eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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I'm liking it so far. Those who say its slow, the speed ramps up (seen from AI in final third) and hope its not upped again in the patch. So far, me gusta.
I'm about to play my first game but I'm getting this out of the way now. My annual complaint about how you can only save three formations at any given time.

There is nothing Konami can say to justify this continued stance.

During the PS2 era the only limitation was the number of available slots on your memory card.

I've got a 2TB HDD in my PS4 and these self inflicted limitations are still present. It's ridiculous.
I've got a 2TB HDD in my PS4 and these self inflicted limitations are still present. It's ridiculous.
If that's your argument, shit, there are a LOT bigger issues we could talk about.

Why can't we import HQ kits for EVERY TEAM, not just 100 or so? Why can't we create our own leagues, our own lower-leagues? Why limit storage, and/or claim that the database is restricted (like when they removed Italian / Spanish second tiers, which are now miraculously back)?

That stuff is way more important, I think.
I'm about to play my first game but I'm getting this out of the way now. My annual complaint about how you can only save three formations at any given time.

There is nothing Konami can say to justify this continued stance.

During the PS2 era the only limitation was the number of available slots on your memory card.

I've got a 2TB HDD in my PS4 and these self inflicted limitations are still present. It's ridiculous.

Yeah it's pretty ridiculous, and it really came to a head last year when some division 2 leagues had to be removed. I'm guessing that's not going to change until the next generation of games but really should be a priority.

Funny that one of the few things they kept from the PS2 era was the data limitations. :D
It's stunning - the fly-bys around the stadiums are incredible in this demo, the crowd (specifically the animation) is so authentic, the scanned players (and the lighting)... It's the best looking football game ever, no doubt in my mind.

Except for the cartoon generic faces. If presentation is their focus next year too, then... They've got to come up with a better system. They ruin every close-up.

I always love the scooby doo villain style cartoon generic faces, they are so realistic. I never knew last year that Lee Seung Woo, who I believed was a Korean wonderkid, was actually a butch looking white guy with a beard and mullet.

I just wish that in real life I too could look like a pes generic face. Void of life, expression, sense of lingering disappointment and regret... Ken doll looking mother truckers the lot of them.
If that's your argument, shit, there are a LOT bigger issues we could talk about.

Why can't we import HQ kits for EVERY TEAM, not just 100 or so? Why can't we create our own leagues, our own lower-leagues? Why limit storage, and/or claim that the database is restricted (like when they removed Italian / Spanish second tiers, which are now miraculously back)?

That stuff is way more important, I think.

It's all the same thing isn't it? The limits are there for a reason, but it's not a very good reason...

Forget HQ kits for a moment, we only have 1 GK kit per team!
Why limit storage, and/or claim that the database is restricted (like when they removed Italian / Spanish second tiers, which are now miraculously back)?

Just to add on to this, has the team list been officially released yet for PES 2020? Might be missing a couple of leagues from PES 2019 but more likely they were able to hack around with the database to squeeze a few more teams in.

I do think it is a underlying problem with the database, which isn't up to scratch for a game for the previous generation let alone this one.
I think i've seen enough of the AI now

there is far too much open space on the wings and you can run to the byline without much challenge, on top of that, Even when i play full on defensive as a weak team against the might of barcelona, I still end up with near enough the majoirty of possession because they are too direct.

i'm out
If that's your argument, shit, there are a LOT bigger issues we could talk about.

Why can't we import HQ kits for EVERY TEAM, not just 100 or so? Why can't we create our own leagues, our own lower-leagues? Why limit storage, and/or claim that the database is restricted (like when they removed Italian / Spanish second tiers, which are now miraculously back)?

That stuff is way more important, I think.

Valid points, most go into the self inflicted category the rest is just common sense or lack thereof.

Here's another one, the in game replay system still isn't as good as the PS2 games.
Do you guys enjoy the new stadium cam? Or do you change it?

I loved it at first, but it got a bit hard to see because it was so far, i tried zooming in but the it gets way too zoomed in when closer to the bottom of the screen, because the zoom in this camera is very dynamic. Good for watching, but for playing i still prefer the Wide 0-7-0 which i use since 2015. Just wish they would add something like the Tele cam from FIFA, but considering we have an average of 1 new camera every 2 to 3 years, i don't see it happening any time soon.
I'm about to play my first game but I'm getting this out of the way now. My annual complaint about how you can only save three formations at any given time.

There is nothing Konami can say to justify this continued stance.

During the PS2 era the only limitation was the number of available slots on your memory card.

I've got a 2TB HDD in my PS4 and these self inflicted limitations are still present. It's ridiculous.

I forgot about this issue type - its a pretty massive one in my eyes but actually its done deliberately.

I'm talking about capacity limitations. If you play MyClub its a problem....and you only see it after investing a lot of time and effort into the mode.

Restrictions come with number of manager slots and player slots - if I have played the game religiously why, at end-game, am I trying to decide whether I need to get rid of my star white ball to make space for a Black Ball Legend.

Then the restrictions re replay slots.

These are quality-of-life issues.

[If you were on pesfan you know I emailed konami about this and was told by "Tony" to rephrase my question in English. Since then I concluded there are only idiots working at konami]
Do you guys enjoy the new stadium cam? Or do you change it?
Amazing, I slightly make it higher and slightly take a bit of angle off it. Could not use any other camera now. They clearly got the idea from PC modders, Hopefully nxt-gen we can get turfs that look as good as what the PC modders are able to achieve.
Sorry people,but this game is catered for 1v1 online, ai has been fixed but take that with a grain of salt, ai still has so much work, and from the looks of it,if u play as a weak team vs a barcelona, u will still be able to hold possession ,it is not realistic at all vs cpu, but 1v1 online,its the best game u could have
I don't understand the it is the same as 2019.. The AI and control on the ball are totally different. I couldn't stand more than 2 games top on the bounce watching the same AI goals. So far I have no urge to go to 17 so that tells me what I need to know
Agree its vastly different from 2019.
I'm being fouled by the A.i on a regular basis which is really really great to see. I've also conceded many free kicks & around 4 or 5 penalties. This suggests to me that I need to relearn how to defend as my usual tactics are now deemed as reckless.
As good as this is i just can't see konami leaving it this way.
Be prepared for a shit storm of social media moaning today when the majority get hold of the demo and start crying that it's "to slow", "unresponsive" & there are "too many fouls"

You would think most people would come to that conclusion with defending and think I need to try something different instead of just holding down the pressure button. It is why I really didn't want to try the demo just in case they altered something but I was too weak to resist.
The usual anti climax of the CPU getting possession and scoring 90% of their attempts on goal returns and leaves you with that feeling of forfeit as soon as the CPU pulls the trigger, Just feels like they can do no wrong when they form a dangerous attack.
I'm thankful this hasn't happened to me yet. The goals I've conceded were all convincing. None of them I felt cheated like I constantly felt with 2019.
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