell as for you..Something that was always prevalent back in the day,and a firm staple of the series.

You can hit the same shot from the same position and the outcome won’t always be the same,the variable’s are based on position,player speed and opposition pressure.Ive seen shots spoon wide,hit the inside and outside of the post.

The aerial side of the game,especially the long ball/pass feels much more dynamic.You can chip and dink the ball and queue mid fielders up to strike bouncing balls at different angles and heights from outside the box.You can now just also strike a low cross by leaning on the stick and applying less power.Ive also noticed this with shooting.Offensive players position themselves better in the box to receive and heading feels weighty and solid.Using it a lot to mix up my game throughout the park and headings now great for knock-ons and creative play.

As already highlighted the cursor feels responsive and with the camera angle set at default you can really micro manage players off the ball with a increased field of view.This also ties in nicely with offensive play and seeing movement up front quicker for a earlier ball.

I don’t want to sound like a rabid fanboy because I’m coming off the back of playing a lot of fifa19 out of the box unpatched.

Just finding the gameplay really satisfying and fresh
The requirements are identical to those of PES 2019 apart from HDD space.
This is me testing out the passive AI defending. All I did was let go of the controller.

As you can see, it does happen, but not always. But when it happens, it's not good. They should add a time limit for the AI watching.
I think Steam will update its content in half an hour, give or take.
That's what I saw on that birdie social media.
Just to point out, regarding the whole "don't take away all the fouls" stuff.

I've no problem with lots of fouls - I could even get over the incredibly minor infringements being blown for.

But what I can't deal with (and others have pointed out)... is when you win the ball perfectly and the referee awards a foul.

Many examples out there (and better ones too I'm sure), but here's another.

I've conceded a penalty to decisions like this too many times already.
downloaded,will play in a few hours

sounds mostly positive so far about physicality etc

looking forward to script free online hopefully
Last night I was playing some games at ps4... I really enjoying it, the combination with Lstick and Rstick feels great (and different) whit some (skill) players. Yes, It needs to address some issues (referees, collisions, player switching) but the games looks and feels super, It really suprised me.
Just to point out, regarding the whole "don't take away all the fouls" stuff.

I've no problem with lots of fouls - I could even get over the incredibly minor infringements being blown for.

But what I can't deal with (and others have pointed out)... is when you win the ball perfectly and the referee awards a foul.

Many examples out there (and better ones too I'm sure), but here's another.

I've conceded a penalty to decisions like this too many times already.

I agree with you on this, but at the same time it's normal to fear that if we start to ask Konami for "fouls that aren't fouls shouldn't be given", knowing Konami they could probably be like "People think that the referees are too strict, people think that the referee gives away too many fouls, let's get rid of that", so i honestly don't know how we should handle this, we want it to be better, but we fear losing the small improvement we got.
I have to admit that this game is better than Ive expected! A little more conscistent tackling and referees, more pressure from CPU defense, little bit better shooting and way better atmosphere; and I think this game have reached the maximum of its engine.
Am expecting the same. I would be ecstatic if they just polished the rough edges and sorted out cursor change and kept the rest the same. They won't though. It will be sped up, there will be no error on passing of shooting and all the fouls (that I am very happy with currently!) Will be removed. I hope I am wrong but unfortunately they will ruin it for the coin kiddies and their need to ping pong spam at all times.

I echo this..Sadly indicative of both titles...

Brings back the whole debate of allowing the end user to update kits and rooster changes but also allow the option to select the build played.Should always be personal choice not forced.

In pes2020s case it may be what we pretty much have now is the boxed version without the obligatory day one patch based on demo feedback.
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